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Using your Voice

Voice Production and Articulation

Your voice is key!


must be audible!


have to have enough volume, or

loudness, in order to be heard.


have vocal warm-up

techniques that they use all the
time. Their voices have to be strong
to sustain long rehearsals and

Voice Production

Diaphragm dome-shaped muscle that

separates the chest from the abs. It is
located at the base of the lungs.
When exercising your voice you will be
working to achieve controlled breathing
and resonance.
Variety in pitch, volume, rate, and
inflection is important.
Clear articulation and proper enunciation
round out the important elements of
voice production.

Vocal folds the primary generators of

sound. Also known as vocal cords
Pitch the highness or lowness of a
sound that you make.
Melody - refers to the variations in
pitch that help give expression to a
persons voice.
Range the spread between the
lowest and highest sounds you can
speak comfortably.

Resonance a rich, warm vocal tone

Rate the speed at which one speaks.
Inflection - the variety of vocal pitch.
Rising inflection shows questioning; falling
inflection signifies finality.
Articulation speaking so that clear
consonants and distinct vowels are heard.
***Most communication problems are
caused by poor articulation.
Project to increase vocal volume so that
you can be heard in the back of the

How is sound produced?


nose, mouth, sinuses.
Articulators tongue,
jaw, teeth, cheeks, lips,
hard and soft palates.

Proper Breathing

stays still; waist expands and

contracts; lower ribs rise and fall

How to protect the voice


well, sleep well, exercise! This

helps you avoid getting SICK!


smoking or alcohol. Both are

especially harmful to the voice.


strain by shouting yourself

hoarse! When in doubt, dont shout!


really helps to relax your

throat and improve your tone!

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