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Classroom Rules, Procedures, and

Management Plan

Company Rules:
My classroom will be conducted as a company with benefits, paid daily (with
monopoly money) for their involvement to the success of the company, and
interacting in a professional work environment. My role will be the boss of the
company and the students will not be classmates but coworkers. We will establish a
companys name and define student roles within the company. These are the company

1. Show respect for the boss, coworkers and yourself!

a. Students are required to respect anyone and anything that is in my
classroom. This is important because it creates a safe learning
2. Be one time!
a. Being on time is crucial because there is not enough time in the day to
learn what is necessary to be successful, so using the time that is
permitted effectively can only happen when the student is on time.
3. Be prepared for work every day.
a. This rule piggybacks off the rule #2 because in order to be on time, the
students need to be prepared for class before the bell rings as stated in
below attendance policy.
4. Follow the facilities rules and expectations
a. This is very important because the school has their own list of
expectations that requires the student to behave in an appropriate
manner. The students need to respect the school.
5. Raise your hand before speaking.
a. This allows the students to not speak out of turn and makes the students
listen to the person who is talking either the teacher giving instruction
or another student contributing in the classroom. It forces the students

to think before they speak and it reinforces the first rule by respecting
the speaker.
As the boss of this company, it is my job to make sure each student is using our time
wisely while they are on the clock. These rules will help maintain the office control
and set realistic expectations for the employees to easily meet.
Students need to understand the life after school and how it is to be in a professional
work environment and building that culture. You have to maintain respect and work
hard every day or they have the right to let you go. These are common for any type
of career the students may be pursuing and my job is to prepare them for their real
world situations and make them successful in any career path they choose. The
students must have respect for others, teacher, themselves and even the property;
however property is covered until the schools or facilities rules and expectations.
Being on time and be prepared for class every day ensures that the students are using
their time wisely when they are listening to instruction. They are ready to engage and
grasp the lesson.
Instructional Procedures:
1. Human Resources Routines
a. Attendance: Everyday, the employees will come into class with a warmup displayed on the projector for the daily morning meetings with 2-3
questions that will cover the previous work day material or a review for
the assessment. These warm-ups will be known as the daily morning
meeting and the employees will work on the problems to prove their
work for the previous day. They will be assessed that they learned the
prior day and contributed to the success of the classroom. Being late to
work is not tolerated. My employees are expected to be seated and
working on the warm-up before the bell rings. When the bell rings, the
boss will quickly mark the attendance in the schools computer
application on which cubicle is empty. If the employee is not in their
seat and began working on the warm-up when the bell rings, they will be
marked tardy. If a student is tardy 3 times, then the student will be
docked on their paycheck. If they continue to be tardy, the employee
will get a demotion. If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to
find out what the missed from another coworker or the boss and make

up the work by the next class period. If the employee is absent, it will
be considered an unpaid work day unless they accumulated time off.
The employee will be given 5 hours each month known as sick time that
will be allowed to get paid while they are sick.
b. Disturbing School Notices: While employees are working on the daily
meeting, the boss will discuss any company wide announcements and
pass back any required documents.
2. Routines for moving in the office
a. Entering the Office: the boss will greet the employees at the door each
day. Upon entering the office, the employees are now on the clock and
required to go to their assigned cubicle and begin on the daily meeting.
b. Going off the clock: 3 minutes prior to the end of the period, the boss
will go over any expectations the employees need to complete at home
and have them pack up for the day. The bell ring will not dismiss the
students; the teacher will dismiss the students when they believe the
students are ready to leave the classroom.
c. Bathroom Pass: Before arriving to work, the students are required to
take care of any business that is needed such as going to the restroom. If
the employee needs to leave work for any reason (i.e. go to the
bathroom), the employee will get a small portion deducted from their
paycheck. In order to keep production moving, there will only be
allowed one student to leave the office at a time. Once the employee
has asked for permission to leave the office, then the employ will grab
the bathroom key.
d. Movement during work: The employee is required to remain seated at
all times and work unless they have been given permission to either go
to the bathroom or move seats.
3. Emergency Procedures
a. Earthquake: Students are to drop, cover, and hold. The students will
drop everything and get under their desks and hold the leg of the desk.
They will stay away from the windows and not move until the teacher
has given instructions to do so.
b. Fire: Students need to listen to the teacher and evacuate the building in
a calm manor. As a class, we will go to our designated area and not
return until instructed by the teacher.
c. Shelter in Place: The room will sealed off with equipment provided by
the school. The students will remain in their seats and quiet until further

