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NEET case study

Best practice analysis of NEET social inclusion and integration in

Lithuania and Alytus
Ministry of Social Security and Labour is responsible for youth policy in Lithuania,
Departmet of Youth Affairs is resbonsible for the implementation of policy, Ministry of
Agriculture, Centres of Labour Market, municipalities directly contributes to solution of youth
unemployment issues.
Government programme of the Republic of Lithuania focuses on the youth. The aim of the
programme is to develop youth world outlook as well as policy corresponding to their need and
satisfying the interests of country and society. The following is defined in this field:

To solve youth employment and integration into the labour market issues, to encourage
youth entrepreneurship, reform existing youth labour centres and establish the new ones.

To develop youth non-formal education and strengthen the connection of formal and nonformal education and training.

To develop educational, information and consulting services corresponding youth needs

as widely as possible.
Lithuanian youth policy is intended to young persons (Youth in Lithuania are considered as

group of persons of the age ranging from 14 to 29). According to data of Statistics Department,
there were 617,2 thousands of young persons, i.e. 21 % of all inhabitants of the country in 2014.
There were 16,8 thousands more of young men of the age 14-29 than young girls. The biggest
number approximately 90 thousands consisted of youth of 21-22 age.
According to the indicator of early school leavers (18-24 years old persons who havent
secondary education and who dont study), Lithuania is among twelve EU countries that already
overtake the intended European aim of 2020 (10%). Such quite a good Lithuanian indicator may
be explained by the fact that quite a big number of youth of 18-19 years old are studying in
general education schools or have an opportunity to acquire secondary education with
professional qualification in vocational training schools. There is still an aim in Lithuania to
reduce the part of early school leavers. Reasons why the threat emerges and person may leave

educational system can arise due to personal and educational problems, disadvantageous social,
economical, pedagogical, cultural, linguistic environment, innate or acquired health disorders,
unrecognized gift, when students educational needs are not satisfied or when student doesnt get
necessary educational help.
Youth unemployment in Lithuania is lesser than in 11 EU countries and 1percentage
point lesser than EU average. There were registered 28,8 thousands of young unemployed
persons up to 29 years old in 2014. It is 13 thousands less than comparing with 2013. Youth
comprise 18,9 % of all unemployed. Even if youth unemployment decreases coherently and
during 2014 youth unemployment decreased in 3,4 percentage points, youth unemployment
in Lithuania, as in the whole EU, is twice bigger than a general rate of unemployment. The
group of unemployed youth are always filled by new members who lost their job or have just
finished schools and universities. Youth who are looking for a job for the first time have much
more problems than these who lost their job. Young person often becomes unemployed even not
started his/her working activity. Employers distrustfully look at persons who havent work
experience. They often require from a young person both a good education and experience at the
same time. Unsuccessful integration into the labour market and lack of employment are one of
the most important negative factors influencing the emergence of many other youth problems,
i.e. social exclusion, spread of addictive behaviour, incapacity to pay for studies and purchase a
place of living.
There are also workplaces in our country and employers constantly talk about the lack of
employees. A part of young persons evaluate their abilities inadequately and hope to get a bigger
salary than it is proposed by the employer for beginner employee. Lithuania is in lead in Europe
according to percentage of high education graduates, however according to economic indicators
we are at the bottom. The biggest problem is that youth work inefficiently and do not give the
expected results and some even make no secret of the fact that dream about easy, simple job and
high salary for it.
Legal and institutional system of youth policy does not create enough preconditions how to
develop work with youth properly and effectively and in such a way to ensure the prevention of
unemployment of young persons as well as active involvement into society life, because:

There is a lack of organizations and specialists performing the work with the youth.

Young persons do not identify existing institutions that can help or render services (both in
national and local level).

Young persons lack of possibilities to participate when making decisions important to them
especially at a local level.

