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Hoosier-Style Cabinet » Night Stand * Wall-Mounted Plate Rack © Drilling Mortises Inside This Issue: TUR uN eA CMCC) Wea ua Ys een |) Pride on Our Unique aR eT aad een crag URS Wray WOODSMITH MAIL ORDER Operation Dir: Bob Uke * Cer Soe Ne: none Worse Spr: Nancy John» Buyer: Und ones Tech Serie ep Matt eto = Adin Ac ie : renner a Bom, Wri Wnt, 70. aot ey SRG eS Seep rege romeo Sia ‘Wor Wide Wb Fn rth cos Printed io USA. EpITOR’s Oo) Fey SAWDUST imes have definitely changed. "Mention a home “workstation” today, and chances are someone wil point to 1a desk with acomputer sitting on it, However, if you had mentioned a “workstation” eighty or ninety years ago, you would have been directed to the kitchen, Along one wall, you would have seen a large free-standing piece of furniture with drawers, cupboards, and pullout bins for storing all your food staples, Italso included a sturdy work- surface for preparing a meal. in short, ‘everything you needed to feed a fam- |y was in one convenient place. HOOSIER CABINET. This mult+purpose workstation was referred to as a Hoosier cabinet. Actually, Hoosier was Just the name of one of the manufac- turers ofthis type of cabinet. There ‘were many others as well. And since many of the manufacturers were locat- ed in Indiana (the Hoosier state), Hoosier became a generic name for this style of cabinet, AAs kitchen designs changed and builtin cabinets were added, Hoosier cabinets fell out of favor. The ones that weren't thrown away were moved to the back porch, garage, or barn. And that's where many of them stayed — until the last ifteen or twenty years. Today, original Hoosier-tyle cabi- nets are hardto find. This makes ther uite popular with antique collectors, Woodsmith and they/re often fly expensive, ‘That may be one reason we've received so many requests from read- rs to feature plans for building an authentic Hoosierstyle cabinet. But there's aproblem with trying to desizn an authentic reproduction. There were dozens of styles ofthis type of cabinet —each one different from the next. ‘ur DESIGN. Our solution was to pull together some of the most recomniz- ablefeatures ofa Hoosiersyle cabinet and create our ova version. One that ‘would fit in today’s homes and would provide some interesting woodwork ing challenges as wel. FEATURES It features a tall upper cab- inet that sts on a lower base cabinet. Both cabinets are put together with gy sturdy frame and panel construction. ‘And to create an authentic look, we eed rest reprodection hardware, ‘Once our Hoosier-siyle cabinet was completed, the reactions around here were quite interesing. Someone said it would be perfec in a family room. Another suggested puttingiitin a bath- room for storing towels and tinens. And finally it seemed fiting when someone ‘mentioned puttingt in the kitchen — back to where ital started Asitturns out, this versatile cabinet ‘would be at home in any room. But don't take my word for it. Check out the article on page 24. No. 124 Favela) INSIDE CONTENTS Features Night’ Standley...) Soo. oem 6 There's a lot of woodworking that goes into building this projec: overated drawers, frame and panel doors, and a vnique case featuring sturdy corner posts and double-layered panels. It will be sx weleome addition to any bedroom, Drilling Mortises .. 14 The first step toward a strong mortise and tenon joint is making a square, accurate mortise. Here's our quick method for making. hassle-free mortises with just a drill press and a couple chisels. Plate Storage Rack.. 16 Get your nice dishes out of the cupboard with this country-style plate rack. It has routed grooves and shelf space for displaying plates, bowls, and knickknacks. And we've designed it with a cory free hanging system of interlocking cats. Hoosier-Style Cabinet . 24 Before built-in cabinetry, Hoosier Ties wee popidar all- purpose kitchen workstations. This one features traditional frame ‘and panel construction, reproduction harduare, and an antique- looking finish. Plus, it’s sized to be practical for today's homes. m Departments Tips & Techniques ... am Shop Notes SOURCOS ie pean tettocc eo yiary set No. 124 Woodsmith Tirs FROM Our SHOP Tips & TECHNIQUES vd Corner Clamping ‘Whenitcomesto gluing up frames with mitered cor- ners, [like to use a spring miter clamp to hold the pieces: ‘The strong apring does a good job preventing the pieces from slipping _ QUERALL DIMENSIONS: —— Tworpart clentapstem proves secure ‘rote on sides — oe ke [FRONT SECTION VIEW CUTTING DIAGRAM {Ye x5 -96" Pine Two Boards @ 3.6 Bd. F. Each) A ‘Ye x Si" -96" Pine Two Boards @ 3.6 Bd. Ft. Each) © 44 x 5-96" Pine (3.6 Bd. Fe) e ee x 51s" - 96" Pine @.6 Bd Ft) i D 3g" 315" 96" Pino 2.3 BA. Fe) 34" x 51s" -96" Pine @.6 Bd. Ft) Yr x 535" 96" Pine 0.6 Sq. Fe) ® R jojo} No. 124 Woodsmith. FRAME EXPLODED VIEW” @ror 1a 5 37 Aligourter- Sinkson top face 18 ny. ee out pro and ide waste Sides, Shelves, & Top ‘The frame ofthis pate rack is pretty basic. Ifsjust two des that trap three shelves with fourth panel ontop, see Frame Bxploded View. Later back will be added to the bottom section, Dut to keep the weight of the rack down, the upper sections are eft open. SIDE. Istarted work on the 34"hick sides (A), see Frame Bxploded View above. These panels can be cut to in ished length (812, but you'l want toleave them lite wide for now. ‘Tomake the frame easiero assem Scedetail'¢ Tater see deta from file on front bie later, /-deep dadoes are cut in the sides, see detail ‘b’ above. The if about dadoes is you almost always end up with some chipout That's why Heft the sidesextra wide, Ripping them to final width (10¥4") willclean up any chipout on the edge Now the decorative profile on the sides can be eut. The profiles on the two panels don't have to be perfectiy identical But I only wanted to draw the profile once, so TIaid outa 1” grid and drew the pattern on one of the blanks, refer tothe pattern on page 17, ‘Then after it's cutand sanded smooth, you can use this side panel to lay out the profile on the other workpiece, SHEAVES & TOP. The side panels can be set aside for now while you work on the shelf and top panels, see Frame ‘Exploded View. The frst thing to do is cut the upper (B), middle (C), and lower shelves (D) to size, as ‘well as the panel for the top (E). ‘There are onlya couple of things to dowith these panels. The top (E) has ‘NOTE: All shank oles are J la ce ' oy TOP & SHELF SCREW LOCATIONS : cae | cow ‘TOP FACE bee ike ‘oPrace + ayy ron ea ‘on top ace NOTE: All shank holes in top panel (6) Countersunk on top face. Inidale shelf (©) countersunk on bottom face. Some upper shel (@) holes countersunk ontop face, some an bation face, refer to Sraviing above and Side Section View in margin ie Incas ank noes ‘Countersunk ‘on bottom face ‘Al Shank holes in Woodsmith No. 124 Vf! soundover wih a 1" shoulder routed on its front and side edges, ‘see detail ‘c’in Frame Exploded View at left, And the middle and lower ‘shelves are rabbeted for the back slats added later, soe detail‘ Also, this isa good time to rout the ‘stopped grooves for displaying items on the lower shelf. For more on this procedure, see page 23. ‘itor the frame ieasserabed, there won't be room to drill the holes for attaching the dowel ladders and shelf insert built later. So before assembly, Tdriled a few holes. Quite a few holes, sctually, see the box on page 18. ‘First, Laid out and drilled the shank holes in the top and in the upper and middle shelves. Then I countersunk each hole on the tap face of the top panel (2), see drawing in margin on page 18. On the middie shelf (C) the bottom holes are countersunk. And theupper shelf gets countersinks on both faces, see box on page 18, asstaaty. AC this point, the rack frame can be assembled. I started by driling "deep counterboresin the sides, see Figs, 1 and la. Then the ‘shelves can be screwed between the sides, and the screw holes plugged. Finally, I screwed the top to the sides, centered side-to-side and flush with the back, see Fig. 1b. ‘ap MOLDING. By itself, the top would ook @ bit thin, So T added a ‘¥"hick layer of square cap molding. above it. The front (F) and side smolding (G) are mitered at their front ‘comers and screwed to the top with a" overhung, see Figs. Land le. NGING GENTS, With the breakabies this plate rack will hold, it needed a heavy-duty hanging system. So Tused a pair of interlocking cleats that Ive used before to hang tool cabinets in my shop, see Cleat Exploded View. ‘The beveled cleatsare cut from a sin- ale blank, see Fig.2. Then the rack ‘leat (H) is glued and screwed to the rack. The wall cleat (1) will be ‘screwed to the walllater, see page 21. ‘To hide the cleats, I made a cleat cover (J), see Cleat Exploded View and detail ‘a.’ This 31/-wide blank hhasa /" roundover routed alongits bottom edge. Thea i's secured with screws, see detail No 124 side MOLDIN Oe ct) a sexe ‘FRONT. Fhwood- MOLDING (3 de) b, SIDE SECTION VIEW 8x1 Fy so woedserew ar 2 Me Wopdsmith 19 4 The dowels and rails (and shelves) are stained and finished before ‘attaching he dowel ladles. LADDER EXPLODED VIEW Dowel Ladders, Shelf Insert, & Back With the frame complete, I began work on some dowel “ladders” that separate and cradle the plates, see Ladder Exploded View: UPPER RALS. The ladders consist of rails and dowels, but [made the rails first, starting with the ones for the ‘upper section of the rack. First, Lut thefour upper rails (K) to size, see Ladder Exploded View. Then a Y= dia bead profile js routed along one ‘edge, see detail’ above. (For sources Of this bit, see page 35.) Each vail has fifteen ¥4"-deep holes tobold the dowels, but you only need tolay them out on one piece, see del Then the rails can be clamped together, and the lines transferred with a square, see Fig. 9. When diriling the holes, an easy way to align the layoutlines with the btis tomark. its center on the fence, see Fig. 4 ‘This way, positioning therailisjusta matter ofining up the lines. LOWER RALS. The ladders in the mi- de section wil be similar to the upper ladders, but you have to allow for the shelf insert. So the front lower rails (Mf) end up with only three holes on each end, see Ladder Exploded View and details’ and’ above. Inback, there will betwo shortlad- ders so the insert can sidein from the back, see the Insert Exploded View ‘on page 21. The four back lower rails (N) for these ladders are only 834" long, see detail above, RAIL MOWING, There's another railing, WEL NOTE: Dowel parts EO tietrom Hedia. J bie dowels riece toad, but here arent any holes inthis one, Therail molding P)is simply glued under the lower shelf, sce Ladder Exploded View. DOWELS. Now it’s time to cut the “rungs” of the ladders — the 94'dia. hardwood dowels. The upper dow- ls (L) are cut 1344" long, while the FINISHING. Before assembling the ladders al the pieces need tobe fin ished, see margin photo. Pine often looks biotehy when stained, so first applied a“wood conditioner" Then stained the pieces a “country maple” color so the hardwood dowels and pine pieces would match. Finally, I viped on three coats of finish. ATTACHING THE ADDERS. When atach- FAST Lay out oles on one rail ‘Woodsmith No. 124 ”~ ing the ladders tothe rack, Twanted ‘perfect fit. So rather than glue the ladders together, I dry assembled them and screwed the rails in place. ‘Thedowels simply “oat” in between. However, the order heres erucial Install the ladders back-to-front, not top-to-bottom, see margin drawing on page 20. This way, you'll be able to gett all the countersunk shank holes You dried in the shelves earlier. ‘a SUNSET. With allthe ladders in place, | added a simple shelf insert tofitbetween the back lower ladders, see Insert Exploded View at right. It's made up of wo Ythick insert sides (Q) and two insert shelves (R) joined with shallow dadoes, see detail’ above right Aiter testing the fit of the insert, 1 ‘glued it together and serewed it into the rack, see detail ‘a’ above. ‘AED BOARD BACK. All that’ left now is to add a beaded back, see Insert Exploded View. Youcan find 6"-thick beaded boards in both pine and o2k at many home centers. But | made ‘my own, using the same beading bit used on the rails pieces, see box. below. (For sources, see page 35.) Alter the back slats (S) are made, they can be nailed in place, starting from the center and working out, see Fig.5. The slats on each end will have to be trimmed to fit, but by starting in the center, they should end up the same width, see Fig. 5a ‘To hang the rack, the wall cleat (1) should be screwed into at least two ‘studs. Then the rack can be lifted in place, see photo below. And now that youve provided anew home for your dishes, you might be able to negoti- ate a break from kitchen duty. A. Afier screwing the wall cleat into atleast ro studs, the rack is sim ty lifted up and hung in place. No. 124 ‘Adding beaded boards is a ‘quick way to build a solid ‘wood! back that can expanel and contract with changes in humidity. Phis they create an interesting look. ‘What makes these bead ed boards work are “inter- locking” tongues ané rab- betsalong the back ees of each piece. And in the front, a profile is routed on one ‘edge to hide” the joint line. ‘The first thing I did was ‘cut a rabbet along the front ‘edge af each blank, leaving a Ya" x Ys" tongue on the back, see Fig. 1 below. Next, amating rabbetcan bbecut on the opposite side of the blanks, see Fig. 2, ‘Now the blanks ready for sent SIDES NOTE: ie insert, ‘opening i back mex bred that willhide: ‘the joint lines, For this rack, Tused the !