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— wea searom Rian oRag National Council For Teacher Education (Ra arr wi ves Rafts we) (A Statutory Body of the Government of india) after aBrrahiter a Western regional Committee No, WRCIAPWO3726/123426/2018 | (32 pate - Ble ‘Revived Order In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-secton2) of Section 82 of te Natal Counc for ‘Teacher Educaton Act, 1085(73 of 1003), and in supersession of the National Counell fr Teacher Ecvcation Norms and Procedure] Regulatons, 2000, he National Counc for Teacher Education has noid the Repuations, 24 on 01.12.2014 2. And wherese, the Shri Pandurang Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Uma Shishanshastre Mehavidjslaye (B.Ed), Pandharpur, Clo Uma Mehavidyalaya, Near Old Karad Naka, Data Negar, Post Box No.32, Pancharpr Dist Solapur, Mahara by fav ct 090% 2016 has consented to come under new Regutions and sought for ‘we basic un in B.Ed which roquite addtional facies 3. And whereas, thas been decided to pecmit the insttuton to have two basic units of 60 students each ‘subject to he instuton flting folowing conatons namely |. The inattuton shall ereste sdctional facties that incude (8) sdctional buitup area, (0) actions infastucture, (c) adstonal funds, (a) addtional staf! as per Regulebons, 2014 and inform Regional Commitioos win requred documents by Ocober 31,2015. 1. The applcantinstituton for eltional unt wil be required to submit the required documents such as land documents, Ercumbrance Cerifeate (EC), Land Use Ceticate (LUC), Bulking Pian (BP) and the ‘Approved Saf Lst nthe specie proforma avaiable on the website io the Regional Commitee in proof of having provided addtonalfacibes belore October 31,2015. Bulding Complebon Certfeate (BCC) may be ‘ven along wth other documents avaiable, oherase can also be gwen tothe Visting eam at the time ‘et inspecton Ii. The Regional Committees shat arange for vetiication of documents, inspecton of these premises and heck aaherence to these conditions by 20 Feb, 2018 If tis found bythe Regional Commies that the ‘staan fais to comply with these requrements, he stiulons shallot be permited to admit sadents or ‘he academic year 2016-2017, 1M. n-case any esising institution's matter is sub-judice under court drecton/SCN under section 17 ofthe | NCTE Acvomplaint etc. the stiuton shall be requred fo submit a copy of the Hontble Cour orderiepty to SCNlcomplarlaready submited alongwith the documents, any topeter the documents elerred ‘above. Incase te nsitsin’s request fr shiftng of premises 's pending, such nsitutons shal be required to submit the requisite documents 28 per provsons of te NCTE Reguatons, 2014 wih a copy of the ‘rderNOC of the afilating body/Sate Govt and such other documents 26 indicated inthe revised format Fecogniton order The final decsion shall be subject othe drecions given bythe Honble Court the Wirt Pebtontase decded bythe Westem Regional Commitee in respect of Section *Ticompait cases ete ont..2 ‘HPF He, FOP few, sreT-462002 Manas Bhawan, Shyamla asa ‘Fra Phone: (0785-27309672, 2660015, 2660379, 2660372 ‘tbe Fax: 0755-2660912 .org_ Website : in = 5 Farner, the recognion subject to fufiment of other requrements 3s may be prescribed by other regulatory tosis lke UGC, afaing UniersiyBody, he State Goverment et, as apicable. The aftating body (Unversty/State Govt) shal also be required to very