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Lesson Plan Template

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Grade 5/Dance

Lesson Duration 60 minutes


The Late for School Dance

Lesson Overview
Briefly summarize your lesson plan in a few sentences.

In this lesson, students will be introduced to the elements of dance (B.E.S.T.). Next,
they will participate in an energizer/focusing event that will engage their bodies in the
four elements of dance. Students will listen to (audio with author singing the book to a
tune) and view (follow along with the physical book) the chosen piece of literature (Late
for School by Steve Martin). Then, students will be split into small groups (6 groups of 4
students) and be assigned a section of the book that they create a dance/creative
movement piece for. Each group will then perform their dance/creative movement piece
for the class in the same sequence the story is told in (the audio will accompany their
performance). As a wrap-up, each group will tell the class which element(s) of dance
they used and how that element(s) was used in their performance.
Central Focus (Enduring Understandings)
A brief description of the important understanding(s) or key concept(s)
edTPA Rubric 1 - Planning for Subject Specific Understandings: The candidates
plans build on each other to support learning of essential understandings and
concepts to lead students to make connections. There is a clear connection between
concepts and skills.
InTASC Standard 4. Content Knowledge

The enduring understanding I want my students to develop as part of this lesson is to be

able to use the elements of dance to act out a story and to use music and creative
movement to bring a story to life. Students will also be able to explain how they used
dance elements in their performance.

Essential Question(s)
The big idea of the lesson stated as a question or questions
How can I use the elements of dance to act out a story?
How can I use music and creative movement to bring a story to life?
Content Standard(s)/Benchmark
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or Hawaii Content & Performance
Standards III (HCPS III) that align with the central focus and address essential
understandings, concepts, and skills

How the Arts are Organized

Benchmark FA.5.2.4

Integrate several arts disciplines into a

presentation or performance


How the Arts Communicate

Benchmark FA.5.4.4

Use criteria to assess the quality of a dance


Prior Academic Knowledge and Student Assets

The students prior academic learning and personal/cultural/community assets that will
support their learning
edTPA Rubric 3 - Using Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching and Learning:
The candidate uses knowledge of his/her students to justify instructional plans.
InTASC Standard 1. Learner Development

Students have had experiences using creative movement to portray information from a
text. They also have experience working in small groups and presenting/performing in
front of the class. Students are also familiar with the concepts of rhythm and tempo.
Academic Language Demands
The language function essential for student learning (verb), additional language
demand(s) (vocabulary or symbols, syntax, discourse), and language supports (helps
the student understand and use language)

edTPA Rubric 4: Identifying and Supporting Language Demands: The candidate

identifies and supports language demands associated with key learning tasks.

Element Part, segment

Body Parts, shapes, actions or moves (nonlocomotor and locomotor)
Energy Attack, weight, strength or tension, flow
Space Level, direction, size, place or destination, pathways, focus
Time Rhythm, speed, accent, duration, phrases

Students will be introduced to the main and supporting dance terms during the
INTRODUCTION and will use their bodies to represent these terms during the
PERFORMANCES. Students will also apply these language demands in the class
discussion during the CLOSING EVENT to describe the elements of dance they used in
their performance.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

A description of what the teacher will be doing and what the students will be doing that
1) uses clear steps that convey the use of multiple strategies, resources, and
technology and 2) offers opportunities offered for inquiry, active learning, individual
work, and pairs/small group interactions
edTPA Rubric 6 - Learning Environment: The candidate demonstrates rapport with
and respect for students. Candidate provides a challenging learning environment that
provides opportunities to express varied perspectives and promotes mutual respect
among students.
edTPA Rubric 7 - Engaging Students in Learning: The candidate actively engages
students in learning tasks that address their understanding of key content. Candidate
prompts students to link prior academic learning and personal, cultural, or community
assets to new learning.
edTPA Rubric 8 - Deepening Student Learning: The candidate elicits student
responses to promote thinking and to apply strategies and skills. Candidate facilitates
interactions among students so they can evaluate their own abilities to apply the
essential strategy in meaningful reading or writing contexts.
edTPA Rubric 9 - Subject-Specific Pedagogy: The candidate supports students to
learn, practice, and apply strategies and skills. Candidate explicitly teaches students
when to apply the strategy in meaningful contexts.
InTASC Standard 3. Learning Environments
InTASC Standard 5. Application of Content
InTASC Standard 7. Planning for Instruction
InTASC Standard 8. Instructional Strategies

Give detailed, step-by-step instructions on how you will implement the

instructional plan.
Describe exactly what students will do during the lesson.


a Students will be.
i Sitting in their assigned seats - listening and answering questions
when asked or chosen
b I will be
i In the front of the room - Talking/explaining and asking questions
c What will be covered, discussed, and/or explained
Agenda (Dance lesson, ENERGIZER, READ BOOK &
Lesson details (Essential questions)
Dance Elements

