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Evaluation Question 3- What Kind

of Media Institution Might

Distribute Your Product and Why?

Bauer Media

Bauer media group are a publishing organisation,

who have published magazines such as Kerrang,
Q magazine and Mojo magazine.

Why they would publish my magazine:

One reason that this institution would publish my magazine, is because both our target
audiences would intertwine. On their website, they state that their strongest audience is of
people from 16-34. From the research I conducted, I found that the target audience for my
music magazine was 16-21 year-olds. As a result, it is clear that Bauer would be a good
choice, as their already well-established audience, would be interested in my magazine, as
it appeals to them as readers.
Also, it is the institution under which my magazine would most likely become successful.
This is because the 16-34 audience segment of Bauer media, is a group responsible for 66
hours of media consumption each. As this is a very high amount, in an industry which is
becoming less popular, which is shown in my survey monkey results, which proves the low
number of magazine sales. This would be beneficial, as it would maximise the number of
my magazine sales, through Bauers audiences high media consumption.
Also, through studying Bauers portfolio, evident in my research of the UK music magazine
research, it is clear that the type of magazines they publish are synonymous with my
genre. They have produced magazines such as Kerrang, Q magazine and Mojo magazine.
All these magazines facilitate for alternative artists and bands, outside of the mainstream
of chart music. This would help, as my genre is heavy metal, which is considered to be an
genre outside the mainstream of music. Also, the target audience of Mojo and Kerrang, are

Why is Distribution Important?

Distribution is important, because it effects who your
magazine is available to. As a result, this has an impact
upon your target audience. For example, if your
publishing institution typically caters to an audience
that likes chart or hip-hop music, and you are producing
a folk magazine, it is unlikely that the magazine will be
successful, as their audience will not recognise the
magazine as something that they want to read.

I used my masthead and logo in order to dictate

my brand image, as I think it sums up the
connotations of the genre.
Both the nuclear sign and the barbed wire
connote the danger associated with the music. Its
aggressive tone implies that is dangerous
Therefore, this reflection of danger through
symbolism, as we know that we shouldnt touch
barbed wire, as it is harmful, the same with the
nuclear sign, as it is used to signal the presence
of radiation, which we recognise as harmful;
means that my audience associates my
masthead with the genre.
Furthermore, I picked a font for the masthead,
that is distorted. This is because is relates
strongly to the genre. It is used commonly
throughout the genre, both in other magazines
related to the music, such as Kerrang and Metal
Hammer, but it is also used on album covers and
artist logos. This is because it relates to the
music itself, with the distortion of the font,
mimicking the distortion of the music, which
makes a cohesive representation of the genre. As
this type of font is relevant and present within the
genre, my audience will associate my magazine
with the music, making it more likely to be
bought, and therefore become successful.

My Brand Im

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