the authentity ofthe land & buldng documents 2s wel a ‘appointment of requis teaching & non-teaching stat as per provisions ofthe NCTE Regulations, 20%4 by the ‘onoernednstuton before grat of afiaion oan insttiton, 6 Theinstution shal eubmit othe Regional Commitee a Sel- Appraisal Rpor at the end ofeach academic year alongwith te statement of anrualaooouns Guy aud by a chartered Accountant 7. The isttutons shall maintan & update Is web-site 2s per rowsions of NCTE Regustons and aways ‘pla folowing as mandatory decosure 2) Sanctoned programmes along wih annual intake i the instuton 1) Name of faculty end sain ful at mentioned schoo ceria along wih thei quaifations, cae of pay ‘and photograph ©) Name a faculty members who eo jined ding the last quarter 1} Names ef Students admitted dung the curt session along wih qualification, Percentage of marks ithe examnaten and inte eiarce test, fay, dal of admission, et ©) Fee charge rom students, 4) Avalableinreseucual facts, {) Facies addea dune te st quater 1) Number of books nthe lary, umole subscbed to and adtions, if any, ne las quar |) Tne aficat wth enclosure submited cong wh aplication. |The mation shal be re to post atonal relevart information itso desis. 1) Any fle or eam ntermaton on webs shal render the inston babe fr withdraval of recognition inttaion contravenes any ofthe above conditions o the proviso of the NCTE Act, Rules, Repustons ‘and arders made and esued thee unde, te iin wil render sof able to adverse acon incuding wihdawal ‘f resogiton byte Regional Committe under he provisions of Section 17() of the NCTE Act 1983. 8. Recognition oder no. WRCIAPWOS726/12342608"120425 dt. 14.03 2008 be tresed as cancaled rom the dat of sve fis revised oder By Order, ~ (Suni Srivastava) FRogional rector The Manager, Goverment of nda Press ‘Deparment of Pubicatons (Gazete Seton) (il Lunes, New Oa 110064 ‘Sop: 4. The Principal, Shr Pandurang Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Uma Shikshanshastra Mahavidalaya (BEd), ‘Pandharpur, Clo\Uma Mahavidyalaya, Near Old Karad Naka, Datta Nagar, Post Box No.3, Pandharpur, Dist, Solapur#13904, Maharashtra, \_% The Secretary, Sri Pandurang Shikshan Prasrak Mandal Uma Shikshanshasta Maheviyalaya (BEd), Pendherpur, Uma Mahevidylaya, Near Old Kerad Naka, Oats Nager, Post Box No.32, Pandharpur, Dist Solapur 413304, Maharashtra, ‘3. The Registrar, University of Pune, Maharashtra ‘4. The Education Secretary, (Higher Education), Govt. of Maharashira, Mantalaya, Mumbal, Maharashira. 5. The Secretary, Dept. of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of nea, Shae Bhavan, Now Delhi ~ 11000 6, The Member Secretary, National Council for Teacher Education, Hans Bhawan, Wing, f, Sshedurshah Zafar Marg, Now Dalhi-110 02 7. The Compiter Programmer, Computer Section, WRO, (NCTE), Bhopal with a request to include the name ‘ofthe inetition inthe recognized ist uploaded in WRC website, 8. Office Order efnstituion no. APWOST26/123426 hades eta srearan Fira uftag, § National Coun for Teacher Eduction (sree ease a ae fii eat) ee est gs! Commitee sneer Nore nquasianieimnnedineiiiiil NoWRCIS-6/98¢h/2008/:3 O25 Dates. : ros Recognition Order WHEREAS in terms of Section 14(1)Section 15(I) of the NCTE Act, 1993 SHRI PANDURANG SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL, UMA. SHIKSHANSHASTRA MAHAVIDYALAYA (RED), PANDHARPUR, C/O UMA’ MAHAVIDYALAYA, NEAR OLD KARAD NAKA, DATTA NAGAR, POST BOX NO-32, PANDHARPUR, DIST-SOLAPUR MAHARASHTRA ‘has submitted an application (Code No.