Discuss what an element is (part, segment) and each dance

element with its sub-points. Refer to Ready Reference 10.2
in Cornett (2011) book for a detailed breakdown of each
dance element sub-point.
o Body

Parts, shapes, actions or moves (nonlocomotor and locomotor)

o Energy

Attack, weight, strength or tension, flow

o Space

Level, direction, size, place or destination, pathways, focus

o Time

Rhythm, speed, accent, duration, phrases


a Students will be.
i Standing in the open classroom area - Participating, moving
around, listening to my directions and prompts
b I will be
i In the front of the room and walking around - giving
directions/prompts, keeping a rhythm with the instrument
c What will be covered, discussed, and/or explained
We will be doing a warm-up called Body Directions in which I will
give students prompts that have to do with the four dance elements
and they will use their bodies to act them out:
Body (How to run with just your fingers, with just your arms)
Energy (running in place with body tight & tense, body loose
& relaxed)
Space (Use stationary body to take up most amount of
space, least amount of space)
Time (Clap on legs to a tempo I make with my shaker)
During this time I will be providing students with feedback and will
be pointing things out like Wow, look at how Tommy stretched out
his arms and spread his legs to show that he can take up a lot of
a Students will be.
i In their groups, sitting in their assigned seats - listening

b I will be
i At the projector - working the audio and flipping through the book,
talking, explaining
c What will be covered, discussed, and/or explained
Listen to audio of book (Late for School) while following
along with the physical book on the projector
Instructions of small-group activity (what were going to do)
Expectations of small-group activity (rubric key points
{describe dance elements used and participation in
discussion and practice}, creativity {thinking outside of the
box}, and performance reminders/tips (fast tempo song)
a Students will be.
i In their groups, around the classroom - discussing and practicing
b I will be
i Walking around the room - meeting with groups, asking questions,
providing help & guidance if needed
c What will be covered, discussed, and/or explained
Students will be broken up into groups of 4 (about 6 groups) and
each group will be given a section of the text (about 3 pages).
Students will review their text section and will create a
dance/creative movement piece that embodies or shows what is
happening in their particular text. Some of these text sections will
include: Running down the stairs, talking to mom and dad, hopping
a fence, waving to a neighbor, almost falling in a pool, flying with a
kite, etc. Students will be challenged to incorporate the dance
elements they have just learned into their dance/creative movement
piece. I will also remind students that they dont have to all be
standing in a line, doing the same dance but that they can get
imaginative and figure out the most interesting way to convey what
is going on in their text using B.E.S.T. I will be walking around and
checking in on each group, asking questions like, How can you
use the dance element, time, in your piece? etc. I will also provide
them with help on the academic language demands or whatever
else they need.
a Students will be.
i In their groups, around the classroom - performing, watching other
b I will be
i In the back of the classroom - observing, cueing, and orchestrating
c What will be covered, discussed, and/or explained
Small-groups will present their dance/creative movement piece to

the class one by one in sequence along with the audio.

6 CLOSING EVENT (10 min)
a Students will be.
i In their groups, around the classroom - listening, discussing,
addressing the class
b I will be
i In the back of the classroom - listening, cueing, orchestrating
transitions, asking questions to stimulate thinking, providing
feedback and comments
c What will be covered, discussed, and/or explained
i A spokesperson for each group will tell the class what dance
element(s) were used in their performance and how they used it.
The tools/procedures to monitor students learning of lesson objective(s) to include formative
assessments applied throughout the lesson and a summative assessment of what students
learned by the end of the lesson (include checklist or rubric)
edTPA Rubric 5: Planning Assessments to Monitor and Support Student Learning: The
candidate selects and designs informal and formal assessments to monitor students use of
essential concepts and skills. The assessments are strategically designed to allow individuals or
groups with specific needs to demonstrate their learning.
edTPA Rubric 12 - Providing Feedback to Guide Further Learning: The candidate gives
specific feedback to address students strengths and needs related to the learning objectives.
edTPA Rubric 13 - Student Use of Feedback: The candidate provides opportunities for
students to use the feedback to guide their further learning.
InTASC Standard 6. Assessment

Uses one element of dance in
their performance

Uses two or three elements of
dance in their performance

Uses all four elements of
dance in their performance

Needs encouragement to
contribute ideas to the group
and to work collaboratively

Contributes ideas to the group

and works collaboratively

Actively engages in smallgroup discussion and takes

leadership role in organizing
the ideas of the group to
ensure a collaborative effort
Leads discussion and ensures
peer understanding of which
dance elements are being used
and how

Needs reminders to participate Participates in small-group

in small-group discussion
discussion about which dance
about which dance elements elements were used and how
were used and how

Students will be informally assessed through class discussions and questions during the
CLOSING EVENT. Students will be observed by me during the ENERGIZER/FOCUSING
EVENT and the SMALL-GROUP ACTIVITY and will be given prompts and feedback
throughout in order to adjust or expand on their work. I will be walking around during the
SMALL-GROUP ACTIVITY and conversing with each group about their plans/ideas and
offering support as needed. During the CLOSING EVENT, groups will provide evidence of their

