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Health Freedom Fukushima Blogs From
Natural Solutions Foundation, the world's leading Health Freedom organization,
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Natural Solutions Foundation October 17, 2015

Fukushima in the USA

A Natural Solutions eBook
Contributing Authors
Ambassador Misuhei Murata
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
Rima E. Laibow, MD

When Ambassador Mitsui Murata, revered around the world as
the "Conscience of Fukushima" submitted an article to the New
York Times urgently suggesting the cancellation of the Tokyo
2020 Olympic games because of severe radiation hazard, the
supposed Paper of Record in the United States, refused to
publish his article. The reason? There is nothing happening in
the US from Fukushima.
Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

The New York Times is not known for restricting its coverage of
events to those focused on the US alone. This is, of course, part
of the intentional and continuing suppression of information
perpetuating the undeniable corporate/government
suppression of just how dangerous the nuclear industry in
general, and Fukushima in particular, actually are.

The Paper of Record is Wrong. Dead Wrong.

This eBook Tells You Why.
Mitsuhei Murata is widely regarded as The Conscience of Fukushima for his
tireless national and international campaign to solve, not deny, the horrendous
problems created locally and globally by the Fukushima disaster on March 11,
2011. As the former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland Murata-San, as he is
known, has a voice that many others who share his opinions do not. He uses that
voice on a global scale and has repeatedly called for honorable retreat by Japan
in canceling the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Despite the loss of anticipated income and
the clear admission that would make to the world of the reality of the Fukushima
contamination, since it will not be safe for the games to be held so close to
Fukushima given the steadily increasing levels of radioactive contamination in
Tokyo, Murata-san is calling for the only honorable action on the part of his
nation: cancel the games and clean Fukushima in a meaningful way.
To do so, of course, means invoking non-conventional nuclear engineering
options since conventional ones are totally unable to cope with the magnitude
and configuration of the disaster.
This eBook opens with a selection of the extraordinary and prolific statements
Murata-san has issued since March 11, 2011. The Natural Solutions Foundation,
working closely with Murata-san, has published these communications in our
Health Freedom Blog. We will continue to do so.
Readers of this ebook are invited to visit and
enter their email so that they can be assured of receiving notification of these
Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

communications via the Health Freedom eAlert Newsletter which they will receive
without charge.
Following Murata-san's communiques we move to our assessment of the
already-established and future harm to the US and, indeed, the entire planet,
steadily emanating from Fukushima.
Finally, you will find a reference section for your further examination, including
some of the technologies which could, with the cooperation of the Japanese
government, result in what current nuclear engineering cannot accomplish: a
meaningful clean-up of Fukushima and end to the devastation leaking from it ...
forever, absent these novel technologies.

22 May 2014

Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

Table of Contents
Background Page 1
Section I: Ambassador Muratas Communications
Email Exchange with
New York Times Page 2
M. Murata:
List of Blog Entries Page 3
M. Murata:
Global Security Issue Page 4
Dr. Rima
Memoranda Page 7
Gen. Bert Page 12
Radiation in the USA
M. Murata
New York Times Offering Page 18
Letter from UN
Secretary General Page 19

Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

Section I
Amabassador Murata's Communications

Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

Ralph, the letter above has been truncated

M. Murata
Health Freedom Blog Entries

2014 Dr. Rima Truth Reports Podcast

Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

Ambassador Murata

Mitsuhei Murata
Former Ambassador to Switzerland
Executive Director, Japan Society for Global System and Ethics
Fukushima constitutes a global security issue.
Fukashima is out of control and the situation at the site is dangerously worsening. The Japanese
government and Tokyo Electric Company (Tepco) have lost credibility both at home and abroad. Nearly
3 and half years after the Accident, Japan is at a loss how best to cope with the current situation. The
crisis of Japan as a nation is being tackled with as a crisis of the management of Tepco!
The drastic change of the present faulty system is urgently needed by dint of powerful international
The time limit has been attained.
Global security issue
Fukushima has shown that the presence of nuclear reactors itself constitute a security problem,
because, if the cooling system of the pool containing used fuel rods gets out of order for more than 3
days, a meltdown could start. This applies to more than 440 nuclear reactors in the world. There is no
doubt that Fukushima constitutes a global security issue.
Suffice it to say that we can only pray that no mega earthquake happens at the site to cause the collapse
of the unit 4 reactor that could lead to a global catastrophe.
You will be surprised to know how precarious Japans future is, in view of the fatal defects of the current
system under the leadership of the government and Tokyo Electric Company (TEPCO).
The basic nuclear law does not prescribe clearly where lies the responsibility of assuring the safety of
the population. The restart of nuclear reactors is being delayed by the surfacing of this basic problem.
Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

