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Kathryn Eveleigh

Lesson Plan Title:

December 4, 2014
Time Period: 80 minutes

Still I Rise Response

School: Chambly Academy

Cycle 2, Year 2 (Secondary 4)

Learning Targets/ Student Learning Objectives:

Students will:
a) enhance their knowledge of responses in preparation for their Winter exams.
b) explore the power of poetry by reading and viewing video clips on Maya Angelous poem Still I
c) take note of poetrys unique format, language, and poetic devices such as metaphors, similes,
rhymes, rhythm, repetition, alliteration, and how these poetic conventions can contribute to the
authors message and theme.
d) engage in learning the concept of thematic learning and study the major theme
e) begin to formulate their own identification with the poem's message by assessing the cultural
relevance and also finding a connection to their own teenage lives, in spite of race or culture.
Curriculum Expectations:
Subject Area Competencies
Competency 1: Uses language/talk to communicate and learn. Students will engage in whole class
discussion to expand their knowledge and share ideas about the poems content and its
Competency 2: Reads and listens to spoken and media texts. Students will watch and listen to Maya
Angelous reading of her poem and the music video. Students will also listen to the teachers and
peers commentary when discussing the poem. The students deconstruct the poem to understand its
Competency 3: Produces texts for personal and social purposes. Students will produce part of a
response to literature.

Professional Competencies:
PC1: I will act as a professional inheritor, critic, and interpreter of knowledge or culture when teaching
I understand the subject-specific and program specific knowledge to be taught.
PC2: I will communicate clearly in the language of instruction, both orally and in writing, using correct
grammar, in various contexts related to teaching (i.e. explaining genre and how to use ToonDoo). I will
encourage oral communication among students during class discussion.
PC3: I developed teaching/learning situation that is appropriate to the students concerned and the
subject content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the program of study: specially
produce a text.
PC5: I will evaluate student progress in learning the subject content and mastering the related
PC10: I will create and implement a lesson plan with the approval of my cooperating-teacher.

Cross-Curricular Competencies
Intellectual Competencies: Students will compare his/her new learning with previous learning and use
information in new contexts. Students will draw on their prior knowledge of how to write responses, and learn to
do so through a new medium: poetry. Students will exercise critical judgement when discussing and producing
the poem in relation to their response criteria.

Methodological Competencies: Students will interpret information and communications technologies, and
relate the technological resources to the topic of their multi-genre project. They will evaluate how technology-the video clip, the laptop, and, more importantly, the online tool ToonDoo--can be integrated productively and
meaningfully into their project.

Personal and Social Competencies: Students will achieve their potential when practicing writing a

Communication-Related Competency: They will participate in collaborative work, and interact all the
while showing an open mind. Students will participate respectfully, and communicate appropriately-- showing a
degree of mastery of vocabulary and syntax, respect for language, appropriateness of language choice, and
coherence of message.

Diagnostic-- observation of student engagement and participation, allowing students to volunteer in whole
class setting
Formative-- collect completed Graphic Organizer handouts on Still I Rise.

Journal Writing/ Silent Reading: 10-15 minutes
Writing Prompts:
How do you keep your teachers happy?
Write about your most recent moment of self-doubt.
What is the greatest compliment you ever received? Describe the moment and your feelings.

Housekeeping: 2 minutes
Multi-Genre Projects due Monday, December 8
Remembrance Day Assignments - still missing hard copies from some students
CVs - still missing hard copies from some students

Mental Set: 8 minutes

Review reading response criteria
- Distribute Reading Response handout

Activity: 35-40 minutes

Still I Rise : 5 minutes
1. Prediction:
1. Before reading the poem, take a look at the poems title. Based on the title, make a prediction of
what this poem will be about.
2. Watch video of Maya Angelous reading : 5 minutes

3. Show Ben Harpers musical rendition of Still I Rise

: 4 minutes

4. Distribute Still I Rise poem. Re-read as a class-- tell students to be critical readers : 20-25 minutes

1. Independent thinking.
2. Class Discussion
1. Consider and take notes:

Who is the speaker directing the poem at?


What do you think it means to rise?


In the last stanza, what is the huts of historys shame referring to?


What are the codes and conventions? (a lot!)


How do the codes and conventions contribute to the meaning of the story?

5. In pairs, complete Graphic Organizer: ~20-25 minutes


Constructs Meaning: What is the theme of this poem? How do the codes and conventions

support the theme? Use quotes too. Incorporate codes and conventions.

2. Makes Connections: To self; to world; to another text. Need two strong connections.

Check in with students, as a class, to make sure students stay on-task and are on the right track.

If time, have students fill out feedback cue-cards.

Reading Response handout
Still I Rise poem
Graphic Organizer handouts on Still I Rise

o Learning Environment (i.e. change space, seating, quiet area, grouping)
If needed, students who talk too much will be moved. Some pairs can move to the hallway to work on
the benches.
o Content (i.e. include visuals, models, organizers; increase/decrease amount)
Use of visuals (video, handout and graphic organizer on chalkboard) as well as oral. Graphic organizers
and peer support. Use of laptop and online tool. Instead of discussions, and response handouts, rubrics
and/or discussion questions/guiding questions could be given, or PowerPoint/ Prezi Presentation.
o Process (i.e. increase/decrease time; scribe/peer tutor/partner; use manipulatives; provide instruction
Pair work and whole class discussion allows for students to share and be exposed to different perspectives and
interpretations. Some students may be more independent and engaged if working independently.

o Product/Assessment (i.e. give extension; option to demonstrate knowledge incorporating visual,

kinesthetic, or oral manner)

QEP (Quebec Education Program). (n.d.). Secondary English Language Arts. Retrieved September 4, 2014, from Web.

Teacher Reflection:

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