d. Intruder on Campus: Students will remain quiet and calm and listen to
the teachers instruction. The students will do the same drill as an
earthquake. They will drop underneath their desk, and the designated
helper will turn the lights off and the teacher will lock the windows.
Students will remain in their place until instructed by teacher.
4. Housekeeping Routines
a. Clean-up: Employees are required to respect their area and leave the
room as it was when they entered the room. They are required to throw
away any trash and put away any materials that are being used.
b. Personal Items: All cell-phones are required to remain off and put away
in their backpacks, so they are not distracted on the job. If the boss
finds the cell phone out, the consequences will take place as discussed
in the beginning of the year.
5. During Lesson Routines:
a. Materials Required: All students will have their required materials and
bring to work each day. All materials that are provided by the teacher
will be in the designated shelf in the office supply area.
b. In-Office Activities: There will be 20 in office activities throughout the
year that will be turned in for credit and 5 of those activities will be
group related projects. They will be passed up at the end of the period
when completed.
c. Daily Meetings/Warm-ups: When the employees walk in the classroom,
there will be a warm-up on the overhead containing 2-3 questions about
the previous days lecture or, after an exam, an exam review question to
ensure they did not just forget the material after they completed the
exam. The warms-up that are focused on the previous exam with
account for a little bonus on their daily pay.
d. Collecting Take-Home work/Returning Take-Home work: Employees
will put their take-home work in a bin labeled Take-home on a table
by the door. The employees will drop it off when they walk into the
classroom. When their take-home work is graded, the boss will pass back
their work and have the students correct what they missed, and return it
with their corrections for a chance to make their hourly rate back. There
will be two part nighty take-home work: correct their previous nights
homework after being corrected and the independent practice from the
lesson that day.

These procedures enforce an orderly and respectful work culture. These students are
required to follow these guidelines to make sure they are getting reimbursed for the
work they put into the class. These procedures will help the students stay on task and
follow the lesson. The students need to be present and ready to engage in the lesson
in order to build a classroom as a learning community, but students need direction
and consistency to be able to follow along and behave accordingly. These rules and
procedures are generated to eliminate any misbehaving that can distract them and/or
others from learning. However, too many rules can push the students away and
discouraged any further involvement. These procedures are common in a work
environment, so it relates to the real world applications that the students will
encounter. However, this is still a classroom, so certain procedures are necessary to
keep the children behaved. For an example in the office, the employees do not need
rules to keep their desks orderly. The employees are expected to perform and
anything that is preventing that is an area of concern for upper management. If a
messy office is what they need to stay focused, then that is what needs to be done.
The boss is less likely to control every move his employees make, but if the teacher
sets the expectations and is consistent with his/her expectations, then it is less likely
for major distraction in the classroom.

Interaction Routines
e. Between coworkers: The employees will talk with library voices and use
work language that is designed for the students to understand their
relationship between them and their group partners. This relationship is
called coworkers. This relationship will be discussed in the beginning of
the year as these children are eventually going to work to make money
to survive. They will use language as such strategy building, constructive
criticism, and diplomatic strategies. These students need to work
together to complete a task and they cannot choose who they work
with, so they will have to figure out a way to finish the instruction.
f. Boss and Employees: The teacher and the students will continue this
working relationship, and the teacher would be considered their boss
that can demote, promote, and work together to make the class
successful. While the employees are working independently, they are
required to not disrupt their coworker, so they will raise their hand if
they have a question. This communication will be a conversational and
diplomatic because the students will have a say in their learning but also

building that discipline theory and maintain control of the classroom or

work office.
g. Attention Getter: When trying to get the attention of the students, I
will use to clap technique. I will say if you hear my voice, clap once
and if I do not have everyones attention, I will repeat if you hear my
voice, clap twice. Once I have everyones attention, I will answer the
question, move on to a new topic, or begin instruction.
h. Talking out of turn: Students will respect their coworkers because
everyone has a reason they are in my class and they contribute to the
overall success of an office or company. The students will not speak out
of turn and raise their hand to contribute to the discussion. If they talk
out of turn, they will deal with the consequences.
i. Participation: Each student is encouraged to participation within the
lesson to involve them in their learning. To help encourage this, I will
give out bonuses for volunteering their knowledge and wisdom. During
times with no volunteers or inspiring others to participate, I will use
popsicle sticks with the students names and call at random. This will
ensure the students are on their toes and be ready to participate.

Management Plan:

1. Building a Community of Learners: It is very important to build relationships

with the students to understand what they need in your instruction. Building a
community of learners is having a trusting and respectful environment from
both the students and from the teacher. These rules are not only built for the
employees but for the boss to follow as well. This office will be a two-way
street but with defined roles. I will greet every student at the door and
continue conversational dialogue to get to know these students. I will be
interested in their hobbies, family life, and prior assessments. I will be able to
know how to manage them with their behaviors or how to instruct the lesson.
2. Classroom Expectations/Office Expectations: Classroom and Office
expectations go hand-in-hand. The rules need to be followed and be clear and
concise for the students. I will have the students come up with their own
company expectations. These classroom behaviors will be rewarded by
monopoly money. They will get a bonus or if they were bad or missed class, will
not get paid for that time they were not being productive. The students will be

