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Geotentles and Geomembeans 32 (2012) 1-9 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect, Geotextiles and Geomembranes journal homepage: www.elsevier-com/locate/geotexmem ELSEVIER Design curves of prefabricated vertical drains including smear and transition zones effects Hossam M. Abuel-Naga**, Michael J. Pender”, Dennes T. Bergado°? oa ef Mechanical. Aerospace, an Ci Engineering The Unversity of Manchester, Manchester Ms PL. UK "Department of Cl and Enoironnenta Engineering niversty of Auckland rate Bog 9208 Auctlond Wil Cente, Ackland 142, New Zealand “Schoo of Cl Enginerng Asian Isic of Techlogy. PO Box 4, Kon Luang ature 12120, Taand ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Received 12 uly 2011 ‘Accepted 30 Otbe: 2011 ‘The Hansbo theory considers the effect on the consolidation rate of Prefabricated Vertical Drains (YDS) spacing. and the smear zone induced by PVDs installation process. However, it does not consider the effect ofthe transition zone between the smear zone and the undisturved col. In this paper the standard Hansbo radial consolidation theory has been modified and used 2s 2 basis for developing an improved design method fr PVDs where the effect ofa ransition zone with hydraulic conductivity varying hneatly wth radius is nchded The validity ofthe modified Hansbo theory was checked by comparing it results against those om finite element modelling: very good agreement was obtained. Based on the modified ‘eon, a new simple PVD design chart was developed fr situations wire the PVD wel stance effect can be neglected (the usual case). The proposed design chart has the advantage of avoiding interpolation since the basic equations ae very simple, 1 2011 Elsevier Ld Al sights reserved 1. Introduction, Preloading in combination with vertical drains is a well established in geotechnical engineering for ground improvement technique of soft soil deposits n fact, installation of vertical drains accelerates the consolidation process as it shortens the drainage path length by allowing for radial consolidation. Sand drains were ‘used extensively in the past for this purpose then later replaced by Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVDs) which comprises a plastic core surrounded by a filter sleeve with a typical eross-section dimension of 100mm x 4mm (Holtz, 1987; Han-long Liu and Chu, 2009). PDs are usually installed with a mandrel which induced disturbed soil zone around them (Casagrande and Poulos, 1969; Akagi, 1977: McDonald, 1985; Bergado et al. 1991, 1993a; Indraratna and Redana, 1998; Chai and Miura, 1999; Hird and Moseley, 2000: Hird and Sangtian, 2002; Chu et al, 2004; Rowe and ‘Taechakumthorn, 2008; Shin et a, 2009; Saowapakpiboon et a, 2010; Saowapakpiboon et al, 2011; Geng et al, 2011; Karunaratne, 2011). 7 Goresponing shor. Te: 48 163 275 4365, mall eddrever hnapamanchsterzesk (HM, Abu scan ao (M Pender, bergazodataeth (DT Berea), Naga), mpender® 255-1144)s ~ se font mater © 2011 Else Le, Al sights ceserved 01101016) geoteamem201110007 The rate of radial consolidation in PVD-improved silis controlled bby four factors: intact radial hydraulic transport properties ofthe sol PVD size and spacing. drain hydraulic resistance (well resistance), and disturbed zone size and transport properties. As discharge ‘capacities of most PVDs availablein the marketare relatively high the ‘well resistance effect can be ignored in most practical cases (Yeung 1997; Chw et al, 2004; Rujikiatkamjorn and indraratna, 2007) Several studies have suggested that the disturbed region around -2PVD comprises two distinct zones: the smeared and the transition ‘zones (Onoute et al, 1991; Madhav et al, 1993; Gabr et al, 1996; Indraratna and Redana, 1998; Sharma and Xi2o, "2000; Sathananthan and Indraratna, 2006; Ghandehatioon et al, 2011), ‘The existence of these zones can significantly delay the consoli- dation rate. It is this two-component disturbed zone which is addressed