Assignment B: Dianey Mendez Dance 6 / 12:30pm

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Dianey Mendez

Dance 6 / 12:30pm

Assignment B
What is art? we all have our different opinions on art and different definitions
of what it is in this assignment we were asked to "interview" 5 people on
what art means to them and what their view on it is here is how that went.
The first person I asked was my dad he is a singer and musician so he
mainly explained how music is a huge part of art to him he said "art in music
is powerful and can change a persons mood in an instant."
The next person I asked was my mom she said "I think that art is dancing
something that involves body movement that can help you feel happy when
youre sad or a way to express your excitement.
The third person I asked was my sister which let me add she is only 11
years old when I asked her what art was or what it meant she said "painting!
To me art is painting I can express myself and my personality through the
colors and the pictures I paint and draw."
My fourth person was my 10 year old cousin and she as well defined art as
painting or drawing its amazing how most kids see art as only as painting or

Which brings me to my fifth person which was my brother who is also 14

years old he explained art by saying " Art to me is music, dancing, painting,
drawing, sculptures, even spray painted murals on walls art is a way to
express your feelings, emotions, show who you are or who you are and the
best part is that you have many different ways to show it and thats when
music, dancing, painting etc. comes in."
That is what art is! A way of expressing yourself or your emotion through
these types of activities that have a lot of power. This assignment showed
me that people all have different opinions on art and different definitions
especially because they base it off of what they enjoy doing but art is so
much more.

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