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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 27, 2016

What is the primary responsibility of every parent? What important lesson

they must impart to their children? Bhagawan, our Loving God, kindly explains
to us today.

Whenever the children go astray, wittingly or unwittingly, parents must

quickly correct their faults and bring them to the righteous path. The
obligations of parents do not end with providing food, schooling and
knowledge of worldly matters. The children should also be provided
with right values. They should not be made to think that the acquisition
of wealth is the be-all and end-all of life. Wealth will not accompany
anyone when they leave the world. Wealth is necessary only for
meeting your essential needs. Too much wealth is an embarrassment
like an oversized shoe. Too little of it is likely to be painful, like a tight
fitting shoe. So, it is desirable to have only that amount of wealth that
is adequate for your basic needs. It is deplorable that today, in the
mad pursuit of money, people are forgetting all human qualities.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 5, 1984.

The wise ones use money, strength, intelligence, skills, aptitude and opportunities to help others and
make their lives happier. Baba

27 mwrc,2016
sweI ieMspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:hr mW-bwp dI pihlI iz`myvwrI kI huMdI hY?Awpxy b`icAW nUM,aunHW nUM,ikhVI zrUrI is`iKAw dyxI cwhIdI
hY?swfy ipAwry Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: jd vI kdy b`cy Awvwrw ho jWdy hn qW mW-bwp nUM,cqurweI jW iksy hor FMg nwl,Awpxy b`icAW dIAW
KwmIAW nUM suDwrnw cwhIdw hY Aqy aunHW nUM Drm dy rsqy qy lY ky Awauxw cwhIdw hY[mW-bwp dw Prz ie`Qy hI Kqm
nhIN ho jWdw ik auh aunHW nUM Bojn dyx,aunHW nUM skUl Byjx jW sMswrI igAwn dyx[b`icAW nUM,mwnv mu`lW dw vI pqw
hoxw cwhIdw hY[aunHW dw kyvl ieh ivcwr hI nhIN hoxw cwhIdw ik sMswr iv`c,pYsw hI swrw ku`J hY[jd koeI sMswr

C`f ky jWdw hY qW pYsw,kdy vI auhdy nwl nhIN jWdw[pYsw qW kyvl quhwfIAW zrUrI zrUrqW leI hI huMdw hY[bhuqw
pYsw ausy qrHW pRySwn krdw hY ijvyN,iek pYr qoN v`fy nwp dw ju`qw pwieAw hovy[QoVw pYsw vI ausy qrHW du`K idMdw hY
ijvyN iksy ny pYr dy nwp qoN Cotw ju`qw pwieAw hovy[ies leI quhwnUM iehI cwhIdw hY ik quhwfy kol au`nw hI pYsw hovy
ijhdy nwl qusIN Awpxw jIvn AwswnI nwl inrvwh kr sko[bVy du`K dI gl hY ik A`j-k`l dy lok, mwnv mu`lW nUM
Bulky pYsw iek`Tw krn iv`c l`gy hoey hn[(05 PrvrI,1984 dy idvX pRvcn)[
bu`DImwn mnu`K auhI hY ijhVw Awpxy pYsy,SkqI,bu`DI,hunr, ilAwkq Aqy smy dw aupXog,dUijAW nUM KuSI dyx leI

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