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Brianna Walsh, 1

Seventh Grade Math (4) Proportionality. The student applies mathematical process
standards to represent and solve problems involving proportional relationships. The
student is expected to: (A) represent constant rates of change in mathematical and
real-world problems given pictorial, tabular, verbal, numeric,
graphical, and algebraic representations, including d = rt;

Colwell, C. H., Blawn, J. R., & Acton, M. (2016, February 22). Distance Rate Time.
Retrieved from Algebra Lab:
This website is run by Algebra Lab, I had intended this to be used for 7 th grade
students to be able to go over and have another way of being taught d= rt. Created
by a group of mathematicians, I do like their explanation and how they are showing
them how to do it, but this is too advanced for the concept I was looking for though
it is connected. It has turned into a multi-step equation and 7 th graders aren't ready
for that yet.
DeRitter, P. (2006). Solving Distance Problems- Lesson. Retrieved from Study Zone:
This website is run by the Study Zone, I again intended this to be there for my 7 th
grade students if they didn't grasp the concept while I taught it. This is yet another
way of going over it. Though this website is out of date this is probably one of my
favorites. It has intensive detail about the concept, Mr. DeRitter did a great job not
only do you have notes and learn how to use the equation there is a section you can
go to that gives you lots of practice problems to try. This would also be a good way
for the parents to learn so they could also help teach their children if they
IXL Learning. (2016, February 24). Skills available for Texas seventh-grade math
standards. Retrieved from IXL:
This website is run by IXL this is covers all the 7 th grade math TEKS. I chose this
website because this would be a great place to send students or parents to see a
practice problem from each and every TEK that will be taught or that should be
taught. IT is not only a good resource for the students but also for the parents and
teachers. Especially since we are so test centered now.
Rowe, C. (2016, February 24). Constant Rate of Change. Retrieved from ShowMe:
This website is run by ShowMe, this lesson is done by Christine Rowe. Like the
others I chose this website because it has another way of learning the constant rate
of change. It is always very important to have a multitude of ways to teach or go

Brianna Walsh, 2
over each concept because everyone learns differently. This one in particular is a
video verses notes so they can watch and listen as she goes over the concept. The
bad thing is, the URL will not take you to the video it will take you to the ShowMe
website then you must type in constant rate of change in the search bar. But before
I even had constant typed in the video by Christine Rowe popped up.

Straight, L. (2016, February 24). Determining the constant rate of change. Retrieved
from LearnZillion:
This website is run by LearnZillion this lesson is taught by Levi Straight. Again I
intended this to be used as extra help for the students to help grasp the concept.
What I love about this one is that it is intended to be used in the classroom. You
could use this as a focus to your lesson and that really makes things easy. Because
you can have multiple ways to hear one concept taught while you are in class.

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