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Intre n SG Cewen Is a financlalin@ustrié firm Mese@ In thy Unita States. The firm is leakingte recrult f,r Its gsstclate pregram. Tha case tutlines tha metheas, pracess an@ Gecislan critarla that tho campany uses te arriva at tha final aecision. We have stufilag an® assessed these processes, criteria using the madols frem the caurs* sek ang material and hava suggested Im,revemants wheraver pessiBla,W- hve alse designed IInameal that will « [lew the firm te stangarg!ze andl auantify the various criterla it uses In Its hiring daclslen. Using thls IInearmagel, we have assessed 4 canglaatesthat tha firm|s leakine t, hire and glnnogae wn tho 2 m, st ellgIBlacan@ldates Sltuatienal a at each stage The hiring ore cess fir new associates usag ti kr ain In the fall. The company weul@ make presentations In the cere schvels, But rasumas fram nen-cere schtvls weulg als, Be accepteg, Tha presentations facussag ,n eCucating the stugents ali ut the company and tho advantages ef | elnga part wf S G Cawan. The precass after that can Be Wrekan up Inte three Stageach sf these stages hel, a@ the company mak: a daclslen @, «ut the candlgataang Is a kay decision paint fer the firm. Different ere meters were InekaG at glfferent sts ges, The three stages ang the gecislan, eintsin aach ara as fi llewst Stago 1 - Infe rmatienal Interviews aftor the campus presentations, Intereste g Stugents wera invitegt? visitthe s G Cewan effice ang Interact with thebankars there. The ugh this pre cass was nat evaluative,sema ameunt ef Insight abs ut the canalaate coulg be sathoreg !7 this stage. Same gecisianpoints that were Invelveg thls stage werar Is the Cangl@s te Intwreste@ jn the ceMBPeny! - Chip Raa belleved that this hel, 06 In self Whe werg actually Interaste@in the firm. Bellavaa wh, wantod te MO m, 70 prepared f° tha first raund Interviawsyill take the effi rt and visitIngthe fflce. «Is the canglts te» self starter? - S G Cowen wes a hautlaue rir 876 hag an entrepreneurial culture. Mast ef the associates wera glven responsiblilties «ng decision me king pawer right fram tha start. Due te thls, It was belleved If a stugent went the extra mile te kniw mer aBeut the company, he wuld — wall In tho cultures f the firm. That Is why havine a background as an ontrogranaur helsthe case ef the candlaat: lysis: The hiring grecess and - clslen gelnts In an-campus Intervilewsvera dina te screen tha cangiMatesfer tho “Supor Ss y’ Interviawsware can@ucteg By the associates er senlar was Becauso Rae Belleved that the sanler the final Interviewsang an cle sing « ffers. It ~ SReeonot selecting stu@ents In Stago 2_@n campusthatria students the reung, tura: These was alse molfP0bgtifht HAD alUsiatesasagcatler associates will Be mere In tune GRR EME ALIS BADY SERB ang will Wo mara riatraus In assessing the skills. There were twe reunds ef Interview cen@uctod ang finaly 3 candidates wore shartllste@irem the sche al. Sema fecisianpalntswhich are cansifareg In this stage are! + @eas the combeta have tha raguireé skill set fer the fed! - The associates ang tha sanlr associates testag If the cangiqate was competent en, ush te Be a ,art ,f S G C,won. gs tho kankine secter required spacific skills, this was an Important criterion. + Js there a culturs/ fit Detwaen the cangl ate am the comp nyll - Chip Rae De llevedths t he ving. cultursl fit ws s mere Importanthan » persen whe lackoga hit In the skills. The culturalfit Inclugeathings like If the parsen will Be able te Gevite the lenghi urs, te fereae a seclal life and be alle ty adjust ta a new lecatl, n Stago 3 - Super Saturday The 3@ studants whe wera shortllstadin the »n campus round ware Invitaate tha S G Cewen ¢fflce fer the final intarviewsThes Interviewsvore cenfucted by tha sanlar employees ef S G Cs wen. Each cangiatehad to ga thr ugh five Interviewaind aach Interview lastefar almest half an he ur. The major decision paints which wera canslqaredwhila avaluatinga cangigatewera as falls ws! . ph ar emansths i 2g «tern of success In the past life? - Sche-n, arg elleved what a cangl@atehas gene In the gast Olé net mattar much In che the was very possible that a garsen had a alffore caroer chelcabe fora, Mut he excelled In whatever ha gid. Such a cangiMatepravog te Be a git @ candldata BESTS SE EVA WSS F aan nf Fat ot pe Sen's aca What RBS ad pan AGRUY ERG AA UAL ERR BANG BUSA TECHAG, mut If he Ok esn’t Ab thel ; aN ‘ef tho Becislanstaken 5 ll sy Aer cP NaN ee EYER expecteé tHe tee tiie sy ang emerging markats. + ae Mi I DBSRAMDRCoR AG SBR UCD et have kni wle@geaf cure financecincagts. Mest vf the Gecisins taken inte So Ana eS fhe MEA! Sig Bite prego meet lence, theanaltie: ie HB ‘ers as many a) + gre thay flextila en riba Space eeu fate op, the candidataswera Sty Te flaxlivieang vers: tile - The Other decision points cllents whe w: re akert fram the decislens rolating ty tat gclgg.a) th” candldato,a few , ther aeclslanswe ro alsa takan, especially at the planningstage | + Whichsches Is she uld Be targeted as cere sche Isl + Hew many pesitiansara avaliable te ke fillagl + Hew many of the gesitions nee@ te Be fill @ fram summer Intarns, pre mations and call- ga hiresl + Hew many r, unds ¢f Interviewshs uld ho 4, nell + Whe all will the Intarviawerdel These questions ware mestly ralatad te the blanningstage and haa ty ko decided mofere tha start af tha recrultmentor cess. Ev, luatien ef the grecess used@ py S G Cewan @ Ifferontce mpenents ef the hiringpri cass havo keon evaluategin the fellawing mannari Talent Bs al fram which candlaates ara hired SG C, wes dlresthree kin dsof candidates for Assoclate positions: 1. gaatystswhe hav cemplotoathroa yoars at the firm anf at net have any Basthessschet | educatlen 2. Summer intarnswith the firm 3. Bankingsladbsteyfrom Businassschas Is empli yeas used te We Naika ehabthicckedeyldddalent, ¢¢! and givesSG Cs wen the opportunity to solactilea Hest chadilaparom r kheess6obtie pididliin. Hiring fremkaralgsteega kes: tho reemyinyentom dotenesteithecause thaso candlatdsgave Begarsetthvtte firm vdberdyenqeaathuslasyntvesa hatter underskiifs!mxcesBeuinthas éntta dni he ve yemedrethelttcultura fit

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