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1 Thessalonians

Project for Truth

Welcome to our new sample translation of 1 Thessalonians. This translation is updated and corrected
using the most accurate information available, rather than changes based on commercial copyright
differences and marketing, religious traditions or other fables of questionable origin. Many translations of
the past were created because of the desire for greater political power, for religious control, or more
recently as a marketing tool to generate or increase profits for corporations. Some translations had the
right heart, but have proved difficult to understand, had critical errors and omissions, or were poorly
translated. Great effort has been taken with both accurate understanding and translation in this new
translation by Bible Vision. Both ancient and modern historical knowledge has been consulted. The
original language terms have been updated to a more current modern grammar, used to encourage better
understanding. Hebrew rather than Greek terms and understandings have been used wherever possible or
practical. Words that have become commonplace to the point of being meaningless, or that have been
blurred in modern usage are updated to facilitate more precise understanding. Religious words have been
replaced by words that are easier or more concise. For example, the word holy is replaced by set
apart - which is the intended expression of scripture. More importantly, the cornerstone of this
translation has been continual prayer and the Counsel of our Abba Father through His Ruach.
Among the immediately noticeable differences you will find in reading are the 'Divine Names' used and in
'Divine Titles.' Hebrew is used over Greek. Instead of the title 'Lord' is the corrected title 'Master.' Instead
of 'God' is the corrected Hebrew title 'Elohim.' Instead of 'Holy Spirit' is the original terminology 'Set
Apart Ruach.' Rather than the typically accepted Name of our Savior 'Jesus Christ' is His actual Hebrew
Name and title, 'Yahshua Messiah.' The corrected Hebrew Name 'YHWH' is used for 'Elohim' as
appropriate. Changing these helps to restore the original meanings and intentions of the original texts
where the English language is concerned.
We trust you will find the difference refreshing and educational. There are some surprises, as you never
stop learning from scripture.

1 Thessalonians
Chapter 1
Paul and Silas and Timothy to the gathering at Thessalonica in Elohim our Father and the
Master Yahshua Messiah: Favor to you and peace from Elohim our Father and Master Yahshua
Messiah. 2 Thanks to Elohim always for making the Way around for you, bringing remembrance
of you in our prayers, 3 remembering continually, your work of belief and pains of love, and
patient endurance of expectation in our Master Yahshua Messiah, in the presence of our Elohim
and Father, 4 knowing you were chosen by Elohim as beloved brothers. 5 Because our declaring
the Way did not come to you in Word alone, but even in power and in the Set Apart Ruach, and
in abundant confidence; as you know what sort of men continued for you and with you. 6 You
also came to be our imitators, also of the Master, receiving the Word in great tribulation, with
joy of the Set Apart Ruach 7 so that you became an example to all believers in Makedonia and
Achaia. 8 For your fleeing sent out the Word of the Master, not only in Makedonia and Achaia,
but also in each place your belief towards Elohim has gone out, so that we have had no need to
speak for a while. 9 For they openly declared all around us what manner of coming they have
had towards you, even how you turned toward Elohim, fleeing from idols to obey the living and
true Elohim, 10 Even to wait patiently for His Son from out of heaven, Whom He raised up from
death, Yahshua, delivering us, separated from the punishment that is to come.
Chapter 2
For you brothers, know our coming to you was not empty-handed: 2 but also after having
suffered and being spitefully used - even as you know, in Philippi - confident in our Elohim to
speak to you the declared Way of Elohim, in much battle for the prize. 3 For our encouragement
was not out of deceit, neither of impure motives, and not in trickery. 4 But just as we have been
tested under Elohim, even entrusted with the declared Way; in this way we speak, not in the
manner of pleasing men, but Elohim, Who tests our hearts. 5 For not ever have we come in
flattering words, just as you know, nor an outward showing of greed Elohim is witness. 6 Not
seeking exaltation from men, not from you, not of others, yet having the authority to be a burden
as apostles of Messiah. 7 But we became gentle in your midst, even as one that lovingly
nourishes and cherishes his children. 8 In this way we cared deeply for you, taking pleasure to
share, not only the declared Way of Elohim, but even the depths of our ruachs, because you
came to be beloved to us. 9 For be mindful brothers of our labor and toil, for laboring night and
day we would not be expensive to any of you, we proclaimed to you the declared Way of
Elohim. 10 You and Elohim witnessed how we were set apart, even righteous and blameless we
were with you believers. 11 As you well know the manner in which we encouraged you, even
comforting and giving testimony to each one of you, in the same way that a father loves his
child. 12 You walk appropriately before Elohim, Who called you out to His Rule and exaltation.
In the same way, we also give thanks to Elohim continually, because when you did not
withhold obedience to the Word of Elohim that you heard from us, you did not receive it as the
word of man, but just as it truly is, the Word of Elohim, which shows effective power, even as
you believe. 14 For you brothers, came to be imitators, as the assembly of Elohim in Judea being
in Messiah Yahshua, because you also have been affected in the same way under your own
countrymen, just as the Jews 15 killed the Master Yahshua and their own prophets. They have
also persecuted us and do not please Elohim, even in opposition to every man, 16 hindering us in
speaking to the nations, in order that they might be saved, making full their sins at all times for
the punishment that is coming upon them in the end. 17 But brothers, don't mourn the loss of