After the Accident, a new nuclear regulatory commission was created to secure its independence from
the Ministries concerned. Recently, such rules as that of no return for the staff of the secretariat, are
being neglected.
The members of the commission are no longer chosen from those having no prior link with electric
The Commission has publicly denied its responsibility as regards the safety of the residents. It is
criticized by the public for concentrating its efforts to realize the restart of nuclear reactors. Under such
circumstances, how can nuclear security be assured ?
There is no guarantee that another severe accident will not take place. The next one could be much
more destructive. We should remember that, only 20 percent of Fukushimas airborne radiation leases
blew inland, while 80 percent streamed out to sea. If the wind had blown in the opposite direction,
Tokyo would have been evacuated.
The problem of contaminated water
The problem of contaminated water has no solution in sight. The situation is worsening.
Decommissioning the plant will be impossible until Tepco surmounts the contaminated water crisis.
The plants water-treatment facility, which can remove all radioactive nucleotides except tritium, has
been suspended several times and remains problematic.
It has been confirmed that the recently completed bypass that reroutes clean groundwater directly into
the Pacific, and underground wells does not contribute to reducing the flow of ground water into the
The attempt to freeze the water in the trenches has been unsuccessful. The water inside the trenches
isnt freezing properly because it is circulating inside at higher speeds than the groundwater.
The groundwater bypass project to reduce the inflow of the groundwater into the reactors underground
has not worked. The amount of the inflow of groundwater from the mountain side is so enormous. The
groundwater is thus massively contaminated.
Reliable experts estimate that the daily inflow of contaminated water into the sea amounts to 1000
tons, of which 600 is groundwater. In addition to this, frequent torrential rain falls wash away into the
sea radiogenic materials heavily accumulated at the site.
To make the matter worse, global warming seems to have brought about the climate change in Japan.
Local downpours of rain causing landslides or mudslides are now so frequent. The latest typhoon has
given rise to more than 90 victims in Hiroshima. Enormous amount of rain washes away radioactive
materials of numerous hot spots at the site into the sea.
A year ago, when Tepco removed the debris and rubble of the unit 3, the wind scattered radiogenic
materials all around. According to Tepco, the amount of radiation amounted to 400million Becquerels.
Some experts suspect the number is diminished by 10 times.
Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

As it enters a critical phase of the Fukushima Daiichi clean-up, Tepco is contending with low morale
among employees, about 3,000 of whom have quit or taken early retirement since the March 2011
disaster. Many have turned their back on nuclear power to take better-paid, less stressful jobs in other
parts of the energy industry.
The serious problems of procuring workers and financial resources would be decisively affected by
Tokyo Olympic Games that will mobilize a great deal of labor and funds.
Effects of Fukushima crossing the Pacific Ocean
Last January, a renowned peace pacifist sent me an article she had received from someone in California.
It refers to a paper attributed to be a Russian Ministry of Defense Report. The following excerpt
deserves serious attention.
With experts now estimating that the wave of radiation from Fukushima will be 10-times bigger than
all of the radiation from the entire worlds nuclear tests throughout history combined, and with new
reports stating that dangerous radiation levels have been detected in snows found in Texas, Colorado
and Missouri, this report warns the US, indeed, is going to face the severest consequences of this
historic, and seemingly unstoppable, nuclear disaster.
And not just to human beings either is this nuclear disaster unfolding either, this report grimly warns,
but also to all biological systems as new reports coming from the United States western coastal areas
are now detailing the mass deaths of seals, sea lions, polar bears, bald eagles, sea stars, turtles, king and
sockeye salmon, herring, anchovies, and sardines due to Fukushima radiation.
The report also points out that large amounts of fish, seaweeds, and everything in ocean has been
already been polluted, and that these products are the main danger for mankind as they can end up
being eaten by people on a massive scale.
What is stated above certainly needs serious verification. In this connection, a survey is being made by
an American expert on the consequences of Fukushima being suffered by the West Coast of the United
States. It is said that NATURE is to publish it next autumn. Its impact will be great.
This report further writes that two low-level underground atomic explosions occurred in the
Fukushima disaster zone on 31 December, 2013, the first measuring 5.1 magnitude in intensity, followed
by a smaller 3.6 magnitude explosion moments later.
When I read it? I just shivered. Fortunately, I could immediately clarify the situation, by contacting the
responsible director of the relevant Ministry. It was earthquakes that had happened nearby, but not at
the site, and that, on 31 December, no accident had taken place. If not, it would have been a too
shocking news.
Japan is laboring under the consequences of the Accident never experienced by humanity.
It is now obvious that Japan is seriously in need of an international help.

Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

You can see how vulnerable is Tokyo Olympic Games, being prepared, ignoring the deteriorating
situation at the Fukushima Daiichi.
New international system
A new international system is needed to minimize the consequences of nuclear accidents.
Fukushima is revealing the limitations of a government facing a national crisis, its longevity being but of
a few years. Nuclear accidents have shown the necessity of coping with their consequences quasipermanently.
By dint of procrastination, the government of a country where a severe nuclear accident has broken-out,
could avert the crucial duty to make maximum efforts to cope with the accident by an operation of
diversion with the collaboration of the media.
I would like to urge the international community to take up this new problem. Since Fukushima is a
global security issue, we need a new system to cope with it.
We need a special international system that that obliges governments to carry out certain prescribed
duties. I would like to propose the following two minimum requirements.
To make maximum efforts to bring the consequences of the accident under control.
To concretize international cooperation to mobilize human wisdom on the widest possible scope.
It is the responsibility of the international community to prevent Fukushima from causing the ultimate
global catastrophe.
The Japanese current system of coping with the consequences of Fukushima is faulty and needs a drastic
Japan is in need of international solidarity and powerful international cooperation.

Resources You Need

Make a Difference:
Japan Sends a Warning: Murata-san Speaks

Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

Radiation USA: October 15, 2015
Memorandum from Dr. Rima
2014 - February, Friday the 13th: You Are Not Going to Like This But You Need to Know
Fukushima. Oh, is that still there? Old news, right?

Although the mainstream media chooses to act as if Fukushima has come and gone, nothing, absolutely
nothing, could be further from the truth. It is with us and will be with us forever unless we take
appropriate action to protect ourselves, our future, our very planet. Such actions do exist and I will
discuss them with you here but lets look at some facts first.
Here is a recent assay of the amount of Cesium 137 in mushroom gathered from a pristine location in
Oregon which is NOT in the shadow of Handford Nuclear Reactor.
In case you are not familiar with such charts let me review it with you.
Cesium 137 does not occur in nature. Neither does Cesium 134. For that reason, they are used as
absolute markers of nuclear reactor contamination since nothing else can explain their presence.
Therefore, the appropriate level of Cs 134 and 137 should, absent contamination, be 0.0.
Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

Now, every laboratory test has a minimum detectible limit (MDC) below which something may be
present but the test cannot show it.
Bear with me here. The results have a bearing on your life and future. For this lab, using these methods,
the minimum detectible level of Cesium 134 is 0.217. The detected level (0.003) is far below that. The
variation is +/- 0.121 so the highest level it might be is 0.124 and that is still below the limit of detection.
OK. Cesium 134 is not a problem.
Cesium 137, however, is a far, far different matter.
The detected amount was a shocking, and frightening, radiation contamination level of 4.143. The
lowest limit of detection at this lab is 0.197. The variation is +/- 0.695. That means that you can count on
the real contamination level being between 3.448 and 4.838.
The correct and acceptable level for Cesium 137 is zero.
What does this mean for you? That the US and Canada are being continuously contaminated by
There is no safe dose of radiation.
Not where you live, not in Tokyo.
A friend of mine who keeps a close eye on these things (who lives by choice in low-radiation Chile, by
the way, wrote this to me today: The numbers coming out of Tokyo taken about a week ago are as high
as 0.36 millisieverts. [1 microsievert [?Sv] = 0.001 millisievert [mSv]. 100 counts/minute = 1 microsievert.
The US EPA level for population relocation is 214 counts per minute or 2.4 micorsieverts. .36 millisieverts
=360 microseiverts 3600 counts per minute REL] Thus you do not want to be any where close to .36
milliservents and numerous places in Tokyo reach that level. Anywhere close to .36 millisieverts is
extremely dangerous.
Those numbers are Fukushima numbers. The Oregon mushroom numbers are Fukushima numbers.
You may be tempted to say, Well, actually, I never eat mushrooms so that is really not a problem for
It is a problem for you because this level of contamination, anywhere from 17.5 to 24.55 the lower limit
of detection.
What level of Cesium 137 is safe? 0.00.
So we have disastrously high levels of radiation in and around Tokyo, horrific levels of contamination in
the soil from which our food comes and governments, including the US, Canada and Japan lying through
their teeth about the situation and turning a blind eye, a deaf ear and a stupefyingly idiotic mind to the
Its not as if there were no voices telling the truth on this issue. General Bert and our friend M. Murata,
former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland, along with others, have repeatedly raised the warning. Just
go to and search Fukushima you will find dozens of blog entries
since 2011 by General Bert, Murata-san and myself detailing the risks; see, for
Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

