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The Branch Manager,

Punjab National Bank, Bidanasi,
CDA, Cuttack.
Sub: Some problems in my S.B. A/C-4986000100015550 for SMS
alert in my registered mobile.
With reference to the subject cited above, I am to state that, I
have received one message on dt-08.02.16 in my mobile
(9437227075) which is registered for SMS alert with my above S.B.
A/C that as per your request the mobile number for SMS
alert has been changed. But in this context, I am to say that, I
have not requested to your bank for change of my mobile number
to my A/C. In this regard I met you on 9.02.16 personally and
appraised the matter to you verbally. Then you have taken steps
for inclusion of my mobile number in my above S.B. A/C. But it is
regret to mention here that, on the same day i.e. 09.02.16 in the
evening I received again one message regarding change of my
mobile number. Then I contacted your Officer on 11.02.16 over
phone and gave the complain to sort-out the matter.
In this connection, I would request you to look into the matter
personally and sort-out the reason, who is doing this mischievous
work and where it is doing. An immediate action may please be
requested in this regard or I will be bound to close the above
account with your bank.
Yours faithfully

(Dhirendra Kumar
Plot No-E/5, Sector-7

CDA, Cuttack-753014

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