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Roots Arts Education

Capoeira Angola
Tuesdays 7-9pm| $10/class
Instructor: Sergio Bitencourt
Dance Studio
Capoeira Angola is a game, and is one of the major expressions of an African, specifically
Kongo-Angolan, continuum in Brazil. It is believed that its origins may go as far back as the
16th century, when Africans from western Central Africa were enslaved and taken to Brazil,
specifically Salvador and the surround Recncavo region. In its history and practice, Capoeira
Angola reflects the philosophy and aesthetics of its origins. Similar to many traditional African
traditions, there are no clear-cut distinctions between the sacred and secular, work and play,
fight and fun. Capoeira Angola integrates music, movement, theatrics, play, martial arts,
philosophy, and spirituality. In the past, Capoeira Angola has been passed down from master
to student orally.

Similar to the teachings of Mestre Pastinha, one of the central figures to the preservation and
transmission of Capoeira Angola, Sergio teaches Capoeira Angola as a path to self-knowledge
and a way of life. Central to his teachings is the shared belief that Capoeira
Angola is more than physical confrontation and can serve as a vehicle for
the development of ethnic pride and the fight for human rights. Learn about
the history of the political and cultural resistance and struggle of AfroBrazilians and their role in the formation of Brazilian society.
Students learn to play berimbau and other percussion, songs in Portuguese,
and the complex and health promoting movements of capoeira angola.
Classes are taught in Portuguese and English.

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