herein, The smeared zone, immediately surrounding the drain, is completely remoulded, whereas the soll disturbance in the transition zone, which surrounds the smeared zone, decreases sradually as the distance from the drain increases. Therefore, the smeared zone has a constant hydraulic conductivity. k,, whereas the hydraulic conductivity n the transition zone gradually changes from k to the hydraulic conductivity of undisturbed zone, ky, as the distance from the drain increases, Recently, Abuel-Naga et al (2006), Saowapakpiboon etal, (2008), and Artidteang etal. (2011) introduced a novel thermal approach to reduce the smeared and ‘the transition zone effects; the applicability ofthis was confirmed at field scale by Pothiraksanon etal. (2010), 2 ME Abuse of Cesenles and Geomerbrenes 2 (2012) 1-8 Many analytical models are available for radial consolidation where an inward radial flow towards a circular vertical drain is permitted (Barron, 1944, 1948; Yoshikuni and Nakanodo. 1974; Hansbo, 1881; Onove. 1988; Zeng and Xie, 1989; Lo, 1991; and cothers), Most of these models have been proposed based on Barron's (1944) theory. In order to apply these theories to PVD design, several methods have been proposed to convert the oblong ‘cross-section to an equivalent circular cross-section (Hansbo, 1975) Atkinson and Eldred, 1981; Fellenius and Castonguay, 1985; Long ‘and Cove, 1994; Abuel-Naga and Bouazza, 2009) as listed in ‘Table 1 Infact, all of these theories consider only the effect of the ‘smear zone on the consolidation rate and neglect the effect of the transition, However, it should be mentioned that Bast etal. (2005) introduced a closed-form solution of radial consolidation rate considering the evolution of hydraulic conductivity in the smear and transition zones. The results of Bast etal, (2006) highlighted ‘the impact ofthe transition zone effect on the radial consolidation rate and the need to include cis effec in the PVD design procedure. For designing PVD-improved ground, as the PVD size depends on ‘what the manufacturer can supply, the designer must select the PVD spacing which satisfies the required degree of consoldation within the allowed project time. Since none of the available radial consolidation models gives an analytical expression to calculate PVD spacing as an ‘explicit function ofthe design parameters, several PVD design methods hhave been proposed inthe literature fr this purpose (Yeung, 1997; Zhou etal, 1999; Leo, 2004; Bellezza and Fentin, 2008), ‘A design chart for 2 limited number of smear conditions was introduced by Yeung (1997) So, ifthe smear condition varies within the design chatt an interpolation process is needed. which could affect the accuracy ofthe result. Furthermore, ifthe smear condition isout ofthe design chart range, aid of acomputeris required to solve ‘anumerical equation. Zhou et al.(1999) also proposed adesign chart method which has similar limitations to those of Yeung (1997). Leo (2004) proposed a closed-form analytical solution to determine n. However, an electronic spread sheet on a personal computer is required for this purpose. tn order to avoid the interpolation process inthe PVD design procedure, Bellezza and Fentini (2008) introduced «design equation, based on the Hansbo (1981) theory and the mean vvalue theorem, in which the drain spacing ratio, n, is expressed as an ‘explicit function ofthe degree of consolidation. However, due tothe approximation used in the mathematical derivation there isa slight deviation between the results oftheir equation and the solution of, Hansbo (1981). Basu and Prezzi (2009) extended Yeung (1997) design chart using Bast et al. (2006) to include the transition zone effect on PVD design. However, their design curves have also inherited similar limitations to those of Yeung (1997). In conclusion, there is aneed for a simple and accurate PVD design procedure that includes the transition zone effect and is presented as simple ‘equations so avoiding the need for interpolation, Fes and Coney (985 aa = ore ‘rand w ae the thiimess and width of PVD, reapecvey. ‘The aim of this paper is to modify the standard Hansbo (1981), radial consolidation theory using Bast et al. (2006) to include the effect of the transition zone, and from there to develop a simple PVD design chart. In the following, the proposed modified Hansbo theory will be introduced and validated. Then, a design chart based fn the modified Hansbo theory will be developed and discussed. 