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Name: Sydney DeWayne

Create a QR Code Hunt

Type the information next to each prompt.
1) Choose a topic: The history of Thanksgiving.
2) Identify the standards and write objectives:
a) Objectives:
i) The students will be able to understand and explain the story of the
pilgrims and there voyage to the New World and the story of the
first thanksgiving.
b) The standards:


3) Determine how you want students to proceed through the QR code hunt
and what they are to do with the information or what they are to do at
each clue. Describe your method here:
a) The kids will be in groups of 3-4. I will have each group use an iPod to
find each clue scattered throughout room and if possible around the
school. I will send each group one by one, to go around to all 10 facts.
While on the fact hunt they will need to have a person be the note
taker, for each station, and write down the answer using there prior
knowledge. While the other groups are waiting I will have them do a
Thanksgiving book of what they are thankful for. Once each of the ten
groups has completed the scavenger hunt, they will each draw a
picture and describe what they have learned about their fact, and
present it to the class.
4) Write at least 10 questions or prompts (see table below)

1. Who came over to
the New World?

QR Code

The Pilgrims!

2. What was the

ships name that
Columbus took
over to the New

The Mayflower!

3. Why did the 102

passengers come
over to the New
World, in 1620?

The pilgrims wanted to

come to the New
World so that they could
freely practice their faith
and other individuals lured
by the promise of
prosperity and land
ownership in the New

4. Where the
pilgrims land, and
what did was the
name of the
village that

The pilgrims landed near

Massachusetts bay, and
they called it Plymouth.

5. Where did the

colonist live
during the winter,
and why?

The colonist lived on the

boat, where a lot of them
were exposed to disease,
and sadly half of them

6. Who came to visit

the colony, and
helped them learn
how to live off the

Squanto, a member of the

Pawtuxet tribe who had
been kidnapped by an
English sea captain and
sold into slavery before
escaping to London and
returning to his homeland
on an exploratory

7. What did The

Native American
teach the colonist
to do?

Squanto taught the

Pilgrims, weakened by
malnutrition and illness,
how to cultivate corn,
extract sap from maple
trees, catch fish in the

rivers and avoid poisonous

plants. Along with
teaching them how to live
off the land he helped the
settlers form an alliance
with the Wampanoag, a
local tribe, which would
endure for more than 50
years and tragically
remains one of the sole
examples of harmony
between European
colonists and Native

8. What happened in
November of

The Pilgrims had their

first corn harvest become
successful, The
Governor William
Bradford organized a
celebratory feast and
invited a group of the
colonys Native American
allies, including the
Wampanoag chief
Massasoit. It is now what
we remembered as
Americans first
Thanksgiving although
the Pilgrims themselves
may not have used the
term at the time the
festival lasted for three

9. How did the

Native Americans
cook the feast?

They used traditional

Native American spices
and cooking methods.
Because the Pilgrims had
no oven and the
Mayflowers sugar supply
had dwindled by the fall
of 1621.

What do we
eat now every
Thanksgiving that
the pilgrims did
not have on their

We have pies, and cakes

and various other desserts!

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