You cannot count on your government to tell you the truth most of the time. On this issue, you can
NEVER count on your government to tell you the truth.
The EPA has been raising acceptable radiation levels by orders of magnitude until even they were
embarrassed by their distortion of the science.
The Fraud and Death Administration stopped tracking radiation in fish from the Pacific (smart move,
FDA, smart move) when Hilary Clinton, our then-Secretary of State, signed an accord with her opposite
number in Japan to enhance trade by killing people.
Nice work, Hilary!
And then there was the ruling by the EPA that slag metal from Fukushima and other places of lethal
contamination can be reused for consumer items like belt buckles and silverware (cooking utensils?
probably) without notification or limitation. Splendid work, EPA, protecting us nicely!
What levels of radiation does your food contain if it is produced in the Western part of Mexico, the US
and Canada?
Excellent question! If the government knows, it isnt telling.
What level of radiation does your food contain if it is produced in the Midwestern US and Canada?
Good question, once again!
And how about the food that grows in the Eastern part of Canada and the Eastern and Southeastern
parts of the US? Excellent questions to which, absent your own Geiger counters, there are no answers.
So what can you do?
Well, first of all, I urge you to visit and take a look at the videos and the
information there.
Studies show that nutrients like Resveratrol can actually help your body repair the DNA damage caused
by ionizing radiation and return the body to normal structure and function.
While iodine loading helps the thyroid and other iodine sensitive tissues, it is a very partial measure
which cannot be carried out safely for long using potassium iodide without serious risk.
On the other hand, North Atlantic seaweed from Maine, Iceland, Labrador, etc., is should be a safe
source of biologically useful iodine without the dangers of pharmaceutical interventions like potassium
Next, you can stop eating anything that swims in the Northern Pacific. Anything. That means tuna,
Pacific salmon and all other Northern Pacific fish. I do mean all. I love sushi as much as you do but I love
not having cancer more.
Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

You can also help to solve the problem at its root by rooting out the most dangerous form of energy
production every devised: nuclear power.
All of the arguments for it are absurd. All of the arguments against it boil down to one word: radiation.
There is no way to dispose of nuclear radiation safely. There are no safe nuclear power plants. None.
Anything else is either a delusion or a lie.
Tokyo is a death trap waiting for Olympic attendees and participants. Worse, it is a death trap for the
people who live and work there.
As I wrote in my eBook, Radiation in America, which you can download here,, large segments of the US have been above the nuclear
radiation evacuation level for years on end without any mention of it by officials or solutions to the
That is because the ONLY solution is to decommission ALL nuclear reactors.
Take action here,, and share it with everyone who believes that they
and their children have a right to a clean, inhabitable planet.
Share this information widely. Here is the permalink to this blog entry:
You and I are fighting for our lives, my friends. Since the very people who run the nuclear reactors would
rather see us dead anyway, we are in a very serious contest. It remains to be seen whether their greed
or our collective wisdom wins out.
The future hangs in the balance.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima

Memorandum #2 From Dr. Rima

Becoming Immune to Fukushima
The ultimate Global Catastrophe Murata-san

Fukushima is an unmitigated disaster and getting less mitigated by the day.