2. Problem configuration Fig. 1 (right side) shows an idealised PVD radial consolidation unit where the oblong cross-section of PVD is converted to an equivalent citcular ctos-section with diameter of dy—2rw according to one of the equations listed in Table I. Furthermore, the soil surrounding PVD is divided into three concentric cylinders. The innermost cylinder, of diameter dy = 2r, represents the smear zone, which is surrounded by a transition zone of external diameter dy—2re Then, an undisturbed zone of external diameter dy —2re which is considered as the radius of influence of the drain, The smear, transition and undisturbed zones comprise a unit cell of PVD-improved ground where water within one unit cell does not ow into another unit cell. The ratios reff and rfwexpressed by the drain spacing ration transition zone ratio m, and smear zone ratio m,, respectively. Linear transition of hydraulic conductivity in the transition zone was adopted in this study. The extent of the smeared and transition zones is a function of, the stiffness, sensitivity and macrofabric characteristics of the subsoil, and shape and size of mandrel, Based on laboratory and field studies and back-analysis approaches, several researches bed sisear ‘Samet 2008 aa boundary ‘The proposed The idealized equivalent unit cell unit cell Fig 1 Radial consléation unit el of PVD-nproved si LM. AbutNog to.) Geatrtes nd Gemembrone 222012) (Holtz and Holm, 1973; Akagi, 1977; Jamiolkowski et al, 1983: Hansbo, 1986, 1987, 1997; Bergado et al. 1991, 19932; Chai and Miura, 1999; Hird and Moseley, 2000; Eriksson et al, 2000; Sathananthan and Indraratna, 2006) have recommended that 1d, —2-3dy, and kyl =2—10; where dy is the mandrel equivalent diameter (dq. — 7A #: Amis cross-section area ofthe mandrel). Moreover, the extent of the transition zone was recommended to vary between d;=4 and Sy (Onowe et al, 1981; Indraratna and Redana, 1998; Sharma and Xizo, 2000) 3. The proposed modified Hansbo theory The standatd approximate Hansbo theory expresses the radial degree of consolidation as follows with m=", since the transition zone is omitted y, = 1-e( ) a nao @) 6) Forn>5 Fy = Inin) ~ 0.75 (4) B= fn 1lam 6) keys 6) Where F is a factor accounting for drain spacing, Fy, and smear effect, F The terms ky, kt, and cy are undisturbed horizontal hhydraulic conductivity, smeared hydraulic conductivity, consoli- ation time, and coefficient of consolidation for horizontal flow, respectively, The method proposed in this study to include the transition zone effect in the Hansbo theory involves replacing the smear and transition zones around the vertical drain with one zone having a size equal to the combined size of the smeared and transition as shown in Fig. 1 (left side). The equivalent horizontal hydraulic conductivity of this zone is denoted with the symbol: , » Thus Eqs. (5) and (6) can be modified as follows: Fose = [ne Yon o = & ) Therefore, F = Fa Faye = bin) + (ne Wham) ~ 0.75 © ‘The proposed equivalent hydraulic conductivity. ky. ». must satisfy che following two conditions at any time, ¢ during the consolidation period: ) aaa where q,and qe are the radial love rate through the idealised and the proposed equivalent consoldation unit cell, respectively. fi) (8 ugtrst}radr — 8 ueg(r rar where ug and tes are the excess pore water pressure in the ideal- Jsed and the proposed equivalent consolidation unit cells, respectively, In fact, this condition is crucial to guarantee that the consolidation rate of the equivalent