Topics For Final Exam: STA 2023-75475 Fall 2015

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Descriptive Statistics

Topics for Final Exam

STA 2023-75475
Fall 2015

Descriptive Statistics

The 1-VarStats function on the calculator.

q mean
q median
q standard

deviation: Sx for sample, for

population. (Use Sx value on the exam.)

Combinations and Permutations

There is no Calculator function for the mode.

q In

Mode is the value(s) occurring most often in

the data.

q Combinations

Could be one mode, several modes, or no


Probabilities of Events
P(AC ) = 1 P(A)

Combinations, the Order is Not Important.

deal with choosing a subset

of a larger set.
q Permutations

deal with arranging a set of


Probabilities of Events

If A and B are independent :

P(A B) = P(A) P(B)

P(A B) = P(A) + P(B) P(A B)

If A and B are dependent :

P(A B)
P(A | B) =

P(A B) = P(A | B) P(B) = P(B | A) P(A)

Binomial Random Variables

Binomial Random Variables

q Experiment

Two calculator functions:

has only two possible

q p = probability of success.
q q = probability of failure = 1 p.
q What is the probability of k successes in n
independent trials?

binompdf(n, p, k)
binomcdf(n, p, k)

n = number of attempts
p = probability of success
k = number of successes

The Normal Distribution

Confidence Intervals (Predicting a Population

Parameter From a Random Sample)

Uses the normalcdf function:

q For

a population mean.

q Zinterval

normalcdf(L, U, , )

L = lower limit
U = upper limit
= mean
= standard deviation

Hypothesis Testing
q Null

hypothesis (H0) is a given or claimed

statement about a population mean or
q Alternative hypothesis (Ha) is a claim that
the mean or proportion is actually
q greater

than the claim of Ho or

than the claim of H0 or
q not equal to the claim of H0 .
q less

q Tinterval

q For

for large sample (at least 30)

for small sample

a population proportion.

q 1-PropZint

q Normally

use 90%, 95%, or 99% confidence


Hypothesis Testing
q We

first decide on (or are given) a level of

significance for the test ( = .10, .05, or .01).
q Determine the p-value for the alternate
hypothesis (ZTest or 1-PropZTest function).
q If p < , we reject the null hypothesis and
accept the alternate hypothesis at the stated
level of significance.
q If p >= , we fail to reject H0 (and fail to
accept Ha).

Regression and Correlation

q Linear

Regression produces a straight line

showing the trend of a set of 2-dimensional

q Coefficient

of correlation is indicator of:

q whether

trend is upward, downward, or flat.

q how close the data points are to the regression
q value is real number between -1 and +1.

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