Not surprisingly, the same overwhelming stupid incompetence which has defined the response of TEPCO
to safety issues since before
Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

1. The sea bluff on which Fukushima would be built was LOWERED 30 feet to save money on pumping
cooling water up to the reactors.
2. The sea wall TEPCO was warned was far too low to protect the desel auxilliary power system (placed
at ground level for easy flooding!) was not increased in height so that an average sized tsunami would
swamp it, to say nothing at all of a massive one.

3. An international disaster mitigation report in the 1990s predicted precisely the consequences of the
March 11, 2011 events if mitigation steps were not taken (which were, of course, not taken).
4. The astonishingly stupid wall of ice which consumed amazing amounts of money and which wont
freeze, despite throwing 58 tons of ice into the water (I am NOT making this up!) continues unabated,
or, if anything, actually accelerates as the Japanese government announced on August 29 that
Fukushima waste would be stored for 30 years in Fukushima prefect, in an interim facility to be built
probably in nearby Okuma or Futaba (now evacuated) and then vowed to secure a site outside the
prefecture for final disposal of the radioactive waste after the 30-year period, although the site has not
been decided. according to William Boardman two days ago.
Clean water flows into the sinking Fukushima site and then winds up in the Pacific Ocean which means
that radioactive elements continue to pour into our food chain and the planets life blood.
Mutations are showing up in Japanese vegetation, cancers and thyroid abnormalities are rising. Blood
counts are going down in monkeys and people while the UN and international agencies mimic the
denialist insanity of Japans government which seeks to conduct nuclear business as unusual.
Former Ambassador Murata, the Conscience of Fukushima continues to warn the world: The crisis of
the Japanese nation continues to be treated as the crisis of TEPCOs management threatening the
whole world. We continue to publish his warnings for all to see:
What does this mean to you? You are not immune TO the effects of Fukushima Daiici, but your immune
system needs to be protected FROM Fukushima Daiichi.

Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

And that means having an on-board assistant to your white cells and other immune functions that is
there to pick up the slack and prevent disease-causing organisms from getting a foot-hold in your body.
That means bacteria, yeast, viruses and parasites which a robust immune system could wipe out. And, of
course, it also means weaponized super bugs like the Ebola strain which yesterday WHO announced
would probably kill 20,000 people.
An MIT professor the day before said it would kill 100,000. My guess? For the unprotected it will be
much, much, much higher.
Ready to thrive and survive? Ready to rise above the engineered disaster and shine? Then you need
Nano Silver 10 PPM to help you do exactly that. And you need it now, while a. It is still available and b.
There is still time and you are living BEFORE the plague hits your home town and your friends and
Visit for your Nano Silver 10 PPM and a full range of other recommended
health-promoting products.
And be sure to enter your email info there to get access to my Protocol for the use of Nano Silver 10
PPM to prevent, or use as a therapy for, diseases.
And, for the love of everything you hold dear, share this letter as widely as you can.
Youll be saving lives and helping to avert what would serve the globalists best: a total collapse of society
because of a widespread (and preventable) deadly plague.
It really is up to us, my friends. And the time is now.
Oh, one final thought: there are people you care about who are not listening to you. I know. I have them
in my life, too. None so blind as those who will not see!
But heres what to do to protect them: make a gift of some Nano Silver. Send it to them because you
care about them. I promise you that, come plague time, they will take it and bless you for being
persistent, for being pro active and for saving their lives.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
May 31, 2014

Fukushima Fire eBook Special Bonus:

Dr. Rima on Rad Protective Nutrition
Particles from Hell From Fukushima to You
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)

Recently I made available my second Fukushima Estimate of Situation, an ebook called Is Fukushima
Burning? on the current [2014] state of Fukushima and what it means to you [get it
here:]. The first EoS, issued a few months after the
earthquake/tsunami and reactor explosions, documented the enormous amount of radioactive material
Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

exposed to the environment at the stricken nuclear facility, and its ominous spreading across the
Northern Hemisphere. The second EoS, made necessary by the continuing degradation of the facility,
and the escalating risk to participants in the 2020 Olympics, brought attention to the lack of
transparency, suggesting a cover-up of another serious fire at Unit #4.
Since then the news continues horrifying and just keeps getting worse.