Intersectoral and interagency cooperation when solving youth problems in an integral

manner is not effective.
According to Eurostat data, there are 80-90 thousand of young persons not in education,

employment or training (hereinafter referred to as NEET) in Lithuania. The majority of young

unemployed persons registered in public employment services dont have professional
qualification or work experience. Approximately third NEET are not registered as unemployed.
Separated group of youngsters is composed of persons experiencing social risk, not having
necessary skills and asocial persons. The group of youngsters experiencing social risk, first of all
is associated with becoming NEET risk factors. It can be composed of youth living in remote
localities, youth who are in difficult economic situation or youth from incomplete families.
Youngsters who havent necessary skills are the persons who left educational system early and
havent high education, necessary work experience, having limited social skills or those who
have chosen other asocial lifestyle. Problematic youth can be distinguished as the third group
which includes persons who have special needs, emotional and behavioural disorders. This group
is similar to separated youth group.
Being NEET can be related to measures oriented into supply (opportunities) and demand
(activity). Young person may belong to NEET both due to the lack of oppotunities to integrate
himself/herself into labour market or education and due to his/her pasiveness. It can be
influenced by the fact that there are not enough vocational guidance services and (or) their
quality is poor.

Youth not in education and employment lack of learning motivation, desire to acquire
professional qualification or job. Therefore, one of the biggest objectives of Youth policy is to
involve unregistered NEET sucessfully.
Young persons not in education, employment or training is the priority of Lithuanian youth
policy. In the whole Lithuania consultations-discussions with the youth are organized in order to
ascertain the opinion of young persons how to help youngsters who are not in education,
employment or training to return to schools or get into labour market. Although job with the
youth in Lithuania sometimes is prformed periodically, i.e. acitivities are more focused on
results and outcomes of problems but not with preconditions and reasons, there are no sufficient
services ensuring the prevention of youth unemployment.
Regardless the fact that youth unemployment level in Lithuania decreased significantly and
since 2005 it is less than in EU on average, other indicators such as economic activity and
employment levels show that participation of our countrys youth in the labour market is not
NEET problems in Lithuania are not discussed in detail even some NEET aspects are
mentioned in separate intervention instruments intended to decrease social exclusion, especially
to prevention in schools or acquisition of working skills through the apprenticeship or practice in
The main reasons of youth unemployment in Lithuania are the following: lack of
vocational training, lack of working experience or nonconformity of acquired professional
knowledge to the needs of the labour market. There are a lot of youth in Lithuania who are not
able to find a job. Half of them do not have any vocational training. Some of them finished the
9th form, however did not acquire any vocational education. Another problem is the other half of
these unemployed persons who are graduates but their competenies are not necessary in the
labour market.
There are also many barriers to be involved into employment that are related to delinquent
youth behaviour, the necessity to acquire the secondary education, addiction problems and so on.
Almost the third of unemployed youth are not motivated enough or are unmotivated to work

It is supposed that one of the youth unemployment reasons is the lack of communiation
among secondary, voational and high schools where specialists of social fields are prepared
abundantly. The problem of all this is that planning of the demand of specialists is not performed
in Lithuania.
Another problem arising when young specialists try to find a job is competition with
unemployed persons who have working experience. Unemployment level is high not only among
the youth but calculating it generally throughout Lithuania. Therefore, the employer has a
possibility to choose an employee from several or more candidates. Some of them have a great
working experience, the others are young and perspetive but without working experience and so
on. Employees working experience has the significant influence to employers choice and
young persons, who recently finished their studies often do not have this experience. Due to this
reason it is very hard to be employed.
Most of the employers would say that expectations of young persons are too big, young
persons who have finished their studies recently and without practical experience often require a
high position and salary.
The reason which is more and more emphasized by employers is improper preparation to
the labour market. The reason training and studies of a low quality. Employers require that
youngsters would come into the labour market with practical experience and knowing their job.
An early withdrawal from secondary education is also one of the factors preventing
youngsters from participation into the labour market.
Lithuania is one the first countries in European Union (EU) that began to implement Youth
Guarantee Initiative. During programming period of 20142020, investments into the
encouragement of youth employment will be one of the main priorities of Lithuania and EU. In
order to decrease the level of youth unemployment significantly, instruments provided in Youth
Guarantee Initiative plan will be implemented and according to these instruments the proposal to
work, continue studies, acquire or improve qualification, participate in an internship or training
through the apprenticeship should be given to all young persons from 15 to 29 years old who are
not in employment, education and training within 4 month after the acquisition of formal
education or after the involvement into youth guarantees initiative. With each participant works
will be performed according to individual plan which will be made according to personal needs
and status. Individual plan will include all possible activation activities as well as 116 activities

