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Drop-Leaf (Gelsrsom t-le)(— Woodsmith No. 135 June, 2001 Publisher Donald B. Peschke Editor TerryJ.Strohman Senior Editor Jon Gardison Assistant Editor Brian McCallum Contrib. Editor Craig Ruegsegger Art Director “Todd Lambirth Senior Illustrators David Kreyling. Dirk Ver Steog Harlan V, Clark Graphic Intern Kara Blessing ‘CREATIVE RESOURCES Gree Dior. Tel rakek + Pred Devepr: en. Hl «Stet ar Be ea Pe ‘Desa: Cri ists Crag ie Shop Catone: Sere ‘Cis Seve ohn *S: Fotos Cala End SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS uence dtr Doug Lies Ar Diner ous Cs nr Grphe Dusit lat ‘ito gh es oie nr We Sen {Genie nurs iatbec Bote ‘Maser jb Se «Potion Manage as = Pomatin cit Parc Wah» Beal Mea Page ger = Big Caton Manage: ea Cane 5 Se Madan rae Kes Siren Cn ‘Maney Ae a, Deas Se Grape Does: aciges Oba Dowd CORPORATE SERVICES ‘irc of wae: Maty RSchewe ¥ Control: Rabin teins «Aout: Lam Tons «Aes Pobe ary Sculs+ ede. Reine: Maser ir Proucion Dit Gaerne Chez» Banal uti Carol Schoogple « Wb Content Sp Dnid Bites Profssonal Desepment Die Mista Sel» 18 As ‘rca foe «Offer Agr: Noche Catal «Keron eae Js © ell om etn Lan Weber WoopsMnTH MALL ORDER Operaions Detar: Bob Baker: Caz Sri Nx ese tox Hers Sipe: Nancy Jonson» Bier Lent Jones « Tech: Serie Rep. Jy Abate 6 Adm. Asse: Navey Downey + Cut. Sire Ripe: ‘Tammy Fructenbyod, 24 Arti, Atma Cox, Debora ‘Reh Api Reel, Var: Rey, Lida Sop » Wee Selva Gey. Nancy Connelly Mary Cue, Dusin Has, Sheryl een, Mike Dery A Voge woopsMiT# STORE ‘Mr: Dave Laren «Ast Manager Ti Ten + Sta S20 Wane So, Brat Key Sith Lary Min, Hird Cast, Mask Jobat Grey Ka J acer Ofer ps Visi ards eee Se ome seamt ee anaes SHS nn 2 annie Epiror’s COLUMN SAWDUST en That's a great-looking project, but oe oe pele ee Fortes fone weekends to build, though you might not know it by looking at them. ee as See ee a and sanded. To complete them, all I en ae oes oe oo ally, the Country Wall Shelf fea tured on page 14 can be quickly built ee make the shelf back more interesting, we used premade beaded board Even though these projects can be Duilt quickly, there's still plenty of ‘woodworking involved. For instance, the coffee table provides an opportu- Woodsmith Readers’ Gallery Visit other Woodenith subscribers’ workshops, and see photos ot lt. 1 all onfine in the new Readers! the projects they've! Gallery on the Woodamith web site: ‘ We want you to be part ofthe Realers' Gallery!"Ty submit photos of your favorite Woodsmith projects ‘or views of your shop, follow the instructions youl find atthe gallery, Woodsiith nity to try your hand st making-a drop. leaf or rule joint. The storage chest sgives you a chance to work on cutting miters and edging plywood. And the country wall shelfis put together with, rabbet and dado joinery. With this issue weve added! something new that I'm excited about. Its called Orin Extras. andit's going toallowus to expand the amount of woodworking information that we can provide. For example, if you have a lathe and want to make your own set oflegs, for the drop-eaf coffee table, there are dimensioned drawings available ees noe haps, you want to try your hand at building a matching sofa table. The plans are available — all you have to dois*click.” you don'thave internet access, you can send for the plans, ‘ee page 39 for more informatior NEW FACE. Brian McCallum is our new assistant editor, Brian has spent the past few years building furniture in New England, so he's an “old” hhand at working around the shop. No. 135 rou Boe INSIDE _ CONTENTS. Features Drop-Leaf Coffee Table . With its nemed legs and drop-leaf nbletop, you may to find thac this project cane be buen just. few days. A simple design and some recdly-made legs. (Plus, we a matching sofa table on page 10.) Drop-Leaf In Depth .................000 12 AA drop leaf isa great way to extend a tabletop. And making i isn’t as complicated as you might think, All you need are a couple of common router bics and a special hinge Country Wall Shelf .. 14 To give this wall shelf a country look, we used knotty pine, simple construction, and a beaded-board back. And if you want an ® attractive display cabinet, there are optional doors you can add to the shelf. Either way, its a quick, easy-to-build project. Clamping & Assembly ... 22 Gluing up a project may be the most nerve-racking part of wood- working. Once the glue is on, you only have minutes to get things together — and get it together right. These tips from our shop will help things go smoothly, no matter what the assembly. Storage Chest.. 