- APW03726/123426) to the Western Regional Commitee of [NCTE for grant of recognition/permissio for conducting BLED. course with an annua intake of 100, A students on 24-07-2006 2. AND WHEREAS on scrutiny/perusl of the application submitted by the institution, the ‘documents attached therewith the affidavit and the input received from the visitng team in the form ‘of report and videography, recommendation of the State Government, dhe Commit i satisfied that the insttution/societyfulills the requirements under the provisions of NCTE Act, Rules and relevant Regulations including the Norms and Standards forthe SEC teacher education programme such as instructional facilites, infasiractaral facilites, liber, accommodation, financial resources, laboratory ee. for ranning the programme and has sclected/appointed duly qualified teachin staff as per NCTE norms. 3. _ NOW, THEREFORE, in excrete of the powers vested under Section 143) (a) /15@)) of | the NCTE Act, 1993, the Western Regional Commitee hereby grants recognition / persion to SHRI PANDURANG SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL, UMA SHIKSHANSHASTRA MAHAVIDYALAYA (LED.), PANDHARPUR, C/O UMA MAHAVIDYALAYA, NEAR OLD KARAD NAKA, DATTA NAGAR, POST BOX NO-22, PANDHARPUR, DIST-SOLAPUR MAHARASHTRA for conducting BLED. course of SEC of I year duration with an annual intake of a 100{SEC) from the academic sesion 2008-2009 under clase 7(11) of NCTE( Recognition Noms 4& Procedure ) Regulation 2007 subject o fulfillment ofthe following conditions :- |. The institution shall, within one month of the receipt of recognition ordet, convert the ‘endowment fund and reserve fund account into a joint account tobe operated along with an “officer ofthe Wester Regional Commie. “The institution shall comply with the various other norms and standards preseribed inthe [CTE regulations, as amended from time to time, ‘The institution shall make admission only after it obtains affiliation fom the examining body in terms of clause 8(12) of the NCTE (Recognition Norms & Procedure) Regulations, 2007 iv, The institution shall ensure thatthe required number of academic staff for conducting the course is always in postion. 4, Further, the recognition is subject to fulfillment of all such other requirements as may be presribed by other regulatory bodies like UGC . affiliating University/Body , the State Government ce, applicable. eraser ‘rer sre, ranra fen, her - 462 002 Manas Bhanen, Shyamia Hil, opal - 462 002 ‘grove Phone 2799672, 2660972, 2680879, 2660015 ‘twa / Fax: 0755-2650012, E-mail: netebp\@sanchamatin INCTE HOre. Website: www ncto-n or ‘WAC NCTE Wobsto : ww nctewrein ‘ender: eng, yore, ane, Vetere, ste, cw eae, Tee ge HE A Siuadicion: Maharashira, Guat, Madhya Pradesn, Cmatisarm, Goa, Daman & Oi, Dadar & Nagar Have (ome rer ow fis Hea) ale ie teeerera ‘fear dita tr ” Teta seas fran aftag, §2 National Council for Teecher Education NCTE 5. The institution shall submit tothe Regional Committe a Self-Appraisal Report atthe end ofeach ‘scademie year along the statement of annual accounts duly audited by a Chartered Accountant. 6. The instition shall maintain & update its Web-site as per provisions of NCTE Regulations and always following as mandatory disclosure: (Copy ofthe Application Form (i) Land and Building Particulars Gi) Staff Profite. Gv) Recognition lete. (©) Information for having fulfilled the norms & standard and other required conditions. 