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Meghan Sandifer:8th
"Top 10 Discoveries by Mars Rovers Spirit & Opportunity: A Scientist's
View." Perch, 24 Jan. 2014. Web. 02 Feb. 2016.
The purpose for this site's publication was to inform the public about
the's staff's opinion of the top ten discoveries by Mars
Rovers Sprits and Opportunity. The types of information that can
be found on this site is a list of the top ten discoveries and a short
explanation of each one. This source is a secondary source
because the authors (the staff of the website) were not there
during the actual discoveries. They did not witness these events
first-hand. I will use this source in my paper when I talk about the
important discoveries that have been made about Mars.
Williams, David R., Dr. "Chronology of Mars Exploration." Mars
Exploration Timeline. NASA, 24 Jan. 2014. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.
The purpose for this site's publication was to inform the public about
the in order events of Mars exploration. The types of information
that can be found on this site is a list of a events that have gone
on in the history of exploring Mars. This source is a secondary
source because the author was not there during the actual events.
They did not witness these events first-hand. I will use this source
in my paper when I talk about the events in history.
Finding Dulcinea. FD Inc., 22 July 2009. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.

The purpose for this site's publication was to inform the public about
what astronauts think about Mars. The types of information that
can be found on this site is an interview of astronauts and what
they believe is the future of Mars exploration. This source is a
primary source because the authors (the staff of the website)
were there at the interview. They did in fact witness these events
first-hand. I will use this source in my paper when I talk about the
view of astronauts in the matter of Mars exploration.
Greicius, Tony L. "Robotic Mars Exploration." NASA. NASA, 1 Feb.
2016. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.
The purpose for this site's publication was to inform the public about
how the robotics have effected the exploration of Mars. The types
of information that can be found on this site is a composition of
many discoveries thanks to the Mars exploration robots. This
source is a primary source because the author used correct data
directly from Mars. I will use this source in my paper when I talk
about how robots help us in exploring Mars and what they've
Wenz, John. "This Is How We'll Explore Mars Over the Next Decade."
Popular Mechanics. PopMech Inc., 02 Oct. 2015. Web. 10 Feb.
The purpose for this site's publication was to inform the public about
how future scientists intend to explore Mars in the next few
years. The types of information that can be found on this site is a
mix of articles about how Mars matters will be put about. This
source is a secondary source because this is based in the future.. I

will use this source in my paper when I talk about how scientists
have planned how they will eventually explore Mars.
NASA, Staff. "Missions." Missions., 2 Oct. 2014. Web. 11
Feb. 2016.
The purpose for this site's publication was to inform the public about
the missions that have gone to Mars. The types of information
that can be found on this site is a list about all the missions to
Mars and a small explanation about them. This source is a primary
source because this is direct facts from NASA. I will use this source
in my paper when I talk about the missions to Mars and why they
do them.
NASA. "Mars." World Book 2001. M ed. 2001. Print.
The purpose for this site's publication was to be an Encyclopedia. The
types of information that can be found in this article are facts and
important information of Mars. This source is a primary source
because these are direct facts from NASA. I will use this source in
my paper when I talk about the common known facts of Mars.
Murray, Stuart, and Edward S. Barnard. Mars. London: DK Pub., 2004.
The purpose for this site's publication was to be a picture book for kids.
The types of information that can be found in this book are facts
and important information about Mars. This source is a secondary
source because the author of this book was not there. I will use
this source in my paper when I talk about the common known
facts of Mars and future plans for it.

Engber, Daniel. "Why Thousands Of People Are Willing To Die On

Mars." Popular Science. Popular Science, 18 Feb. 2015. Web. 23
Feb. 2016.
The purpose for this site's publication was to share the article on Mars'
plans. The types of information that can be found on this site is
about what the astronauts believe is a good idea. This source is a
primary source because this is direct facts from the astronauts
themselves. I will use this source in my paper when I talk about
the missions to Mars and who is whiling to go there.
Smith, Andrew. "Can Mars One Colonise the Red Planet?" The
Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 30 May 2015. Web. 23
Feb. 2016.
The purpose for this site's publication was to share the article on Mars
One's test to colonize. The types of information that can be found
on this site is about what scientists think is possible for Mars One.
This source is a secondary source because the author was is not
actually one of the scientists that are talking about it. I will use
this source in my paper when I talk about the missions to Mars
and what the plan is for the future.

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