paying rent for their cubicle and has to buy supplies that need to be rented.
The students will come up with their own office moto such as:
i. Be responsible, be respectful, and be safe: the students will
come up with what they think defines these terms. Also, at the
beginning of the year, the students will come up with their own
moto that they will work by.
b. By the end of the semester: The amount of money you have extra will
buy an reward
i. $200 > Prize and 20 points extra credit
ii. $100 > 20 points extra credit
iii. $80 > 15 points extra credit
iv. $45 > 10 points extra credit
v. $20 > 5 points extra credit

c. Rewards for good behavior: For different classroom management styles,

the students will be rewarded with a bonus if they have behaved. For
example, if a student has never been tardy or absent, volunteering three
times to participate in a lesson, passing the quiz from an exam review,
or other good behavior, the student will be given a type of bonus
(compensation with monopoly money) that will help with pay for extra
points or getting a prize at the end of the year.
d. Consequences: When a student is bad, either breaking a rule, too many
times tardy or absents, or missed an assignment, the students will be
punished by a series of steps:
i. First Warning: Students will be redirected from their bad
behavior. They may be a non-verbal warning or verbal warning.
The student will know that the behavior should not continue
ii. Second Warning: A pay reduction. The student will have to pay the
teacher for the time that they missed. The extra money the
student will pay will decrease their chances of a better grade.
iii. Third Warning: A full day pay deduction. The student will not get
credit for participating that days activity.
iv. Fourth Warning: Demotion will take place. This student will lose
significant pay making their grade lower. This demotion will also
include a phone call phone.
v. Fifth Warning: A Lay-off will take place when they are sent out of
class. This student is at risk of losing their job which would mean
that their behavior needs to change or they may not pass that

These management procedures are structured to help keep the classroom on task at
all times. Students need to know what is expected of them in order to succeed your
expectations. In an office setting, the interaction between coworkers is a good model
for how the students should interact with each other. They have to maintain a
professional language and relationships that wouldnt comprise their job, and the
students are required to maintain good behavior in order to use the time in our
classroom effectively. There are rewards and consequences even in a career setting
and their employees strive for the bonuses so they can buy that pair of shoes they
have been eyeing or so they can afford that family vacation they have talked about
for years. These are incentives for the students/employees to work harder. Building a
community of learners will only help build those respectful relationships where there
is one common goal and that is to gain as much knowledge as necessary. These
classroom managements will only help guide them to what is acceptable and what is

Classroom Setting

The classroom will be set up for four desk put together creating a square where the
students are looking at each other. This will force the students to work together to
help each other with tougher topics or assigned group work. These desks will be
called their cubicles where the students can make their desks their own.

Security & Shelter: The desks with be grouped together with physical safe

around each other so the students can safely work around the room. The
students will feel a sense of belonging by their assigned seat or their own
cubicle, where they can organize or decorate as they choose.
Social Interaction: Interaction routines are covered in earlier text, however

social interaction is highly encouraged when it is controlled. Students will be

encouraged to participate in group activities and classroom expectations. This
environment will be a sense of a community where they feel comfortable
expressing their ideas and contributing to the lesson.
Symbolic Identification: The classroom or office will be filled with
student/employee work displayed for others to see. The office is proud of their
achievements and recognizes the students that contribute to the success. The

classroom will promote interactive learning because the desk will be organized
accordingly to force the students to work with pairs or groups.
Task Instrumentally: There will be designed independent work to show their

competence of the unit, but more importantly, the tasks will be focused on
group work where they have to work as a team to complete the activity.
Pleasure: The classroom will be colorful and inviting for the students to want to
come into class. The students will know that they are walking into a math
classroom and be prepared to learn difficult concepts. The classroom will be
designed to make sure the students feel comfortable with their surroundings
and coworkers/classmates that they will work with.

The classroom will be set up to support classroom discussions by contributing to the
lesson. They will give their inputs or ask any question to understand the concept.
Having the students work displayed in the classroom will promote pride of their hard
work and how they will be recognized for their effort. Students and employees just
want to be recognized and praised for the work that they complete and by displaying
it for all to see, it shows that the teacher is just as proud of them as they are of
themselves. This builds a team setting where everyone supports each others
successes. The students need to feel a sense of belonging to be interested in the
material you are presenting and bring down their barriers because it will open them
up to learning more. In the group of 4 cubicles, this will help an English Learners or
students with disabilities because they will have a group of supporters that will help
them through the material. I will pair an ELL with a student that knows their language
to help make clarifications. It just establishes the community building and
participation when they are put into these situations.

Seating Chart Rationale:

The desks will be arranged in a group of four to encourage communication and
collaboration between classmates/coworkers. There will be roles that will be defined
at the beginning of school, so the students can participate in their company. This
seating arrangement builds a community within their period. The different periods
will be displayed in the back because my periods will be arranged as their companys
competitor. This will give the students a sense of belonging.

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