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Copyright 2014 Phil & Denise Williams

115 Bluebill Drive

Savannah, GA 31419
United States
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by an information storage and retrieval
system except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine,
newspaper or on the Web without permission in writing from the author.
This book was published with the assistance of the helpful folks at

Farmer Phils Permaculture is dedicated to

the spikey weeds of the future that blaze
a new trail by transforming suburban
lawns and monoculture farms into natural
abundance for people, plants, and animals.

Eden was so excited to move to the

country to live on a farm!
Her dad said, Im tired of this rat race
pulling me by the arm.

She didnt know he was racing rats.

She was excited to take care of the
chickens and play with the cats.

Eden was disappointed. It looked

more like a factory than a farm.
The crops were in rows, making
it easy for the pests to do harm.

It was sad and grey.

Her dad said, My goodness was I led astray?

One day Eden was walking along their fence, and she
found a hole.
She peered through and what she saw warmed her soul!
The bees buzzed, the chickens scratched, the fish swam,
and the flowers bloomed.

A man noticed Eden looking through.

He sauntered over and said,
How do you do?
My name is Eden and Im blue.
Im Farmer Phil, is there anything I can do?
Your farm is so beautiful and bright.
Daddy says, our farm is a disgraceful sight.
Farmer Phil replied, You must observe
to have a lovely preserve.

Eden watched the chickens.

They were cooped up with slim pickins.
They had nothing to do,
but fight and poo.
They never saw the sun, the grass, or a bug.
Eden thought they needed a hug.

Then she watched the sheep. They were

bothered by bugs day and night.
Eden thought, They shouldnt have to
put up such a fight.

Bite, Bite, Bite.

B other, B other,
B other.

Eden went back to the hole in the fence.

Well hello Eden, hows it going over there?
I think things might be beyond repair.
Observing doesnt make sense
on my side of the fence.

Eden, youre smart.

In what activities do you like to take part?
I like to run in the sun and read a book in my nook.
Eden replied.
After watching the chickens, what do you think
they like to do?

They like to go outside and scratch,

but bugs are what they really love to
You see Eden a chicken wants to be
a chicken, just like you want to be a
little girl.

Edens dad was unhappy and tired.

He worked so hard, but his farm was uninspired.
Eden ran over, Daddy, Daddy I know what to do!
Observing the animals gave me a clue.
Eden, I dont have time to play.
I have to fix our farm... its in disarray!

Eden opened the door to the chicken house.

Her dad was unaware because she was quiet
as a mouse.
The chickens happily exited the cramped pens.
Eden had never seen such happy hens.
Edens Dad was very
The chickens have to
stay inside! How could
you forget?
Eden said, Look how
happy they are. Theres
no reason to fret.

The chickens were happy being chickens.

They left the feed, in favor of bugs and weeds.
The chickens saw the sheep and knew just what to do.
They jumped on their backs, eating the bugs, making
the sheep happy too!

Edens Dad couldnt win.

His apple trees were filled with worms again.
He asked, Why is Mother Nature doing this to me?
Eden replied, Dont worry Ill find the answer, youll see.

Bur row,
Bur row
Yum, Yum,
apples so
ave none.

Eden ran to the hole in the fence

to find Farmer Phil.
She was surprised to find him
lounging on the hill.
Farmer Phil, Farmer Phil, my farm
is in need!
Eden, how are you? Mother
Nature sure is beautiful, indeed.
Thats just it Farmer Phil, Mother
Nature is hurting us.
Our apples are filled with worms,
causing quite a fuss.

Eden, dont worry,

youll figure it out.
I will give you a hint
though, its not a bout.
Let Mother Nature be
your guide.
Try working with her,
and she will provide.

Eden thought about what she learned from Farmer Phil.

She wondered why the apple trees in the woods
werent ill.
Before long a light bulb lit up her mind.
Dad, Dad, the problem is
how our farm is designed!
Edens dad perked up, I hope
your news will fix my mood.
Dad, we need to turn the
apple orchard into a forest
of food.

Edens dad was curious about

Farmer Phil, so she took him to
the fence.
He loved what he saw and said,
This makes so much sense!
Howdy neighbor, Im Farmer Phil!
Edens dad replied, Thank you for
all your goodwill!
No need to thank me, from the
way things look.
Youre already studying from
natures book.

Eden and her dad went on to build their

own permaculture farm.
The animals were happy and the food
forest was filled with charm.
Edens dad took the fence down.
Together they spread permaculture
throughout the town.


Farmer Phils Glossary

Aquaculture is the growing of water plants and the raising of fish or other water animals.
Aquaculture is the most productive type of farming, far surpassing land based farming
in protein, vegetable production, and soil building. Permaculture designs typically include
aquaculture. Farmer Phil is raising fish in his pond.
Cob is a building material made from clay, sand, straw, and water. This natural building
material is fire proof, uses energy wisely, and the materials are inexpensive. Farmer Phils
home is a cob house.
Food Forests are the orchards of the permaculture world. Permaculture designers copy
natural forests by including the seven layers of a forest, using plants that provide fertilizer to
surrounding trees, and using many different plants to limit the insect problems of a typical
orchard. Can you find Farmer Phils food forest?
Herb Spirals are herb gardens built in a spiral pattern to take advantage of the many
microclimates (sun, shade, wet, and dry) that the pattern creates in a small space. In this
system one can have many different herbs close to the kitchen for easy access. Farmer Phil
has an herb spiral near his front door.
Mandala Garden is a garden using a circular pattern of keyholes. This style of garden gives
lots of planting space and needs little pathway space. Be sure to check out Farmer Phils
mandala garden!
Monoculture is the growing of a single crop in an area. Most farms in the United States grow
single crops for easy planting and harvesting. Insects love this type of farming, because they
can easily find their favorite foods in nice neat rows, just like the grocery store. Also, it causes
soil erosion which is the washing or blowing away of the top layer of soil. Farmer Phil prefers
to grow many different plants together.
Permaculture is a way of designing with the goal of building systems that work with nature.
A permaculture garden will be more fruitful, require less work, and be wonderful for the
planet. Farmer Phil says, Permaculture is about caring for people and the planet.
Polyculture is the growing of many crops in an area. Growing many plants together can
produce more food that is better tasting, more nutritious, and without pest problems. Can
you find where Farmer Phil uses polyculture?
Swales in permaculture are ditches that are used to slow water down and grow trees. Can
you pick out Farmer Phils swales?

Three Sisters Garden is a Native American way of planting corn, beans, and squash
together. The corn holds up the bean stalks, and gives the squash the shade it likes. The beans
add fertilizer for the corn, and the squash stops weeds from growing. Look for Farmer Phils
corn and find the beans growing up the stalks, with squash on the ground.
If you would like additional information about permaculture and the authors, please check out

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