26 Lift the ofthis chest, and yu find plenty of room forstmae. What you won’e find is any hine that i’ but from plywood and ready-made moldings. Just one trip to the home center uill get you everything that’s needed to build chis handsome chest Departments Tips & Techniques Shop Notes .. , REAUCHS IG Yai esisscsnesncn chs encent Talking Shop nat oie Sources... No. 135 Woodsmith a a FROM FELLOW WooDWorKERS Trapping Small Cutoffs When cutting delicate trim ‘on my miter saw, i's often the small “waste” pieces 1 want to keep for making return molding, But fre quently these small pieces will get trapped between, FREE ‘Online Tips Hfyoudiieven ino woodwork ingtips tesscke tion is. simple ustist us ato” vob te enaogn Ww 10 receve a {tos p via oral the blade and a stop black, and they kick back, Not only is this dangerous, but more ofen than not, I'm los- ing ordamaging the pieces. The solition is 28 close as your shop vacuum, By clamping the nozzle tothe fence itacts asa stop for mutiple cuts. Then, by turning on the vacuum before making a cut, the pieces willbe eucked into the hose, out ofthe way OF course, if you suck the pieces into the vacu- tum, they may get dam- aged tumbling through the hose arlostin a cans ter fl of sawelust. To pre- vent this, [took 2 net bag semua (ike the kind oranges ‘come in) and inserted it into the end of the nozzle to catch the pieces, ‘The bag can be secured with some rubber bands, but make sure to leave ‘enough slack in the bagrto allow for to fit. (This will depend on Adjustable Sawhorse Roll 1 was shopping for an adjustable roller stand and decided I could make my ‘own for less. My roller stand makes use of a savi- horse, and the only invest. ‘mentsyou'll need to make are a roller and a pair of ‘wood knobs. Start by serewing the roller to a piece of wood. Next, I cut a series of shims in different thick ness stork, sol can set the the size and shape of the molding you're cutting) Tcan now make several cuts before having to stop toretrieve the pieces, This is a safer method for calching the pieces, and it's a dust collector, too, Jin Vast Willams, New York Stand roller at the right height for a variety of machines To connect everything, | drilled holes at both ents ofallthe pieces, Dowels are used t lock them together. And obs attached to the ends ofthe dowels make for easy removal when the saw. horses are needed else ‘where inthe shop. Brac H. Barker Amanda, Vigna Bevels of Another Degree On a recent project, I wide enough to reach the wanted a 30° chamfer on outside edges of the anedge. However all[had router (see detail). 1 was 245° chamier bit. Not removed the base plate wanting obuyanewkitfor and used it asa template whatwaslikelvtobeaone- when drilling the mount- time use, [found a way to ing holes. To ensure an make the 45° bitwork, even chamfer, malce sure The solution was 4 15° to Keep the wedge paralel wedge forthe base of my to the edge when routing router. To ensure a stable Mik Sefer base, the wedge has tobe Tower Cry, Pemsyania Clear the Air ‘The box fan filter idea has been around for years. ideas arefiementto this classic shop tip. I came aerose some vinyl siding channel at my local home center Iisnormaluseisfor trimming around doors and windows. I found it could be used for mounting fur- nace filters to box fans. Tatiached the channel to three edges of the inlet side of the fan by first removing the plastic geil. ‘Then using narrow wood backing stips, I screwed the channel to the backing strips, with the grill sandwiched in between, Finally, replace the grill Joack on the fan hholds the 20" x 20 fur nace fe, yet itallows for easy and quick removal of the filter for cleaning or replacement “These filters work great ‘on a hot summer day. You ‘ean clean your shop air as well as keep cool, Standard vinyl J-chanmnelis ‘auilable at most Y home centers, Wedge extends / beyard router bose When using dram sander to smooth curved profiles, the sander can't. get to the inside corners, Toften use afine metalworking file to leave a smooth finish. But 1 modified the file to prevent the edges from digging into the workpiece, ‘What [did wes tghtly grind down the outeredges ofthe file. You don't have to do much enough to make sure ling here. Just teeth, asin detall’a’ Note: When grinding, bucket of water t0 cool your ile, Quenching the tool frequently reduce the possiblity of it losing its temper. Dethon, Alabina ‘The advantage to this, n is that it firmly, remove the you have a Il help with ground edged foci Gone Ardtews QUICK TIPS ‘CONTACT CEMENT SMEARS When Tuse contact cement, it seems lke there is always a drip where Idle ‘not want one or excess cement along, the edae of a laminate top. Trying to rub these offby hané was making my fingers raw, but using a tool to scrape ‘tof risked seratchingrthe top. ‘An easier way fs o use the abrasive cleaner stick for my belt sander. After