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Director: Elliot Wasserman

PSM: Cassandra Weiss

Scene Breakdown

Prepared by: Cassandra Weiss

Updated as of: 3/28/2016

Act 1
1.1 9-13
1.2 13-15
1.3 16-28

1.4 28-32
1.5 32-33
1.6 33-38

1.7 38-39
1.8 39-44
1.9 44-48

"The dawn come, but no day. In the morning dust hung like fog. Men stood by their"
First Narrator, Casy, Tom
"Somepin's happened. They ain't nobody here. Jesus! Hell musta popped here."
Tom, Casy, Muley, Willy, 5 Salesman
"Pa" " What do you want? It's Tommy. It's Tommy come home. Tommy. You ain't"
Tom, Pa, Casy, Ma, Gramma, Grampa, Ruthie, Winfield, Uncle John, Noah, Rose of Sharon,
Connie, Al
"Will! Will!" Rosaharn" "Will" "like a good girl go lay down with granma. She..."
Tom, Pa, Casy, Ma, Gramma, Grampa, Ruthie, Winfield, Uncle John, Noah, Rose of Sharon,
Connie, Al
"Makes a rachet, but I think she's awright. God knows what she'll do if we got to...."
Tom, Pa, Casy, Ma, Gramma, Ruthie, Winfield, Uncle John, Noah, Rose of Sharon, Connie, Al
"You men wanta camp here?" "No. We got folks here. We dropped 'em off. Hi, Pa."
Tom, Pa, Casy, Ma, Gramma, Ruthie, Winfield, Uncle John, Noah, Rose of Sharon, Connie, Al,
Proprietor, Young Man, Man Going Back
"Clarksville, Ozark, Van Buren, and Fort Smith on Sixty-Four, and there's an end of...."
Tom, Pa, Casy, Ma, Gramma, Ruthie, Winfield, Uncle John, Noah, Rose of Sharon, Connie, Al,
Man with guitar, Attendant, owner, second narrator
"Ruthie! Winfiel'! You come back." "Come on , you kids." "Ma Ma when we get..."
Tom, Pa, Casy, Ma, Gramma, Ruthie, Winfield, Uncle John, Noah, Rose of Sharon, Connie, Al
"So this here's the desert! Jesus, what a place. How'd you like to walk acrost her?"
Tom, Pa, Casy, Ma, Gramma, Ruthie, Winfield, Uncle John, Rose of Sharon, Connie, Al, 1st
agricultural officer, 2nd agricutlural officer, first narrator

Act 2
2.1 49-65

2.2 65-70
2.3 70-72
2.4 72-77
2.5 77-79
2.6 79-86
2.7 86-88

"is it all right to set our stuff anywheres?" "Set down anywheres, here in this place?" Pa, Mayor,
Al, Tom, Floyd, Casy, Rose of Sharon, Connie, contractor, men in crowd, Deputy Sheriff, Floyd's
wife, two officers, Uncle John, Ma, Ruthie, Winfield
"The camp site costs a dollar a week, but you can work it out, carrying garbage." Camp
Director, Tom, Al, Elizabeth Sandry, Ma, Ruthie, Winfield, Pa, Rose of Sharon, group of women,
dancers, Third Narrator, Man with guitar
"Want to work?" "Sure, what is this? All this commotion?" "That's not your affair" Bookkeeper,
Tom, Ma, Rose of Sharon, Pa, Uncle John, Al, Ruthie, Winfield, Ranch Guard
"Evenin" "Who are you?" "I guess- I'm jus' goin' past." "Know anybody here?"
Guard, Tom, Man With Guitar, Casy, Group of men, men with clubs
"Tom, what's the matter?" "Sh! Don't talk loud. I got in a fight.""Tom!" "I couldn't help.."
Ma, Tom
"The boxcars, twelve of them, stood end to end on a little flat beside the stream.." Fourth
Narrator, Ma, Pa, Uncle John, Rose of Sharon, Ruthie, Winfield, Al, Mrs. Wainwright, Aggie, men
"There is hay. Come on in, you. Lay down, Rosasharn. Lay down an' res' I'll try to...." Ma, Pa,
Uncle John, Rose of Sharon, Ruthie, Winfield, Al, Mrs. Wainwright, Aggie, boy and father

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