-beading bit used on the rails, see Fig. 3 and photo above. The pro- fileis routed in one pass with the blanks standing on edge. Woodsmith a 2 TIPS FROM OUR SHOP Mounting Inset Doors After initially mounting the hinges to the doors on the night stand (see page 12), Tegan mounting them to the posts. Because the doors aren't flush with the posts, there aren't any more ‘mortises to cut. Butthere’s silla problem, How do you locate and secure the hinges on the posts, so the doors end up in the right postion on the case? ‘aRPET TAPE. The solution waseasier than I expected carpet tape. Thehinges (till on the door) are sim- ply taped into the case. But of course, there's a little ‘more to itthan this. TOMPORARY CLEAT. I didn’t want to have to hold the doors while taping them Into the case, so the first thing I did was set the case ‘nits back, see Fig. 1. Then to keep the door from falling into the case, 1 ‘lamped a temporary cleat to the front middle rll, see Fig. 1, Only one cleat is needed. The bottom of each door will rest on the bottom panel in the case. TAPE DOOR, Next, Iplaced apiece of carpet tape on the leaf ofeach hinge and cen- tered the door in the open- ing topo-botiom, see Fig. 2. (ry to build inset doors tofitthe height ofthe open- ing exactly so they can be trimmed to size after the door has been mounted ) With the door ia the cease, I simply slid it over, pressing the carpettaped hinge against the post Now the position of the hingecan be marked on the post, see Fig. 2a. And you ‘can even drill the pilot holes, for the hinges at thispoint, see Fig. 3. Lused a Vie bit to center the pilot holes accurately, see Fig. 3a. (For ‘sources, see page 35.) ‘SECURE DOOR. Now the door can be removed from the posts. Then after the tape is removed, the hinge ccan be screwed backto the posts, However, there’s enough “play” to attach the hinges slightly askew. So I used the markings drawn ‘on the post to position the hinges correctly. TRIM DOOR. Though the doorisin place it sill needs tobe trimmed. The top and bottom are marked to ere ate Ao gaps, see Fig. 4 And atthe center, the doors will also end up with a Ye gap between them, so only fo" is trimmed off each door, With the door marked, 1 removed it one last time eaving the hinges on the posts) and trimmed it on the table saw. BD erecmene ‘nfs back ll After marking “oor remove ‘ond tim on ‘ble toa tite attop and ‘bottom Woodsmith No. 124 Plate Rack Grooves ‘While most ofthe plate rack ‘sdesigned for storage, the lower shelfis open soplates ‘or bowls can be displayed face out, see page 18. And to prevent the plates from slipping off the shelf, 1 routed a couple of stopped grooves for them torestin, see photo at right. ‘The grooves are cut on the router table with a4. dia, core box bit setto cut aYedeep groove, se Figs. 1 and Ja, But before rout: ing, you'll need to draw some start and stop lines on either side of the bit. stopped these grooves 2” from the ends of the lower shelf.) And to beable o see the lines clearly for both grooves, Idrew theselines ‘on the surface of the router table, see Fig. 1, After setting the router fence, you'll need to drop the lower shelf onto the spinning bit, see Fig. 1. Fortunately, this cutisshal- low, so it shouldn't “grab” the workpiece. Simply push the shelf untilits back edge lines up with the layout line and theazurn off the router. ‘The second groove is identical tothe first, except that I camped a 54"-thick ‘spacer between the fence and the shelf, see Fig. 2 a ‘The wood guides on the Hoosier cabinet (page 24) required a stopped groove on each drawer side, see photo above. The easiest ‘way todo this is with a3/"- dia straight bitin therouter table. This is a big bit, and if you don't have one this ize, don't worry. Youl stil beable to create the groove usinga more comman ji" dia. Forsiner drill bitand a iia. straight bi DRILLHOLE. The frst sepis to lay out and drill a hole near the front of the draw er sides, see Fig. 1 below. ‘This will become the round. end of the groove. Since this part of the groove will be visible every. time the drawer is opened, I wanted a flat-bottomed hole, so I used a 9A"-dia, Forstner bit. ROUT GROOVE. With the hole drilled, the rest of the groove can be routed with, a Ye'-dia. straight bit, see Fig. 2.This will require two steps — and two fence set Woodsmith tings, see Figs. 2a and 2b. ‘The groove will be rout- ed fromthe backend ofthe drawerside to the the hole you just drilled, Gust rout till you reach the hole — youll beable tohear the bit ‘Stop cuting,) Then turnthe router off and reset the fence forthe next pass, SAFETY WOTE.If'important to rout the grooves in the right order oryou'llend up ack routing. Rout the groove nearest the fence first, see Fig. 2a. Then slide the fence away from the bit tocomplete the groove. “To keep plates and bas from sliding off the shelf of the plate Se ‘grooves are routed with a core box bit. FEATURE HOOSIER-STYLE CABINET A blending of old and new gives this cabinet a “period” look while making it func- tional for homes of today. ‘fore builtin cabinets, many bitchens in America had a“Hoosier” cabinet. This was simply a freestanding workstation that was used foreverything from kneading dough to storing flour and other food staples, (Hoosier cabinets ‘0! their name from the fact that most were built in indiana —the Hoosier State.) For quite some time, Ive wanted to build a Hoosier cabinet in Woodsmith. But Ive been a litte bit hesitant because oftheir sheer si Most of the older Hoosier cabinets I've seen take up a whole wall, and that’s just not very practical in today's kitchen ‘The obvious solution was to build a scaled-down version of a Hoosier cabinet. ‘One that could be used not only in the kitchen but in the rest of the house as wwell.‘The trick was to maintain the “look” of an older cabinet. ko AND NEW. One way T did this was to use some of the sane elements found on older Hoosier cabi- nels, lke frame and panel construction. (Both the sides and back of the cabinet use this method.) But what really sve this eabinet an ldime look is the hardware. “old” features, Tako to0k the opportunity to add some Hoosier cabinets used alot of “new”improvemenis. Most Hoosier cabinets were mass- speciaky hardware, and repro- produced in furniture “factories,” where speed was the uctions are readily available. highest prioity.So one ofthe things did wasto strength- ‘The brass bin pulls, doorlatch- en some of the joinery. For example, I used dovetails to ces and even the casters with —jointhe drawer frontsto the sides. And mortise and tenons ant traps are all typical ofthe and stub tenons and grooves join the frame pieces. hhardware you'll find on orig: ONS. While I wasatit,Ialso aged a couple of options. nal cabinets. (The “traps” First off, the cabinet is constructed in two sections so @ ‘would have held boraxoroilto youcan build just the bottom portion ifyou wish, And sec- A The lower unit ofthis cabinet can be preventants from climbing up ond, you can makea butcher block top out of mape:This bbl and used separately as a microwave the legs ofthe cabinet) comes in handy if you'll be using the top surface for cut cart ora handy side serving able Even though T used some ting, chopping or preparing meals, 4 ‘Woodsmith No. 124 Construction Details : ®_overaus omensions: ® Swe 2 Sinpe hardwood reners onthe des of the openings support the drawers cand also serve as guides. ower door ||) Is constructed with stub tenons and grooves |i) Lower Cabinet ‘The lower cabinet is essen- tially ourlegs joined with a frame and panel back and sides. A ace frame on the front ofthe cabinet provides ‘openingsfor three drawers and a door. And a divider panel slips down inside the cabinet to separate the inte- rior into two “compartments” — ‘one for the drawers and one forthe door and shelf. solid wood top com- pletes the cabinet, iss. The first step in building the lower cabinet isto make the legs (A). ‘These start out as four identical square blanks, see Leg Exploded View. But they quickly become dif ferentas you begin to lay out and cut all the joints that will connect them tothe other parts of the cabinet. Grooves on all four legs hold the ‘side and back panels that are added Tater (These are sized to match the thickness of the 4" plywood you're using?) Mortises on the frontlegs are Arild and chiseled out the face frame pieces. And a row of shelf pin holes is drilled on the inside faces of the two right legs. ACE FRIME. The two front legs are connected with a pair of rails (B), see Fig. 1 Inaddition a stile (C) and > pracker parreRN (square = Netneh) eer ie ri Migrooves are deep nore: Dail shelf holes on ght front and legs only acouple of drawer dividers (D) cre ate the openings in the front of the cabinet for the drawers and cupboard door. These pieces are alljoined with 'lavide (hick) mortise and tenons. ‘When you assemble the face frame, youl discover thatthe mortises in the legs for the lower rail are extra long. I did this intentionally. This way, each morise is large enough to hold the rail and a decorative bracket (E) that is glued in place after the face frame is assembled, see Figs. 1 and 1c. ACK FRAME & PANE, After gh ing up the face frame, you can ‘make the back frame and pane, ‘see explaied view on opposite page. This consists ofa pair of back rails (F, G) and aback ‘stile H), Centered grooves cut ‘on the Inside edges of these pieces held 14" plywood back panels (1). Shop Note: Since the inside of the cabinet will be visible, I used plywood with ftwo “good” faces.) Unlike the face frame front, theback is held together with stub tenon and groove joints. The tenons are sized to fit in the same grooves that hhold the plywood, so they're a bit thinner than 1", see detail Woorlsmith No, 124 ‘a inBack and Side Exploded View above ‘Tohelp position the lower back rail during assembly (and later the lower side rails), I glued wood plugs (J) {tothe grooves onthe legs, fush with bottom, see exploded view. Then the back can be glued together. py __SPEPANES. Now that the front al back of the cabinet are assembled, youjust need to add the sides. These are nothing more than a pair of side rails (KL) that sandwich a plywood panel (MD), se exploded view above, BOTTOM. At this point, the four “wails” of the cabinet are up. The nex step isto add a bottom, see Fig, 2, The bottom (N) is just a piewe of {48 plywood supported by cleats (O, P) that are attached to the inside 5 BACK & SIDE faces of the lower rails, see Fig. 2a, (The bottom is glued down to the cleats.) You can use a handsaw to notch the corners of the bottom to fit around the legs of the cabinet. ‘GATER DIDER. Before you start work ingon theparts that fitinside the cab- inet (the drawers and shel), you need. toadd acenter divider: Thedivider not only separates the cabinet into two “compartments,” it also provides a place to mount the drawer