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Monday, February 15th.

Act 2 scene 3 : Did you have fun ?

Sophie's half-term :
Sophie went to Ireland for half-term (vacances). She flew from London to Dublin.
She attended (= go) a dance competition. She visited Dublin and learnt (apprendre)
the history of Ireland. She stayed (rester) with her uncle and aunt. The weather was
sunny and warm.
Le prtrit : C'est le temps du pass. Gnralement on ajoute -ed ou -d au verbe.
Mais il y a des verbes irrguliers : ex : go went / learn learnt / is was ou fly -flew
Monday, March 7th.
Le prtrit (suite) :
- forme affirmative : I played / she liked...
- forme interrogative : Did you play... ? / Did she like... ?
- forme ngative : I didn't play... / She didn't like...
- on utilise did aux formes ngatives et interrogatives
- il y a 3 faons de prononcer le ed du prtrit : /d/ (played), /t/ (liked), /id/
Tuesday, March 8th.
Rponses courtes au prtrit :
Did she like hamburgers ? Yes, she did.

Did he go to Paris ? No, he didn't.

Exercice 45 page 138 : conjugue le verbe au prtrit.

1- Last Sunday, it rained all day. (rain)
2- Did you go out ? (go) No, we didn't.
3- We stayed at home (stay) and worked (work).
4- What did you do ? (do)
5- We painted the living-room yellow ! (paint)
Exercice 7 page 53 : retour de voyage. Pose la question.
1- Where did you go ? I went to Paris.
2- With who did you go ? With my parents.
3- Where did you stay ? We stayed with friends.
4- What did you do ? We went shopping and sightseeing (visite touristique).
5- Did you have fun / Did you like it? Yes, I did. It was fun.
Thursday, March 10th.

My teacher's last (dernier) big trip (voyage) :

My teacher went to Chicago in 2011. She flew with Air Canada. She stayed with some
friends for seven weeks. She visited Chicago and Niagara Falls (chutes du Niagara),
did some shopping, went to Legoland, ate hamburgers and hot dogs... The weather was
very hot and sunny.
Attention Verbe Irrgulier : manger eat ate eaten
Monday, March 14th.
Act 2 scene 4 : who was I ?
Ludwig Van Beethoven was a German composer (compositeur). He was born in 1770
and he died in 1827. Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch (hollandais) painter, he was born
in 1853 and he died in 1890. Charles Dickens was an English writer, he was born in
1812 and he died in 1870.
Pour dire une anne, on coupe en deux :
18/53 : eighteen fifty-three

20/03 : twenty o three

Tuesday, March 15th.

Questions au prtrit :
Where were you born ? I was born in Mont Saint Aignan.
When were you born ? I was born in 1974.
What was Beethoven's job ? He was a composer.
What was his nationality ? He was German.
Rappel : when : quand

where : o

I / he / she / it was

We / you / they were

Who was I ? Mozart was born in 1756 and died in 1791. He was an Austrian
(autrichien) composer and pianist. He composed concertos, symphonies... William
Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. He was an English writer. He wrote
Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet...
Verbe irrgulier : write / wrote / written / crire
Thursday, March 17th.
Romo et Juliette : C'est une pice de thtre crite par Shakespeare au 17 e sicle.
C'est l'histoire d'un amour impossible entre deux adolescents de deux familles qui se

font la guerre : les Montague et les Capulet. L'histoire se passe Vrone en Italie.
Monday, March 21st.
Saint Patrick :
He was born around (environ) 300. When he was 16, he was captured by pirates. He
became a sheperd (berger) and more religious. He heard a voice and saw a vision : he
went to France. He became a priest (prtre) called (appel) Patricius. He went back
to Ireland and converted the population to Christianity. He died on the 17th of
March. The Irish parade and wear green on that day.
Verbes irrguliers :
hear heard heard entendre

see saw seen - voir

Bilan Acte 2 scnes 3 et 4 :

- Saint Patrick et Romo et Juliette
- le prtrit sous toutes ses formes
- les questions au prtrit
- le vocabulaire
- dire une anne.
Exercice 10 page 53 : pose la question pour obtenir le renseignement qui manque.
1- Molire was born in +++
When was he born ?
2- He wrote +++
What did he write ?
3- He married +++
Who did he marry ?
4- He had +++ children.
How many children did he have ?
5- He died in +++
When did he die ?
where : o
when : quand
birth : naissance death : mort
plays : pices de thtre

how many : combien

Exercice 49 page 139 : pose cinq questions.

1- date of birth : When was he born ?
2- date of death : When did he die.
3- nationality : What was his nationality ?
4- profession : What was his job ?
5- number of plays : How many plays did he write ?

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