of integration into the labour market of action programme of European Union funds for 2014
2020 under which young person should work, participate in education, internship or training
through the apprenticeship. Youth guarantee will facilitate youth transition from education
system into the labour market and will allow to acquire skills necessary into the labour market.
Early intervention, activation and integration into the labour market services will be rendered in
order to encourage NEET education, socialisation and employment.
Partnership-based attitude helps to solve effectively youth unemployment problems
representatives of employers, state and education institutions participate in the acitivity of
commissions on the implementation of Youth guarantees initiative besides customers service
departments of all territory labour markets.
When developing youth policy in Lithuania, encouraging social dialogue on local authority
and national levels, inter-sectoral cooperation is strenghthened giving priority to the
encouragement of youth employment, consolidation of potential of youth organizations,
improvement of work with youngsters.
Significant attention is paid to informing and consulting the youth on topics that are actual
to these young persons. It is pointed out that vocational guidance and consulting should not only
inform what and where training programmes may be acquired, but first of all it should help
youngsters to recognize their abilities and interests. Many respondents who have a
profession/speciality or spent several years in order to acquire a particular professions,
nevertheless apply to the labour market, youth working centres with the aim to get information
about possible professions, advices how to choose a proper profession and so on. It is obvious
that these persons who did ot use vocational guidance services in time, waste both their and
countrys resources in order to find a way to the labour market.
To increase youth demand into the labour market and encourage their employment,
instrument Support for the first job is implemented. According to this instrument companies
that employ persons of 16-29 years old for their first job and who never worked according to
employement contract, acquire the possibility to get a support to compensate young persons
To encourage youth employment in Lithuania, funds are allocated, various projects and
activities are organized, however young person often does not know about possibilities available

to him/her. Currently, various institutions and organizations implement instruments intended to

decrease youth unemployment, increase employment and encourage entrepreneurship. However,
unequal attention and resources are given to publicity of these instruments, and communication
is not coordinated and combined together. Therefore, in order to solve youth unemployement
problem successfully, it is essential to begin talking about the necessity of interinstitutional
cooperation and benefit of united communication. Coordination of actions when publicising all
possibilities available to young persons as well as modern marketing are necessary in order to
improve the quality of services rendered to the youth, improve accessibility, motivate them to be
involved into this.
NEET`S in Alytus
Objective of the survey was identify and evaluate which activities engaged in NEET
group young people why they do not learn anywhere, does not work and does not participate in
training, what is their motivation level to change the situation: to learn, to acquire a profession,
To find out for employment, education or training, and the training of young people absent
opinion and attitude to why they fall into the NEET group of young people prepared and
provided a 13 question questionnaire. Interviewed 64 respondents.
1. Your age.
Distribution of the respondents according to age: 66.7 percent. survey participants was 19 23 years of age, 31.7 percent. - 24 - 29 years and 1.6 percent. - 14 - 18 years of age (see. Fig. 1).

1418 years.
1923 years.
2429 years.

Fig. 1 Respondents under age

2. Your education.
Primary education youngsters was 1.5%, 10.3 percent. respondents had basic education.
Secondary education was 39.7 percent. respondents. Almost half of the respondents (47.1
percent.) Had professional training. 1.5 percent. respondents had higher education (see. Fig. 2).

1% 1%




Fig. 2 Respondents by education


3. What activities is your current

Questions about the activities which are
currently engaged in, more than half (53.2 percent). Young people indicated that they are
intensely looking for work. (24.2 percent.) Ccurrently do not learn, but plans to study profession.
9.7 percent. young people said that at present engaged in other activities: raising a child,
involved in projects. 8.1 percent. respondents seek work abroad. 4.8 percent. - Do not learn
anything and does not work (see. Fig. 3).

