Passing and Digging Lesson 5

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Passing and Digging

Nov. 13, 2015

Grade: 8
Duration: 40 minutes
Curriculum Expectations: (B. Movement Competence Skills Strand of
the Grade 8 Ontario Curriculum)
By the end of Grade 8 students will
B1.3 use and combine sending, receiving, and retaining skills in response to
a variety of external
stimuli, while applying basic principles of movement*
B1.4 demonstrate an understanding of the phases of movement (i.e.,
preparation, execution,
follow-through) and apply this understanding to the refinement of movement
skills in a variety
of physical activities (e.g., assume a ready position, swing, and follow
through in a badminton
stroke; reach, pull, and recover when doing the back crawl).
Learning Goals:
By the end of the lesson students will
1. have a proper understanding of proper passing technique (i.e. proper
body position, proper contact surface, proper body rotation, and proper
follow through).
2. achieve a better knowledge of volleyball rules and scoring.
Evidence of Learning:
- Formative assessment (check for sportsmanship)
1. Volleyballs
2. Volleyball net
3. Volleyball rules
4. Clipboard with class list (for checking sportsmanship).
Learning Plan:

Rehash what we did the day before (serving underhand and overhand)
o Remind them what 1, 2, or 3 whistle blows mean. Tell them that
2 consecutive whistles means go the end line and take a knee.
- Lead them in warm-ups and stretches.
o Do revised knee-bends that look like underhand serving stances
o Do squats right to the ground.
o Do frog hop across the width of the gym and back
- Demonstrate proper digging stance for a normal attack. Use volleyball
players as an example. (5min)
o 1 foot a bit forward
o Wide stance
o Knees bent
o Arms ready.
- Throw the ball to a partner below their waste. (10 min)
o The receiver should catch the ball and absorb it. Pretend the ball
is heavy and you must absorb the weight
o Throw the ball harder.
- With the same partner bump the ball off of the throw using the
technique you just learned (5 min)
- Get Leslie, Kirkwood, and Minoque to set up net. Create two
circles as a class and have one student in the middle throwing the ball
to the people in the circle below their waste. The people in the circle
must return the ball to the middle man (10 min).
o Switch middleman halfway.
- Serve n pass (10-15 min).
o Squads one and two serve over the net. Squads 3 and 4 partner
up. One receives the serve the other catches the pass. Switch
every serve received
o Switch sides so squads 1 and two are digging.
- Stretches
- Talk about what the students learned today, if anything.
- Talk about another potential test.
Reinforce why it is important that we do so many repetitions of a skill.
Repeatability is a proven way to improve and automate a particular action. If
you perform the skill properly, your repetition of a skill engrains the process
in your head so it becomes almost second nature.
Simple, Attainable, Repeatable, Risk management.

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