runners. EXPLODED VIEW The divider panel (Q) is sand- wiched between a couple of narrow boards, or divider supports (R, S), see Fig. 3. (Notice that the front divider support is thicker than the back divider support, see Fig. 30.) ‘These pieces each have a row of shelf pin holes drilled on one face (to ‘match the holes on the legs), see Fig. 3a, After they're glued to the divider ppanel, the entire assembly is screwed to the inside of the cabinet. ‘bottom ral SIDE section ‘View 9 Drie aa, Se. hole, %" deep, back ties No, 124 Woodsmith Lido Nore Cover BROOD so a Bos aa lo Sie Poipu oh oO Gromer font ae 46" round: Drawers & Shelf With the basic carcase of the lower cabinet completed, yout can turn your attention to making the parts that fit insie it —the dravers and shelf, see Drawer Exploded View above. ‘The lefiside ofthe cabinet contains aset of three drawers —a large draw- er on the bottom and two smaller drawers above it se» Fig. The draw. er fronts (T, U) are joined to the drawer sides (V, W) with half-blind dovetails. (used arouter and adove- tail ig to make these.) Then the draw- ‘er backs (X, Y) are joined to the sides with a rabbeted joint. | ‘The only thing a little bit differ. | OTE AOE... MOTE: Grooves entabout these drawers isthe draw- Oféraner trons are'lk deep er fronts. Alip around the front edge of each drawer overlaps the drawer opening. Once theddrawer pieces re cutto size, creating this lipis the ist step in making the drawers. To make this lip, start by routing 42)" roundover on the outer edges of the drawer front. Then to finish thelip, routa x3" rabbet around Goa theinside edge ofeach drawer front pa eerste with a rabbeting bit. Once this is done, you can setup your router and dovetail fig to start cutting the %" back to fitin the dadoes A'Y" (12)Pastic Turn Buttons K Side Stiles (4) ¥x1V5x39% Wor Rails (4) Yx2-11% + (12} 6x12" Brass Woodscrews He 54° -96" Red Osk 0.504.) 150 neeoeo: € 4 Geet Rect ot ze - PEP RI" — s x59 Red Oak 35 a Fe) oak picod € a z lireeees £ +: 4 696 Red Ook (4.0 84.F 14x69" Red Ook (4084) e : x v MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & CUTTING DIAGRAM FOR LOWER CABINET Lower Caoiner © FronviBack Cleats(@) —%x1-33 DDShef Edging (1) %4x1- 17% A 295 (4) 15x 1%8-30P Side Cleats (2) Wx 1-18% EE Door Rails 2) Wax2-1%4 B Front Rails (2) %x2-34 Q Divider Panel (1) % ply. - 18%4 x24% FF Door Stes (2) Wx2-2Bh € Front stile (1) ¥x2%-23% R Fr. Div Supporti) ¥%4x2%-24% GGDoor Panel (1) Yeply.-12%x 19% D Drawer Dividers(2) %x 1Wh- 16% $ Bk Div. Support (!) Yex2%-24l6 HHTop(1) 1x24-37% E Front Brackets(2) -¥ax2h-2% T tg Drawer Front (1) ¥4x 8% - 15% F Upr Back Rail 1) Yax2~33% U Sm Drawer Fronts (2). ¥4x6- 15% + (2) Brass Cabinet Hinges wiScrows G lw. Back Rail(1) ax 4-33 V Lg. DrawerSides (2) Y4x 774-20 + (1) Brass Cobinet Latch wiScrews H Ek. Stile (1) %x2h- 22% Wm. DrawerSides(4) ¥4x5¥4-20) + G) Brass Bin Pls wiscrews 1 8k.Panels(2) Yply.-15¥ax22% X Lg. Drawer Back (I) Wx7%-14% + (B)Figure-8 Tabletop Fasteners J lugs 6) Belong Y Sm, Dwr. Backs (2) ¥4x5Y%s- 14% + (4) Wood Wheel Casters w/Sockets K pr Side Rai) —34x2= 19% Z Drawor Btms. (2) Ve ply. - 14¥%2x 195% + (8) Biass Ant Traps LL tr Side Rais@)34x4- 19% AADrawer Rnrs. (6) 546x¥4-19¥4 + (4) Brass Spoon- ype Shelf Supports M Side Panels (2) Yply.- 19x 22% BB FilerBlocks(3) ax 1%4- 18% + (G8) AB x 1" Fh Woodscrews N Eottomn (1) Yply.-20x34 CC Shelf (1) Yap. 17%x 175% + (16) 8 x34” Fh Woodscrews 26x 6-96" Red Ook (4.33 04 Fe) “s 142 3" - 72" Red Ook (3.258 Ft wy, é i 7 — 4! x6)4" - 96" Red Oak (4.33 Bd Ft) ACSA Ao aap ra ace OG SG. Feat) cate * ma Mn BY" - 96" Red Ook (4.39 BF) no sla 413 50.) . may? ‘and thie hawt of Wea etd a0 de) 4 Woodsmith No 124 Woodsmith Project Sup- plies is currently offering, hardware kits for one ofthe projects in this issue. Similar supplies, as well as supplies for the other pro- jects featured, are also avail able at local woodworking, stores or the mail order sources at right. Vix BIT Whenever you want to ‘mount hinges (as on the nightstand on page 6), i important that the holesfor your hinge screws are centered. ‘Tohelp with this, Ioften Fy weaselfcentering dil bit called a Vir bit. Its tapered ‘outer case helps keep > ‘thebit centered as it enters the ‘wood, A The tapered sleeves on these Vix dill bits center your hinge pil ols perfect. resulting in perfectly- aligned pilot holes for your hinge screws. Vie bits should be read- ily available at a wood- working store or through the mal order sources ist ced in the margin, NIGHT STAND ‘To make the night stand, you'llneed a small amount of hardware, including, spoonstyle shelf supports, brass hinges, cherry knobs, and magnetic catches. Fortunately, these sup- ples re all pretty common. You should be able to find similar items locally or in the sources listed at right. HOOSIER CABINET Alot of the hardware for the Hoosier cabinet is rather unique. The pieces ‘may be difficult to find ata local hardware store. ‘A hardware kit for the cabinetis available through Woodsmith Project Sup- plies, see photo above. ‘This packet has all the hardware you'll need, but Bee aad ‘A The hardware kit for the Hoosier cabinet has every- thing you need, including the brass bin pulls, wooden- wheel casters, and usique Hoosier latches and hinges. itdoesnotincludethe glass STAIM. Though some of for the cabinet doors, see the original Hoosier cabi- sectionon glass below. nets were painted, Iwanied # Hoosier Cabinet Kit to stain mine to give itan n14-100 $98.95 “aged” look. So I came up Note: Ifyou wish to buy with a unique mixture that the hardware separately, was equal parts of theitemsareavailable fom —Minwax’s Ipswich Pine, the sources listed atright. Early American, and Rockler Woodworkinghas Golden Oak. allofthe hardware (in ick- el. not brass) except for the PLATE RACK ant traps. Van Dyke's To build the plate rack all Restorers has all of the _ you need is a handful of items exceptthe shelfsup- screws. However, you'll portsand the turnbuttons. have to have one unique GUSS Iusedreeded glass item — a 1/"-dia, edge for my cabinet doors. Ive beadingbit for your router, also heard it referred which you can find at a “refrigerator door” glass.) woodworking store or in snot available the sources at right. through mail order, so. Tused this beading bitto you'Thave tofind yourpan- create the back slats and lsat alocal glass shop. the dowel adders. 7 V Vv OO dsr mith ‘= Over 100 Woodworking Tips Ontine '* Project Plans You Can Download ++ Catalog of Project Kis, Tools, Jigs & Pans += Foran for Woodworking, Tools & Casifeds ‘+ Links to Other Woodtnorking Sites * Woatemith/Shop Note Back Isue Index * Visitour other August Home Publishing Stes. Woodsmith MAIL ORDER SOURCES Similar project supplies and the following companies: Constantine's |800:229-8087 Nght tad hase Viet se Valley 00871-8158 Bg aig bt Viet mics: 00.592-9008 ge eating bi, Vie bit Rockler Woodworking "800-270-4441 Night and hare, ec cabmat hare, Big wing it Vi it Von Dyke's Restorers '200.558-1234 Hoosier abn hare Woederat 800-225-1153 Noh tnd hander, Bilge eating i, Vie bit Woothaven 800344-0057 peeing bi, Vit Woodworker's Supply "800-615-9202 Big rating Vit Dont lec de name of, this project fol you. With is sod con- struction, hs night stan looks god in ‘A Plate Rack. This sturdy rock offers ‘ance altemative to stacking dishes in the cupboard, Plans on page 16. Hoosier-Style Cabinet. > With od fashioned glass doors and reproduction hardware, this cabinet has many features of an original Hoosier cabinet. And because its built in two sec tions, you can make the base without adding the upper cabinet, Pull plans begin on page 24. 2, Joodsmith. Comprehensive Index Sey Sere a Ser ooo. ing techni ee fata ae From the Editor of I hope you'll find this new and updated index to Woodsmith magazine a a useful addition to your woodworking library. It provides a complete refer- ence to all the projects, techniques, and general woodworking information } that has appeared in over twenty years of Woodsmith. To make it easy to use this index, I’ve included some information below to help you get around. If you want to read an article, but find you don’t have that issue, don’t worry. All issues of Woodsmith are still available. See the inside back cover of this index for more information. Or give us a call at 1-800-444-7527. Of course, you can also find all this information and more by visiting our website at the address listed below. © M8 index work? Woodsmith. | The index is divided by main topics with addi- tional references and sub-topics following. ‘* Over 100 Woodworking Tips Online ‘Project Plans You can Download Main Topic * Catalog of Project Kits, Tools, & Jigs Additional 5, K References ie tae eu nneeee Classifieds Bits * Woodsmith Back Issue Database See also Circle cutters seas Gea lea Hevewe Forstner «——__—- Sub-Topic "New Oniine Customer Ser ‘Click on Subscriber Services at guide for 73:4 +» sharpening 40:4-5=— Page [slip stones for 40:24 Number Specific References Issue of Sub-Topic Number OTT luni Abrasive pads A ‘Abrasive pats sing 10128 ‘Aorasies ‘See aso Grinigwhees ‘Sonaso Mice Mash ‘Soeaes Pumice ‘Seeaso Rotestne See aso ding campus See aso Sacpape pass Accessories pvr ol 89.23.25, ‘Accessory bores cnet 1072888 ‘Acetone 20 8321, ‘aanesives ‘Seva Ges ‘Sees Paty revving ie 095 ‘Adcendack chairs ‘Rana desig 691621, Adirondack furntre sete adits 682428, Ades rietored 25.23 Air ters ary cy shop 9523-25 senting 085.1819 sma shop ‘ues tatoom east is 962627 wish 95:25,27 ‘cohol ‘erated 532021 ‘Aiptatie resin give ican. Ciatan sive Bia, 6 wie 4 emp 1116- 8 ‘Arches ‘stgneieg akg 0450-38 ‘Sov ako icles ring mpeg tr 10217 a ith fenble sik 8:15 Rreires ‘Sev ao Varta wi ised pane dors ‘ssl shelves 6718.25, ‘tists colors an 4028 ‘flrs 39:22 piers fo «020-22 ‘eso 3824; $5.24 sing 3922 4023, assembiy Docks oho piees cing 1155 Fintorhling are pieces 10130 sto 9123 ‘Assombiy tables asta het 1054 Baby crates feria on don 6-4 Band saw fences ieee rico 21215, senso Seraso Foes Seas als Seasncons sesig S616 oon mute 674 easone! 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Grek 74:29 arn 7730: 10848 Dicure-tae 93,108; 524 6012-16; 24 ‘aly of 3719-20 ‘aiel 96.21; 3823:6220, emoving bearings 7517, 7327, 8113 serpin wit) 90.7 zig ep oer or 683 sharpening 3721 siggage wih 73 Sloat 37.24: 4818.24, 507,17, S01; 24600 131 specaly 3721 Slander 4645, sizer 80-4 teehing wp 8325 pes ofr 1921 ape lorporable sect i 128 sate ‘out 5220.21 ing 5423. | lrcerteress countering | 262 sSarering 3220-21 sured 5221 rage ctr 54:22 spit end i | “orising win 67.1415, 30, 985 sources 2828 Blades Samptsmcentts | extn ceeaugom sis womens | "ae par spe | “Pebrssesa. dante imcnwmiwedsid | tiroadcones 501417, | wnat sear | ane aa ‘evolving 49 cleaning up wooder-hinged 9:5 wing cuter 120:20-31 | with bandsaw 4433 |) lndscape ids for 51:14-15, sles tan | tersenae ate eeprom y= | haa onbunpnsorties | doesn 83 vg 21 m4 from i asess, | semen B84 stadt ets | Se Sings287 Soon trsapeetsi620-— | sentra soar |” Nd bompet om =| mapas ‘See Lumber with tapered plugs 10425. | —_with box joints 104:18-19- Bolts | ‘iglor 24:17:12-13; 35-14-15; | mail 7024-27, 38 ae Meinmeaear unas | muceey en 7iseaaa1 tas 82s iste ago aat Stbedinenoniss | "aaemtepnso4z25 | on oe we wir 6.23.24 eon S817 Tecngetrtacmme | psig akan 24 se ‘rai | ea Seat 11 mioy cg 108 carole 64 vacvooig zeas | “Semon tts ‘holding ‘on router able 42:17, 18; 7827 | routed 13:12-19, 12-13; whe cutting 49:3 on table saw | 2810-11; 10-11 ce wanepoba ties? | snp’ dg 824.2627 Sines ola Sen eee | hone i adinn T5038 vat oleate etoson teh S108 paar amyl iors | ergseealepios! boot stands soa 8 Sia sacha asin | fnmantman 18 oon 11067 soon stops. | Simao Seat fecmtcit? | Bee vetoes 435 Pihasel | Satometans sro tees ber | Sao cess eta 7 Cratsman-style ‘See also Flocking: | ‘spice 6:3 Sees foams 813 | Sas os Soom Sacwooasans | “swevezes | “neg wKrea onan ols exes Soews 2ca.e | cpa | “iicomnesios1 ous wnt 1 sacey Picasso | tea Sor oy 81823 3 spt opus 3h pen cnt ieteae fesinatvomiatae | “pupapte tenants 2027, en cereaesste anes | “epaeze fomovgewans | Gexmademsen | iy wea. n6H wos costs es pany 818 Sows 7 corpses 72a 5 | aca seams Snel tvech