5% 10%



Unstudied, but plan to acquire a profession

Intensive seeking work
Looking job abroad

Fig. 3 Activities, which is currently engaged


Unstudied and not looking for a job


acquired profession?

4. Do you want to obtain / change the




I would like to acquire a profession

I would like to acquire another profession
I do not know what profession to choose
Lack of information where to acquire a profession

Fig. 4 Respondents' readiness to acquire /

change profession

5. If you do not learn anywhere now, you do

not work and does not participate in training, for

whatever reason you are in this situation?

The reasons why young people got into such a situation is different. Almost a quarter of
respondents (23.8 percent.) Can not find a job. 10.7 percent. - Can not find a job by already
acquired profession. 9.5 percent. respondents in the NEET group fell due to the fact that there did
not intervene to learn what it wanted, and 9.5 per cent., that does not have the financial capacity
to participate in the training. 7.1 percent. respondents can not study because of family
circumstances, 6 percent. engaged in voluntary activities, 4.8 percent. - have health
problems, 1.2 percent. - Monitor the care required for loved ones. Of more concern are the part
of young people who say they are tired of learning - by 1.2 percent., Do not work because the
benefits outweigh the potential damage - 1.2 per cent., 1.2 per cent. - Do not have access to
training to local, 3.6 per cent. - Working illegally. 4.8 percent. of respondents do not want
anything to act because they want to have a lot of free time and have fun. It should be noted that
the measures necessary to motivate and encourage young people to learn and to participate in
training, youth programs, initiatives, as 14.3 percent. respondents want to take a break, go deeper
and understand what they want to achieve in life (see. Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 Reasons for belonging to the NEET not studying, not working and not take part in training

6. Are you currently like to change the current situation?

The current situation would change 76.2 percent. respondents. Disaffected young people (23.8
percent.) Satisfied with the position. (See Fig. 6).
No, I am satisfied with the current situation

Fig. 6 The respondents' answers about the readiness to change the existing situation
Sick of learning

7. The reasons why you do not want

to change anything.

I did not intervene to where I wanted

Does not have the financial capacity to participate in training
I can not find work
I can not find work according to their specialty
There is no need to work, because the benefits outweigh the
potential reward
I want to take a break and realize what I want in life
I have health problems, disability
Priiriu globos reikalaujanius artimuosius
I have been working illegally
I do not have access to training to local
I can not study because of family circumstances
I want to have a lot of free time




Satisfied with the current situation, because I work in

Figure 7. The reasons why respondents
are satisfied with the current situation

I can not find help

Reconciled with the current situation
There is no need to change anything
I plan to leave Lithuania

8. What would you like to do in the near future?

55.9 percent. Issues of respondents admitted that in the near future would like to find a job,
16.2 percent. - Would like to start learning, 14.7 percent. - To acquire a profession, 8.8 percent. To improve the qualification of 4.4 percent. - Engage in other activities (see. Fig. 8).





Gaining a profession
Improve qualification

Fig. 8 Activities that respondents would

like to do in the near future

Find a job

9. What is the profession of shape do you think acceptable?


Full-time, professional school

Evening, vocational school

Fig. 9 Respondents were chosen

profession of form

The theoretical training at a vocational school, and practical

training - the enterprise

10. Where do you get the most help,

support, information?
Not working and not studying young people looking for help in various ways, usually not
one but several at once. When asked to identify, from where they get the most help, support and
information to a third of respondents (30 percent.) Told the family, 29.1 percent. - The Internet,
15.5 percent. - Friends, 14.5 percent. - Labour Exchange. A little help and information NEET
group were receiving from social workers (3.6 percent.). (see. Fig. 10).