cell is equal to that of the idealised cel, Basu et al. (2006) proposed a closed-form solution forthe radial consolidation problem where the effects of the smear and transi- lion zones were included. Their solution satisies the above ‘mentioned two conditions. For the case of linear variation of hydraulic conductivity in the transition zone. Basu et al. (2006) proposed that the factor F which accounts for drain spacing, Fa hand smear and transition zones elects 1 a5 follows Fo yor In() + minims) + a in) 075 (a0) Ge) By eaquating Eq, (10) with Eq, (9), m can be obtained as follows: The above equation shows that for the case where the transition zone is ignored (mm ~ m,), ne 1, whereas for mim, > 1, n= 2. Fig. 2 shows the plot of» — (mm,) relation for different values of m (2.4 ‘and 6) and » (3,6, and 9). In general, ny decreases nonlinearly 3s mj mm, increases. Moreover, it reduction rate increases as m, decreases: and » increases. ngs) m —“ ee Ca) 31, Validation of the proposed modified Hansbo theory Numerical modelling was conducted to check the validity of the proposed modified Hansbo theory (Eqs. (1), (9) and (11)) which considers a transition zone with linear hydraulic conductivity variation. The basie partial differential equation for radial consoli- dation under the equal strain condition where symmetrical flow is allowed towards a central drain wel is as follows: 2 -o(f) (04-28) ‘where u, cf and ris the excess pore water pressure. a coefficient of consolidation for horizontal flow, time, radial coordinate. The ratio Fig 2 Values fm at decent geomesi and anspor condons 4 “AM. Abul naga ej Ceotetes and Geomenbrane 322012) 1-9 ‘(rh isto account for the disturbed zone around the drain where (7) isthe hydraulic conductivity function that describes the change ‘of hydraulic conductivity with respect to r whereas ky is the undisturbed hydraulic conductivity. In this study the function K(r) ‘was described as follows: forte ster Kin) = ks 3) fornsren ken) = be Br 4) fornsrste k(n) = by as) A finite element solver, FlexPDE, with an automatic adaptive ‘mesh approach was used to solve Eq, (12) where the following boundary conditions were applied: + Initial excess pore water pressure, uy, is uniform throughout the soil mass when ¢=0. + Excess pore water pressure, u, atthe drain well surface, r~ ris, zero when €> 0. + At the external radivs, boundary; that is, dujar~0. fe BO flow occurs across this Fig, 3 shows atypical configuration of the numerical mesh, byan automatic adaptive mesh approach, for certain geometric and transport conditions of radial consolidation unit cell where ten steps were used to apply the change ofc, n the transition zone. The ‘numerical results ofthis case were compared with the results of the proposed modified Hansbo method in terms of the degree of ‘consolidation (U;%) and plotted ina dimensionless plane (U, -T;) as shown in Fig. 4a, Furthermore, the difference in results between the two methods, AUX) = 100( Up: ~ Uyu), were determined to assess ‘the validity of the proposed theory, as shown in Fig. 4b, where Use and Uy: are the degree of consolidation obtained by the finite clement method, and the modified Hansbo theory, respectively For this case, the maximum difference, AUmay is equal t0 1.32%. Considerable numerical modelling of the radial consolidation, ‘unit cel was done for different geometric and transport conditions. Fig. 5 shows the corresponding AUpax values obtained. It can be ‘observed that AUns is less than 132% for al of the cases analysed. ‘The small differences between the results of the two methods can be attributed to the inherent approximations in the standard Hansbo theory. However, such small differences are acceptable ‘when considered in relation to the uncertainties involved in soil idealisation and in estimating the variables involved in the design. Based on these results, the validity of the proposed method is confirmed at satisfactory level, 4. PD design curves ‘The proposed modified Hansbo