i sn ssa ‘tal, nartow Finger joints 1108-9 atigning 113, sjcuthdestiiszi | onetirecmres | modo wetovessondnes 2 | “tarmineroraess | “Sepang wihiragcine spay 76-7 | coral iced 4412-14 agra pape cli holder as Deviate dite oe seot0 8 remoable pio-ype 26,7 eelhrndodepad | Brandan rane sry oe sone ondowels 7:12. ‘Brass smi 221 onmaissse6 | “ating notations | dwesiresb isigeer3 pn torn 89.72, | cry ean seonss | Rr ‘onbre73) ‘tows rrdmatciogtoresis | fersagh-omeplee prs tr iter | “ar to 524 roc 424 ut um sees 207 poner 24 rad 2821 Nasnomecmen «8242 |. Sour lstppones | oustiotl bead bors ranean Sesnarate2t Baten feawieare: | | Swasoew ton ‘Woodsmith Index: | | Cabinets ing dow key 2024 | tahoe sone owe 97.48.26 making 2618-192021 | tanbour 1710-11 ‘esate separ dou 2961 1132627 | sa tour 24168 ied 1816 6,31 feetcases toes 13 roe 1650 Sorts 216-2 frases | Cetera se 203 lng 303:5322 | aan 12 seg | tran ssin 1621 op emp 63 bates soon bas 021 weap 148-8 tones ote treo dze weet ous 241647 foramen 622 ohne Shoat 48974 vl nutes 181618 song 822 comin tuekies ‘Scena, 6 i247 24 tet sere con was ase roasags ot ae 28 Tonpeme ps romstr- | whan elas, cet ap ie ‘ae tetig dams concer 1838 rents 15 cout hy Stet boots sono coed ng 9 Sop 412¢ ‘s fro el a1 cate vat 1828 shin as1247 nk eds valerate woes os coms zsngetee | 1360 news 1812-17 | wane 212-8 toreaes | Spars 624924 20 Se Oses | “aan ree2 3 Torn mares soe son 25485 renorag 21 ten ‘tpt iot3 arg 8222-30 turnshers afgass 34618 toseaper 2971 yon ere5 fomengravaes 65 teairert ate 81513 fotcher blocks ets 6-3 igebrtteea 515 | Be At jis 2 ans 766, 31125, cumagiptncens | MESS veto ones 2 ugenteig 220, | torn autos wen aap dos a c ome! esses feng nana ‘unl. wtoage nur 151820 208 sebogeroor os crates 16-18 noe200s e261 ‘moet cabinets tera Seats Batoancisnes | “eanctonl 9611 Seaso Caer | gavaseran3 Sees Oy sks han Siease Paes ant 221622 Sasa Sars | cheaters anneal cxterpray 1347 femmigetern6a | hepa 761,31 pity ety ‘dane 97202) ii, i aves mie 671025 est Solari 88-1124816- | een ore2e ° oni 212-15 30807, 2 ox t798 ‘fir os shes vera "ee8 pureed 241647 pia s1047 ot 2-8 Perot ddan or Cabriole legs Clamps | rove tage Cases palate | sing 207 | rea ‘eed dwt play 1528- | CDstoae tex sg shops 1034 u els Cs, tale Mion 46-13 sender S869 yw wi 7 ras “051822 cas eats. ipnodigir 3118 | poder at: 216 sho sap, eaves 254 | cag easier sidan chatter 8S 7 ‘erm ais49 crv 012523 expe gn 69 | soba conus, fee 1819 sve 989 toting boar ote br 133 . ‘toes 976-13 etn do 080-1 tains ‘olen toning 012548, 26 3983 sates 7810 ‘eerie 092027 | orm 9517 ‘squaring up 81:16, | forchises 63:8-11 poisoned 15:11; 66:17, 19; | toy 29:4-0,26 locks 64:10 so | repens, wontenige | “ears ‘wisanetoton 7611 | igh ito teow 25.1439 an easton ‘eval minors 3048 wink 609 Stogewabneh 741624 | gasp, wihaver 3164 | bard sy 6421 Critaronsbookeaes cling bs dec 920-21 tains 9 casters hai longue | ‘afaaectlns 182028 | ntact to 210-15, 24 ‘soues71:1 wet 45511 ‘hme cupboard ‘jen 78 ‘evelers for 5419 Catches: ‘Chamtors: ‘face frame | davetals ae wisares 91612 | Sor alates andor powers esnesceses 1094 | Bowie s228-6121 ' wosnacechvestr 4 | adistinerok wihistez? 11634 | Chimney eupboarts eigen 66,2121 vab-nng 87, 996-11 sere Ovigs 10519. | sso talesononctstie | ade 6:10 varie vate 121,771 ‘oder 787 Zeelon,acefnanes | reorenontanded nes ins os 126-18 ‘rsa 0028 porwr s74 ties a2 abril igs soopsate 82 Pasig contr S714 | hips eis 1675173 lpn ips surest 1917 tang cig 38:21, 827 syste 5020 step rote 10619 Usigupepipidoncies | inewgaie sts chisel cases | ie2emersins 219 sexy 1135 nove 98:17 dep ye ute site ea a 23 ‘oa 1647 tv 67,24 som ‘iss 88-1 ity ses 108 igor mortising 106.18 ‘magnets 62:9 “Diodk for 67> ewrlery box style | iregulas pieces mating 43:4-9; 106:14-17 Installing round 88:15 using tablesaw 119:4 wldrawet 24-20-22 ‘ong pieces 3424; 6411 Calpers rossigl steppes 6725, sas ween 85.085 ut 7225.31 te 127 iow se2 ches 8528 ribs 7517 Ey se rosie 7521 comes igo 6o4 sos ec 7231 ining 7423 wn eke ‘srg 9720 ing sadetumeganne21a; | sthepietr gts st evel ara oe $09 95:3 €216 | titrating 10455 ‘Cheese boards 52-12-15; ‘choosing 195 rund stock 11018 wocesas 283 ‘center ters ‘Seales Bs tones rorsnggdsete 10412 |e euhpats lov 775 =. | fortes 4 ChomiealReleral exter ces. 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2013, | sspreaders 06:4 teen 3520 espncrsiterainsio 153 | tapes64-9.24 igh 7118 teraz oni tor 32.26 ning ewelty Circular saws: ‘locas for clamping Frames, arsrigpateestos620. | emerge 26-8 ‘anes p13 coset ight 108 wna roe: 9619 fora 6420-2, lids x Shop ate 174 coms pete an 105 cas hardening ea 61 isang 6.27 eainpinleopecss023 | fotows 6317 dissed 7527 night tsot Floreat te win feomtana sew ansrope Toocedoa 611,31 Cpr 382; Sepa 1638 23 fosertack 6412-1724 is soues 6028 ‘Woodsmith Index 5 Clocks br pasta tom pasting 1055 shop-nate,eadertp 1085 tench eoge vise snes or $0.24 tiesto pie ‘prodeclexarceforhande 1045 ew oss “asin 3 ‘quokopen ard lse 18 rakl 74:20| can 8925 erpaling passe space oar 87.15. etc fox 775 pipe36 {oc diotieces 288 Tourcaer 60:22 shot 6023, lgneaty Clobes-pn ype B74 mits 604; 96:4 | rails 8:10 pods or 643; 955 | tromheny-datyie 1005 | picu-tame 6022-28 26 Bie Picdanp ako 1155 censing pres win 224 trades Tt (ec ise rede ton 124 francont 533 repel pats of 135 savor uta 8026-21 ‘Sais tod nogeceot ca won jn 153, ube bands as 7:19 nba band Shira 6028, | speig hn s715 swing 022 on ine cips913 sores 6024 state | sreesing 674 peas 6411 | vet shop rate 8028 weg ice obo 954 wang on 178 Clocks See aks Nec Clocks cra table wthcolus 4949,26 sk dls, whiten compat me 792850 fldng 12028-31 lana 104 | imteestarea130-13,28 | fare sens eet ee wiemoreter 3318-19 sari ‘ted oor fae 24841 jd 106.13, (artou 776-11 settee mii en ae wae, ‘ec ae aes meer Sawer =o Sete aie a zB int = Ravens = Saco akon ae s ee eke ae as = =a Sear enuaes a ee seats Computer desks | ‘ome wioptonal igs 1098-17, wheyboad rave 5810415 ‘contact coment tects for using 10938 tools for using 108.83 wot based ‘ata, usng 1494 ‘Cookbook racks wider ore cats sis on coun 1071417, ‘cooing racks ‘ck niet 12 oped jints ‘method for 70.16 | ‘Sopyights lrmagaea oh Comer blocks iting 6014 | ring 68:14 Comer cabinets county pre wigs & sepa doors Bret | we sees dams S88 val-mounted,Sandinavian | 1217 Cornering tots ‘Sov Edging tals 51.34, 24 Corners duirgtlanpeg tchique forsee comes 96.17 ounted ring 914-6 1821; | 7316-19 | siding ara sri tis 916 comices aking 1819 Countersines Sean Soin Coe wining enable 606-11 | Cracks ove, a crane 19:14 7 assiop,Catsransivle wih sh oplonal so top 1126-8 al shoe ‘bile is 0620-28 ied to 9126.80 Coin sorters 165 try 106 Colors ‘See Ascot Cofumns ties ‘ovals 7929 making #45 onroter able 1184 Compasses ‘wan 73; 263,984, 4014 4519, €08, 849.8815. fancy, word andra 69:22- 2 simple 9:20, ‘ing 9120 temple catne win 77.25 ing 68:28 | cee m= | | | ‘opting 6427 Macon din $8814, i 3847.24 | supple or 862 Copboarts ‘Seo also abies Seeatso Stehas ‘hinnay 1168-15 wal 4916-18 Curio cabinets ‘9s an coors 2112+ 15, 251217 | wal-moarte wis ors 2, ‘bes 1136-10 | Carved top mating 8812-13, | Decats ‘carves. ‘Sees Ces caving 2128: $6:17:4 ext stoptult 4 | snus 2123 ‘Woodsmith Index tench ‘tures 2125, outing 7 a pilot stip for 77:17 = cose | aoe ry | eee | compte Selene 20 ae | aces stots | aa | “Several 2 | indoors | ot kaminated strips 32:10-12 stig dogs ecaarg 32 ‘making your own 92:28 “Dp Dato ides em dsieer | Sato Sv Sc ao somaere cone notte 318 connga 3117 estom iting 84:5; 8717 crear ott cate -eoge guide tor ceding 6535 waves 823 bese 63 | teh a'2 | anes | meetin | eortagt | inten? | roel ct 5728 sama 4 08 520 Siidipie cana "aad spaced | igtor 68:15 | soe absn 25.213 vith alm sw 383, Lanna Doors ‘epating Dy ing 153; 3820 Design ates 00 62:28-30 crgantzers ‘ut ils. 8 aver re10-13 peo peel lr andl pa bo 11430 Desks ‘Sep alo Tabb ‘Stakes wring 1247 mids roptront ease 41:49, 24 compe ‘cue, rock down design "6-17 peter sand 561019 aig 3149 fet gee 8620, 2629 erator 7911 lop dak 96-7 witiende 1824-29 moter, students 621449 mong 85:2 ‘rantarfor foreopofatcsktop ar pds 796-15 ‘ante sopont oe 79.12 seni pane or 7013 pipeortoe neo 86245, roth 1086-13 sla-fot 8516-29 senbsp 26-13, ‘ipl fo 0631 eines or 7810 wal touted | feobultup com moldags 1516-18 sali glsstop wiv 18-9 Distrossing proces of 55.20.21 og holes inwontbenctes leyostanddiling 10129 tote plggeg Tet Doll eras 384-7 ‘oor pats shone ‘ox Crasman bookcase 9028 “rs t04 vite 62:12: 7327 Danish ol iishes Sou Fstes Peta eginstara | | rota “ese ‘Genietd 47.2029: 4822- B ‘See als Frame and pare! | Seats Sovens wee 672425 0217 abi Inston gs 1054 res panel 188-11 ced 18-22 op-tom suppor 549,24 ey ein tons 9424 (ia panel instalation 9427 Double groove joints lasttaon 9428-20, ator las 9422 ised panel 9423-20 ‘sed pane instalbon 9427 todo aking 6225-28 few paneled 2416-17 team-and pane 210-1, B18 tare -ana-pare! lane 7812 oss vided 9027.29 ‘Reap and sin ap 2019- 20 ectriqetor 7814-5 (is par instaltion tart 10510 sizing 138-6 61:45, 041; 70313: 7324-25 (ideroler or 114-15 inst ‘ergo ttig 1812- 6 toc tting 1164 lope 7-10-11 vac, aking» woud 116.22 ped chartered 369-19, louwsed 37.1043 tie svigetniger 1154 rola 2246 reine se 611041 rated 7423 rated pane 86 ‘alps for 1823, | mabe san 210 | signa 816 Hinged 1-14-15 spinel 96-4: 782425, ‘nbukeo $5 16-18 win eventing 67:17 Double groove joints mating 10812 | Dovetail jigs tabling ior 581619, 2¢ key joinery toxiocemies. | wo ruing 1050-09, Dovetaits ‘eining a het rt anping bods or 3220, 23: a7 1085, inet cesnp ih sie chiasfor 25:3 ening 196, 348, 6612-13, ‘ing - petatig-i ish ke 191,17 } ‘tng 58:23, Auntrinming who 84 ortega! 1920-22 ‘pages 5828 taclne 81.28,31, tng 81:28 apse 828, layoaat28 ng 9623 exparin stb or 3124 ral bed ty hard 248: 0710-1 ‘awe, sign or 3413.15 nso 228-3, 5324 king wt jg 820-24 oe lor 5816-19, 24 rendet alin 1071041 he 196511 ow. soptyep 61:26 271002527 san pies or 7527 loos 1945 truteshoctng 10027 isto S816-19 ‘mee 3222, 24 review 210, shopsrade 820-23; 6228 eps 40-1; 48 440-1 outa jg tox making 10229 lap techie for 1193288 layout 273 3085 smatioe listo 226-9, 3222.24 rmebod or 8820-23 with bets 9822 rerisaai ran $214.16 ontandsew irs 5:14.15 sys fo: 65:12:17 ins lor 8126, 10025 cut 198-9 rabbett 213, repay 18212 ‘sing 823 sou gue foccuingpins 8s 10030, ‘sing 2020-22; 24 4018; 78% fener 86.15 for desk we fmes 8618-21 loc rs 81; 38:16 fevendboats 87 forged tables 11 Fal onto 1201-15 Invercalple 202027, Bit 4897 metodo 16:19, 2022; sine sandig block 87 slopes 409,14: 8521 ‘aisle 8127 10028 tendsovng, 6516-17 cating 1910-11 toning wih ater ‘etna or 1009 ods br 1812 Dowel centers holingin 623 ng 27; 168,378 Dowel ints ied akg 27 osaovatiges 02423 ister Insmal gators 483 inedgeo-ege ising xaieg eis infor 1016 ‘hing ons on 88:14 opera 75 oned orgy 163: 4522 ier shel sia 159 secieg table son fp for 76.20 ming 423-614 fasion 3816-17; 403 rere 7h 11531 wi rer & potable i 193 making omsquae stock rodertbltestniue117:14- 5 marin rnd stock ator 1715 ‘siding 912 ‘sanding ds tom smal 133 sing oat crass cting onbandson 974 siting ing etapa 1054 ‘apering rou er 18-21 ‘eran on 792, 88:18 gst 4815, 608 ‘ie-tg easing 48° Dratting cabinets val-tung 8222-90, Drawers | soa cates ‘See ats Doveals ‘See ais rare ard pane web | SeeatcoHateae ‘Sov also Puls ‘otecks or 85:20, 21, 25,25, ‘wotam groves for 224 espe ‘ies fr 10227 batons for sold 1378 box ot 17.1618 35:17; 418-9, 21345, 1820, 5019 baton raed 74.25 designing 198, 3415-15, ‘ier sys or 4215, 19 iis 38:10 ovelet 1915, 33:6; 81517 (ae-tonag 3218-21 lind 725 85:23 incomes caine! 