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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 28, 2016

What is the critical error we do today and how can we correct it? Bhagawan
lovingly gives us a powerful thought to ponder upon.
Everyone must face the consequences of their misdeeds,
one day or other, because every action has a reaction,
resound and reflection. The awareness of this fact on the
part of one and all will bring abundant peace and harmony.
Human beings are endowed with endless strength. Your
body is indeed a massive generator. Your face is like a
television-set, with vivid expressions. But human beings
have lost their value in the world today. It is human beings
who lend value to a diamond. It is a human being who
unearths a raw stone and turns it into a priceless diamond
after processing and polishing it. Though people have been
able to transform a cheap raw stone into an invaluable
diamond, they themselves choose to have no intrinsic value
in spite of contributing much to the value-addition of the
- Summer Showers Ch1, May 20, 1996

Life has to be an incessant process of repair and reconstruction, of discarding evil

and developing goodness. Baba
28 mwrc,2016
sweI ieMspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: A`j-k`l AsIN,ikhVI bhuq v`fI glqI krdy hW Aqy ies nUM ikvyN suDwirAw jw skdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,iek SkqI vwlw ivcwr idMdy hn[
au`qr: hr mnu`K nUM,Awpxy kIqy krm dw Bog Bogxw hI pYxw hY ikauN jo hr ikirAw dI pRqI ikirAw ,hr Awvwz dw
vwps Awauxw Aqy hr cIz dw prCwmW hoxw, zrUrI hY[ies scweI dy igAwn nwl mnu`K nUM SWqI Aqy iekswrqw
AwauNdI hY[mnu`K iv`c,AQwh SkqI huMdI hY[Asl iv`c quhwfw SrIr,iek bhuq v`fw jnrytr hY[quhwfw ichrw,iek
tYlIivXn sYt dI qrHW hY,ijs nUM vyK ky swrw ku`J swP-swP pqw lg jWdw hY[pr mnu`K ny A`j, Awpxw mu`l,sMswr
iv`c guvw id`qw hY[ieh mnu`K hI hY ijs ny hIry dw mu`l inSicq kIqw hY[ieh mnu`K hI hY ijs ny k`cI Kwn qoN p`Qr
k`iFAw Aqy aus nUM qrwS ky,aus dw hIrw iqAwr kIqw Aqy aus nUM pwilS kIqw hY[BwvyN mnu`K ny ,iek ssqy p`Qr
nUM qrwS ky iek bySkImqI hIrw bxwieAw hY pr auh AwpxI AMdrlI SkqI dw TIk pRXog nhIN krdw[(smr Swvr
A`iDAwey iek,20 meI,1996 dy idvX pRvcn)[

jivn, ies qrHW dw hoxw cwhIdw hY ijhdy nwl lgwqwr,ies dI mur`mq vovy Aqy burweIAW C`f ky,aus dI QW
A`CweIAW pYdw kIqIAW jwx[(bwbw)[

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