Bento Muso

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Benito Mussolini, a fearsome figure in World War 2, has left a profound impact in
mankinds history. Just as influential as his action, his life is filled with surprising factors
that differs from normal people. This paper served to elaborate the personal life of one
of the most powerful dictator of all time.
Early life:
Born in Dovia di Predappio, Forl, Italy, Mussolini was borned into an unique family. His
father is a local blacksmith who dedicated himself to socialism and would often spend
much income on prostitution. His mother was more angelic. She is a schoolteacher and
a devout Christian. Influenced more by his father, Mussolini prefered to rebel against
authority and follow socialism. This wild characteristic of him resulted in him being
expelled out of high school.
Significant Events:
As the years passed by, he remained an impassioned socialist and due to his
enthusiastic charisma, he was deported from Switzerland and later on, he became the
editor of Avanti, a newspaper that greatly expanded his influence and audience. During
1915, unlike his fellow socialists, Mussolini agreed with Italy on its decision to enter
World War 1, which results in his peers ostracized him and he lost his job as the editor.
This was the turning point of Mussolinis life as he renounced his belief in socialism.
When the Great War ended, Mussolini was distraught of his governments weakness in
Treaty of Versailles so he started campaigned and manage to combine several rightwing groups into the FASCIST party, the foundation of extreme nationalism or fascism.
By 1925, as Mussolini rose to the rank of supreme dictator, he applied his power to
conduct many public programs and had managed to increase the welfare of Italians
while reduced unemployment.

During the World War 2 period, under the strict hands of Mussolini, Italy had
successfully invaded Ethiopia and Greece. These achievements had led to the allies
between Italy and the Nazis armies of Hitler.
Character Traits:
Benito Mussolini was especially good at debating and persuasion. With his adept skills,
he lured many factions of the current government to follow his belief, fascism, with great
In addition, he is extremely draconian with his people. It was said that Italy came only
third behind China and Germany in term of executed prisoners.
The life of one of the world greatest dictator no doubt influenced greatly to his ruling
Benito Mussolini. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2016, from

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