7. Ifthe institution contravenes any of the above conditions or the provisions of the NCTE Act, Rules, Regulations and Orders made or issued there under, the Regional Committe shall withdraw ‘the recognition asunder the provisions of Section (1) ofthe NCTE Act, 8. Further, if the institution is not satisfied by the onder, they can prefer an appeal to National ‘Counel for Teacher Education, Hans Bhawan, Wing-ll, 1, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Near ITO, 10002 agunst this order under section 18 ofthe NCTE Act, 1993 within 60 days of the ‘order. The guidelines of appeal are enclosed herewith. “The Manager to Gov. of India Department of Publications, (Gazette Section) Civil Lines, Dei-1 10054 ce <2 The Principal, SHRI PANDURANG SIIIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL, UMA SHIKSHANSHASTRA MAHAVIDYALAYA. (BED), PANDHARPUR, CO _UMA -MAHAVIDYALAYA, NEAR OLD KARAD NAKA, DATTA NAGAR, POST BOX NO‘, PANDHARPUR, DIST-SOLAPUR MAHARASHTRA ‘The Serer (Higher Edson), Goverment of MAHARASHTRA, Manta, Mami ‘The Registrar UNIVERSITY OF PUNE The Serta, Dept. of Schoo! Etscaton and Lit, Ministry of Human. Resource Development Govt of na, Sha Bhawan, Now Del 1100 5. The US (Computer), National Council for Teacher Ednation, Hans Balad Zar Mare New Deli! 10 002 {6 Office Owerinsttton fe APWOR2612326 ‘we ore, Yarn fem, Nie 452002 Manas Bhawan, Shyamia Hil, Bhopal ~ "Feat / Phone: 2790672, 2660872, 2960879, 2660015 a /Fax:0755-2860812,E-mal: ncebnpl@sancharetin NCTE HOrs, Waste : wav. ‘WRC NCTE Webste: wnwnctewecin ‘write: mere, yore, Noe, wethers, sr, cH wae, TET GE Te et Jurisdiction: Maharastra, Guat, Madhya Pracesh, Crnasgar, Goa, Daman & iu, Daca & Nagar Havel greg are 18 gg mre goo) s/c, ‘sere ager fo, sinter Rear wa, RE ¥0028, evi + fire se, eae, ean Pre, -— iv -orre we aT T I ie, fete sere, ofr Pe fh aA. te wt tare sar eo arte ere ai ei er Ra ar ater. wt koe o SATE NOT oe ae er ra A> a | we a eT A ene [ai [eat] | am | Ferrer waeaicie NCTE CODE Tan 5. clcalabracalaamadl Gaal oe ae sefeerree a 3.- oo| ae ser PLETE — arwerrnss wae ag die adie dower a yc AN. rs to arena tet er Poe ee are peat Gob, v9ea aR Ae, tern’ fit Fee go gvwrom ye et “font sewage reer arte rer 2 ame oy er eer www maharasira. gov in mar ever sm rar sere A ees ENG sara fer a, ™ fag se, see gr, ee pe ea, or ra, eg Fo, eT ev er, ree aoe goer, ma, Tne Ft Toso sich se, frost ‘CoMYDOCU-Nee!N8ENeteNCTE Permission: doe )LAPUR RSITY Sonia A aT Solo aaa ae mera sate = ona Fa: ootni7-2raT6 ot No SOLUTYIA CT: / Fe Dao: 1200 Te wo SOUNTYA (11 [ OH cs niet Sa sie see, fer - yn zone urge ue ware Area Tem efron Se are tes, TT sePrrseran 99 200d aren worfereren wets Pre tea res veoh oft gaat rie he are sneer are cach ge sm crommererd) x 200 gH Hareratter ge at faose-ag ) ent) mre Beare aT sk a, wf fran sent 3 frst remtis Pra ti rt sree st Pres wer seme RAPT AA aT. sr fay, rete vrofteret + fears fore sy 9 anf were (71) ear eres, ABI OR, 3 aed TRUB,COPY 2h y/o er ha Principal, a Shikopanshastra yale, he Panda ramp faemiis SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY | age - 9H mec, 7, Selapur-Pune National Highway Kegson, é ‘olapur-413 255, (Maharasha) SES COT GRE, /Fononsanr tear Ref. No SOU UIAT AIT 82/1366 cs (Prorat afr TG) = 5 JUN 2009 