theory was used to develop design curves accounting for smear and transition zone effects around the PVD but neglecting well resistance. For this purpose Eqs. (1) and (2) can be rearranged and waitten as follows: Undisurhet ‘Mesh configuration (no. of cel b ‘Smeated, Transition, Undisturbed Drain |, zone gi, zone 7086 * i (x 10? mday) «y profile throughout the tested unit cell ig. 3. Tp mumecel tet dy = 005m 8-30; m= 15; =75) 806y¢ d, 100 Ini) -0.75, in(F) + nulnm) - 0.75 ‘Therefore —Beyt_@ TOP Fi, =) uy 1754; no, of nodes 3568) (16) an (18) as) LM. AbutNeg to.) Geotertes nd Gemembrones 222012) a oo a1 1 10 FE method nimm= 2.0 025 0 » Modified Hansbo's —khiks=6 they —itvis=10 wo v0 100 b bol 4 nim=3.0 moe 132% g : gor a ° oor 0 1 10 1 Fe. 4. conpation beeen the ress of the numeri est andthe preps Ieee mete rect shown mF os 2 3 a 5 where mim, ot 5. Apa tet omc nd npc conn on me (20) tice d“Gon nse ot my = WPF, = n2(Laln) — 0.75) @) Therefore, F; is the modified factor that describes the effect of drain spacing on consolidation rate. Rearranging Eq, (19) 7 = ging —U) (22) where 5 (23) «-% 3) Based on Eq, (22) the shape of T; - U, relation is independent of « However, the absolute position of 1; — U; curve is determined by the value of «, Therefore, a unique curve at a ~ 1 can be produced, were m, - -Baawa oa) Therefore qT, (2s) & 2s) (26) Eqs. (11), (17), (21) and (24) ean be plotted together as shown in Fig. Gad, respectively, to build the proposed PVDs design chart that can be used to determine the PVD spacing ratio, n, and determining an equivalent hydraulic conductivity for numerical simulation purposes. 44, PY spacing ratio n ‘The following procedure can be followed to determine the PVD, spacing ratio, n, using the proposed design chart shown in Fig. 6: Estimate the geotechnical properties of undisturbed sol 2. Choose the PVD type and determine rw using one of the equations listed in Table 1 5, Estimate the smear and transition zone parameters (mmm, and 1) based on PVD installation condition and soil type. 4, Calculate my from Eq. (11) or using Fig. Ga In fact, due to the expected uncertainties in the determination of m, m, and 9 (che use of integer values should be acceptable in most cases) {As the proposed design chart, shown in Fig. 6a, covers most of the practical values for these parameters, the need for the interpolation will not aise ‘ AM. Abulnaga ej Ceotetes and Geomenbrane 32 (2012) 1-8 2345678 90nNR 12345678 9 On m, 1 3 4s678910 Unis zoe 00 Sse o. 02 03 = oa oat sos 06 Dain a Pa [No flow boundary O08 b 09 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 10 0 000 om On 2000 ow, 000 1 _ cat 6000 Tae 8000 + 10000 p= qT 12000 (T) 7 co ids 16000 ‘oy: Horizontal coefficient 18000 of consolidation d i Prpneneese = lanl 2d:Jaaueer 1098765 4 3 2 . Ln @) + mela) — 075 I! hy | | ; ia Se | I] | i hi j / 5 fe se 10 cee 0 01 02 03 04 0S 06 07 08 a Fie 6 The proposed FVD deen ca 5. Estimate the average degree of consolidation that needs to be _where U and Uy ate the overall and vertical degree of consoi- achieved by radial consolidation, U, forthe available time using dation, respectively. Carillo (1942) as follows: 6, Calculate 7; from Eq, (20). U,=(U-UyO1- 0) 7. Determine (7), for the required U, from Eq, (24) or using Fig. 6b, LM. AbubNeg to.) Geotrter nd Gemembrone 322012) 8. Use m and ny to find an initial average value of 2 within the recommended range as shown in Fig. 7. 