1% 2%



From family
From friends
Labour Exchange
Social workers
Youth coordinator
Educational institutions
Vocational guidance specialists

Fig. 10 NEET group of people help, support and

information sources

11. Who in your opinion, help to find a job?

A good education
Professional qualification
Social skills (the ability to present and communicate)
Computer skills
Teamwork skills
Good looks
Ambitions, aspirations
I do not know

16% 1%





Figure 11. Respondents' opinion about the employment of influencing factor

12. What kind of work you would most like which of the following options would you

7% 7%




Any permanent employment

Any well-paid work

Figure 12. Respondents preferred to gain


Constant, my qualifications equivalent work

Establish self company
Learn, to attend courses
I do not know

13. You are (gender).


Figure 13. Distribution of the respondents by gender

The survey showed that almost half of the respondents (47.1 percent.) Had professional
training. Not acquired profession was 51.5 percent. respondents.
Answers to this question reflects the gaps in the education system, because a lot of people
surveyed who already have a profession and spent several years in order to obtain it, still has not
been taken in the labor market. They are looking for help to get information about the possible
acquisition of professions, tips on how to choose the right profession. Young people do not have
sufficient information about the access to a educational institutions, professions demand. (See.
The answers to question 4).
The need to acquire / improve skills or learn quite clearly expressed by 39.7 percent. of
respondents answering the question of preparedness to take certain actions that could improve
the situation, but it is not fully aware of all respondents.
The essential role of labor market integration process plays a personal motivation.
Interviewees intention to participate in the labor market reflects the fact that more than half of
the respondents indicated that they are seeking work.
The most important reasons why the young people got into the situation of young people
and the unemployed group, the respondents considered that can not find work, can not find work
by already acquired a profession, did not intervene to study there where wanted. It should be
noted that the measures necessary to motivate and encourage young people to learn and to
participate in training, youth programs, initiatives, as 14.3 percent. respondents want to take a
break, go deeper and understand what they want in life.
Only 19.2 percent. professional training of individuals who were willing to work by
profession, shows the lack of efficient use of human resources in the country.

Examples of good practice

Targeted policy when increasing an employment hae brought Lithuania closer to an

average of unemployment level in EU. Programme for the development of increase in
employment confirmed by the government of the Republic of Lithuania for 2014-2020 intends to
solve unemployment and increase of labour demand problems in an integrated manner as well as
problems of conformity of qualification of labour force to needs of the labour market, maximum
use of potential of available work resources and participation in the labour market. This will be

done when concentrating business, education and labour market sectors including social partners
and municipalities into formation of employment policy.
In order to reduce poverty, Ministry of Social Security and Labour together with
municipalities, social partners, other ministries prepared an action plan of increase of Social
inclusion for 2014-2020 which focuses on children and youth.
National programmes under implementation
1.National development programme of youth policy for 20112019
2.National youth volunteering programme. Its objective to allow young persons to
participate in volunteering activities and acquire experience of personal, social, professional
competencies when choosing a profession, reintegrate into formal education system and (or)
prepare to be involved into the labour market.
3. Intensive long-term support programme for NEET. Its objective to encourage
youth integration into labour market and/or education system providing services (hereinafter
referred to as services) of social rehabilitation and preparation for resettlement into the labour
market when applying the experience of non-government organizations.
4. Youth guarantee initiative (hereinafter referred to as YG) implementation plan is
prepared in order to implement European Union Council Recommendation of 22 April 2013
on establishing a Youth Guarantee (2013/C 120/01). YG objective is to ensure that all
youngsters up to 29 years old during four month period from the day of dismissal or graduation
of formal education would get a proposal to work, continue studies, including apprenticeship
vocational training form, perform practice or internship.
According to instrument of Human resources development action programme Job-seekers
integration into the labour market, during 2013-2014 Lithuanian Labour Market implemented a
project Assistance to job-seekers. Project of 31,5 million LTL which is co-financed by
European social fund (ESF), Unemployment Fund and state resources, 22,7 millions LTL of EU
support were given. Ten local state labour markets were project partners. This project is applied

for approximately 8000 of young persons among them about 1500 long-term unemployed
persons. According to data of State Labour Market, support for acquisition of working skills was
used by almost 1600 persons when implementing project Assistance to job-seekers, and
employment when using sponsoring support was applied to almost 6400 young persons during
the project.
In 2007-2013 the main EU support in youth field was Active youth. National institution SADM, National agency