i, «Asta, reer ee, Aiceg, a. carg, fa.atemge. rer 9 oot TCE 7 area eGR weeTa Hee. -wenk- eas at afta arate Ret 08/03/2008, eared reheat aw eT laa SAH RR, Fe. § UBieT tek. 2 arqe fat tar sere SAA TEca/o0e-<8, PAW ot g09%, * gaa fe ewer AY asta 2A, awe meereTEN IF eek caepren sftrrmren apororon aga fr tion wai see i cet si ten ani ag aren vere ah aa tate waneRTeN aT prt UG Root ORT Mars BE gook-to, Ronee ere? aw Ae welsh rar tv ret ae. aa. SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY Sree Po aera SOLAPUR - Pune National Highway Kegaon r= 189 2 (ITE) SOLAPUR «13 75(tuneete) a farmufier ave &.102 FeRE!Ro/QORe at, aLareri, a feremenea aries, sian, asian, faaiemg. fawe:- a and gona e9 wre hare aiamren errareoToM spftrroTeE. eke feats 2alog/ aon det ae acter ea shah afer sea Wetter ex SOL/BCUD/AFFI/ERRtou0R, F.R6/03/20t 8 amet aed tar ert memes cculRoe, RIWoVR A SARTRE, RAROTOT rece, cele Drees pet sinner estore 4 a, sre mefrmerem Aan 3082-48 OE sigs. 1 pereeroren deena eee at Pge thea ear ht ee fete sere, esr} ane ti pen seer Pree ar wes, Pe ecltfeote ae arsed een ana ag ae eet m Se Vata | deter araa yee m g ae fe Hat oRete pean (aad) _ie seo Wr ae wer a Fl rc wr a de _a fet rt er af ee Searels rs 0 ‘> veneer a Prete fro ae TRUE\COPY ‘cmt roe aero (3), er terre, a, Tet, He a, = 7 ‘mfr ates (2a), leg rer, ae Sebel fey er ae pore eee tionevid claya, (b.Ed) Pandharpur Wreng frardis ‘SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY sere — Perel, SOLAPUR Pe ta! Hghy Kegs sarge = ta H6 (ner) ‘SOLAPUR 413 286 aras} Fac 00.40r7- 2144 ae wa a7 Ren dare! £002 eae: 2 7 NOV 2013 ‘uma Shikspanshastra 1s pavidyalayg,(b-E4.yPandharpur, Weng frardts SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY seg meme a ‘SOLAPUR - Pune National Highway Kegaon, ‘wremeg 83 24 (TTB) w ‘SOLAPUR - 413 255 (Maharashes) wet retagtoeroyec Sasa here Fa ota TRS en emma Rn. Si RetNo, : SOL/ ate Eira aies fevie © 6 May 2014 faemefees ora wm. 283 Ferwov/zors. om aC et Rewer eety rents eee Sear. arate ef Rote. % aT a Rc /oB/zorx. aes, ere ogee remaen wer ferent tee ‘hes. a seared arttsrocewin Pager be was wh ah ft Sen, earn are ere oer ar Pag am 2, Revxloulgore Treinen shen = fee 1) Appin he ified Math mete Teaser a per University rae 2) Appoin the qualified Libation as ee University rae, 3) ET. recourse center should be as per NCTE noms, 4) Start & Implement the EPF facilities to Principal, Teacher & aon staff fom the current year 4 keep the concern documents. ‘artes adie qutcct eer wee arehepiar sear, STaRT Fa EMTCNATETS AET a {mfr arr (3), 2. atari sete (i a oe, ae eT SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY ‘SOLAPUR - Pune Nana! igh Kegon, ‘SOLAPUR 413 25 Mahara) Phone Fax: 00-0217. 274470 eng gd ert, so = 43 24 (EE) Erin arora fara 747070 | arongg frente QE Fax: 401-0217-2744770 1 erate (i) wm ere Le se eT 2m Prone eer (eg Fe, ser 2 hn Br ere wr a fe nN e ‘cane ot re, Soa, Sapna ara oy en, Bre oeat Cae Sotapr. 