9413. machine 29-1415, 48.3, 18,5389, 582023814 629, 669,10 2, 68:15, 7611 making 74:11 simple 6622 slicing 31:14 20:20; 8, 14 15,4018, 7425 trcugh 115 las tied 2018; 3218-21; 48 aligning 463; 6218, 643; 319 abel 221 fle 79,741; 701 Siting @516 ta pening 79:2 wih sel wot ues sr6 ‘hs ing aver pls insaling 10819 ‘octal 2018 (ostoyest 2889 ‘rorsfor ‘uned 45 ‘abet owes 8525 ted 40:18 ite stipsor 53-8: 68:11; 7611, 7812 lies ip 1064 (ossaryottems abut 10028 ‘ingup surg ig or 218, 5823, ies fo 349,15; 55:5; 55.14 81:17, 18,798 yon, sous 9828 rong pooves ot 102.28 ‘Semeur 2221 iop-moued 1916 with headed ines 2:15 wooden 1822 aa or 418,24; 62:10, 2 instaing 8527 sues for 6224 669, Drill presses any sal raking 1518-15, 256-7 ‘eal gi instalation 9616 tees 213 wir dove kys 446 okt 221415, dary woods 1619 bela 2422, 4784, 10+ 18:55:15.7 Jock 6 137: 61:1819, (823.7425, simple 45, spicebox 634 es for 349, 10: 24 48:17, 476 5017, 536; 55.15 587, 12,6017, 7422, 763, 799 acjustnerslosn 5:16 wooden 3115: 8628 se-mourig ites tor 10228 spl 815,19 sidesfor 7 17:18, 239, 178.11 | nstaling 137; 2018: 5418 shims for 33.16 od 74:18 smal asset figor 154 ‘sopsand caches or | peso 0227 sopstor 40:8; $89, 68:17; Ta, 7812 ‘ubuton $89; 585, ‘applies for s024 lengua dado 38:10 ays for 659 ‘Drawings ‘lino 228,30, Dressers | Swaso Sands ‘ects 3449 ery arabe 1006-18 feu tawer $8.10-15 seen dies gee 534-924 sxoner ood 17.1618 ‘ri bit cabinets sista 5416-19, vat ung 330 svat cx ‘rig an isn 48 ase bis 22 brats viggiter 207851 | ites ae 3 | br ress fences vee 42021 Dr pres tales ne 542021 s Seas faees | meson cay 1105 | aaegaptrt6 arefostor 40, 3522:373; 25,7516 6824 angettoes _ecsino te cr07 | “tettom ee te 153 Drilling in t6 anes 1034 comer susta2t Sern 6 aca buazs ovasol an fears Msn enue ut aotl 7 Sept stop for ae is ‘end-qrain drilling on reali ious ‘nia 302 Somes 15 Sago ye 85 nice iui 08.16, sgennd 223: 8517.8 yess chucks 69:24 sues or 6931 lenge on 8824 Imig on 84; 10:12; 1828; 428 68:14 808 ise 10 in2689 stuvesior 6424 opin or B14, 16 round stock on 68:16, ‘eae 410,11; 608 roaing wit le chckfor 123, otceses 1017 sanding ums 89.24 stuoesloc 88:31 sandag abe foe ‘un sande 10230, bbls of ‘sian $420.21, 6814 sip or 193 vets cals 4 nm og eng See ato Bis ‘Seas Conte indrs ‘Se aio Motsing ables See ato Sceus angi toc 410; 522,373; 17.2 Chip when, renting 81:20 es ‘are 8.14 ‘pong agjuable cute 165 courier sis hls 5222 courtersinking in ght pes pla 1165 loves ends of ‘ils 12016 tava ieee 1213 inert gain guietor 1s ‘ui pup for 8810, atoles tly sued 29,25, 628 805, 1064 age 3818-19 onShopsit por 203 Dri, portabe electric ah is 8817.27.28 huetlaytandeo 61:3 tes or ‘um sndng wat 523 ‘ks 0193 Dry sinks 3 12-15 ‘Drywall anchors: ‘sing tou 100-29 Dust | — Es Solan rages 1075. ‘ust collection ada titeing able for 518-19 biastonslor ‘Sopra 534 fiero 9522-27 foc rans 65:3 otra ues 962; 744 locale son 477-9, 583 yourding 73 rv ove ake 183, ust titers “page “a frst ies “ig waa el ce “084 est mas dot 71634 eros. ‘ex remo “pues ess 8811 Dyes stout 4020-20 aloo sole 4021-22, 21- 224 aniline 4020-22; 8730 ‘wily ces ppaton siz oiksohble she 021-2224 scutes 40:24; 5524; 8731 wal-sohble 21-22, E Easels eieamebariabeid, splay 608-11, 24 Eclipse honing guide ‘entoned 47:14-15,24 Eg joints ‘iste in covet 23-14 000% forgot 8018 ee sroking 98:16-17 égebanding ‘See alo Basing oping 622021 69,16-19 ‘on marisng ie 945 shut 9917, 1423, lg tet ponent sage intoetpaparol ube 1084 ‘etersan cores suspend on cating 94; 1045: ap for 1185 vata ‘110 220 9930; 81:30, ipses rsa na aan sie saat Et ie see pisicent on ar-2-13 rain ‘bung 9128 ‘oon in on besa 5:9 natilpess ‘wal igo 9217 sHaning 4:18.19 ssoveune Gas “Sloat coma en 1050.31 End tables ‘Jaga! wod gaint royce. aston 17 wth rave ands apenas S ‘Woodsmith Index {xtetainment centers TV, tse, ape stooge 815-13, ‘rtenson cords eeping wanped nealy toto 145, 1165 Suspending cet shop tploc 045 wingee. acs 8229; Face-trame joint ‘igocmaking ona sa 08, 707 noclanptype40338:7017.28 sources fo 2031 ‘top locks or 7017, ‘a paoard rai, 9091 Feel gauges ‘avn casas 488 90:6; 516 gps gue batt 8626-29 ‘pate fo €628, 31 ‘leone caikas saline 05 ‘whstnens 0 wih meskig ae 133 ithpaper 23 eersion or 1125, ol pes 420-21: 1165 supporting sod 1065 loclasto lamina 084 Paks fo 753 sorng 765 ilcro-asstbe 495; 213- 1531 mlco-atstr for 403 octet for 283; 2528, Pada armeon wetop eck 722890 221817; 247 sone 153 inh robin 3621 res ih 173. senaisstelac 1745 = ions = a por | Swat Ass cols See ato Bastes Seeata Flos Seatotanwer ‘See abo Oi tises ‘Sooke Pao ‘See ato tela: ‘Sovak Sorts Finishing Glues erg 49 pases a0 seasoGore ann — | mend oe si 60109 | me Sanegtinh ponatrtazs Swatolorvanderon | "gment 30 aerate 725 Toro pertmpseca | Savoie 24 oats sine tte pe coir 28 018 Seowoler ara er 8421 uct ones mtg ‘erage o125 ase ean veges cue 5 wine 5 retngeaadsor | eonens 1269 | ii sta ctrgtants 231 sqemen | eeiomgas: 180 ‘opegunis |” aig 73 Sone Soa ove Canemereio i823 | aga eros cmnagio Srrasidsive21 | Semester siztaozt | dnbeyoonate concn | Strata doesn este 73 iaereat east era) | “natg 12082 Fodaeam 547 eieg eraagvond souypinenwios dated oases te7t rs iy 13 924 eo 02 Sesion esmateatenxzos | “Yawretzzs cad ent sceran ser 93 ee emanen Porc ottb2t sana ng 134 Sen soneyeeatsrs peering si3:sr17 | pears =| gan rag 833 Sapna Simaits teomoos atte Paeansy 71048 anaes 93 1008 sraengace texconerseztcz ors | caranersze feonseanapatere | a. 855 on 279 Simeon | jonmpste zt open 3.603 sy ste verze fceekomnlonse61621 —selsinongkme 617 cae ‘olcsinnetasteto2n | Yanan butipiges | frgameeie Seaimeorsnensei-21 | “evs 753 Loopaes t12 Separaetcmgnte | ain ee etree ease Soe sae memsenanrece | "temas 5 Sere 025 fearon 9 vanes saza.02000 | freon Oe saoes sae ma pat Fishin ‘etaas011 Snes res 2:12 eon oni 22028 Tone 1231 curaaeit Soe oa 418 cassig ciel boner he wih pape 453 a corre 85 vans 112 otond 62428 ‘at 824 reotwo caine tetas mime ross omaian | cometios meboiecro:es | "ane Goto ol ot ‘aeons wear | interme t18s BibT ate 202% “gl 08527 ‘as tetodsrins 22 | oatontmive Briere | ston | spteronovig tants Soemiotscatere, | “oper 16% Beier ees wget a2r st evr genre ens S45 SIL Si peetne css a Tenant 9205 Tuszpeteo 0825. | tennng 73:9: 2h consncatusne 52629 | hes Fron SA cams snag see soe si84 cts teeta icey 31:18 Pparogricsrap | tpurttra tees 6:28 farperawnaaee | hralpmnte is 23, apes eaten ‘mms Sept 55 DP arinsrerinsnsn hod ba eines3.6r17 ——Ftneeces te Tovowlwnssienues | wnotene tts doasle ‘oneal teres 1023 et vecioins can 822 copes 1128 Sealine 727 ose sorte wean) rome ‘Sime re bers paveing | Fain ants randemesise20—renen vemet 3 weno Siesmes is stegs2 frempnotors 3 catrsoatsesaean, | “sdsoaget62¢28 ven Sonor 24 sian Fett 5%; 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1810; 278, 31228 wot abe 45:14 ‘yn tine ot 7.27 tremens of 2028 setinetoe 7727 yon ‘langing tine for 72:25 ig. sowe st 7227 Seehof 2028, ot with, song of 8329. sete for 7727 eto ot 623 ‘tuing ‘soumby ofr 104.30 assum sue for ‘skal 835 cantatas sng 10829 cai steel prot bench tplorusig 155 ‘ales wth cases 7626 {oro ute 451445 Jatt oanpingsmalpanes 1185, eepg cues sq wile are che or 917 asin or 443 mitees ecru or 11823 role for spreading ge PAC peas 1184 spaces for (PVC) id mori ot pipe cigs 1024 sgl aganrt aio 815, sxpaing fc 7816 wi comer lok 9017 wa agonal stots 81:5 ecru for eed comes sg stp O64 nino are Fofr 10418 ‘oblets ‘ued 347 Gouge grinding igs orang gauges 9290 10 | Souges and planes Tine ging 92:0 voouon 718-21 | tite Handhotds | “snowarze roding enor 3522 (sing 59546 Handles repaing ens 33.21; 0427 | Seva Puls Grinders Toctambous. 68:11 ‘learance snl on 208 forays holgiondm cos en16 | mangas vain | Weel aking 6:19 ‘hoped 1112027 aber | sar ron lorveleases 4:19 ‘caso 83, | totcmaing | so ‘ono bl 1013 ‘eelanp 785 | wise tooet 207,988 raking 928.074 rite-gage 243 wooden solid 4212 ‘rinding ips Mandsaws ‘orturinggouges 9290 “igaese Grinding wroate fag, soos 8530 ‘hou 046, 213 sures for 7534 ‘tarirum nde 6014-15, yes 0752425 caret 208 ipanese-Aresian 7627 chasing 2012 tacisan 75:24 hese 206.7, 12:61:90 | bow sllconcaie sary lo 206 | making 55 soucesia 23236031 | coping | Groove ad tenon ‘sing 65:29 | cebiesies 76:8 vet mehods kr 284,22: 7432- | choosing 194 8590, 798-15, 9612-13 ide or 7521 wing 2614-15, 2517; 2513; | dustin, ‘SIA S820, 2046 41:7, | ussmogeahack sew tae buenas on Stnmariei | qaueuane sonn crn ee en Sse | ot = ae Tes a Sojnown ‘or shal pte display Mardware at Sofas od cere | Saelewes saws cs meee ane: <> | sama | seme? | “ret | om et ran rn Teitetsayermst; | aattet 4 uae nit ee tat gs Set oan a wae mimeo iss | “aes aay tare soonieet ne rect ewesetee: | Weeirun . ene wate cela 1 Shaker stile 61:14-18, 24 -soutces 98:31 | nator | feo ez memes | Ma | eek missin-siye look | sourestor 3628 cetera | souks ea x ims shin ioe 482 Seats samara canes, Sees vets siyaediees I Marrone | OY ss ledbyn seat 8203 Wooxismith Index: Wexagons canstutng 1211 ‘ocrund tae 121051 rraberas of 121415, ite orbs 408, 10-11 ont san | ona 824 fore its 140 inst 7423 lnsting 469497, 7324, art ps tra Soss_ 11416-17167 ‘testy 1416, ut 36:17: 55:16 concealed agusabe 8116 5 hope 310-11 ry ont 94:28 Honing guides ok con door 858,10, faceeens S79 ‘nse 7816 \deosterbox metodtor 3130 iin 1389 with double-sidea ap 618, 715, nucle 1488 vwooten $11 # octal or 7417 raing 28 loosopin 3614 sroniestor 31:28, 267,12; 468.18. gueetor 3 ‘odin 65:17 nae norise ‘mrisig fo 16:15, cet 21:15; 2615; 67.25 pianoQDs7 212, 16 S814 TE, 7427 smoising oe 11815 suoesfor 5424 pivt22 14, 38 14-15-24 29 ols dors 3:15.24 ‘seas as 6811: 7027 pit pi stem 228.20 mci 83:10 ‘oto 74 shouting ol 67 oy sk cating or 373 ‘rap27T, 459 ‘wan oo sie 8114-15 oot ngs ‘ovelsas 97 ‘ii 7029, 30,31 ‘rommositedtarclaro 1185 raking 23, 612025: 7116 rotng 7090-31 ‘ile ating 16 souresfo 61:24, 7031 old-ins ‘Seo Feahrboarts Hotes p01 eernicing, 705, lng jig tr 223 erlang 68:15. 2tmetod or 744 pilotaater tor 75 sacl €05 sac jig 964 ‘eompeptond 253 Honing guides ‘Gena rand 47.16-16,24 Leetaley rrtioned 4714-45, 28 Sang tne 471445, 24 e Hope chests Hope chests | Sealed eae: 01020 | tone 5843 orzonal Baring ig Selling tes asides aro Ssh tr ‘gone neni nete9 ube eves, 00 open srg aed ptels 221622 cut 6615, 1 Ieetores ‘ok fasloned, Rasta 35-4- 1024 lok Inlay ‘wndig 2810-1, 15 eng | igeos, cule oes or 2622 oct as 71:20 Soret 73:14 forbltps 2017 ‘ining 77.25. mk 718 throes 7615 kmargusy pane 468 ‘90 288-10 test 2824; 46.24 sabust oa 266 sigs! ‘aphing 1088 cing 44:28 ited 44:14 | Instaves. sng 2523, J Japa colors “Seeds clr dapan Japanese saws abt 52407 soorestar 7531 ely cupboards winced tn door 67611, ewolry boxes tentang ele 8 ‘pond taro dein 21418 caved ides 466-1 sal wing dove np 67 wines 2420-22 wenden ‘guste hinge $5, stlcuting 69:24 ering varoer 10653 Viscalteting ‘wth te Ship-made "0834 etesquaing gage shoprrade 934 fuse lectin phywoodeing ‘a0 ‘ing ihe 8520 foraging cave puls S33 ‘eccting ith alr on 94:14 forcing miters witha aw 10534 forcutho pers tables 103.18 ‘or rave roows on x4 ‘ther 9614 focotving ana 10217 rina res 00 ‘ontlson 22:19 ‘orang sqaure openings 11622 foesandingcicles slapd 9530 ‘ortuming pen bodes Tomi Tare 10826 nips 10825, lnstucton storage 35 king steed knobs er 1084 rates and hada for ‘iscsion of 9822-25 yond 66:23. ‘ound trons on sate stock ‘ontalson 44 ‘dis eel 6611 sadhaes wih angle legs 76-27 splsto 7931 brogtmonise ‘ocsoohing ssc 8010. 