- public body Youth international cooperation agency were

responsible for its implementation. Implementation of programme in Lithuania was well

assessed. During the period of programme, approximately 40 thousands of young persons of all
60 Lithuanian municipalities participated in financed projects and national agencies trainings.
EU financed project Increase in youth employment implemented by Lithuanian Labour
Market during 2012-2013 helped to find jobs for 6600 young persons, i.e. 600 more than it was
planned. After the end of the project which allowed young persons (up to 29 years old) to
acquire lacking skills in workplaces, 5600 of all persons who participated in it, had permanent
contracts. 5,8 million EUR (20 milllion LTL) were allocated to implement ESF financed
ESF financed project Be self-confident was implemented during 2013-2015. The main
objective is to encourage youth integration into labour market or educational system together
with non-government organizations. Project is implemented using 3 and 6 month programme of
Social rehabilitation and preparation for employment in the labour market. Project participants
are involved into the activity of non-government organizations: participate in various events,
contributes to planning of these events, develop social skills, stengthen personal properties, rise
motivation, form teamwork skills, consider and discuss various issues (about stress and its
management, healthy lifestyle, social roles, life in family, care of others, conflict management,
roles in labour market, ethics in workplace etc.), have an opportunity to develop computer skills.
Excursions to employers or education institutions were organized, youngsters were allowed to
know better the interested training programmes.








entrepreneurship was implemented by Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic

of Lithuania during 2007-2013. During five years of programme, over 1200 persons and
companies started their own business. These persons who started business created almost 2900
new jobs, i.e. more than 2 new jobs in a new business. 4900 potential bussinesmen have already
participated in entrepreneurship training. This support is also a big incentive for youth not to
leave Lithuania and create future in their own country. European Commission calls this
instrument an example of good practice which should be followed by other EU member states in
order to increase the development of worlplaces through the promotion of self-employment and
the most important is to focus on socially sensitive society groups that would like to start their
own business.
40,8 thousands of young unemployed persons up to 29 years old who participate in Youth
guarantee initiative, were employed in 2014. 14,1 thousands persons participated in active labour
market policy instruments, among them: 2,1 thousands in vovational training instrument, 10,5
thousands of persons in supportive employment activities, 1,4 thousands of persons got a
support to establish a job, 0,07 thousands of persons participated in local mobility instrument. 6,3
thousands of young unemployed persons started activity according to business licence. It is
important to implement youth guarantee initiative which aims to ensure that youngsters would
study, work or perform practice. Youth initiative working team helps for non-motivated young
persons who are still looking for their way in life. Labour market specialists organize various
activities about self-knowledge, development of career. Volunteering is promoted. Various
initiatives are organized during which excursions to education institutions are performed and
youth are consulted about career development issues.
Youth guarantee initiave principles are already used when implementing European
Social Fund financed project Be self-confident, which is implemented by Lithuanian Labour
Market since October, 2013 together with 30 non-government organizations. During the project
social rehabilitation services will be rendered for 16-25 years old youngsters who are not in
employment, education or training. These services will be rendered when developing motivation
to study or work. Until 1st of November, 2014, 1986 ypungsters not in employment, education or
training started to participate in project activities, 777 persons of them (or 40 %) integrated
themselves into the labour market or education system.
When in September, 2014, corrections of employment support law of the Republic of
Lithuania came into force, young persons up to 29 years old were allowed to have more

