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By Yisroel Goldblatt

A few days ago I went into my garden and I found a huge cardboard
box there. I wanted to know what was inside it so I opened it and I
found switches in it. I decided to pull one of them to see what would
happen. Suddenly there was a bright flash and I found myself at a
feast! All around me were people eating. I looked behind me and I saw
a king. I noticed he was wearing cohen godol's clothes.Then I realised
where I was. I was in Shushan Habira.There was gold and silver
everywhere and beautiful marble floors. People were eating non
kosher food like roast pig and snails! They were also getting drunk
because they were drinking lots of wine. Suddenly I remembered what
I had learnt in school - that you weren't allowed to be at the feast as
said not to .Then I felt something in my hand and I looked at
what it was. It was the switch! I didn't want to be at the party any
longer so I pulled the switch quickly and I found myself back in the
garden. Phew I sighed and I went back into the house to have my

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