2 clam 45 ege comer ‘00 toca ier onblsan ‘shapbait 07:16 Sema oe repro 1634 ‘rgeeons roe eo 1206 oloters See also Stns: Roler ‘aigning les ‘echnigue for 1015, tating abet on ‘ecru 11234 sous 6829 gear tac 1025-27, tte orn rection 85:12 ries br aries 6329 atin wh sky pty 705 roves as 463 spinesade as ‘wcniguelor 1154 ‘ing 7629 sper 29 Jointing isles of 7628-29 | al cooke poss 7628 hes 311314 ‘mating boas ogee 9523, 7529 onions | etgeandice 102627 | ona san 74: 9512 ‘caer boa 83; 12027 ionrsrs procession 6-7 ssid 693 ‘sig spine sano ‘equ 164 vi or 7:3 | K | Kaleidoscope 524-7, 26 ert bendig camerlokmathod to 77.18 teotnige 776.1215 eyhole hampers ‘etal 916 | making str 180g 172” dowel oer bt | "tea tiptor mang eaon x ‘aa 315, Keyhole saws |. Shpemade 1015 Wickack Seek Sate, ‘See ats Tal Sons Kite canisters containers 7425-27 wife racks os 14kchen oes 52:16- ae Yoncariage bal 1084 yes 9825 ing ico andes Inplaceclpiasic knobs 1008 Kot fing vena 93 seaing 93:19 Knurled nuts raking 624 L Lacquer sero 822.28 and stain ible 4621 ampli 21,22 aes 4822-28 ager om 4621 iooelse soy of4620 er ss 428 ing 4622 seals win 4622 ‘tela 622 seuresior 46524 ssraing robles of 4821 tov 4621 vais 4621 ‘Lacquer tianer| about 5321 | Laiers | Tocourk beds 3819 i Lamination See a0 Seomentttonstuct ‘See ao Sve conten Steals Ber mitaion =| be damping 728.9 fre woodearie 119:14-17 ‘ing 729 sto 728, 1.16.21 rebendng 1320 ving 7216-17 seigh ceterpi 6318-28, sigsior 728, 111820 lectus abv how 1181021 echnigestor 728-6820. at ing pohurebune gue 11820 wal tee 7210415 | ood 728 aiing vp 108 pasts oe) | fg 723617 | Lamp tables ‘sip, Sale design oite21 Lamps See aso Light Fotwes Erle 3518, cert 7512-1581 tesestor mie 741415 aovetaied 22:24 hanging 29 lana etl oe ppepanels | 1161621, | tanteras aliay sor san panels 12018- B ap joints ‘stor spade S72 crs ‘orp 35 for dons 8710-1 rae angled 204 metodo 2720, 2823; 320-2, 7817 mitered 211 Sa lade ati for 18 lama? sop | reapers Legs Latenes Seas cates ras 615, 11,24 vel anager 87:11 wooden 5816 ‘awn Signs forbowserumbes 9416-8 Layout Tay ot ids ‘hound comere sock 874 Lay attot our at werkiee edge aT trai conan 9218, trang area etre for 0822 veapees lecnigeto 1728 ary Susans, fo dlls 49 frais 49 seo 211041 eather trae es teenies for making 10719 tlorastieg 114 Logs Seas Feet Lesage 85:12, 14 Yegooesin 48 ges siting ior 6828 tench 6827-28 tert ‘amined 7120-22. bain 1545; 2522 raking 808-9 cable 849 ‘edema foroa sol 43.1043 paler for 48.26; 1614-47 (slog ocsetchrs 7621 fling krck-down 868-8, 9 fps. 7520-2) forest desks 318 ‘le 201415, 16 eight sexing fr 8828 ign angles 673-9 iyo ock 77:18 otsing 6820 28 patemfor 4826 6413 potest tele 748,11 rie ibe (okng 276-7 eles ‘shaping ends! 11728, voces for sng to B16 te io 695, 888-49, 21182 soa seb jig tr 76:20, tether ois in boted 553 teed 61:16 Heppenie 14 angles 647 Leigh Industries {pine itor 6122 ‘oreaand non 145, ibiesan 1:1: 61:20. 2 THQ 10120, 10818 tured ‘moriseand tenon 125, wthower 685; 6818.21 wed 8617 ih insating mortises 2613, ‘Leigh industries | et ig reve 322,24 Lett boxes wisp er 554-7, 24 Later openers ‘arin 10:7 Letters rodercaned 7:15 Levoles afusbie orem cabinet 9410, forbuaicase 959 Lid stays instaing riod 11222 1d supports fusible ‘souces for 711,31, mori 8122 ‘ght fatures ‘Seale Lanes igh ight 7126-90 ‘via, wooden 94 Lghtog ‘ask ‘ortard saw 2024 Linger dressers Tare 5849 ‘Sevais Focorg et 44145153, velvet, 23,24 808, Locks fortune 733 intaliog 589 ferety eer 0420, fore case 46-12-13 mote lertrokases 419,24 lorctists, sources tor 3221, 4 orn ohst 10928-29, Louvers making dors nd panes tie-in cig or 4 wth oe 371043 Labecants tor bexings 7827 ‘ovscms Disco 705, Lumber ‘Seaals Wood Dougesfr sou 937 Boks t suing 19 boadooge of 6123; 6823 ‘ayiny 92:29 caseaering ot 7627 caring here lr 76:28 casiso 15:2 2 cooked sok along 2027 cape | causes of8515 ‘alng wih 49.22 ifesin 213 éimension (2x stock) Torre propets 9349 inensionso! 2228;3722-23, 5823 fatsaen 7128 ‘ocoutoorse 31; 45:13 gain decton ot reetiongt 57:14 | raéwend ‘esol 228: 8720-23; 623 nilmarisen 3821-22 ine lps tor usng 96:29 quay spon 76.28 ‘qatesan 7224 aks 7728 rough paring 7124-26 sttwood he of 5:22 _suating wp 7520 slekeing 7:26 stains fron emidned 3422 sing 7:26 ‘in buying 6228, reson. wih plane uz jung 6312 surest 6324 wees ‘mplanen 5:14 eet ons 43:22 win alovacesin 7628 Lumber storage racks -tatony&potabe dsgns 28D, abou 9828; 10335 ‘asonelar good about 1189 Magazine boxes ‘bastard upiatt wih barr 1048-19 rks “lg snl exon mots nan joinery 1141821 Magnets lorhokangtae 12031 ‘sing. toto 165 Mahogany coo changs exposure sunt 105.27 Mail organizers est ays and aver wno1013 for desk 1014-17 Mailboxes 7024-2731 Matots ‘haesing 195 bie 8528 Mantol clocks, Sesalso Cocks ‘ached dora 248-11 ‘Rasoral sign wi sal rane 108.28-32 ss sides 198-13, Maple ‘decssed 6929 faves aout 10833 ‘Sling 137; 8220; 10833 Marking ting pene 965 sysim fo 273 ‘ung uo paws 16 156; 28 ‘Marking gauges: ‘chaning 184 elds Act bate 1912-13 making 1812-18213, 448, 34 pais or 1912 Senet 3 using 9:17 ‘Measuring tapes seuroete 7231 Metal ‘ui working wth 1814 bis tor cues 11814 ‘Mothy| ety! ketone or ish ut 223,24 Mineral spirits rentonea 52021 inwax -mpying 4020 compestono 20, Mira Sted Pe anes Goalaea. 2 ‘ign 5.1 olinges23 7114 fattisteat fond i@t5,38 arora 821 ‘ee 21 10447 Ctheapr ay T10-1 oalatt62t Sips 640 wen 1052424 varuaozt rg se 26181026 Sereiop tie? iypnedsri00.2¢ ea, sya as ei21 wha ch cones ‘atea1 verte rg e816 iar shoe. sayin 2 iar ates sodas ang elt 2823 Woodsmith Index feces for juste 745 ols og, wide sok TO sop tock 83 eds angls with 785 ‘eesing focwide stock 812 ‘ans oe ‘pandale 7017 0k 6830 sang 764 ‘geste 963 vith agate age 25, BIT wih earings 60:3; 35 ome ital i ap 75 sepbensl 283 Ceeaoyert 73 ‘geraneg kr gs 184 vewapts 22223, sates c tires mer ‘inectason np 124 sense pofale 735, eters Seas Mier Bowes ere dees checking 744 finding $13, 10-1 Say technique forcing 11220- 2 isc jit itor stb 175 checking angles thi sare 944 ceangs for “ome 60:22 ‘ioc for 73:13 ging eros 5:4 tues or 6024 sing 6022 eth ober bands 7:19 compound bookabout 8731 nabs 96:21: 143 8716-19, 1738| spines tor 8720; 21 cating 2523, 6020-21 nctep et 0309 ‘onl etges 11326, top loklor 383 cating ble san tecnlgeso9825 ove ays tx 4410-1; 10532-33 tanning 473 ccgesat iter, protector 7318 ‘ad. hike wih 6022 ‘ener 86:15 ‘ormorisean tran 2412-13, ‘hing 219; 309; 602; 708 Sing ised egrets Technigue for 11628 Molding ‘tng ing 6716, 8426 Insol stoxk 67.17 jig 403 mits boxfor 72.21 Jater aements for 6423, ligterating singel san 10624, lok onthe saw 9:10 ratherats of 21415. rites mesuing 91:16 ager ig 2.17 enlorg pieces carage or 67.29 cn med tb ona jis Fig fing 10114 se tosaiam san lig 60:19, 7429 conta sa 1215, 283; 2523, 220.03 Faso 60-16-19 op itoring for 875 f3dba06 86:18 nding miteed Boke 88-16 toeactengh 8327 ined 711; 98,187, 218-9 ‘45; 467,706,733, 128.25 8627 crs comes 7113622; 2215,19 cating grooves or 11828, eeive 1830-31 akg wt lao 9116 akg wit slot cuter 91.46 snes for 103 techie fr gluing oes wingtales 64 wihcise ‘ocktor 721 Modets ‘rock 8724-99 rons 81:89 Modular cabiets 1056-13 Modu storage systems vals 2212-15 338-17 Molden ‘Sevals Cries ‘Seas Mies oan ogee 789 acted up 6726-29 leper 67.28-29, ated 61:17: 87.12 beading akg 6711 talnse without 606 acing $933 compe ‘nut tabes 60:12-16 withouler vane fg 8420, 225 co ‘rating gran on bul 1619 onnaer tbe 76:10 Mortise and tenon joints cnt san 1216; 2025; Sas%; 3723; 4604, 862627, 0825 18. 1834 oom 712 lc 5 tne 6728 7:2 fig 61:13 ete forfting 11820- A) or 25:13, 18, 18,22:781, 8 hing 223 naa am son 313 563 svroas le 818 enti saw 10618 ‘eg Toston 9418 ‘ora 2 ane 6812 lane-damete ult 9 835 lig 3119 raking 25:16 nro tabies 409,47, 4855, 5815, 17,618 709, 76:10 ntti oe enue able 4318 ontable sa 5814 61:2; 8825, paste tb pmcod eine 97.7 seen on arduco adge 5813 sous tr 37.24; 5924 ples 0123, ‘wateound 3620 ‘ang 87:16, 68:29; 10830, . 11628 9 4016 ‘Sppod cuts for 9620-2, pane api 02 Sees. anaes me Seeaiso Brie joints seen es ne Sanson Se wae tons ft CLrigae - oe saps wa Jom ut T1632 Cleese ania Cesceease 2071: ‘eee annie ee. erehems = aking on able son $1.14 15 pening 48:22 single 812 Sols sq 162 ‘suing mais with acti fgir 10412 techni tating ated ae though 3812-18 makig S01315, win awa eke 97.1415 wedoee 1510-11, 12 4812.13 set od 26128, Mortises set 257-8, 671415, ‘agjed8:16-17 ‘noi stepped orb cig for 10117 bisfora6.20-21; 67.14 centering rou ior 263 cating 95:14 forsale 2017 lortough moses 991012 Insound sock 8918-18, roe jig or 10834 catoga sesplunge ove 11232983 catiogmiipe mare sips, ecg 11228 eg piles fx at oun tock 89:19 iain ound sock figlo11735 foctings 3123; 418 belt 227 suitor 623 lecing ins or 426 piano 422 ‘mh ue 139 fovlegs 928 forlons 44:18, 46.1218, ‘ox pian hinges| vith ger 1815. makinglarge ‘with ole saw andor 90:7 rakingwi comer chisel tetnique 97:0 alge space stips ior 382 ondeiess 1823: 828 ‘spe gfor 49 V6 ror 6423 nagar sew 618 logs 98:15, sot 103; 131041) 9 onrader 10:32:23, swings 708,913 oes or 6714-45 rou jie 1:17 suring witha cise jaf 10412 tough 188,12: 6922 288 Jigs sides ot Soto technique or routing 108:15- T oon mtes eyecare ign ‘site | sinratearaess roses? | “ening 704 Mortis. | ssedgetrnmer 945 ‘ox motse& spline joinery | eres oto | indexing sons tor 69:8 making 12518 67:12-13 | wap elicit 12:19; | Tos Mounting plate ‘watch sal os en bench sal shop ectrique or 975 ‘Murtins | Masi boxes inaidtp 4-7 | lcking ater 66-7 veneered 718 wma ube: drains by 61:2 | "Sova soutes fr 36.24 in reerrstzs ts sue ‘oeents3 tala Toor Sete | Sawer | “ears degra ll tiptor 1025 viable 4 Naphtna | octnsh abting 4221-28, 24 menioned 820-21 | Might tights econ nae 725 | Might stands ‘eaves 766-11, 31 rave pls nosed storage 1847 esto stn 916 Noise levels inte sap 91:24 Notches | veld eaog 784 cating cpl ntces | ontblesow7:17 Note boards rack & ey hows 1826 Woodsmith Index | welltung Wi cave wet accent 9518-19 ats \t | |" aourwzn | rtd 33 | ono 91 iets | tga 67 ving | os sss 24 Sipe 121 2 | Sa o | Stages ones ‘alton | optona cnt stay 11724. ‘t Octagons: cating 1238 ‘rames tom hal, imming 64:16 ova 6419 ling 84:16 faving [olting 21:17 layout techniquetor 117-28, mathemati of 21415 ‘splined, mitered ‘rounding 309 with tapered ies 16.10 | Olt finishes aout 9628-28 ‘and spontaneous combustion 31.28, 9422.28, 68:30 and one iting 44.23, linseed as fish 301245 {or itessed bok, 8620-21 ‘as wih anges om 31:28 soutes for 3015, 24 | ranting 92:28 maintenance sth fr 3623.) raul ois 9528 ut 65:24 ‘oiWamishbenes 9529 penetrating and sanding, a ile 22, 1987: 207 applying 25:17 enaback with 30:14-15. iscussed 30:2-18 non-oncyo aer euting 65:28 rags wh, dang tom 31.23 resin n 3013 sources or 3015, 24 spring «73 ps tor 4020, 978 nee senna wih 4423 with webane30.14 prooeset 85 2829| sous for 6524 Panels sth 30-12-15 foc oudoo vse 4:5; 6820, intenance cheer 3523, 4515. pohmerind 3013;:227-9 suis or 30:15,24 3224 524, 6831 wet seging 1.8 ‘ungurenane sutcesfoe 7631 working wih 95:28 ais Se aso RubingConpounds rabhing 4221-23,28 siesta 4224 Ornaments Chistras te cat-aut 10-12 ture 5845 ‘ued isla box 588.9 (utteed rotters fortablesew stop-nade 1122831 ‘utfeed tables Torta saw 4710-1; 7018+ 2 Ovals Se abo Blips aig 5:10 making 422-25 "ude are e419 2- | lie acie as door nish ester 7530, P Paiat Viadorad 41:26 cansot fimclening or 173, raking or 711 mike aning 0025, ago acl ih 8025. pling 0:24 disvessing 66:10, histo of 80:24 layering 2025 soues tor 8031; 1:31 cutdor sign 94.18 rcecting wood wit techies fr $315 sory tom arsol 101:20-28 Paint thinners ‘eu $820 Palm sanders conversion pads or Maka yng 745 review thee models 387 Panels slanoing exyalngoxesuein 95:13 fatning whl 8:13, outing aout 6210-1 aan ange 60:10, 9016 on able san 2519,273 sing 86:11 (yan Green fo 2611 1B Paper ontbiesan 812: 353 fais aio 10-11 anbod ih er ub-am e736 sin, eos itor BS bisor 2017 ‘ating on table saw sty sar? ‘ating protien 67:17 ertioned 485, 9 contra 5310-1; a5 nate san 203; 2916 S31, 87:17; 98:16 eliishng or 67:17 _sctingetnique $08-19 seuingup tocar with Ral am sans 1828, Paper me sist 57.24 Paper singers rater 712-28, Parting tools ig $956 Patio tables cig! 756-11 Potters forerces 802,22 31 rigi-tacle, Sates 8623 fortianes 259 Torts ule 143 focal Santa 9324 feccao . sues for 4324 lorcanclanps 8027 toca ole crving 5:20, forcais ‘onda 6817, 31 high 6731 alder back 64:19, 14,24 fort caring 7121; 31 lorena 8,3) forced 4624 forattee 7231 fortand ior eer 7131 lortolt-down carp 7031 forbes 71:15 focitt ign 71:31 focaurbes 9417 for ogen racket it 86.2831 orgies 5519.24 foreilckearieg scuris f $224 torre 63,24 (ocued box 1813 feral sw Hela Lane 12023 ‘orbbis Penbole 143 (orb bier 7191 {or what canvng 96.20 Bung sock 3522-23 oid teaeing fom 65:13 rab or aking ‘8X as 984 14 of | tring 453; 47. 