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Streets and Roads

The people of Mesopotamia are credited with

developing the first roads dating back to 4000
B.C.E. These roads were built for trading routes,
and for easy access to different locations in their
cities. All roads were made of stone and were
located in major cities.

Stone-Paved road connecting Mesopotamia and Egypt.

The Chinese also built roads one of the largest was

the silk road. A massive road that connected East
and west Asia it was the main source of trade for
the Chinese and it was made of large slate rock
during the Qin dynasty.

Known as the roads of Mules and Horses(Hove prints can still be seen) used as an ancient trade route.

The first evidence of road development in the Indian

subcontinent can be traced back to approximately
4000 BC from the ancient cities of Harrapa and
Mohenjo-daro of the Indus Valley Civilization. Ruling
emperors and monarchs of ancient India had
constructed numerous brick roads in the cities that
were used to connect major cities to each other and
establish trading routes, One being the Silk Road
that was linked to China.

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