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Management Accountat,


Date: 24.03.2016
Mr. Albert R. Lira,
HR Manager,
Alpha Financial Firm,

Dear Mr. Lira,

As Toms supervisor for almost five years, I have yet to work with someone as meticulous with
numbers and calculations as he is. Richard and I worked togheter on several projects and I am
pleased to say that Tom is an excellent team player, a sincere and hardworking individual, and an
ideal coworker.
Tom always did more work, than his share of the work on the projects he was assigned. He often
took the initiative to handle difficult projects and picked up new tasks efficiently. I am glad to
have work with him, as the management had always praised the assignments we worked together
on. Tom had good ethical behavior at work.
I highly recommend Tom for any position in the Accounting department. I wish him all the best
for his career.
Yours faithfully,

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