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Name: Miranda Siemens

Create a QR Code Hunt

Type the information next to each prompt.
1. Choose a topic: Fourth Grade Social Studies
2. Identify the standards and write objectives:
1. Standard 1 History 1. Organize a sequence of events to
understand the concepts of chronology and cause and effect in
the history of Colorado
1. B. Analyze primary source historical accounts related to
Colorado history to understand cause and effect
2. D. identify and describe how major political and cultural
groups have affected the development of the region.
2. Objectives: Students will identify and understand the
interactions of people and cultural groups that have migrated to
Colorado and their impact on the development of the region.
3. Determine how you want students to proceed through the QR code
hunt and what they are to do with the information or what they are to
do at each clue. Describe your method here:
1. Students will be divided into 10 different groups.
2. There will be 10 different stations around the room with a
question, iPad, and QR code.
3. Students will rotate to each station until they have answered all
the questions.
4. Each group will have 10 minutes at each station to answer the
question and explore the website before they rotate.
5. Once students have visited every station, students will pair share
with their neighbor what they have learned and how the iPad
facilitated their learning.
6. Students will be required to write at least one thing they learned
in this activity on a sticky note and give it to the teacher.
4. Write at least 10 questions or prompts (see table below):
1. Identify the Indian tribes that lived in Colorado prior to the
2. The cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde were home to which Colorado
Indian tribe?
3. Who was the first European to visit Colorado and when did
he/she arrive?

4. Who was the first American explorer to visit Colorado with the
intention of determining the boundaries of the Louisiana
5. Trappers and explorers who roamed the Rocky Mountains are
6. Why did Colorados population greatly increase in 1859?
7. What are some present day mining towns in Colorado that were
apart of the gold rush?
8. What is the highest point in Colorado (name and elevation)?
9. What is the significance of the rocky mountain columbine and
when was it discovered?
When did Colorado become a state?
5. Create a QR code for each question/prompt. Copy and paste the QR
code next to each question/prompt above. QR codes can link to text,
web sites, images, and more!
Identify the Indian
tribes that lived in
Colorado prior to the

QR Code

These tribes
include the
Apache, Pueblo,
Zuni, Navajo,
Cheyenne, Ute,
Pawnee and Kiowa.

The cliff dwellings at

Mesa Verde were
home to which
Colorado Indian

The cliff dwellings

were home to the

Who was the first

European to visit
Colorado and when
did he/she arrive?

Francisco de
Coronado explored
Colorado in 1541.

Who was the first

American explorer to
visit Colorado with
the intention of
determining the
boundaries of the
Louisiana purchase?

Zebulon Pike
explored Colorado
in 1806.

Trappers and
explorers who
roamed the Rocky
Mountains are

Trappers and
explorers in the
Rocky Mountains
were reffered to as
Mountain men.

Why did Colorados

population greatly
increase in 1859?

People migrated to
Colorado as a
result of the Pikes
Peak gold rush.

What are some

present day mining
towns in Colorado
that were apart of
the gold rush?

Present day mining

towns include
Cripple Creek,
Fairplay, and

What is the highest

point in Colorado
(name and

Mt. Elbert is the

highest point in
Colorado and it is
14,440 feet above
sea level.

What is the
significance of the
Rocky Mountain
Columbine and when
was it discovered?

The Rocky
Columbine is the
official state flower
of Colorado and it
was discovered in

When did Colorado

become a state?

Colorado entered
the union on
August 1, 1876.

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