71:16 iden stage | Msioalcoca rats Pegboard Choaksiten 822 Peghoard storage system stop all caret or WS #93942 ‘ons trr 9820 Pegs sins br $7.18 sae insalig 55:2: 90:15 tring $5.22 Pencil hoders whole cabo 212 Pencils | hosing 194 Pendulum clocks | | nalenang 3928-00, Pose wood wi gfx ting condi press 1082425, Photos of completed pro- Jocts ‘uoritetby ers 0016-17 Picnic tables teldig 2-7 | cigar 56-11 ; Pleure tomes | Seca miras | Sweat Mees | tackg ot ier 53 clurst6022-0824 ek 6017, 762-1, 315 12- 15,31 sprig 543 | fishing 503 eto 0324-25 | tom ame sips 9217-24 rat ast for 503 aig 7616 ing 6021 joe 6 eon 761-15 mag fe 78:14 eed | “cating sozo-x | moisngstoe | making 12-16 rmausgfor 6021 | oa 59 | spines tr | | eee 765 | Pie sates | | | | | Photo bones | “sing dati 1052627 | punched npn doors 8:12- 1,24 Pigments | Si cops Pine eh rae ting tectngue fo 95.15 aying 65:16 soso 8528, tipstor sing 5:29 elon site 1928, Planers ‘Seeal Stra Roler Weyer Sale -Planer ‘éscssed 1010 ctpped sock msoanceptin 85:14 tps e515 iscussed 68:29 ‘aivesior ‘aide tes vs. sto, e529 potale ‘Sscssed 6514-15 pull-o sht fe hikes es ramet gies 1085, oan gress foraleops 15:7 revied 10:0 toutlestoorg 8515, 5 jiters 6229 | Planes eh tout 281647 hosing 2316-22 sing 2320-2 bos she 461415 darter 5715 genio. king 483 reed 48.415, 24 ‘usingup 4616-17 vwrase ses of 7925 caret panes S71418, 24 foesing 232,859 ‘eco gin 4:19 geometry of 610-19 lonsot agestor 4518-19 peers ‘epacemen 413,24 Shapening 251818, 4712- or ek orale tops 157 sing wn 7629 uber ys ft 78.26 a 57.14, 24 shoulder ‘asing 792223, sglecing 725 sources tor 7:31 sing 7824 sales of ning 2322.253, 4617 stoaeshorte 83 ieknesing wth gsior 4423 722 W009 4718-21, sts 8.24 turing 47.22 vet aot in easins or 5.23 ‘Woodsmith Index Polyvinyl acetate glue | Paniog lig sa tetiqefo 64 | ctendgan 418 ‘gt panes 215, Habe tos 1867 fthin sock 33; 4428 63:13 aston pat TO15 nia ile 972225, {abl-son mao ta 5522 wot 18,639; 615 Panning oj homo 9122 ‘be aminaed iogs 7220-28 Cratsran-sy 6816-23 eri abou 4010-11, 2 Planters ‘exoosructon 345,12 tacging 312 sates with peed ices 1610-11 Mastic laminate ‘ating nb sau 383 etgigot timieg 5623. (ocak ace 4:10 5922 foc oes up 318-9 janiraing 376 onMasonttase 614: 41.7 ‘tices 3724 41:24; 9928 tring on bison 684 ith stint 823, Plate joiner stands 91:25 | Plat joiners ocnatentep finlor 91:25, Mate jlnery | sciteaton ig shop-mate 10894 | dng boars 954 tablesun sos fo: 85 late shelves veal ouned ‘wl al & et aiding 1063208, | Plexiglas eget ‘sing 675, forcip sits 62:22 for giants 67:13 Plug eaters | sauces tor3724: 45.24 Plogs yg fish o pier 114s aster rors 5 | eating eng ‘onan san 905 eveing 382 vas ‘hou 729,31 eas wit 66:10 roan sh 47.23, scoutole ting s2:27 sete 7219 Plywood Batebich ‘snsoestor 6528 dacsinT2 yng tis or 30:23 corbin core stout 1523 comer oins in Yonguand roo 33.2122 oon for 223 ez0-11 dans 62:11; 000,18 ep gues ocala caus 119,828 ‘agepeesof 3424 split eto 73:18 ‘oa syoloam bord 623 sintering prevention ‘ai tal san cping on 12826 vet a219| weir sv, no chipat 85. 820 bari for 38:16, 6220- 19420 Nasonite-pined 5017 axphying 6216 banose 2220 ushering, jig or 822 fing screpances wit 21 ingaling eet set eng ‘err joer etnies 9420 sid 27 stidstock 789 te 7 ‘etriquetr 90:16 timing Hh etre 11423 wi shop rade venue ‘06:17 fisting eben th weet cases 10528 tors 6828, halsin splinter 98.2 iniaver constuction 3120 akg from postertaa6 8619, seg intra pioes of 924 krack caning 4 splnedters in 99 slooge 77:26 wig 62:16, 18 Aiglotim edpebarding £4.30 win our 6211 6817 une to wi shooting beard 133 atin 6823 Polyuiny!acotate glue ‘So Buns: We Porch swings Porch swings 9947.24 ‘ed tr coved sex 968- 8 ‘agate 46 ‘nd gan wih $87; 5272 renting 1213 ‘sing 659 fororuotl boring 1218, Tod Power tots acessories ‘aor 823-25 card was ‘ip or mang 1135 xy cordstrape ‘nzthoard et paer tute ‘et ersepower tings vain 104.29 wave oak S62 Prowactors ‘esmended 2023;218 ve gig 4728 cele 51:18; 5223, Puls tgp jg for 98:18 el 539,24 tess sures for 58.24 car older 4215, 24 eo ove and braces 913 fordesses ging 58:14 falas dos sues 25.19, intalog 7428. raking 79 prelin 6831 surest 1619 reese 629, 1219.24 texto 68.31, wood 3815, 16 os, Sop mate 9028 ‘omscoap 45 opera 233; 74:16, 7847, 225, sures 5824 ‘red 557,24 Punice fe feist bout 228 fo anus 46:22 suis for 149, 224 Punches ° ‘Seeaso Tn punching ‘oll oes 715 Past blocks. (ond son esning 5:1 at naw tock 684 a esaning 5:1, 12 ‘rete abe seostough 885 ‘nmi toes 47.28 ‘eer ot 875 sage ipsa tober ‘berarow tock 11927 tek ‘or insta 604; 724.7 esos sticky ‘ott 7S Q uit aks 246 ‘we 8 sping ated od 058, te tecriguefor 309 satan wide 1815 cna pine 1124 stopped 9621 techriuolo 342021; 82-28 717,799, ep vet pir ter 59.23 loccabress 1813 locaton 206-8 61:9 forglass 26.1; 406; 6012-18; e101 force ames 6022 sue 5815. toon 68 ‘or dane 109 ‘or dames, on ale sw 1820, 12016. ‘ecru for 6:19 rode 1356 locking fr ar oits deo san 97. 23. nassenbed box tots 7320 ions pices 1515-16 ing ‘od ses 89:4 stalow iota 778 ul ple can for 7924 Racks Ditstoage 5420 ‘igus blade slrage fh es 82. obes chides 83:12-15, 31 easyprjet 23 wih sehes 856-10, crokbooks were cars wort cooling 12 display er itasomarents 612 forba storage 5422 forclangs 7420 Tarcoutocks ‘wan or ep cs wit focus 78:13 foc 77.28 ‘erpipeclanos ‘ees PVC pie a ees M185 foros Wo for 504 incabies 91:18 ephear 3933 ons 7813 fois 5216-198.26 vwal-hung 10830: raga 4647.24 “-stapdrac simple e- ‘spn 1618-21 yoda orp up tuck 104 24s spins 10 906-9 ssalpoial srae ins 11533 sole ave, unde coptnard 9826-29 stacking, ioting “carecn eso 02 supplies or0631 e 12 Radial arm sm fences wtp biock 7226-0 Radial arm saws ‘sing S22 i jot, ed 1616-18 lence spp eige or 7226, aston ‘ono 203, ‘ier 6D: 7227-7420 ‘awh llr 66:11 ec bending on 7735 rong wit ei 31.5 abel ‘on sal pecs 15:16 raised pane on 161 routing aro 20 sal han for 7227 slots ith ‘inde 53, stander reorcog 823 stopblos or 173; 383; 684; 72263), measuing 13 table iserstor 203 ‘bles er ‘pilin 226.27 ‘ers wi 6 tenons ih 013 vie panel 1828 Radius gauges ring 293 adit Schl emptor 543, acing 7218 | "ie ‘pty 609.24 alse ‘ating isan tecnigator 11628 intocoatig ‘oniale ov 9816 cn utr be $3:0-1; BIS Rass, ‘Seeata Fes hosing 8:30, ‘Woodsmith Index 1 foui-rand 2628; 8520, from band son bes 85:5 ind of 4324 patents rmetond 4:24 sours fo 4324 techies for 427-9 Redwood ‘ai of 6928 Ginension stars for 45:23 Reliet Cuts forth fis naling 96:14 tac ppaton See specie damage pou ehz2 brcknschingn63:12; 95:13, exdmathing in 35:13 Toco 178 (lok psiorng or 728 onband san fining ctr 5:18 on ble san 35:21; 555; 71.28; 1103 insto69 nin sts 405 etnies for 8510-13, veneer ‘rom pywood 7:16 Serato Nprenaet x2027 forthin sips 1827. 12027 oting ih tesa 12027 Rivets ‘platings 7822 eaing wi fled srs 48.11 ching chats cask io sak son ay 96.18, ‘remap a ‘va ik fist) acig hase 558.2 tbo oe coraonin 142 106.19 Rater stands oder spot abe on 25s 70183 Focan inserts ‘Se Traded nets Rottenstone forish bout 228,24 folacgue 622 outer bit cabinats eis cor ‘eyed cova piney 10528- 3 Router cases wi sorape 43 Router tables ‘Sev also Fees ‘See ao Sans: Foter aranes ot52 Router tables 1s pints 45; 4922; 7630 ss woxtboneh €63 _woiig stepped mises on 0117 taselr Woods dsign eesanting 2216-77 veatingon 3 Boxing tx £217.18 caster ase 373 ‘ames on 308, orig pices 83:14 stopped 75:21 shiping or 728 ie caling on lecmiguelar 11422 sites. 0n 409 ‘all 253 sfeancuts wih 2pasns 643, ing colts pier 4 sured pies roaing he ede of 11029 stom ane srs sound smalbis 10:28 out cean-yp on 403 ‘tig poles wheres ‘ecg: ‘tog rors. on does lecnigtee 1531 anguoustechiqueswith cA soetais win goats, ji 859 sone king on 6-17; "23,714 saiyresion 583 andes for 85 tester tpl malrg 1084 ee etn 8428 Seorathmens to rici-adustnens 423, 3.2216 veel ‘ating 11030 ting cota wih 5 jgitee arb. see Nh 35 aacsio eon 3 hot ene ling 313 toil 685 centr ang pening 1819 inn ‘Scio tec om, sopra ‘mount worse 17.34 orp on 1.1615 "aking 568 201619 OO pyreodter 3:3 king wisn eign 11531 aking sats tebe pln 1117 raking woden andes ete 1015 reso 15 Sharpening stones Storage Be Incoerabiet 9411 | Shop storage racks ing fT) tay 167 + titintewtonne 18> | week 6568 Saosin 15:14 | "emit S84 lores 8.24 3 been 878, 6 aanigin 2322 ‘et cant 13-9 metodo 0.1448 braces 3:17 | Shap storage systems Sats vat atone 0-15 atgneg 113 | roe aged sanboetrs13 | "banned es 722023 net sands 333 cies 128 waren 22205 | egw 2 Ccataran-sfe 818-23 ‘aon 343 coolers ce cds 64-5 | patent vseso18021 dlngetantoss. 400- seb 0225 tea veg 982024 | owl ots 202 i Sipser 024 yi ko 184 Sshopsith | syecares rite 5676-19 sal sore hier spor tt ‘og ter 288 | retin «378 ile ates tape frame 67:23, Sideboards |e, tng ass 4 e975 Farrer s816-8.24 | Rao ) «ius 10827 eet sgn rane on soutes fr 202;8031 wig cut at 96-13 Spay eaimeat 7182391 05 wer cat6518.21 Sass Sova 24 sano eoec 725 odie 2954 ihnaiesyien 10029 | m ‘ray pat elses wT stg2011 vin pate 908 ‘orto rer 941618 | “Sownd wal vole 203 teresa ‘tion sealants sep tign Aina 113238 foangupreaes 25 | el 422021 sures 65:26, 7091 mee | manta a3, 24 sin dcesdes 313 i pi 60 sg 025 ‘ares Stationery bases ‘Sharpening stones row 33847 | iver rays ‘orbaton 5.29 dove 811623 Seeato Sapeig Biragpetoesio #18 1; | agledstesmiznpondii> | ectesainggages4 | tae Contetin Seat Sig sees ante ‘es 672223 ” cata ping oss 207 iobrdnteg 1054 | Stat tot desis | “cuesig 194 tenes 173283 cao 2018 | josier83,223.564 | wihenesSpremoks | pace s3 _ Stave construction onion O28: 2647, | ltr 213 628 ste Salas spies 8:60 a6 S05 812.814 1019 | Sleds | “son oreee ict 258.273 contain 3123 pian washout out ie 00-3,28 | pig 4010.22 ch90 | rite 7S conyontinl 2046 | wiggle ong | Sah ‘bed gat 1053031 im 273 ‘egg 2058, 12 ‘oases oly be cetepece 318- | coos tara20,81 | Stet wot erond scboaso678 wat ‘pe 9515 son brn 223 at 247 7 Sip stones | pre ets fags fom intone 7:12 forpnspgats 8116.01 | soursior 4024 Soxets $524 apt ea 23,2, sovossiar 247:4724 | rehforing 4817.21 Sofa abies lo dstesenk 552021 ns sig 74617 tense Crater font 173 sov-iy ove ko 78.28 Torguie ack 11 vis 14611 oe 77402122. soucistor 223.24 saeco 2010, singed doa 64-7 | Seles lament Step soos sous 9924 931 skin Sa Cem el Cx meron 4020-21 po sel. nese fopnsmpors i618 | atm skzo2t mating 1028, bots sis np aoa 18 sab spor 5823 ie 23 witelr ones 124 emma #21 anpoes ot 9428 foregan-asig 22 wrasse wazs ipkrckanngasore: | sindrisir 4816 6:7 | Shien ames at | Slatraye han ri hop 1025, val Tanginseieaencitnacs | meters 40202223.8 | whet O47 ty 205.1,253 ‘a ae eal 2528 | etc | stening ‘shyt 21:23 oy Splea racks sat 1415 | dost 7135, vatesres temaitig com meting | Theses | saat stoi “ers 018 istere Nedowaiony 102001 | "spat o419 ‘oes 1647 “jars, 00 24456 wate 6516-22 | Spal en mi te srobens Soa ye ‘pressing 3123 | wanes &2stebes | frmortai671415.90, | preveingean, Bam, | sms 192022 “ate, ca pst “oit48 815 8 oes arerepls 32 wath 96510 soses tn 2624 ‘oes bats 08 ne? egress raitisesen | winistetengrgsyom | Splines saa 8890-205, camoa? Ee ‘on2t ab 5021 1418 sobeingab1927-9830. | childs35:12-0 igre soris tr 26, | papscromlod 746 | Goss 711823815 1 | ameter snag o1.e8at | ok O24 9031 tg.2t 721 cn ar 4823 wai as 3301 28 anes ng 7295, ep moe kpapsS68- | ounddcone 617 | wien legen 1, 6817 es sen A 2 that cnt son 28 AR wed 187 sah 5 wheyonekastiod | atkg2i88.9.467 | wintnshegicaa serping 7810,2228 ewes witnwcostans | “sas ‘a eed 545 tte 421 | sootrt rereat.a a2 wisorgboces 202021 | tetsiwcade nBs0-s1 | wooteerdtonerwan |p wothotesraas | wean. | aniee 7 wentoapy 10631 Soto st sis undp alinswsectshapeing | Sagas ding Stamp dapensers mea ise 75 sate | tea aa | tots 6510-1 fonosks2a4a7 Shee akg 19 | tc ean6 | eins ores white 4-7 asic 322.4022 Somes 57.2 toresqrioctmsiomen | Sandwp desks 0613 seater T6021 comely cbs | Shollermee 574924 | ia S28 Sando storage 22 ‘Stoting ards shang 3728 TveR ‘Seo Wd Sage easly roy 183 | gandnectentr 103 | whssdus e.24 | es wened sie plc eines 1022 | Shpstore catiats | Tashan aise tine os 108 ‘orate 173 congue den fan 021 Sees 68619 ows fing is ing 7:5, Toor 741624 igri gnowe 8830 | dciomy aris aes sins Siaes rondo tare ‘oasis abe gases. | 106-7 scsi 9021 ‘adams 47 ‘tat 18 ‘Woodsmith Index Story sticks forosots rlkarand Ate” ack 11592 {ong instruction 925, lortab saw accessories 1175, fotos and harder 9820- 2 fr Workman) Worn ‘104 eeorare ‘ieand ck 10022-25, sets inunished wall eoen ss 11533 nai pablo ina 1152288 steking reacting aks "ang ate cesign 1032- 3 to chest wove ‘bchand os 1082027 ‘Stay stieks {octane oor 78:15, {oy she-andar/ oles 78:17 ‘Stun tenon & groove joints iting roles fame pars ‘echnigsfor 1011416 {one toréooesangpaies Pout ake 981215 ‘Suede-Tex flocks ‘aphing $625, 6815, nore 46:23, 24, 815,31 ‘Surface proparation ‘Secale Satin andbum epi 36.21 aechip ea 3620-21, 8427 ad erro 15:3, 2820, ‘nafs poblens 4022 edge 382021 2d gouge roar 38.21:8427 dmnillats 3821-22 tao sray gaining 10:22:28 ‘ado 198 ‘aft out 3820-22, 