415 25 Mahara website hp delete a eT OS, a ‘SPEED POST vm, sont, A singer Fenn eres iss, iene ato, ‘oon rare meiemert, dee, fin. tee - 43 dow, along faardis A SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY ~ 6 AUG 2015 vata, ‘settee fier waver savor wravivgren frre aftidter Pertar te-o0-2o¢t dette sree ar refer rte si. ee sre afer et wh, Moe, EET Fea tae ote than am Fiera rurks arr amore Fee 30 9x, oto zie anager er ea ee ae econ age ora eran serene « autan arepy, er Prams sifterre staat meer feet an, ac fee eon srg, ens aes ers afi rom frat sie pene Bi wink Reger aerarae afar ura seopt ara aoa rere fr ‘argc feats, mde st erred tute a fet ae. mea, crc sore ocean pee ret ea aa 1 eI EL vrai Sums Ramearing, eat e4 smatet faortarr ooraren. ater deer Sar afl) teee-terton we see var wa fairer est me fret Pfr sar are one wrFxcie et a, ea ee ape ret ven faa, a gt = \ a (rand at, ae. a, re) yal? are, eee rea frets eh rae rer, wf am, er ea Frey, ase er er Frm aieny faemite SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY iene a we, or, ‘cloper Pune Notional Highway Kega0n. i Solapur - 413 255 (Manaroshira} ‘eT - wt et (FATE) EPABX: 0217-27447 63, 66.67 Ex!-123 website; nip: / Email :, Hak Fibra eae Rete) DB] fore! 9 7 JUN 2012 ‘Speed-Post 5 sgn re ere ae ar, ronan TR, ceo a.m, Pa. em. fereey +: aremed were veer art 2082-¢2 aie mreeetaTa. a 12) IIe. MERLIN o/ 2008, Fee af to- 200", 2) ae Fm. Wi rLmavowe/ ot, Fear tole ote. 2) IT Taw. TEAM Hogo/ 20RE-L2, Ferm Rx/oR/ zor, u) amet a we, OH RAR Ai/c V9/g0Ng, emi ow /ot/ BRR. nen, sir Fr eau Ha WA, ew. ¢ ard oreT sre wero Fe het icvia ouetortoot shen oremet at arate afew a Sry Hoh gue ovie & Fanfgey green? err frurtta’ wr a. SOL/BCUDIDH Ret, .at-to-200%, eve i ZooR-Rote AS) mrad ENE MA Bem Th haa Ww. 2 con orien fencer’ rw. wired eote-tV¥R, Rta 08/00/Rot0 ara (enters ak gote- Rout ard) ener Ta art st el ew. 3 a arp iar wa. TrPafienn zone alac3, Ree Yolot-zoRt aa (ai ak soyeta a freer rer tour sell we ak am. x on sme pe: 2x anger aT BOAR Me ene ra pe eet conf, a aes ee wee re Lapa et rere A UE wea ata srt Serpe RRammreearie, eater zo] sreeret fencer wearara. cb saps mie arene sent orer aa ofa aePremneter fefeme- at at ‘spit rte rier are sre ee anteater er eee art rar ~yaeeee Principal, Uma Shitshanshastra Htahavidyalaya, (B.Ed) Parshoriut ere sanepeetoeliaea tare, ‘atergg tae, aa, a Slapur 33 255 (Maharashtra) “mle — 18 (eZ) EPABX: 0217 274477 e124 To, ‘The Principal Secretary [SPEED POST ‘Ua Stance Mabeviyalnya Pandbarer, Tal: Pandbarpur, Dist Solapur 415304, ‘Subject: Approval for the Changes-in-Staff of the teachers in your wef: 1ourealgeLeterNo 8562012 died1/072013 2.Your college Letter No.2012-2013/1022 dated 06/10/2012 3.Your college Letter No.1236/2013-2014 dated 11/07/2013 Sir/Madam, With reference tothe subject cited above, I am directed to inform you that, the appointment/s of the teacher's in your college as shown in the enclosed changes-in-staff statement with conditions if any, are approved by the University authorities. This i for your information and further necessary action. Thanking you, ‘Yours faithfully, D Board of College de University Development nc: Asabove Copy: tone ac Teter rg es ‘Ge Fis = +] eves bias ha 5 1 snr a fees | — ener 2 — ere | — eee + nea ee oe —|— hae Ties PY iINWORD : oe PHfncipal, Uma Shikshanshastra Mahavie'v=!~a, (w Ed) Pandhatpuf DAT 4 \ ater frets fa SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY ert a soak piles para ar See Se a Solapdt 413.285 |Manoroshiro) ‘eATER - wee Bk (ETI) EPABX: 0217-2744768, robs ecmesjmagtowmenzce SPR fret oeunoonal ‘ar wibeinfaiaeirmnlRoRs-te! DLO R fae 2 4 yun 2013 via, 1m, 370K, speod-Post oat igi fare rare ates, eer, aur fvrongrres eretnemer, virgata, Br thane we Facet: ur were fen ad tot end anrtar det: 4) SIae Ua. ULF Hg ge/ 2008, feries 0F-go-F008. 