possibilities to organize their own business, acquire working experience. The following 3
instruments were legitimized: grants to create a job, contract of acquisition of working skills and
volunteering practice.
In 2014, seven new youth working centres were establihed, and in a such way the network
of 29 youth working centres were formed. More than 5,6 thousand of information and
educational events were organized for 76,1 thousand of young persons in 2014.
In 2014, it was focused on consolidation of regional youth policy, inclusion of young
persons not in employment, education or training into social life and labour market as well as on
the development of volunteering. Intensive long-term support programme for NEET was
started to implement in which 1981 young persons of 16-25 years old participated in 2014.
In order to increase youth motivation for better integration into labour market, the
development of open youth centres and spaces was continued. Activity projects of boards of
13 open youth centres, 20 open youth spaces and 14 regional youth organizations were
financed through an open tender. Consolidation plan of Regional youth policy for 20152017 was prepared and confirmed.
In order to improve the availability of services to youth, the network of Youth working
centres of Lithuanian Labour Market is expanded. It is supposed that until 2016 Youth working
centres will render services in all municipalities. During January-September, 2014, in Youth
working centres, information and consulting services were rendered to 94,4 thousand of young
persons who are looking for a job, 54,3 thousand of youth participated in events and activities of
Youth working centres. Youth working centres are divisions of local labour markets responsible
for work with youth age group. Youth working centres give support for youth when looking for
a job, organize training to youth and students, perform vocational guidance, help to organize
trips to higher level education institutions. This institution has an access and is able to organize
persons not in employment, education or training. It has well equipped premises, publicizes
information about events and projects perfectly. Activities called I can are organized in Youth
working centre for non-motivated unemployed persons. During these activities, self-knowledge
skills are developed, strong sides and sides necessary to be improved are revealed, adequate
self-assessment is encouraged. Individual action plans are prepared in order to strengthen youth
self-confidence and motivation.

Information system of children not in education and students who do not attend school is
also functioning in Lithuania.
Under laws young persons have legal basis to participate in the proess of policy formation
and implementation, perform youth initiatives, volunteer and involve themselves into civil
Relatively new form of work with youth work with street youngsters is developed in
The aim of European Social Fund (ESF) financed instrument Increase in Youth
employment is to involve approximately 45 thousands of young persons from 15 to 29 years old
until 2020. Valdas Maksvytis, coordinator of Youth guarantee initiative in Lithuania, submitted
the following data: it is expected that 35000 of youth will participate in the instrument until
2018, and from 2018 until 2020 10000 persons additionally. more than 20,25 millions of EUR
will be allocated this year to implement the instrument, and it is intended 69,17 millions of EUR
in total until 2018. 20 millions of EUR will be allocated to the instrument during 2018-2020
Lithuanian Business Confederation together with social partners continues the activity of
voluntary activity organization started by Lithuanian business employers confederation in order
to continue the idea of volunteering and its popularization among young people, to help
youngsters who are not in employement to enter into labour market, to expand their career
oppportunities. During this activity, 3-days training are performed where participants acquire
practical knowledge about career development, preparation of CV, learn how to anticipate
employers expectations and find a job they always wanted. After training, 200 hours voluntary
activity is organized in various companies and organizations. During this period it is possible to
acquire useful experience both for career and interests because spectrum of volunteering involves
fields from planning events to environment protection. At the end of activity, each participant
gets a certificate that confirms the participation in the project, new acquired competencies and

The following national documents when implementing youth guarantees were

Order of 16 December, 2013, Regarding confirmation of implementation of youth
guarantee initiave plan confirmed by the minister of Social Security and Labour.
Cooperation memorandum Regarding implementation of Youth guarantee initiative of 14
January, 2014
Programme of increase in employment for 2014-2020 and action plan for 2014-2016
Constantly decreasing level of unemployment and new opportunities to youth
These results were obtained after understanding that unemployment problems are not only
simple opportunities and financial burden to country, but also social exclusion experienced by a
person and psychological problems as well. Therefore, exceptional attention is further drawn to
long-term unemployed persons and group of disadvantaged people, who have difficulties in
finding a job, being included into the labour market.
Aspects of NEET problem, as early prevention of leaving a school or links of qualifications
with the needs of labour market are as important as youth employment problem. The following
activities are performed for this purpose:
1. Interservice youth employment coordination in Lithuania. The following means are
performed when stimulating general youth employment:

Balancing of supply of education system and need of the labour market,

development of youth working skills in education system (vocational training,
strengthening of practice/internships, apprenticeship, non-formal education through


the volunteering),
Support for youth who start their own business,
active means of labour market (support for the first work, employment when

subsidising, sponsorship of acquisition of working skills, learning in a workplace).

Prevention of early school leaving.
Return of persons who do not attend school to schools or training.
Encouragement of employement of school graduates.
Improvement of acquired qualification.
Decrease of practical barriers for employment.
Support for employers and encouragement of entrepreneurship.

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