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Ege ten) Seana Lesson 13 Unfamiliar Words : Using context clues to figure out the meaning aries of unfamiliar words and phrases will deepen EJ) your understanding of the texts you read. D> Read Informational texts often have words people don't use in. everyday life. + Some words usually appear only in texts in one subject area. For example, youl see the word fosiin science texts and ‘the word geography in social studies texts. + Other words, called academic words, are useful in many ‘subject areas. For example, the academic word process often. appears in both science and social studies texts. As you read, you can use context clues to figure out the meanings of unfamllar words and phrases. Clues might be synonyms, antonyms, examples, or definitions Read the passage below. Circle the phrase conceived of and underline context clues that help you learn its meaning. INVENTINCHTHERC RANE Ancient Greek engineers thought of ways to make ‘new machines from older ones. For example, they conceived of and built a compound machine called the crane. Their idea combined the lever, pulley, and wheel-and-axle into one machine. gi ‘Amoderncraneisa ‘compound machine, 00 Miwa setae end D> Thinks Whathave you learned about figuring out the meaning of unfamiliar words? Complete the chart below to figure out the ‘meaning of the phrase conceived of as itis used in the passage. ‘Then explain what the phrase most likely means. ‘The meaning of the phrase: > Talk Share your chart and meaning with a partner. + Did you agree about the helpful context? + Did you agree about the meaning ofthe phrase? © Academic Talk Use these phases to talk about the text. + subject area + academic words CS Eure tel ue aay b Read | Chee eed 4 Fire 2ni Air Starting fire is abit lke folowing a recipe. Getting anything to ‘combust takes three ingredients: fuel, heat, and oxygen. All three are needed for burning to begin, but where do these ingredients come from? Fuel is anything that burns easily, including wood, paper, or grass. ‘Heat can come from many places, but most people use matches. And ‘oxygen, of course is gas in the air around ws. Ifa fire doessit have enough of any one ofthe three ingredients, it will bbe weak. To strengthen the fie, ust add one or more ofthe ingredients, Itis simple to add more fuel or heat, but how do you add more oxygen? From a safe distance, blow on the fre. You will se it strengthen because blowing adds oxygen tothe fire, making it burn vigorously. Your fire will ‘grow bigger, brighter, and stionges, ‘To understand the role oxygen plays in keeping a fre burning, ‘ry this experiment: An Experiment with Fire Materials You Will Need + Mosr important: A Teacites Hetene You ++ three small candles (tealights) thee saucers + two glas jars one larger than the other Procedure to Fallow Pat each candle on a saucer, and have your tacherlight ((¢CEieek ean ate cach one Place ajar over two ofthe candles Pay attention. 9. oad cece to the candles to monitor what happens overtime. You will Unfair words oF observe thatthe candle with the east airavailable—the one phrases Then underline covered by the smaller jar—is the frst one extinguished. ‘words o phases that Keep watching to see which candle goes out next. Blow ‘ive you cues about thelr out the lat candle, ‘meanings (ite nuie inci eale ss LEE} (EGE How di comet clus help you gure out the meaning of tnfarilla words inthe selence tex? D Think Achartwaheipyou 1 Compete cntlon Wie thee centortandduesyou ei el used figure out the meaning of each unfair wor. tetentetprve Helpful Context 1. “Starting a fire is a bit like following a recipe...” Welpful Context 1. "Pay attention fo the candles...” 2.4. happens over > Talk @ Explain how figuring out the meaning of unfamiliar words helped you understand the text. Which context clues were the most helpful? Why? ‘it HINT Replace an bE write cn short Response Briefly explain how you figured out the meaning [SPasle meaning cof combust and monitor Use text deals to support your answer. Use ‘seta the space on page 208 to write your answer. aon inno 205, by Lloyd Frank 1 Mountains, lakes, and rivers can get in the way of people traveling from one place to another. There are structures that help people pass such obstacles, Bridges and tunnels help people overcome such barriers. 2 Bridges and tunnels ate different in design and placement. A bridge is built over a body of water, a highway, ora railsoad track. A tunnel, in contrast, is a passageway under the ground, under a body of water, tr Uirouglt « mountain. Bridges vary in shape and are often placed above ground or water, Some are even famous. The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most renowned bridges in the world. This celebrated structure crosses over the entrance to San Francisco Bay and connects San Francisco to northern California. The Golden Gate is known for its length and height. Buti s best known for its beauty. People come from all over the world not just to cross the Golden Gate but simply to look: atit 3 Ofcourse, not even the world’s most famous tunnel gets many visitors who just want to look. Its hard to get a good view of subterranean passage. But since the Channel Tunnel ‘opened in 1994, it has transported millions of people. The Channel Tunnel, or “Chunnel” runs beneath the English (Channel and connects France and England, The Chunnel is rail tunnel. The only automobiles that cross it are carried ePraseaeee How can context clues help you? Cirele words that are unfamiliar ‘on special railway cars. The Chunnel isnot the longest Reread the arte tunnel in the world, but itis one ofthe few tunnels that __—_Underfine cues that help you igure out the connects two countries “ountr ‘meaning ofthe words. 206 tennant nde can Aea Cnyeinetpemn Unfamiliar Words Lesson 13 D Think. Use what you tare from reading the scence arte to respond tothe folowing questions \Whatis the meaning of obstadsasitis used in paragraph 1 sae ofthe text —— AA things made below or above ground there snes he the unfair werd B things thatsow or stop moverent aie things thathelp peopl travel oma D_ things built through mountains or over water ‘that are opposite to the unfamiliar words. B Undetine four context cues i paragraph 2 that best help you understand the meaning ofthe word renowned A bridge is built over a body of water, a highway, or a railroad track... Bridges vary in shape and are often placed above ground or water. Some are even famous. The Golden Gate Bridge is one of ‘the most renowned bridges in the world. This celebrated structure ‘crosses over the entrance to San Francisco Bay and connects San Francisco to northern California. The Golden Gate is known for its length and height. But its best known for its beauty. > Talk Discus the meaning ofthe word subteraneanasitisusedinths HII Useachatto sentence fom paragraph 3 cxsaize yur dual ‘thoughts about Its hard to get good view of subterranean passage cones Write @ Short Response Write a definition of the word subterranean, Identify the context clues you found. Describe the strategy you used, to figure out the meaning of the word. Use details from the text to support your response. Use the space provided on page 209 to write your answer. Celanese apy tet pet 9 womans 207 Modeled and Guided Instruction ©2000000000090000660 1) Write Use the space below towrite your answerto the question on page 205. fire si Air Short Response Briefly explain how you figured out Lunfamilar word with the meaning of combust and monitor Use text detals to is posse meaning to seciftmatesence, support your answer. ‘Check Your Writing Did you read the prompt carefully? : 1 Did you put the prompt in your own words? ee Did you use the best evidence from the text to support your ideas? 1 Are your ideas clearly organized? 1 Did you write in clear and complete sentences? Did you check your spelling and punctuation? Stee ©0088 00000S8HHO8OCO ety Britige, mncler Tunne! © Use the chart below to organize your ideas. Clues Possible Meaning ice, ete tet st crenrver te queen pee, G Short Response Write a definition of the word subterranean. Identify the context clues you found. Describe the strategy you used to figure out the meaning of the word. Use details from the text to support your response,

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