2) STR Wa w. ULAR oWR/ 200, Prat Rl-ol Zeke, (9) sat aa. EFT AH oRo/ FOUL, Frater Rw /oe/RoRE, e) are FH mr. GFE Hic Ro! gore, eae oW/ob/ PRR. ta) ange 4a, TEETH cet 2048, Peaten Qw/oR/ 20k. Eat 123 sea, “anti fret marae 28 a eo arent aver pee ween Peg fia fea ouete-zooe atta sees at aioe feet wi era ory wh qua samara serge teen} cata Prana ww. SOL/BCUDIDHAtus, Feat to-R00t rad (Petra ae oo8-Zote wre mT aN Boe se Al ae esl wg on ari Perera wx a, ieee Zote-tUIet, Feat odloc/zoke ara (fies ae goto-20Re ara) geeriey Teme rar ane a ew 3 UT ar iaamtart wa oe. aie aott-n sia, Fi goon soet seat (ne aoegorg ard) fre-afer ara oer ane atch ae, OM are Pawns ow _iere naar aons-e3/23t6, Rls QoloW/ ote stad (baer er Gotz-T0K9 Wel) Ser aeaen torn are ae Henk wn ae et ART ater in shines ae on-(w ma Reiss goloe/Ran9 wie ATTRA HT saat feet amit. cy, er ager ese ee ere ape ee eee I re OU rere aps Reeremring, rabar oa ster Pore ar. me rer safe) Rr tereom wit oro vor winter feet ft wa ghar pr rage rer tee® erFeitar T ke rere oe frei Feet Pers: finite rorarera afer sept sta a afte racers wpe swe ser Ppa. og Qo? (oranda ser ed ert sew eri etc, sh fay, Pe Pw, aie a a ere OPY. om dein a Paks Tena ML Principal, « Umma Shikshanshastra | Wohavidyalaya, (p.Ed,) Pandharer = en tang frantts SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY iter - a mere, Soria, Solapur Pune National Highway Kegson, r. as Solapur - 413 255. (Maharashtra) ae BO eninteans mom “ores ito /su dans ae Ref No SOU UST ECO! AS] aeepe 2c} oa 30 APR 2010. pat ibagat TR 4 pu st Shp Yves! Apguoal tor the Chanaessin-Stalfayl Change in Designation of the teaches he subject mentioned abuse. Iam dete infant) you that erin the Name Hist enclosed ithe sijets of Historys wel by the Tniversty atottios on a emi sh pete his may pase Keuken be RS si Direct: Board of College & I nisetsity Deselapment 1 Sint Puja $A, 2) Si, Metakar U.. 3) Dr. Gandhe $M. Tee rincipal, Wma sShikshanshies Mahavidyalaya, (ifs) atta par ‘atemag frei SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY ivan ut werent, dre, Solapur Pune National Highway. “are 23 2k, (HRTTE) a Kegaon, Solapur - 419255 |Mohorasnto) = Se eee EPABX: 0217-2744763, 6,67 Ext-123 i: boudsvagmoiicom eel fei: = 1 OCT 2011 ‘Speed-Post = 1, ae are, ‘an errant), cag, 1. aR, fH. BEM. eae Frere after steerer arena Fest: argent Fw Sarat. USHA RORE-RONR, EAH oc oF OL vie, ‘sriten Pomme soonardiet wa a saralisho4a/2oee-zote, Petia oc-o8 20% coy erect iter Fras sieeve frre afition acheter sneer aoa ‘kh ai, re atbeh ntee sore eraret gereo arfiet wo Ae set. ea, t “i aoe ere eon pear eer acer, rere ww Ee 31. 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Dist Solapur (Mah, 413304 ee NCTE Code No, APW03726/123428 sar rete ara, won umashikshanssnkulorg wrarat a. iat a. a emai |D - umabedt@reditfmail com We TaN RAE TSSEL 1 Feta vere Feria: AE FOLT TOY ata a, uae fran ie, aire fai, erg. fret ah a ogee ore aos. sear wg erro efter a rr @ sar ster: Rear wes ree ache. isk aie at eeer/ eee ets aalocitot ea, carte dela Pred bern ame ah, omeren sat Reeererer nefhrae (a es) Hoey SA we one ge AR a ew. aneEaRRTE eT @ Stet sefterrorenr eer ser or eres reer wet er gpa oe rat vere 9 hea re a eee a pre rea etiarea er aiva oh ne ee, fr ark aie - 2) a at 20te-g0 UR a US. rere wr ¢ 1 ec es aac wr ea Safe Peer eer ae aaa, 378 voooo/- (arent - eradta gare Bae ) The aT

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