1 Thessalonians
separation for a season of time because of circumstances in your hearts. We are exerting
ourselvcs to a greater degree to see you in person with much anticipation. 18 On this account, we
had in mind to come to you, indeed I, Paul, more than once, but the adversary hindered us. 19
And what is our expectation except it be joy, except it be a hard-won crown of exaltation, even
so, not except we be in the presence of our Master Yahshua at His return. 20 And you are our
exaltation, even joy
Chapter 3
through which we would no longer endure patiently, thinking it well to remain at Athens alone;
even dispatching Timothy our brother and servant of Elohim, and our fellow worker in the
declared Way of Messiah, to set you firmly and encourage you with respect to your belief. 3 Not
one of you must be shaken by these tribulations, because you know that we are set to this. 4 And
indeed, while we were at your side, warned you that we should expect to suffer trouble; and just
as it came to be, even you experienced. 5 For this reason, even I could no longer patiently
endure, sending out to learn about your belief, that somehow the trials may have tested you
beyond endurance, and our labor coming to be of no purpose. 6 But at this moment, Timothy
came from you to us, and brought us glad tidings of your trust and love, and because you hold
fond memories of us always, longing to see us, even as we long to see you. 7 Because of this
brothers, we were encouraged over you, through your trust, against all our distress and
circumstances. 8 At this present time we live, through standing strong in the Master. 9 For what
thanks is it possible to repay Elohim for making the Way around for you, over all the joy with
which we rejoice for you in the presence of our Elohim, 10 night and day praying with exceeding
violence to see you in person, to remove the lack and complete you thoroughly in your belief? 11
Now Elohim Himself, even our Father, and our Master Yahshua Messiah, straighten our road
towards you. 12 Now the Master abundantly increases you, even as you excel in love to one
another, even to each one, and even as we do to you, 13 setting fast your hearts, set apart and
blameless in the presence of Elohim, even our Father, at the return of our Master Yahshua
Messiah in the midst of all His set apart ones.
Chapter 4
Even more, we truly beg you and implore you brothers in the Master Yahshua. Just as you
have learned from us in what way it is necessary for you to walk and be in agreement with
Elohim, do so in order to remain in abundance to a greater degree, 2 because you know what
commands we gave you through the Master Yahshua. 3 Indeed the same is the Will of Elohim
concerning your being set apart, your abstaining from sexual impurity. 4 Each one of you knows
to possess your own vessel in being set apart, even in respect, 5 not in the depraved passion of
what is forbidden, and even as the nations who do not know Elohim. 6 Do not overstep the
proper limits, even taking advantage of a brother in a matter. On this account, the Master exacts
the penalty concerning all of these, even as we also have said to you before and earnestly
confirmed. 7 Indeed, Elohim did not call us to impurity, but in being set apart. 8 For this reason,
anyone that rejects does not disregard man, but Elohim, even granting to us the gift of His Set
Apart Ruach. 9 But concerning brotherly love that you possess, it is not necessary that I write
you because you are taught of Elohim to love each other. 10 Yet, you indeed exercise the same to
all the brothers that are altogether throughout Makedonia, but encourage you brothers remain in
abundance to a greater degree. 11 Even earnestly live in peace and practice minding your own,

