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Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this lesson is that the student will be able to correctly and most effectively cook smores.

II. Needs Analysis

Now you dont know your seven students very well (there are 7 education professors here at Roanoke College) and
you arent sure if we need your instruction. Please create your needs analysis in this section. It should consist of
questions the answers to which will drive the rest of your instruction. I will have my colleagues answer your
questions and I will give you their responses. You might choose to base the questions in your needs analysis on
Magers Performance Analysis (pg 45) or from other sources in Chapter 3. Whichever, please site the source of your
needs analysis questions for me.
Based from Magers Performance Analysis
1) Are you capable of using a lighter or matches?
2) What experience have you had roasting marshmallows?
3) When was the last time you made smores?
4) When you make smores do you prefer to make them in the microwave or over a campfire?
5) What skills do you believe are necessary to make smores?
6) Do you enjoy smores? If not why?
III. Task Analysis

Next, you need to break your stated purpose into its subsequent parts. If it has no subsequent parts, no sub-parts if
you will, you chose something too small. If you have more than five or six sub-parts it is probably too large. Again,
with our golf example, it might look like this

The purpose of this lesson is that the student will be

able to correctly and most effectively cook smores.

around a flame
as to not
endanger oneself
around the fire as
to not put some
one elses life or
safety at risk

1. Light campfire

1.4 Assemble fire by putting

kindling on the bottom
followed by tinder, and then
firewood at the very top.

1.3 Gather Kindling which

needs to larger in surface
area than tinder. Wood
pieces, cardboard, and
branches work best.

1.2 Gather tinder which

includes dry wood, leaves,
moss, paper, and lint

1.1 Gather ignition source

preferably a lighter

1.1 Gather ignition source

preferably a lighter

2. Roast Marshmallow

2.4 When the

marshmallow is golden
caramelized to desired
color pull out of flame

2.3 Slowly turn stick

while allowing time for
the marshmallow to
caramelize and slo

3. Assembling the
components of the

3.4 Place another square

of graham cracker on
top and squeeze while
slowly pulling out the
3.3 Place the graham
cracker on the bottom,
followed by the

2.1 Poke a
marshmallow onto a

3.2 Open chocolate bar

and break into a size
similar in width and
length to the graham

2.2 Hold marshmallow

above the flame

3.1 Break graham

cracker in half so that
you are left with two
square parts

4. Eat smores!

IV. Learner Analysis

General Characteristics

Specific Entry Competencies

Age Range: 45-60

Sex distribution: 5 female and 1 male

Range of Education: Almost all college educated

Skills already learned: Basic life skills and knowledge

will be known

Technology: Moderate skills (can download and install

software); Internet

except one

Reason(s) for participating: were asked to

participate from a colleague

Language: English

Dexterity: Right handed

Health: Fair to Goo

Extra: Traveled extensively and eager to learn

Smore Experience

Learning Styles


Interests in Life: Education

What experience have you had roasting


Are you capable of using a lighter or matches?

When was the last time you made smores?


Prior Reflection:

When you make smores do you prefer to make

them in the microwave or over a campfire?

What skills do you believe are necessary to make


Relevance to Life:


Do you enjoy smores? If not why?

Need Gratifiers: Intrinsic

Physical Characteristics: All need glasses

Reading Abilities: Good

Dexterity: Right handed

Learning Styles: Visual Learners

The intended audience for this instruction is well-educated professionals. Some common traits are that they are all about the
same intelligence, all are intrinsically motivated, have the same basic life skills and can operate and perform basic technological
requests. The backgrounds differ from learner to learner. A majority were born and raised here in the United States while one
was born in Cuba then immigrated at the age of 9. All learners should be able to perform basic tasks and have a reasonable
level of achievement. As noted above the learners are eager to learn making them intrinsically motivated.

In regards to making smores I am currently believe and anticipate that the learner through proper instruction could make
smores. Since the learners are all right handed my instructions will reflect this and not make accommodations for left handed

V. Objectives
Students will build, light, and maintain a campfire.
Students will cook marshmallow over campfire without burning.
Students will observe and compare how the marshmallow physically and chemically changes while being roasted.
Students will construct a smore by assembling all components in the correct order.

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