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Attendance (TEC 39.106 and P.L.

1114 (b))
What is the relationship between attendance and student achievement?
1. Analyze low performance and students failures. Look at students by group, teacher,
tier, grade level. What is the relationship between attendance and student
There is no relationship between attendance and student achievement. See below for
data breakdown:
Only 3 students have attendance issues on this grade level and they are at a level AA.
Only 1 student in 1st grade has attendance issues and is on a B reading level.
Two students have attendance issues in this grade level. The teacher is Mrs. Quimbay. In
addition, these students are on a G and I reading level, which are MOY and EOY 1st
grade. Mrs. Quimbay also has three students who failed MP1 in math. Two students
have attendance issues and the other student does not.
Third grade has no students with attendance issues.
24 students failed 3rd grade reading STAAR. Out of these 24 students, only one has an
attendance issues currently in 4th.

Use 1st and 2nd six weeks failure report to compare and contrast against attendance,
tardies and early dismissals. How are the daily, weekly, six week attendance % affected
by student group, grade level, teacher?
Overall, those that failed MP1 & 2 are not affected by attendance. Only a few students
were affected. See below for data breakdown:
Kinder Grade Student Failures MP1 & 2
No students failed MP1 & 2
1st Grade Student Failures MP1 & 2
No students failed MP1 & 2

2nd Grade Student Failures MP1 & 2

Three students failed MP 1 in Math. All students are in Mrs. Quimbays class. Only two
have attendance concerns.
3rd Grade Student Failures MP1 & 2
1 Student failed MP1 in Math in Ms. Devilles class.
4th Grade Student Failures MP1 & 2
Two students failed MP 1 &/2 in Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. Montagues class. These students
are not attendance concerns; however, 1 has an IAP for Dyslexia and the other has
been referred for SpEd. We are having an ARD for this student in January.
2. Evaluate attendance and tardy procedures including timeliness, effectiveness and
When students have three unexcused absences a letter is generated to families. There
will be an Intervention meeting set up with the Counselor, AP, Parents, and truancy
interventionist to establish interventions for students who have had unexcused absences
after the letters been generated. Parents will be encouraged to follow through with the
intervention plan. When a student reaches 10 unexcused absences, the school will file
truancy against the families. Currently, there is no tardy procedure established. The
PBIS/Attendance committee will meet after winter break to discuss this in detail.

3. Evaluate recovery/reteach strategies. When students are habitually tardy, what are
we doing to ensure they receive the instruction that they missed, etc? What are the
campus procedures to track and respond to unexcused absences, tardiness and other
practices to improve attendance?
Stated that when students are tardy, they re-teach through flex time and/or recess
1st Grade:
Stated that when students are tardy, they begin each morning with a circle map using
the number of the day. This is a spiral review. Each new concept is kept on the
circle/tree map for a few weeks. If they are tardy, they will have more opportunities
throughout the weeks.
2nd Grade:
Stated that when student are tardy, they re-teach through flex time, and roll it into Ind.
3rd Grade:
Stated that when student are tardy, they re-teach through flex time and/or recess time.
4th Grade:
Stated that when student are tardy, they re-teach through Work with them in small
groups, utilize a working lunch in order for them to get caught up on missing
assignments, modify the assignments so that they dont have to catch up on quite as
much, have students take home work to finish (this is a last resort), call home,
conference with student, provide copy of class notes
Stated that when student are tardy, they to their group they have them join in the
lesson. They feel that if there is a need to backtrack then they get the other ones
started and work one on one.
- When students have three unexcused absences a letter is generated to families.
There will be an Intervention meeting set up with the Counselor, AP, Parents, and
truancy interventionist to establish interventions for students who have had unexcused
absences after the letters been generated. Parents will be encouraged to follow
through with the intervention plan. When a student reaches 10 unexcused absences,
the school will file truancy against the families. Currently, there is no tardy procedure
established. The PBIS/Attendance committee will meet after winter break to discuss this
in detail.
In addition, the PBIS and attendance committee started fun incentives for those
students who earned perfect attendance every six weeks. A mystery prize drawing will
occur at the end of the year for those who attained perfect attendance the entire

Discipline (TEC 39.106 and P.L. 1114 (b))

What is the relationship between discipline and student achievement?
1. Evaluate schoolwide behavior strategies and interventions (e.g., Positive
Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), functional behavior assessments,
and behavior intervention plans).
Currently, we are year one for PBIS and we are incorporating Great Expectations
on our campus (year 3). We use common language with our Great Expectations
and students understand what is expected of them. Weve had 17 DRs. Many of
them repeat offenders. Over-all, the majority of our students understand what is
expected of them in following GE and PBIS. Please see number two below for
data breakdown.