Radiation knows neither national nor ethnic boundaries and
speaks the international language of death fluently.
Since I authored my first Fukushima Estimate of Situation (EoS), the news continually keeps getting
Heres the bottom line: there is no safe dose of radiation. We can, with luck and lots of antioxidants,
deal with a very, very small amount of radiation damage. That small amount was long-ago exceeded
when we entered the nuclear age.
The news I have for you today is grim, but not hopeless. The dangers are enormous. The solutions are
simple, some easy, some difficult. I need your personal help and commitment to work with me on this.
First, please read these brief excerpts from the Minamisoma City Council Meeting on May 13, 2014.
Oyam Koichi, a member of the Council wants you to hear this:
[Translation by Dissensus Japan, May 25, 2014]
I want to shout for all the people in this world: Please Please HELP US!
The cause substance have been found. This is an aggregate of radionuclides which starts with Uranium [in]
a nuclear reactor at more than 5000C.
This mixed metal contains four different substances and also have the possibility to radiate neutron ray.
No creature on earth never knew this substance.

Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

We are forced to have those strong substances inside our body without knowing where it exactly stays.
To say that Cesium has got the same system as potassium and it will be discharged from the body is just
a lie! []
We are all manipulated by the words radiation and radiation doze without knowing the real identity of
radiation source. We are not told the real facts of being irradiated []
They only compare radiation dose and natural potassium contained in bananas and manipulated people
as if it was a scientific study. I really want the scholars patronized by the government to be punished by
the rancorous of all children on this earth. []
The informations say that hot particles were diffused and flied in all directions in Japan. The particles from
hell is flying in the air and people dont protect themselves anymore three years after the nuclear accident
and children are aspirating those horrible particles everyday!!!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP US! Please let all people in the world to know the life we are living since the
accident, everyday and today.

Next, I want you to consider this information:

Nuclear radiation does not just cause cancers of the breast, thyroid, liver, pancreas, colon, brain, lung,
testes, ovaries, skin, esophagus, blood, etc. Its also known to cause:

Heart disease
Respiratory Problems
Increased susceptibility to viruses, bacteria, etc.
Circulatory problems
Blood disorders, i.e., neutropenia, leukemia
Thyroid problems
Skin problems
Stomach problems

Birth defects
Fatigue, dizziness
Hearing loss
Memory loss
Cognitive problems
Joint/Cartilage problems
And more

Now lets look at the US radiation levels as reported by

Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

What do those numbers mean?

Take a look at this very helpful chart from

Now consider where the cataclysmic, and rising, radiation levels are coming from.

Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

Fukushima? Yes. Your neighborhood nuclear reactors? Absolutely.

How many are there in the US?

Are they leaking? You bet

Now lets take a look at them together:

There is absolutely no question about the pattern: where nuclear reactors are, there shall radiation
contamination be, to paraphrase Freud.
Now if you are looking at these little contamination level circles and feeling quite confident, you need one
more fact: No matter how high the levels are, if they have remained that high for 90 days, the computer
considers that elevated level the new normal so levels over 133% of evacuation levels (300 nano Seiverts/
hour) reported for months straight, get a green circle anyway.
Look at Miami FL, for example:

Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

And its not just a one-time spike!

Look at Miamis readings for the last year, remembering that my added red line is the Internationally agreed
upon level for population evacuation:

So what am I asking from you?

Several things.

First of all, I need you to get in the fight. You definitely have 3 dogs in this fight. Their names are: Your
DNA, Your Health and Your Planet.
I need you to disseminate this link to my Is Fukushima Burning? ebook,,
to everyone you can reach with a simple email, tweet, facebook post, etc. People need to download and
read the ebook I am making available without charge. As a Special Bonus, I have included at the end of
the ebook Dr. Rimas Medical Note on Radiation Protective Nutrition.
And with it, I have asked the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation to give everyone who
downloads it a complementary subscription to this newsletter so they can get information like this, too.
Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

Second, I need you to take this Action Item

now,, once for every member of your family,
and forward it to your contacts, family and friends, urging them to take it too.
Remember to urge them to pass it along to their contacts, have them take the
Action item and then pass it along to THEIR contacts, etc. It is a demand for an end
to the activities which are destroying our planet, including geoengineering and
nuclear power.
And third, I need your financial support.
How you give it is your choice:
Shop at our new marketplaces where you will find High Potency CBD Hemp
Shop at our general marketplace,, where the search bar will take you to over
3000 items for your health and well-being.
Set up a recurring donation to make your tax deductible contribution to health freedom on a regular
basis here:
Whatever method you choose, we need your support. There is no question that you are not getting this
news elsewhere. And there is no question that you need this information.
Get involved, provide your support and become part of the ultimate, positive solution.
Yours in health and freedom,
General Bert


