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Narrative Script

Background Information
West Kalimantan, one of the five Indonesian provinces in Kalimantan, holds a
population of about 4,396,000 (2010 census) and includes ethnic groups such as the Dayak,
Malay, Chinese, Javanese, Bugis, and Madurese. Because of this, West Kalimantan holds a
unique people with even more unique lifestyles. It is these lifestyles that interest us,
specifically the regions poverty and health. These are the two main topics that we enquired
into during this IDU. We investigated more upon West Kalimantans poverty and health in
mainly three places: Pontianak, Singkawang, and Monterado.
Pontianak, West Kalimantans capital, is a large multicultural trading port city and
occupies an area of 107.82 km in the delta of the Kapuas River. The 2010 census enumerated
Pontianak's population at 554,764 consisting mostly of Chinese. Pontianak was founded on
23 October 1771 by Syarif Abdurrahman Alkadrie to be the central government of the
Pontianak Sultanate. From there, it has evolved into the beautiful Pontianak seen today.
Singkawang is a city located 145 km north of Pontianak, surrounded by the Pasi,
Poteng, and Sakok mountains. According to the 2014 Census, the population of Singkawang
is 192,844, most of which are of Chinese descents. Singkawang has a diverse history, as it
was once a city of temples where the Chinese worshipped at, a Roman Catholic main station,
and a permanent residence of Roman Catholic clergy.
Monterado is a sub-district in the area of Bengkawang, close to the city of
Singkawang. It was founded in 1775, long before Indonesias independence. It was founded
by the Chinese for the gold mines there. It uniquely was its own republic once, and even
though it was rich in gold mines, it is still a regular village even until now.

Knowing these facts, we can delve deeper into the state of poverty and health in these

State of Poverty and Health in West Kalimantan

Poverty and health go hand-in-hand as we talk about them. Poverty results in poor
health, and by knowing this, we can make an estimate of the peoples deprivation through
seeing their nutrition. Here are the results from our health survey that we took at SMP
Immanuel (Pontianak) and SMPN 1 Monterado (Monterado):

Table 1

Comparison between Schools


Total Average of

Total Average of

Total Average of




SMP Immanuel

937.438 calories




920.635 calories




Table 1 shows that SMP Immanuel and SMPN 1 Monterado have relatively the same amount
of calories+proteins intake but have a diverse fat intake. The difference of calories is about 17
calories, the difference of fats is about 46g, and the difference of proteins is about 1g.

Table 2

Comparison to Recommended Amounts


Total Average of

Total Average

Total Average of


of Fats


SMP Immanuel

937.438 calories



SMPN 1 Monterado

920.635 calories



SMP Immanuel+SMPN 1

929.036 calories



1,800-2,400 calories



Recommended Amounts

Table 2 shows that the people taking the survey mostly do not reach the required amounts of
calories, fats, and proteins. The amount of calorie intake drastically differs between the
schools amount and the recommended amount (the recommended amount is almost twice as
much as the schools intake amount). Also, although SMP Immanuel has reached the fat
requirement intake of at least 50g, SMPN 1 Monterado is drastically 40g short of the
recommended amount. They are also a bit short of 4g-6g of protein of the recommended

Government Activities Used to Help Reduce Poverty and Increase Public

There are multiple programs created by the government to cope with poverty in
Indonesia. These programs are mostly implemented in villages around West Kalimantan, such
as the Monterado area, where we visited. The programs utilised there are:

Health Programs

JAMKESMAS or Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat: Ensures that poor citizens

would receive free health care from Puskesmas, and selected hospitals.
Citizens would need to apply for JAMKESMAS, and they would be evaluated
by officials.

JAMKESDA or Jaminan Kesehatan Daerah: Citizens would pay either 25.500,

42.500, or 55.500 to the government. Using the money stored, the government
would be able to help out the paying citizens cope with medical fees.

These programs has made a change in Monterado. With these programs in

place, the local Puskesmas received more patients, since these programs help
the citizens cope with medical needs.

Poverty Programs

RASKIN or Beras untuk Rumah Tangga Miskin: A government program

which provides poor families with rice monthly. It is used in Monterado.