2. What is the relationship between daily, weekly, and semester discipline

incidences by student group, grade level, teacher?
DRs by Grade level, teacher, student, reason and frequency:
One student received four DRs from Ms. Blevins class. The student was referred
for physical altercations from hitting, spitting and scratching students, including
teacher. In addition, this student was diagnosed with ADHD and sensory disorder
from an outside agency. The student has since withdrawn from WRES.

1st Grade
Three students have been referred from 1st grade. Two from Mrs. Gillies class and
one from Mrs. Mcleods class (Previously). These students were referred for
physical altercations. In addition, one student has been moved from Mrs.
Mcleods class to Mrs. Crane. Since the switch, this student has not had
behavioral issues. He also has a BIC/FBA plan. The intervention counselor is
supposed to work with this student; however, she stated that Mrs. Crane would
like more time with this student before he sees her. She believes she can work
with this student. One student who received a DR from Mrs. Gillies class is at a
level F reading level ( on target MOY 1ST ) and the other student is at a B reading
level (Below Grade level). Mrs. Cranes student is reading at a level A (Kinder
2nd Grade
One student was referred from Mrs. Fords class three times. He was referred for
yelling, screaming, refusal to work and defiance. This student was referred for ED
and has since qualified. He is now in STRIDES at a different campus. This student is
on target and is very intelligent.

3rd Grade
Two students were referred from this grade level. One student made a threat
and made inappropriate comments. This student received two DRs and is in Ms.
Devilles class. The other student disrupted the classroom environment, mocked
the teacher, yelled and was confrontational with students and staff. This student
was in Ms. Littlejohns class. The student in Mrs. Devilles class is at an O reading
level MOY 3rd. Both students have withdrawn. Both students have stories and a
history that would be difficult to overcome. These students dealt with unique
situations, atypical of the majority of the students.
4th Grade
Three students received DRs for fighting. One student has an IAP for Dyslexia.
These students are in Mrs. Montagues/Perkins and Hendersons/Johns classes.
These students are all below reading level. They are reading at K and O reading
levels in 4th.

3. What is the relationship in discipline trends for students participating in academic

Six students receiving academic interventions also received DRs .
4. Why are disciplinary removals occurring?
Physical aggression, disruption of the classroom environment
How often?
Discipline removals occur at various times and not frequently. They only occur
when physical altercations occur.
In class and transition periods
Hallways or recess
5. How do discipline practices align with written discipline steps and processes?
In speaking with staff and PBIS/attendance committees, practices dont align
with discipline steps and processes. We are a PBIS and GE campus; however,
teachers noted that some teachers dont speak appropriately to students. Some
dont de-escalate situations, rather they escalate situations. As a PBIS campus,
teachers, along with students should also practice positive attitudes towards
others including students. Overall, teachers due well when referring students.
Currently, there are no written discipline steps and processes. The process thats
existed for the past 4 years is verbal. Teachers solicit feedback from
administrators and counselor when situations arise. PBIS committee noted that
this is something that needs to be worked on for next year, so that its written out.
6. What do the patterns reveal?

17 DRs were written. 10 students were in violation of the student code of

conduct. These 10 students were frequent visitors to the office, due to the
violation of the student code of conduct.
7. When are specific students referred?
Students are referred for physical aggression toward others, verbal threats,
destruction of personal or school property, and disruption of the classroom
Violation of student code of conduct and safety.
8. What are the staff patterns with referrals, including specific times when they
17 DRs were written; however, the majority of the incidents occurred during
transitions times within the classroom such as transitions from centers to other
centers and transition from class to CoCurr. 11 Drs. occurred within transition
9. What is the relationship between student and staff referrals?
Staff only refer students when they have caused extreme disruptions in the
classroom and harm to others.
Which patterns exist?
The majority of the discipline issues that occur are during transition times.

10. Are there specific staff behaviors that provoke student reactions?
When presenting this information to the staff, staff noted that theyve heard
others say things as; I know how to push his/her buttons. In addition, I shared
that Ive heard many of their peers speak in unsupportive ways to students and
when they see me, their demeanors change. In addition, staff stated that they
too have heard some of their peers deliver consequences in a not so positive

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