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The Smith Family Bio-Psychosocial Assessment Part A

Crystal Manney
March 30, 2015

Psychosocial History
Name: Jenna Smith
Family Members: Adoptive mother Tracy Smith, adoptive father Carl Smith,
and sibling Mark Smith

History to include:
Presenting problem:
Jenna Smith who is a 18 year old young woman who was adopted and now lives on her
own in a basement efficiency apartment who is struggling. She has no job, has overdrawn
her bank account and cannot pay her bills. She was adopted at birth and is process of
searching out her birth mother. Ms. Smith is coming to see a social worker today because
of her depression and intense feelings of rejection and abandonment.

Family of Origin History:

Biological parents unknown
Adoptive mother Tracy Smith was 25 years old at the time of adoption, adoptive father
Carl Smith was 33 years old at the time of adoption, Tracy and Carl were married when
they adopted Jenna at six weeks old, she has one sibling Michael who is 12 years old and
is in junior high school. Her birthdays were not happy for her because she would think of
her birth mother. Her grandparents lived with her family in the two-unit duplex. She was
very close to grandmother, and after her grandmother died she lived downstairs with
grandfather, and then when he died she lived alone downstairs. She began to skip school
and do poorly and she eventually dropped out of school.

Developmental History:
Jenna was adopted at birth, she was 6 weeks old, she was a pleasant baby, she started
walking at 5 months, at 11 months she could speak and recognize different artists, at 5
years old she bypassed the regular kindergarten program and entered a mentally gifted
first grade class, she has unusual artistic talent, she wrote poetry and short stories, had
extraordinary mechanical abilities, during preadolescence and adolescence years she
struggled in school and at home, lived downstairs alone since she was 13years old, and
eventually dropped out of school. She now lives on her own.

Health History:
Jenna was healthy at birth; she has been healthy throughout her childhood.

Relationship/Sexual History:
Jenna had very few friends she stated the kids just didnt like me, her closest
relationship was to her grandmother, Jenna and her adoptive mother have had verbal and
physical interactions, she dated a boy in college, she is now single and living alone.

Family of Creation History:

Jenna is not in any committed relationships and does not have any children at this time.
The only relationships are to her adopted parents Carl and Tracy and their son Michael
her adoptive brother.

Substance Use/Abuse History:

Jenna has no known issues of substance use or abuse.

Mental Health:
Upon Tracys pressure Jenna decided to see a therapist at the Community Mental Health
Clinic. She felt lonely and confused. Unfortunately, there was a waiting list for out
patient services and she was on the bottom of the list and never went. Jenna writes her
thoughts in a journal every day.

Military History:
Not applicable to my client

Financial History:
The family is experiencing a financial hardship due to Tracys on going back injury and
Carls inability to maintain employment. The family is living off of disability checks
from Tracy. Jenna is also experiencing financial difficulties. She is unemployed and has
overdrawn her bank account and cannot pay her bills. She also has loans for college that
she never completed.

Legal History:
At this point there are no legal issues in regards to Jenna Smith. At this time Jenna is
working with an attorney to search for her birth mother.

Immigration Issues:
Not applicable to my client

Religious History:
The Smith family has attended church in the past, not sure of Jennas present affiliation
with any churches at this time.

Jenna lives in her own apartment. She is an attractive, intelligent, and talented young
lady. She finally got her GED after dropping out of school. She knows that she needs to
talk about things happening in her life. She writes her feelings in a journal everyday. She
has solicited the help of an attorney to find her mother. She also attends meetings of
adoptees, birth mothers, and adoptive mothers.

The Smith Family Bio-Psychosocial Assessment Part B

Crystal Manney
SW 3020
March 30, 2015

Contract for Intervention Plan

Client Name: Jenna Smith
1. Description of the problem:
Ms. Smith at this time is experiencing depression and intense feelings of rejection and
2. Primary Goals: To obtain medical coverage (Medicaid), see physician for work up in
regards to possible medication for depression, continue attending meetings (for adoptive
mothers, birth mothers, and adoptees), and set up counseling sessions once a week.
3. We, the undersigned, agree to the objectives in the following plan:
A. Jenna will go to the Department of Human Services and apply for Medicaid
next Friday April 10, 2015.
B. Jenna will set up an appointment with her family doctor by Monday April 6,
2015 to address possible medication for her depression.
C. Jenna will sign an attendance sheet when attending meetings for adoptees, and
bring them to our sessions.
D. Jenna agrees to set up appointments with myself once a week for 6 weeks.



(Signature of Client)

(Signature of Worker)





Ms. Smith needs to be seen by her physician in order to obtain testing that could reveal
any underlying problems that could be causing some of her psychological, emotional, and
physical problems. Ms. Smith does not have the finances to pay out of pocket so she
needs to obtain medical coverage to pay for medical costs.
I. To obtain medical coverage
A. Jenna will call tomorrow and find out what the hours of operation are for the
Department of Human Services to apply for Medicaid.
1. Jenna will go to the Department of Human Services and apply for
Medicaid next Friday April 10, 2015.
2. Jenna will complete application and acquire all necessary
documentation by April 24, 2015 and drop it off to case worker

Department of Human Services.

B. Jenna will obtain information about insurance from the
1. Jenna will go online tonight and find three different insurance
companies that are within her budget.
2. Jenna will call one of the companies and set up a home visit to discuss
the set and cost of insurance.
3. Jenna will bring all information gathered about insurance to our
appointment on April 13, 2015.

Ms. Smith is experiencing depression and needs to be evaluated by her physician in order
to be prescribed any medication that she may need. Her doctor could also test for any
other problems that she may have that are causing some of the depression.
II. Obtain medication for depression
A. Jenna will call family doctor and set up appointment to discuss her depression
1. Jenna will set up appointment with doctor by Monday April 6, 2015
2. Jenna will bring in consent form from doctor to discuss her medical care
by our next visit April 13, 2015.
3. Jenna will bring medication information to our next visit on April 13,
B. Jenna will attend our young ladies support group
1. Jenna will attend our self-esteem group every other Monday starting
April 13, 2015.

Ms. Smith is searching out answers for her questions about being adopted. These
meetings give her a sense of connection because she is also an adoptee. She can build her
communication skills as well as relate to other members at the meetings.
III. Continue attending meetings for adoptees, birth mothers, and adoptive mothers
A. Jenna will sign an attendance sheet
1. Jenna will sign on our agreed attendance sheet every time she attends
the meetings on Saturdays.
2. Jenna will volunteer to work with new attendees of the group every
other Saturday meeting.

B. Continue working with attorney

1. Jenna will continue to have communication with the attorney in regards
to finding her mother once a month.
2. Jenna will bring all new information to her next appointment for us to
discuss her feelings and thoughts.

Ms. Smith has agreed to meet with me to work on feelings of rejection and abandonment
from her biological mother as well as her adoptive family. I will approach these issues
using her strengths and abilities. Jenna needs to be empowered and given the chance to
succeed. We will work on the family dynamics, communication skills, and help her
rebuild relationships with her adoptive family.
IV. Set up counseling sessions to work on rejection and abandonment issues.
A. Jenna agrees to counseling for six weeks
1. Jenna will attend counseling sessions on Mondays starting April 13,
2. Jenna will continue to write in her journal daily.
B. Jenna agrees to have adopted family come in with her for family counseling
1. Jenna agreed to have her adopted family attend one of her counseling
sessions in May.
2. Jenna will attend a communication workshop with her family on June
12, 2015.

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