PNPM or Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat: A program which

helps citizens with their business. This programs help poor business owners to
expand their business. There are two types of this program, the PNPM
Lingkungan Mandiri Perdesaan and PNPM Mandiri Infrastruktur Perdesaan.
The PNPM program is now replaced with PNPM GSC. GSC stands for
Generasi Sehat Cerdas. It is used in Monterado.

BOS or Program Bantuan Operasional Sekolah: The BOS program helps with
poor students in school. This program alleviates the burden that poor families
might suffer when sending their children to school. This program can help by
providing necessary materials that the student needs for school. The
government gives money to the school for them to be able to buy the students
such materials, and for them to be able to replace broken materials in school.
The money given is based on the number of students in the school. This
program is utilised in the SMPN 1 Monterado.

BSM or Program Bantuan Siswa Miskin: This program gives money to poor
students to help them pay for school. Each grade student may apply, and they

will be evaluated. It is used in SMP 1 Monterado, and in SMP Immanuel in

limited quantities.

BSP or Program Bea Siswa Prestasi: A program created by the government for
students with good achievements in school by helping them with college. This
program is used in SMP Monterado.

Seen from the data we collected from SMP Immanuel and SMPN 1 Monterado, we
can conclude that the state of health is below average. The amount of intake of calories, fats,
and proteins are drastically lower than the recommended amounts. Their intake of calories is
especially low, as the recommended amounts are almost double their intake presently. The
intake of fats from SPMN 1 Monterado are 5 times less than the recommended amount, but
SMP Immanuels fat intake manages to reach the minimum of the recommended amounts.
The intake of proteins are around 4g short of the recommended amounts. This all proves that
the health state in these schools are quite poor.
There are several reasons to this that leads to our knowing of the state of poverty.
First, the people taking the survey may not care about their health, which might be why they
have such poor state of health. This can be true with SMP Immanuel, as they are situated in
Pontianak, a moderately rich city; the people taking the survey are not very poor, and so they
believe they can eat whatever they want. However, for SMPN 1 Monterado the conditions are
different, as the students there are not moderately rich. We know this from the other
questionnaires we asked the locals, where we found out that the town is quite rural and less
fortunate than Pontianak, as they have no consistent electricity, no access to clean water, and
have different government programs to support their living like RASKIN. This leads to the

suggestion that their state of poverty is quite bad that they are struggling to have enough food
to eat, which might be the reason why their state of health is so low.
With this in mind, we can then identify that the state of poverty in Monterado is quite
poor, as they have a poor state of health, inconsistent electricity, no access to clean water, and
have various government programs to aid their living. However, we discovered something
shocking when the locals explained that most of the government programs that were meant to
support were not active. From our interviews, we found out that only the government
program of RASKIN was active and that it was only partially active. The other programs of
JAMKESMAS, JAMKESDA, and PNPM were not active in Monterado, the locals said.
Therefore, the ignoring of central government policy affects the nutritional health of those in
poverty; with several of the government programs inactive, the people living in poverty could
not live to their full advantage. Because the RASKIN program, which was made to supply
rice to the locals, was not active most of the time, the people had to live without a supplement
of rice, which causes the lack in nutritional health. A lack in nutritional health may cause
several consequences such as tendency to be more sick, a less vivacious system, a poor
developing body (especially for young people), and a less capable immune system. These
consequences might pose a problem to the puskesmas, or local health center, and if the
government programs are not active at the puskesmas, the people might get even more sick.
This ignoring of central government policy might set off a chain reaction that might evolve
into a national threat in the future, as more people might be in further poverty and in poorer
health conditions.

Response as a Christian Believer

Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger
now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. -Luke

Even though poverty might not be such an optimistic thing to think about, God states in Luke
6:20-21 that poor people inherit something that rich people cannot. A poor person is special in
Gods eyes, as seen in the verses; God cares for both the poor and the rich. He understands
that the life of the poor person is rough, and He comforts them with these verses. Just as God
cares about a poor person, so should we Christian believers care for them as well.

West Kalimantan. Wonderful Indonesia. Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia, n.d.
Web. 24 Mar. 2016.
Pontianak. Wonderful Indonesia. Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia, n.d. Web. 24

Mar. 2016. <>.

Singkawang, City of a Thousand Chinese Temples. Wonderful Indonesia. Ministry of
Tourism, Republic of Indonesia, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.
Manterado. Kidnesia. Kompas Gramedia, 13 Jun. 2015. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.

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