1 Thessalonians
even working with your own hands as we declared to you 12 in order that you walk decently to
those outside, and possess no need. 13 And I do not have in mind for you to be in error brothers,
about those asleep in death, so that you do not grieve, and even as the rest that possess no
expectation of salvation. 14 Because when you believe that Yahshua was slain and rose again, in
this way those that sleep through Yahshua, Elohim carries in union with Him. 15 And the same
we say to you in the Word of the Master, that those of us now living find the Way around to the
presence of the Master, anticipating no sleep 16 because the Master Himself will descend from
heaven in a shout, in the voice of the chief messenger, and in the trumpet of Elohim. But the
dead in Messiah leave first. 17 Afterward, those of us that live will leave, seized together with
those in a cloud to meet the Master in the air. And in this way we will always be embraced by
the Master. 18 So then, encourage one another in these words.
Chapter 5
But brothers, about the time and the opportune time, you possess no need for me to write to
you 2 as you well know in what way the Master's day comes, as a thief in the night. 3 Because
while they say 'peace and security,' at that time unexpected destruction is at hand, just as the pain
possessed in childbirth, so there is no escape. 4 Now you brothers are not in darkness in order
that this day seizes you as a thief. 5 You are all sons of light and sons of day. You are not of
night, nor darkness. 6 So then, these things being so, do not fall asleep as even the rest, but
watch and be sober. 7 Then those that fall asleep, fall asleep at night. Also, those that get drunk,
get drunk at night. 8 But we are of the day. Be sober, putting on the breastplate of belief and
love, and the helmet of the expectation of salvation. 9 Since Elohim has not set us to punishment,
but into preserving salvation through our Master Yahshua Messiah, 10 Who suffered violent death
in our behalf, in order that whether watching or whether sleeping, we live together, completed in
Him. 11 Consequently, encourage one another and strengthen one to one, just as you indeed
purpose. 12 Now we beg you brothers, know those that toil in your midst, and preside over you
in the Master, even exhorting you, 13 and consider them more excellent in love through their
work. Live in peace with yourselves. 14 Now we instruct you brothers: warn the disorderly,
encourage the stressed, care for those without strength, be patient with everyone. 15 Discern that
not one gives evil because of evil to anyone, but at all times pursue what is commendable, both
to one another and to everyone. 16 Rejoice at all times. 17 Pray continually. 18 In all things give
thanks because this is the purpose of Elohim in Messiah Yahshua for you. 19 Do not quench the
fire of the Ruach. 20 Do not reject prophecy. 21 Examine all things, hold fast to what is
commendable. 22 Abstain, be separate from fellowship with all forms of evil, 23 and the Elohim
of peace will set you apart completely to Himself. And you will be completed in ruach, and
being, and body, reserved blameless in the presence of our Master Yahshua Messiah, 24 Who is
trustworthy to call you and fulfill it. 25 Brothers, pray the Way around for us. 26 Embrace all the
brothers in a kiss of dedication. 27 Your oath in the Master that this message is read to all the set
apart brothers. 28 The favor of our Master Yahshua Messiah be with you. May it be so.

1 Thessalonians by the Project for Truth is licensed under a

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