4221, fovvamish 1822-23 impeton fr vi angle ight 321.22 old ganel 31:15 excl or 9825 75, ‘Sutherand Wells fnshes ‘mitlnaoe sched 9523 ‘sues tor 3224 ‘Swings ‘ch 394-7, 24 ‘hast, cuved sat 85-13 ‘Table saw cabinets ‘ovcontaaoetpe sans wi rage and tba wore was storage 47.49,24 Table sow insorts shoprate ‘MOF 11827 ‘able sow stands forcontactorype avs with sora and dustin 1072027 ts storage 47.49,24 ‘able save ‘Son also Featerboads ‘Sow also Feces ‘See abso Halt doms ‘Sev also Mier Gauges ‘Sev also Push ods ‘Sov ais Sow Blas See asa Src: Rolor Cuccttables See also siing ables V-grores on ors 146; 0022 scossois ocular 8823, pega soap for 1125 stures fr 8831 ating 51.2021 pte 10 ‘signing cat mark wit ade pte 11225 agleson cari toro 2617 Seng 110 1 1 cats. 785 ety ram ese ‘ota matrgsndsry "208 been 5 carlage fot 82:4 Serer st 03 ‘ioe ere 9 trey S685 dpe 122 ase urea Danes 218 054 a7 313 — af seratar283 verre eyes 121816 ipo ste O16 "e242 beidepsen ‘niente came ve ake 42021 rssatng lon ices techie for 11227 crosoting on thst 1122427 crossing sed ‘makina sing 1227 ceasing ti ‘ith ‘good ie up ‘itt cation maging pe on 27.3; nay iaiog o 95:22 pane cating 182%; 20:11; | plastilaminate on 383 6210-11 73047 ‘aay ence B34 cating on pullgs of o-splnter menos tor 7318 | aligning 4723 doesn, repaing 5228 stopped 25. rabbeland pooveon etn ating on locking 68 ‘ioc making 10618 false panes on 2:10; 1811; asta fo 583 STAT; 2016, ‘etesionfo | _jostor ang; 5210, 99.16 ‘giadjutent handle resaning on 408.855; 6322, es | sea. a512 food ator 70.29 | ptons austere rin reds tor 101.28 techiques fr 1084 NE wth Vip lre sey fo 77.27 end-gan 359 oping on eight ao or thin ships 743 mating 313, ‘ping on separ ings 101.29 scsi or 12026 ‘ined support 91:4 _avong Wt while 70:29, inseton ‘eves 7328 eventing 1054 ‘ining dring 70.28 ‘igs blades for 7028 sus ae fr 6611 ‘upped beds 9629, Joiningon 7628;784; 86:12 jg 1027 vers 097215 lgtor 7028-29 igstoc 1620-6721, piywood 12026 lap its on instips 1920827; ha-anneran 22, | 10027 3.202, 7817 roe able exten for inte 682 vwrea/places wing lege pieceson 3426 10826-33 "rang cto ‘esti for 10128 ‘intr 794 sanding sk ‘ite ad dovetails on tip for making chara 1194 40-11 sawing on ne gage | ets tou sie 7227 ab ig 11225, stall 453 ra gauge siting cto ales or 73:14 iptoesighening in shot 31 11225 icing ale for 113: 1823; ite pape of 52.23; 6028 25:13; 731417, 784 signing ot 225 sil, sop-ade 2:1 pring, 23 sto blocker 7247 Drandsdscessed 202% | siding bes 23 | See also cut tates ont pence win 6423 | siding abies fc 82.11 setup bow 904 and lee tt 7128 iiteron 41225, sls on 7319 nas on |) smalpiens on 15:15; pO 3621 61-13 Spine gtr 448 no-seepmehedier233; | splnejoney wih 99 2523 soles os 7026 727 ‘rokngse making 85:12 ‘tre 5814; 8626-27; 8825. | squaring dices ‘ore, Secs postion 37.28 | eke oto S84 ‘oregon 1246;9641 | squsing parce on 11227 ove tlt for 466-7 stndior ‘utr toc on 912; 62:13; wih storage and dist bin Tit 4 won20-2 gstor 2518, 40:07;41:10- | stand eight rar 2 T1828 4 | sop bocktor rms 3828 ‘mos in miter gauges push boca 684 its ero cleans insert or 748; | sop backs fr 283; 73:17 ait fine-ausinen 573 cued lls lor ip-vp 483 aches to savorse 1065 measuring ae 273; cued bloc 730-11,824 | TRAT panel cating on 1823; 22:11; | swith eension 240-11 TBAT sing pipe tings 1185 ‘ambos stg on 174 ‘upeson 145; 7026 ‘igorcuting 10:18 1108 Faso 54; $623, 7512-13 onsen 83 lal 6816 fasta 674,725, ‘stock on 912,254 407, 415041: 25, 8213-717, 724,354 ‘beatae or tape opening 35:23 sign modcatin 9422 raking 48:15, 727. reverting rate 1064 thin 627,31 ting 0 203 union agjstment tplor 044, ‘anion on ‘nn 216 ‘sing taper ze cance 183 exp boards wit ino 873 wide sok on 812; 353 Tales set 154 candied 18-7 ‘rane tp ‘naling $130 ens 5889 ‘otee ‘awe tortor 10 7 geod op 2520.22 gel wan 6 9a op, Catan syle 1126-13 ova wit cable gs 105028 reverse 17 edi 9126-90, corer locks 64:7 carved fon 771825, fing contemporary oak 1545 (gaeep onal zni¢i7 round whe 1621 tse 13-8 281215 Ww etesion wings 4-9 seating wal-mounio 822227 sal pess weoe 5420-21 shop eal 18-10; 144-8 coms iathing cole ute a12-13 with ear & ht 1020-25 tenson sides x ctaing 30:12 terion or pula 6489 fish ox 20017 lorclanping 633 Tabletops lt Stakes 01141824 ‘an spl Shale dsgn 1011821 rested inidops 2812-15, ‘outed fora saw 4710-41 pao 6-11 crordak 68.26.28, ane foci 274-7 tail 758-11 ‘oer vial Woods eign 28-19 Shes 80:12, 18,6210 9 sie Pantrole 164-8 (use ae wane gs 43.418, 24 Shaker se 1145 sit rasan syle O41 tempary wipe amp legs S04 ay Ty edt 304-7,24 bates 1410-11 ‘Tablotops ‘Sew also nd Boards ‘entra ontate 4923; 80:1 teva cating 20.17 camping 8020-21, ‘ampstor ca 82627 ‘axes or wooden bisa 1085 Aatereg 5022 ‘oaing planed 2128 forces 88:18 orl stands 0821 fae an pal 8010-11 fom sido dors 65:4 ‘ain ofentinn or 3214 hea malig 502022 laying 2017 instaing 2123: ‘wads or 7431 ih brackets 755 wit butons 155 wit gue-8s 22:10; 10121 ania 558 ‘Making 1567, 648 aning 157 bys 23:28 atic Talding fx 37.7 atic nina for 37.8 Plywood 62:16 ‘ayo 74:24 er ala 79:4 beng mechani or en Sted 745 orkock down gato use 7480 12,1040 20 vith olde ye rang 42:18 ‘Tack rags treed 8:21.22, 875 Tambours ‘canvas backing or stag 203 cylinder of 8-7, 10-11 signing 6212 Fish for 178 forteadban 46-8 feroop desk ‘making 1020-23 tor tro catnet 175-9 lore sand 405-7 eto toc 145; 2515-1 4087, 6813, *epag jie 2513 eet oc 406 Tape See also Measuring Tepes asnut-sring a 687 auble-sies ast ha 22,3 {oc rawe-fontaganent 463,919 {or oupicatng pans 3523 ‘ochinge lating 63:18; 715 ‘ocpatens 656 ‘oriole 637; 64:14,20; | 6521 611 loosening $128 7027 ‘eon ese aside aS sues tor7931, ‘tiptoremovng tacking 9:4 ‘ptorusing 014 ‘peso 927 sing 7827 forsplimerprventon 22:11 masking a5 tim 133,513 puters {or seething 55 sick focenes and gs 835 reed 1670-11 cand {orcutng toads 3210-12 cutng osu ie 01:17 ier ig tor b1:22| ratio 11:1 contbleson 18; 1:11; 145; 7026, $716 itor 113 5628; 75:12-13 ‘9128, 9716, 10120. 0816, 1048, 1018 Insta Sho12021 ‘aera en jit ptorakig 1145, wih roe 16 Teephones ‘0 -asiows wal 4249, 24 cardboard 3845 folowing wih 07730. loathed melding 6726-27 forcaicleg 643,20 foccate | _wincuarsw ie Mest ‘naded insets loccoal cone 88 ‘ated sas 17 frag 3920 ining 221; 248:395 forensiprtbnses 558 | eBHT for kgsotpisess 12 ‘otorsee fora vin ess 209 ‘ewesdone.7s012 | hiner 868 tatiog 1312 Ilse fosietsmpotiesi12 | nape tora Toran eck 77 ented 981445, 49 waking 17 Sas 2:27.24 2824 al 2021 3624 24-6731 Dl ae 423 wo ‘iexiglas for 48:3 about 9824 ‘sg ot8 Tad with router guide bushings _stengthening 145, 6:20.607 0010 | ptr 1065 eves 5816-2 erosion is | ‘owen Te ‘tbe Stp-nate 1926 Teoone met og s518-19 Jigtor 84:14-15 ‘ponching $5:18-19; 573; aig zeio.tes.;, | erat 15 818 snopes a3 lenges 26 49; | Tretread gauges 0819 eee mearees wth capa tandsnecine | 788 an sie bores double 83, 5-6 | covertor 25 faieha 1689 eves 024 mie hove 1636-7 | Tomue an dado oats otter | SeasoBore aren ‘eis toratig 9816. | tsps ens wod cndowesde's.o087021 | 30072 routing round 8218 | forshetes 788 onto 85 reso 125, igi 8242s, twrocarabe sos igpczesiesexere; | tengaste-a RS | wih router 135-6 sd | Tes cabiots ceaongac io” | “tae vig 7525 | Nec 16-12 cooonsaceie.28 | thy orate 626 | "Slaves. 25h 18612 send tes on wang 21055 akg 9415 Teal chet stale coreatanatinst eect 623 ‘ane 62027 Fereclonipt'7224 | tetas soap. Sosa 101.7530 | "Rado espn 820 toting | a ‘east 017 Teal anges sting 18 ‘charts 9138 sutze Teal tales ono ke 9:3 ‘cards rote 01436 ona 108 ees ses to, na ‘yard 491 ‘opate 75 vvog randoos 412 9:18 cig ants Teatreste ttomog 7617 ‘comes 9220 vmmog | teas 07243 ‘hou 7617 Teolstands wn fio ies ‘yard 2 strc poets ne sen 128 te vndesine twieso cig 026 ‘ihsoage ad tn weed 21821 ‘wr20@ Woodsmith Index: Trays Too totes win ped boots sig ray 9826-20 ‘Toolbons « cabienates to chest 852027 toe 6826-29 wi tay 62:4-19,26 Tools . ‘See also india ols ows 6814-19, 24 wood, stengh of 6:2 abil 421015, 24 918- chester biotiakes 8520-27 hand hong 1945; 8528-20 calorading 37:3 peg, ti or 1055 ole fr 412 sacs for 185; 85:31 snobs ‘epacng 239 ower books on 831 casera fr 373 oosig 8828 ‘late he ‘Sandalone vs. mt- purpose 338 tan o inocing 202 ‘ices, exending 84:4 racks er incatne 91:13 ephead 893 vine 684| Toy bores jst toto 716-11 lage, wetaner 2049 Ton ‘Ste abo Rocking Horses panes 358-11, 24 cas race 512 roatsor549 irate 384-7 ting 6514-19,24 yond 51041 tks eas toy ack 65.1419 Tammels torre 9030 Trays: ‘TWtayables og 164-7, 974-7 butlers 38 vanier ‘orbnaat nbd 301820 forever owes 46:10-11 iota 6711 onde 1011 ‘ea ‘orlocsechange 106 Triangles ote ch 201638 Spans tern. ‘oid 19 ‘itt 112627 fem soutset! shee 12223 iegin perm ots 041 "ikediam phosphate saan tah este 75.30 at 2128 sossisee rand saa 11617 Tate ‘Seealso Hope chests tng co Tt store P81 turing | Sera Caos Seen Dovels nating | Seat SprredConenctn | Sato Saeomstcin | Seto patos nso pued-up 23:4 cowie ‘nag 483 ‘eeplate 21:18-21 roatig 235 inate ‘noes 10828 atone a5 dle ‘ater i stnfor 93 als 125 | Sle sntcton ayn 5023 cereals 85 ranstn ‘V-groove forging 6h ves tr s288 101; sbia 221 sein, 598 7s wie 228 sia sacs 238 sire Seta 283 fansie sesso omnes 34-7 wala els Seca septs te 219822 Sapig 212.22 2 Twmiags eaingaedtonk on 5 ‘Tupentine ertioned 820-21 - UV ‘Unbrela stands | tanto 408-9 {ec stats 28 15.1; 18,24 8413 fo teat cushion 4813, teri 7823 Webiocks swing 10516 Varnishes stout 820-23. akysnsin 4320-21 ‘apyen 322-23 tse 907; 97.2625, 31 sts or oar. brite 48.21 cansol fimceaing or 173 nko sr 1024 eal sin webressan 320, ohne 43.20.23 sang sealer and pons wih 372 tres fx 305,25, 85.24 ‘gar 4820-2; 45:15, 6929 31 ang cl 45:15, 68.28 sures or 38:24 stoapelor nog 3 ‘ung 30:18 sures for 45:24 wie TAR vious 187 Veneer See as0B008 Maing ‘apljing 1819, 4616, api ty tering 707 ‘tal popes 1032-38 spy ep exh 97.18- 0 tmonedsutice 8813, bending 51:11;5 bul 4415, tg rom pywood tec for geting 105.17 fata 44:15 fete states for 14:11, 38.24; oat oie 4423 fecambous 06-7 eta adios atacs 4423 hing 15 ite fi 0426 lig 51:11 copions 12038 ‘shucsto 4024, 424, 9731 tape 178; 3320 itonan 211 ‘uinming 5828 Vises bench sures tor 5024; 65.24 bench ie clas fr rang 543, 24| bre ack 88:4 canes akg 4819 Zero-clearance inserts wit pie cao 487, 9 Wedoes damping gto 223 ‘abo 25, ag Bick sero 504-9 making 65:13: 7625 ‘dogs for 28:3; 50:15 ‘making multiple = SF pens | sara aaron: | coke Seen hi eae coueet ioe Sean |e a Eevee ae = ‘block mounting for 51:3. ‘or chaise longue eee ee amet | ee | Emm preventing $0.23, installing 65:15, se) he ‘slave tor | ty een | aap comer” | eerentaa Beeiieans | was ee | Sees cre |S eee es: | tee W. toatson = mente [Siew | ERR ‘Wall cabinet | sours or 2824; 45:24 eens | aes aes" | es, so Be ‘buetly toggle 42:9 sources for 45:24 oe | ae cose Sonee.. ret Sh | ae See” | ares _piture-rane bit for 9:3 ‘to seal end grain 90:5 eer | eaees SeEoame | Zeke a =. =e ee te pe Se Ee Steins | aie aoe | SHER | ccle nasen Reece. | Mare Sacre | it “ i Bie | tind Ree, | ae Son | ee a Be Saeers | “abv a = sears = eee on Tmax | Sees Weaving | winspingpobs 7:29 Snowe | nit ‘sep-bysep 11731821 | inboxes 7728 Woodsmith Index inworstop 903, ‘hoo 7726 ‘Sebing uit 77.2829, ‘eating tor 726 Woodburning pons ‘ces 4724 Woodworking Seaso cus ‘bookon 18 Workbench cabinets fisunderbencting ‘oc Epa ste bent 5016-19, 1008-11 Workbenches. ‘Sea Bench Dogs ‘See ao Bench Hooks ‘See abo Bereh Sos ‘Sew also Sarin ates ‘Seal Ves ‘adtase, Saves salir doot tp 64-9 Fexpeansyieten closed base strane 1006-13 Ferpean se, classe wife edn S04 1 tasecabinttor widower & 2 siding stees 1006-11 og oles ‘ayutard ting 1128 Uplorpugging 1194 eight or 5023 alo-omns to 233; 1085 ‘aid to tor technique fo aking 5020+ 22, 10054-15 ating supplies for 024: 58.24 portable visetop 884-11, 31 sources x 7431 ‘ol holo 09 ol iaytor 509 loobtae shel for Bi lopstor 7424 aking 504-8, 202 7424; 100 1415 woot or 51:23 Workshops ‘Se a0 Dus Coteton ‘Se ao Wood Stage lyr posal or 31:23, ‘ods book on 8331 Wrenches for wig nus S29: 715 ‘o-clearance fences ‘ougchaniess ined gin 1590 ‘erclearance inserts ‘sign mocatn ‘sey 9472 ‘orale saw 48:5, 727; 85:12 a n techniques available toyou. 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