the adhesive has had a chance to dry, rub off the unwanted coment without damaging any surfaces David Hapiney Cameleon, Indiana No.135 GET A GRIP With my mild arthritis, gettingga good sip on my *F-clamps" can be a pain By using thin rubber bicycle inner tubes, you can get 2 better grip on those smooth clamp haneles, ‘Cut the tube to the length needled, ‘and with some Wo.40 for lubrication, slide the tube over the handle. The Woo wil dry in «short time, eeving the rubber securely in place. The rubber covered handles require less effort to grip and tighten. Dave Zaten Besley Springs, West Vins Woodsmith Phil Giordano Stating, Vin Groundfle Ge pets na tight Smerseasly without marring adjacent surface BT et aly If you have an original shop tip, ve ‘would like to hear from you and con- ‘sider publishing your tip in one or more of our publications. Just write down your tip and mail it to: Woodsmith, Tips and Techniques, 2200 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Towa 90312, Please include your name, address, and daytime phone number jn case we have any questions. If you ‘would like, FAX it to us at SIS282-0741 ‘or send us an email message at: wood. ‘smith@® We will pay up ‘to $200 if we publish your tip. Drop-LkAF COFFEE TABLE Homework, board games, casual dinners — there are times when table has to hold a lot more than just a cup of cofjee. hese viene ics oe: ‘small, s0 it won't take up too much oe Sour ofthe top by quickly lifting the leaves: Sees ices lente Se interesting to build. The profiles are Se a hors apuseae a ees cue as basic as possible, So if you've never built a drop-leaf table before, then this is a great project to learn with. There's even a step-by-step article about the drop-eaf joint that starts on page 12. ‘There’s another reason why this project fsa great one for learning to make a drop-leaf joint —the table is so simple. For instance, I purchased the pine legs already turned. The only thing left to do to them was cut the mortises. And the rest of the base isn't any more difficult. To con- nect the legs, therearejust four rails to make, each with a small piece of bead molding, as you can see in the exploded view on the next page. Woodsmith A. Bach leafs hep vel with a sinele suppore piece. A notched profle creates a handy finger sip ‘The turned legs made this such a ui project that ye came up with fn interesing modifeation. With a) few dimension changes (and longer legs), you can easly build a sofa table that matches the coe table. (see this able, turn to page 10) No. 135 Construction Details OVERALL DIMENSIONS: 36"L x 2114°W x 16"H (Leaves Down) NOTE: For mare on making 36"L x 36"Wx 16°H (Leaves Up) 2 dropriea? (ule, Lear. ‘Legs ane ris Joined with mortise ‘ana tenon joints Jon See page 12 ear ‘SUPPORT ‘BEAD / Supports hove finger pull profile Suton ends Wotcheut fordropsteet SIDE SECTION VIEW hinge cteorance 78 34 squore turned legspurchosed fom ‘tall onfer source seepage 8 f forterno ye NOTE: for sofa table ee leat am ieee ion ft projec ‘ir roundover pages via ee MATERIALS CUTTING DIAGRAM A begs aie BWR D1G Ay, WES No.2 Pocurea ine B End Rails (2) Vx Be 14% © Side ails (2) Vax 3-29 D End Bead (2) Bx\-1ee E Side Bead (2) WwxX1-27% F Top(1) Wx 21-36 G Leaves (2) YsxB-36 wl 8 No. 2Ponderos ina H Leat Supports (2) 44x 154- 18% SUPPLIES » + (8) Z-shaped Fasteners w/Screws * (2 pr) Drop-eaf Hinges w/Scews: + @)#8 «114° Rh Woodscrons + (2) #8 Flat Washers * Note: See page 35 for sources of tumed legs or for more information on turning your own lags No.135 Wood: Groove for 2shoped ‘bletep fasteners Notch for —_ leat support Notch forthe NOTE Dimersins for turning ios are avalible Seepage 35, from Ie thce oversized blanks Getting ready tobuildthiscoffeetebie _onour website, (Formore detailson was a bit unusual. Typically, 'start this and for a couple sources of withastack ofboardsthat havetobe turned lees, take ¢ look at page 35.) sorted through. But having pur- 165, Because the legs (A) were chased the legs already turned (See alrearly turned, the only work left to the box below), Talready had four do was cut a few mortises, As you pieces sitting on my bench hatlooked can see in Fig. 1 above, one corner nearlycomplete. Theyhad evenbeen of each leg has been relieved to finish sanded @hough there'sstilalit allow for some bracket hardware tle work to do on them). that’s often used to assemble a table. ‘That’s not to say you can't turn » This hardware won't work with this these legs yourself All you'll need coffee table design. (I wanted the are some 3!4"-square blanks, As for aprons set closer to the outside the dimensions, you can find a faces ofthe legs) But you'll want to

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