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Student Name: Fang Kai Gan 21896665

Information Session Log Book 1

Day and time of Information Session : 16 March 2016 8:00

What stakeholders have you identified so far in your context? Complete an IFR for one of
these groups and explain why this plot is useful for the design process
The stakeholders that I identified so far were:
1. Informal waste collectors
2. Government
3. Waste for Life
4. University ( UWA )
5. Waste traders
6. Community based organisations
7. Low & middle income groups ( Locals )
8. High income groups ( Locals )

General impression
towards us (positivity)


Health and



The above is the IFR for the general population of Colombo. This IFR is very important in the
design process because it allows us as engineers to have a rough idea on what the
stakeholders feel about us and what problems we can expect to face. With this plot, it is easier
for us to prepare for the problems the might arise after the project has begun,

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