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My life quickly.

My parents decided to bring me to world when both are mature persons. They lived
in Alajuela, but each one had their own lives. My mom Estrella had three kids Luis
Gerardo, Roco and Mario, in the same way my father Jos Joaqun had two
teenager Elizabeth and Jimmy, when I was born in August 4th 1983. The kids of my
father grew up in San Jos, but I did not know a lot about them, in the other hand I
grew up with my maternal brothers and it was a great times. They cared about me
very well.
When I was 10 years old, my parents decided to break up and we had to move to
another home with my mother. Her decision was not good, and after one year, we
moved to Alajuela again but without my father. I remember that it was the sadder
moment in my childhood.
Thanks to my parents, I enrolled in a technical high school and I decided to study
computing. I graduated in 2000 year and began to work at Instituto Costarricense
de Electricidad to the present. In 2008, I decided to study systems engineering at
University. Later, in 2013 I decided to study English to complement my career and
to reach a personal goal.
God, my job and my endeavor have helped to me to be who I am. Besides, I have
known to take good decisions, for that reasons I got married thirteen years ago with
Vanessa. She has been my support on good or bad moments. Actually, we do not
have kids and try to spend time together, because it is what we really enjoy!

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