Differentiation and Accommodations

Instructional strategies and planned supports for individuals, and/or groups of students
with specific learning needs that provide adaptations connected to instructional
strategies, the learning environment, content, and/or assessment/performance task for
individuals and/or small groups (e.g., ELL/MLL, struggling, accelerated, 504/IEP, etc.)
edTPA Rubric 2 - Planning to Support Varied Student Learning Needs: The
candidate uses knowledge of his/her students to target support for students learning.
Supports include specific strategies to identify and respond to common developmental
approximations or misconceptions.
InTASC Standard 1. Learner Development
InTASC Standard 2. Learner Differences





List the type of accommodation or differentiation (learning

environment, content, process, or performance task) and
describe how you will differentiate.
[These students are ELL as well as Struggling]
Throughout the entire lesson, I will provide the definitions of
the academic language demands and students will be
engaged in repetition, application, and reflection of those
terms. These students will be strategically placed in
heterogeneous groups where they will be with grade-level
performing and students who I know are stronger in the drama
aspect (e.g. outspoken, outgoing, etc.).


[As far as I know, this student has behavioral issues not

academic issues. This student also leaves the class quite a bit]

Others (describe)

This student will be placed in a heterogeneous group and

given directions like the rest of the students, but will be given
flexibility to observe before participating or to just observe for
the whole lesson.

Materials (Optional)
Please note and/or paste any supporting materials (i.e., teaching materials, custom
lesson plans, etc.) into the space below. You may use as many pages as needed
beyond the space below to paste your materials.
Late for School by Steve Martin
Laptop with audio of Late for School by Steve Martin
Handouts (1 hardcopy of each page of the selected literature [Late for School by Steve
Martin] and 6 hardcopies of the Sing-along version of the book)
Rubric (1 hardcopy)

Lesson Plan Reflection

An analysis of what worked, what could be changed, and the next steps for teaching.
edTPA Rubric 10 Analyzing Teaching Effectiveness: The candidate uses
evidence to evaluate and change teaching practice to meet students varied learning
edTPA Rubric 15 Using Assessment to Inform Instruction: The candidate uses
the analysis of what students know and are able to do to plan next steps in
InTASC Standard 9. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

What changes would you make to your instructionfor the whole class and/or
for students who need greater support or challengeto better support student
learning of the central focus (e.g., missed opportunities)?
Based on your reflection and your assessment of student learning, describe the
next steps to support students learning related to the central focus and student
learning objectives.

I would make a number of changes to my instruction to better support student

learning of the central focus. For the whole class, after introducing the dance
elements and strategies, I should have modeled each one or had a student
model each one, so everyone could get a better understanding of each strategy
or element before actually doing it for themselves. I think students did well in
applying the dance elements overall, but I realize that to make it easier and
more memorable for students it would have been good to spend more time on
each element and have a real-life example prior to trying to figure it out
themselves. Another thing I would make sure to change is to address the
importance of safety when participating in the dance activities
Fortunately, no one got injured or hurt but I realize now that because students
were very active and sometimes started to get dramatic and exaggerate their
movements, it could be a safety hazard. I did speak on the subject of safety, but
I did it more as an in-the-moment sort of thing and not a planned topic of
discussion. I also only touched on it and didnt go into detail about what I mean
by staying safe. I would also make sure to test all of the technology to make
sure everything worked right before my lesson. That was something I
unfortunately did not do which resulted in a lot of lost time and unnecessary
stress. I also need to have better time management because I barely had time
to get through the CLOSING EVENT where the students share how they
connected the dance elements with their performances, which is important for
me as a teacher to gather that data. Finally, I would emphasize collaboration
amongst group members because I noticed that because of the way I split the
groups (6 groups of 3 members) and the material (each group had 3 pages of
the book), some students ended up dividing the work and not collaborating. I
thought I clearly encouraged teamwork and group collaboration but evidently I

was not clear enough.

The next steps to support students learning would probably be to dig deeper
into different examples of the dance elements and strategies (i.e. B.E.S.T.). I
feel like since this was the first dance lesson the students need more time to
learn, see, and practice each of these elements and strategies. We didnt have
time to really dissect each dance element and model each one which was
unfortunate. That is why modeling each element and strategy would have been
good for the students. Something else that could be done is basing the dance
lesson on literature from their textbooks (e.g. science, social studies, etc.).
Especially since the introductory dance lesson is out of the way and students
are at least a little familiar with the dance elements. I think it would be good for
students to explore academic subjects using dance to deepen their
understanding of important information. Another thing I could do would be to
explain the differences/similarities and the benefits of drama and dance, since
they are so similar. Based on my assessment I feel like students were a bit
confused on how to distinguish between drama (e.g. acting the words out) and
dance/creative movement (e.g. having your movements represent the words).

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