9, Calculate F, from Eq, (26) and determine n-—n,from the design chart (Fig, 8), where jis the iteration number, 10, Use n,m, and ny f0 determine @ from Eq, (17) oF using the design chart (Fig. Gd) as shown in Fig. 7. For non-integer values of m and 9, the simple equation used to build this chart can be used to improve the accuracy of the result, Calculate F, from Eq. (26) and determine n =n, design chart (Fig. 6c) 12. lfnj=n,- the design steps are completed. Ifnot, let a=ny 1 and repeat the design procedure from step no, 10, in general, convergence is very rapid, 1 1 from the As an illustrative design example, the above design procedure was used to the determine PVD spacing ratio n for a site where dy, 'm, m,, and 1 are equal to 0.06 m, 10, 5, and 5, respectively. The horizontal coeficient of consolidation, cy ~ 0.035 m#|day. The basic design requirement is to achieve a radial degree of consolidation U;=90% within six months. Following the recommended procedure’ + Based on the given information regarding the geometric configuration and transport properties of soil disturbed zone, the value of n= 4.16 can be obtained using Fig. 6a, + The value of Tj = (0.035 x 180/(0.06)*) = 1750 + From Fig. 6, the value of (Tj), — 0.29 + Based on the values of m and the initial value of 2 =0.30 ‘Table 2 shows the iteration process to get n where 2 was determined from Eq, (17) to increase the accuracy. Only few iterations were required to reach the convergence where rn 25.46, Fig. 8 shows the numerical simulation results for the above example where n~25.45 as determined by the proposed PVD design method. The results show that the calculated spacing ration practically satisfies the design requirement as 89.6x radial degree of consolidation was achieved within 180 days. 42. Equivalent hydraulic conductivity In order to simplify numerical simulations of full-scale pre- loading tests on PVD-improved ground, several researchers have 7 EE o Fig. 7 obtaining an inital average value o @ using he propeste VD design chart used an equivalent permeability ofthe clay layer, ke, which includes the effect of smear (Ladd, 1989; Bergado et al, 1993b; Lin and Chang, 2009), Assuming the continuity of discharge rate and the ‘excess pore water pressure atthe interface ofthe smeared zone and the undisturbed zone, Bergado et al. (1993b) reported that fsin(rj,) *~ Tan(re,) = Hla( i) ‘Although the above equation has produced satisfactory results, it hhas one limitation as the above k, produces an equivalent excess pore water pressure profile which does not match the real case in terms of the achieved degree of consolidation. The following ‘equation proposed earlier by Ladd (1989) satisfies the degree of consolidation condition: en In(n) — 075 *n(@) + nim) 075 ke (2) {As the transition zone could affect the PVD design there is a need to include its effect om ke In fact, the proposed design chart (Fig. 6) can be used for this purpose. By knowing, n,m, and 1 the value of 2 can be deter- ‘ined. Then by rearranging Eq, (18) as follows 8601 oo 29) where the equvslent horizontal coefcient of consolidation, ‘expressed as follows: = My G0) T (day) 0 30 69% 120 50 180 210240. ° wo f\ wot \ 20 0 50 va ct » %0 0 100 Fig. Numeral simulation ef the lusatve design example. ‘ ME Abuse of Cesenles and Geomebrees 22 (2012) 1-8 ‘Therefore following Rixner et al. (1986) and Bo et al. (2003), ky ccan be calculated as follows: he = Ok on ltshould be mentioned that Eq(28)is special case of Eq (31)where ‘te=n. Furthermore, Eq. (31) isnot valid for a plane strain analysis. 5. Conclusions Im this study, the Hansbo theory for radial consolidation was ‘modified so that the smeared and transition zones are considered appropriately. The proposed approach involves finding an equiva- lent transport property for the disturbed zones around the PVD. The validity of the proposed modified Hansbo theory was confirmed by comparing consolidation rates against those calcu- lated from numerical solutions ofthe governing partial differential equation; the comparison was excellent. Based on the modified theory, a new simple PVD design chart was developed. It offers an efficient approach for PVD system design since neither interpola- tions nor solving complex numerical equation is required. Finaly, the paper presents all the equations necessary for PVD design, Thus the design chart is intended as simple approach but is not the only way of using the approach developed in this paper to PVD des References ‘vertical érain- sumerical study. 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