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JMeck WFED495C-2

One Teach, One Drift on Converting Binary

Co-Teaching-One Teach, One Drift on Converting Binary & Hexadecimal numbers

Name of Instructor: Jeffrey A. Meck
Program Title: Computer Service Technology
Course Title: Computer Service Technology
Unit Title: Knowledge of Computer Function and Operations
Lesson Title: Co-Teaching-One Teach, One Drift- Converting Binary and Hexadecimal
Lesson Objectives: This is a co-teaching lesson using the One Teach, One Drift method on
Converting Binary and Hexadecimal numbers to Decimals. Computer operating systems use
binary numbers only and hexadecimals are used for MAC and Memory Port addresses. The goal
of the lesson is to let the students experience the One Teach, One Drift teaching method while
they learn how to calculate and convert decimal numbers into the binary and hexadecimal number
systems that are the necessary for computing and networking.
Time (length of lesson): 35 40 minutes, 20-25 min explanation and demonstration, 15 - 20 min.
calculating the problems in the assessment of the students absorption of the content and
acquisition of the math skills needed.
Equipment and Materials needed: Whiteboard, Instructor guide, math or physics instructor to
demonstrate the math and science skills and assessment form.
Academic Standard(s) and Anchor(s) and/or Common Core Standard addressed by this lesson:
PA Core Standards
CC.3.OA.2 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Interpret wholenumber quotients of whole numbers
CC.9-12.A.CED.1 Create equations that describe numbers or relationship.
Technical Standard(s) or Competencies taught in this lesson:
POS 15.1202.206: Identify the functions of an operating system.
POS 15.1202.504: Explain the purpose and characteristics of CPUs and their features.
Introduction: This lesson is a co-teaching lesson using the One Teach, One Drift teaching method
on Converting Binary and Hexadecimal numbers. The math instructor will describe the various
methods to convert decimal numbers to binary and hexadecimal numbers. The second instructor
will drift around the classroom taking note of how the method is working and show the students
how to apply the conversion methods to students who are stumped by individual questions. This
method allows individual instruction at the same time the lesson is being given. The two
instructors will work concurrently to maximize the time students are exposed to the material with
both the instructor and math teacher available for students as they ask questions and work on
problems in the assignment. While one segment of the lesson is being explained the other teacher
will to observe the class and offer support where its needed.
This lesson is a co-teaching lesson using the One Teach, One Drift teaching method on
Converting Binary and Hexadecimal numbers. The CST instructor will explain why we need to
use the two different numbering systems for computer and networking. They use binary numbers
because electrical signals can be turned on and off to represent 0s and 1s. Hexadecimal numbers


JMeck WFED495C-2

One Teach, One Drift on Converting Binary

are used for MAC and memory port addresses because they can display very large numbers with
less digits. The math instructor will describe the various methods to convert decimal numbers to
binary and hexadecimal numbers. The CST instructor will drift around the classroom taking note
of how the method is working and show the students how to apply the conversion methods to
students who are stumped by individual questions. This method allows individual instruction at
the same time the lesson is being given. The two instructors will work concurrently to maximize
the time students are exposed to the material with both the instructor and math teacher available
for students as they ask questions and work on problems in the assignment. While one segment of
the lesson is being explained the other teacher will to observe the class and offer support where
its needed. Before and after his math segment, the math teacher will observe the students and
also be available to assist any student who needs help.
The student handout and assessment with conversion problems is attached.
Summary: This lesson uses the One Teach, One Drift teaching method to teach how to Convert
Binary and Hexadecimal numbers. The math instructor will describe the various methods to
convert decimal numbers to binary and hexadecimal numbers. The second instructor will drift
around the classroom taking note of how the method is working and show the students how to
apply the conversion methods to students. This method allows individual instruction at the same
time the lesson is being given. The two instructors will work concurrently to maximize the time
students are exposed to the material with both the instructor and math teacher available for
students as they ask questions and work on problems in the assignment. After the explanation and
demonstration the instructor and teacher will both provide assistance as the students calculate the
answers for each part.
Evaluation/Student Assessment: Attached is the students assessment form to be completed at the
end of this lesson plan.
This will be few questions to evaluate understanding and application of the content. A second
assessment will be done by observing and taking notes of the students efforts, and the techniques
effectiveness, while giving assistance.
Special Needs Adaptations and/or Accommodations (please identify which you are using):
I will review the ESL student list and create accommodations for each individual student
according to their IEP. Modified assessment questions will be provided.
English as a Second Language (ESL) Adaptations and/or Accommodations (please identify which
you are using):
I will review the ESL student list and create adaptations for each individual student with an ESL
designation. I am using neither Adaptations and/or Accommodations for ESL as I have no ESL

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