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Field Trip Essay

Bryan Octavianthe Susanto

Field Trip Reflection (Form: Essay)
Grade 6 SPH Sentul City
March 4, 2016
The whole class of Grade 6, which is also known as the class of 2022 went
to Bandung for their field trip from March 1 3, 2016. They went to Bandung to go
to Outward Bound Indonesia (OBI) which is a type of school that focuses on
getting out from our comfort zone as well as experience as our teacher. The class
also went to Saung Udjo (It is a place where they play angklung and traditional
Indonesian music and traditions), Taman Hutan Raya Juanda (Remains of Dutch
and Japanese cave from WW2), and also to Mount Tangkuban Parahu (A volcano
that have erupted many times and blew itself up (aka self-destruct)). That is just
the introduction, and in this essay I will focus on reflection (Some things such as
kind of the recommendations and things), which is the whole point of this essay.
There are a lot of good things in this field trip, and some things like not in
our comfort zone, which is important in my opinion because once we meet
something we dont like in our lives we are not surprised. The next thing is that
now my endurance is better because in total I hiked about 8 kilometers, which is
just unbelievable. Before this field trip the longest that I got was 5 kilometers,
which I was hiking with my family. Last thing that I want to say is that with
everything that is beautiful around me, I can see them directly, also I can feel the
hot spring, which is the really first time I touched a hot spring. Now, I want to talk
about the obstacles that I have (not to say it is bad), which the first one that I
want to say is about the slipperiness of the track and everything. Mud with moss
and with water is just not a good combination at all, as all of them are extremely
slippery which is just terrible. Also the bus, when we go we use the Blue Bird bus
which is good. Then, when we go home we use the orange bus, which is smaller. I
am ok with riding in that bus for a while but in that bus for more than 3 hours
when we go home is not that good and it hurts my knees so badly. The last thing
that I want to point out which is the most annoying, which is, well you guessed it,
it is the mosquitoes. When I want to make a cup of Milo it takes like 10 minutes
while actually it could be done in just 1 minute because of the itchiness that the
mosquitoes made to me as well as my friends.
Well, lets talk about the pros and cons of this program overall. The
strengths of this field trip is really awesome, once again out of my comfort zone
and all the beautiful things that nature has to offer, all the beautiful things and
facts, all the animals and plants, the left overs from WW2, it is just unbelievable
on how it went well. Also lets talk about the subject benefits as well. The good
things about this is that we can actually see it, feel it, smell it and learn more as
we can observe something more, which means instead of seeing a video/picture
that someone took, we can see it and observe the area in any angle ourselves,
which is great, and it makes observation easier. Also with civics we can just
straightly listen to the angklung and also learning how to use it as well. About
bible, we can compare nature with God and what is around with God; in the
classroom we cant learn those kinds of things (Hard to imagine). One of the main
things that I want to add is that I cant experience in the classroom is out from the
comfort zone. Well in the classroom we cant experience that, as we have our
laptops and things done for us. We have to cook for ourselves, build tents for us to
sleep in them. We are also given team challenges, hiking, and much more. Also
seeing the environment such as the volcanoes, WW2 left overs, the animals,
plants and ourselves is just something we cant do in the classroom.

Now, lets talk about the limitations/obstacles. It is quite annoying, but I am

surprised that the obstacles are not as much as I expect. Even there are a lot of
pros (strengths/good things), there is still some things that we cant experience
such as devotions with the projector, as well as the information and pictures to
explain more about the information that we get on a projector, and also
assignments that use electronics (such as laptops, Wi-Fi, etc.) or anything related.
There is just not that much to talk about, since there is just little cons.
I think that is all that I want to talk about in this essay because I dont think
there is more to add. So now I am going to actually conclude this essay. Well, in
my opinion after all the long writing and talking about all of the field trip I think
that this field trip is a wonderful one, really organized on how the teachers
organize the schedule as well as the OBI things. Also credit and thank you to Mr.
Mike, Mr. Edward, Ibu Yuda and other people that are involved for this field trip,
and thank you so much for doing your best on doing everything. Even with some
cons/obstacles/limitations, this field trip is still really awesome and it will be a
wonderful experience to remember for the rest of my life. Once again thank you
so much to everyone for the support and effort and also the time for this. I think
that is pretty much it for this essay, so thank you so much for reading this essay,
God Bless and. Good Bye!

Field Trip Essay

Bryan Octavianthe Susanto
Field Trip Reflection (Form: Essay)
Grade 6 SPH Sentul City
March 4, 2016

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