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Critical Appraisal of Policy

Learning Activity

The graduate nurse will be responsible to read through the

policy written by the hospital on nasogastric tube placement.
After reading the policy the student will be responsible to find
literature that suggests that the practice of using an air
embolus is best practice. The student must find 5 current
research articles within five years and write a two page paper to
support their argument if this practice is the best method to
find NG tube placement.
Cognitive: Students must find literature that supports current
practice or why it should be changed (Evaluating & Analyzing)

Domain of Learning
(Blooms Taxonomy
Affective: The student will reflect on their findings and discuss
what they may change (Receiving, Responding & Valuing)
At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will:
Learning Objective(s)
- Evaluate if the current practice is evidence based.

Properly assemble evidence to support their view.

Preparation Required
The instructor will be responsible to providing a copy of the
by Teacher/Facilitator and
current policy and procedure on NG tube placement, and
Materials Needed
students will have access to the computer lab.
Time Allotted

Learning Styles
Addressed by Activity

Students will have one week to complete this assignment and

turn it into their instructor.
Students will be learning through experience due to the
previous lecture, and hands on classroom activities to build a
foundation for nurses to locate appropriate evidence. This
activity will give students further experience in EBP.

How is content connected As students will have previous knowledge from lecture, an
to prior learning?
online computer workshop and previous classroom activities.
Reflective Debriefing Each student will be responsible for their one to two page paper
with Learners (post- and turn it into their clinical instructor. The clinical instructor

learning activity) How will will provide feedback written individually to each student to
it be accomplished?
give feedback on the assignment.
Evaluation of Learning The assignment will be graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory
(How will it be
score, and written feedback from the clinical instructor will
give the student a direct response on their work.
Teacher Reflection

Overall, the student will have the opportunity to compare

current practice with literature and evaluate if their practice is
(justify choice of learning the best methods for use. After the assignment is finished the
activity and good fit for instructor will discuss with the class how to change current
the identified learning
practice and give example of how nurses can change these
practices based on evidence within their own unit.

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