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My Classroom Vision
Teaching is one of the most crucial and important professions that empowers and inspires
individuals. In her lyrics, I believe that children are our future. Teach them well and let them
lead the way, Whitney Houston describes my vision of education. Teachers are entrusted with a
monumental investment; the children of the future. These children will become the next doctors,
community leaders, teachers and business executives. Teachers must endeavor to develop within
their students, the mindset and inner drive for lifelong achievement. My experiences as a tutor,
mother, and teachers aide have propelled me toward a career in which I inspire, care for, and
encourage children to strive toward lifelong learning, and success. Through differentiated
education, a prepared, and just learning environment and my eagerness to continue personal
learning, students will find success in their achievements.
Understanding that children learn differently, and using a positive, flexible, and open minded
perspective builds a safe and trustworthy classroom my students will thrive in. Proficiencies for
Teachers Learner-Centered Schools (1997), suggests using, materials, technology, activities,
and space that are developmentally appropriate and designed to engage interest in learning. I
will consider the abilities of my students in lesson preparation that encourages student
participation, to establish and maintain a safe and free thinking environment. I will differentiate
instruction that builds upon prior knowledge of each individual learner, while encouraging
cooperation among my students to learn from and with each other. This collaboration among my
students will build bonds and unity for a peaceful and nurturing environment where they will feel
empowered to take chances and explore freely within structured limits. As I strive to create
lessons that provide different types of instruction, my actions and demeanor will demonstrate

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that I appreciate student perspectives and that their opinions are important, always remaining
positive and flexible in learning.
In order to establish a safe environment for students to feel empowered in their learning, my
classroom will always encourage collaboration and self-direction. By first establishing
expectations and standards for cooperation, my students will have self-directed ability to explore
their environment. Proficiencies for Teachers Learner-Centered Schools (1997), suggests,
modeling respectful behavior, the teacher effectively manages the learning environment and
prepares the students for optimal learning. Students thrive in structured environments and I will
provide an environment that allows them to freely navigate their learning. By teaching through
example, I will help them learn how to communicate with each other. Using Kagan structures
outlined in Cooperative Learning (2009, p. 6.15), students interact in ways that foster
acquisition of communication skills. Once they have established a basic understanding of
expectation, and with cooperative learning structures my students will feel empowered to express
their ideas while sharing with each other. I will use trials as an opportunity for growth and
choose carefully how I administer consequences. Keeping the focus on the childs experience,
their classroom environment will be welcoming with easily accessible resources and freedoms
that encourage their desire to attend in their fullest engagement. I will strive to keep up with the
latest techniques in education to give my students the best education experience I can provide.
Upon entering the education field, I will come with acquired knowledge, but understand my
personal learning has not ended. I will attend professional development courses to further my
skills and refine my own understanding. According to Jensen (2008), Quality professional
development improved competency and satisfaction, among teachers. Understanding and trying
techniques or structures learned from other teachers will keep me abreast of new information. I

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will use new knowledge as well as share my own experiences to help better education as a
whole. I enjoy learning and will always strive to maintain competencies that will make me a
better teacher. Through collaborating with others and using brain based structures, my class will
be a fun and enjoyable place to learn.
I firmly believe education is one of the most honorable and rewarding professions. Gandhi said,
be the change you want to see in the world. I want to make a change in this world and through
teaching, I will impact people, families, parents, and individuals for the better. Through
differentiated instruction, prepared environments and new strategies for learning, my classroom
will be a fun, inviting and educational experience they will remember and grow from. My
experiences have propelled me toward a teaching career and using these experiences I will strive
to become an educated and prepared teacher.

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Jensen, Eric (2005). Teaching with the Brain in Mind. ASCD Danvers, MA 09123
Kagan, Spencer (2009). Kagan Cooperative Learning. Kagan Publishing San Clemente, CA
Learner-Centered Schools for Texas. (1997) A vision of Texas Educators. Texas State Board of

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