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Know Your Research

You and your group will use your research sheets in order
to develop your debate and argument. Each person is
responsible for three research sheets.

State your claim.

Explain your reason.

Support your evidence using your research.

Evaluate your source.

How to Research

The Four Rs

1. Generate questions about a

topic or position.
2. Choose a specific part of
your position.
3. Determine the type of
media you're going to use.
4. Evaluate every source.

A source is relevant if it
relates to your narrow topic.
A source is recent if it
contains the latest
information about a topic.
A source is representative if
explains different viewpoints
on a controversial topic.
A source is reliable if it
includes accurate


Analyze your issue with your group by brainstorming what each

person may already know and what you will need to learn.
Divide and conquer. You are part of a teamYou should not all
search for the same articles!
Take notes.
Everyone on your team should read everyone elses research. You
all need to fully understand the topic!

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