General Berts 2012 Estimate of Situation:

Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

Dr. Rima on Whey and Fukushima:

Ambassador Murata 2014 Interview:
CBD Hemp Products and Endorphins:
NanoSilver & CBD Hemp:
Global Health Security Initiative:
Ambassador Muratas October 2015 Article Offered to the NY Times
Tokyo, 10 October, 2015
The Tokyo Olympic Games and the Fukushima Crisis
Mitsuhei Murata
Executive Director, Japan Society for Global System and Ethics
Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland
The lack of the sense of crisis over Fukushima is in stark contrast to the gravity of the crisis. Fukushima is now
undeniably a global security issue. The unstoppable contamination of the Pacific Ocean and the atmosphere is
seriously menacing the West Coast of the United States. Japan should make utmost efforts to cope with the
Fukushima crisis by retreating from the Tokyo Olympic Games that disseminate the false impression that
Fukushima is under control.
Deteriorating situation in Fukushima
Japan is laboring under the consequences of the Accident never before experienced by humanity. Four and half
years after the 3.11 disaster, it has been shown that a severe nuclear accident cannot be brought under control by
a single state. The Japanese government is bent on restarting nuclear reactors and exporting nuclear technology
without clarifying the causes of the accident.
The majority of the Japanese severely criticize this move as immoral and irresponsible. It is questioned if Japan is in
possession of the governability and the capacity needed to cope with the impending crisis.
Units 1, 2 and 3 remain inaccessible because of lethal levels of radiation surrounding the buildings. Their
containment vessels need a constant flow of nitrogen to maintain low levels of oxygen in order to prevent
hydrogen explosions.
If the molten nuclear fuel rods are exposed through cracks to the atmosphere due to a mega earthquake or the
liquidization of the site that causes the collapse or the inclination of a nuclear reactor, Japans landmass would
become uninhabitable to a large extent.
The problem of workers on the site is very serious. The average number of daily workers is now more than 7.000.
This requires numerically more than 2.5 million workers a year. Decommissioning of the reactors on the site will
take decades. It makes one shudder.
The restart has taken place without clarifying where the responsibility lies for another accident and without
establishing truly reliable systems for evacuating residents.
The whole of Japan is threatened by the worsening situation emanating from the molten fuel rods, suspected to be
widely disseminating neutron and tritium radiation. Limitless steam observed at the site evokes the possibility of

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re-criticality at the site. The undeniable necessity for international verification of the suspected re-criticality at the
site should bring about the indispensable international cooperation to cope effectively with the Accident.
The ongoing radioactive contamination of the sea with no prospect for a solution is dishonoring Japan, being
criticized as harming the global environment. In spite of all this, attempts are shamefully being made to hide
Fukushima. The Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 was decided with the false assurance that Fukushima had been
brought under control.
The United States is menaced by the spreading contamination
Recently, a serious typhoon hit eastern Japan creating flooding that has not occurred for at least 50 years. You can
imagine the extraordinary amount of radioactive cesium, strontium, and other isotopes spread hundreds of miles
from the nuclear catastrophe site yet to be cleaned up and now displaced by the flood into newly contaminated
The consequences of the radioactive contamination of the Pacific Ocean from Japan to the West Coast of the
United States are drawing increased attention. Some experts now estimate that the wave of radiation from
Fukushima will be 10-times bigger than all of the radiation from the entire worlds nuclear tests throughout history
combined. There are reports stating that dangerous radiation levels have been detected in snows found in Texas,
Colorado and Missouri, warning that the US, indeed, is going to face the severest consequences of the ongoing
historic, and seemingly unstoppable, nuclear disaster.
The daily increasing contaminated water has been put in nearly 1000 hastily fabricated and often leaking storage
tanks. Its total volume surpasses more than 600.000 tons and approaches the limitations possibly to end by being
totally released into the sea.
The protection of the health of the residents of the US West Coast will soon become a central political issue for the
Obama Administration. It cannot but awaken the whole world to the uncontrollable and spreading consequences
of the Fukushima Accident.
The Tokyo Olympic Games belittle the Fukushima crisis
It is undeniable that the Tokyo Olympic Games constitute serious impediments for coping with the consequences
of the March 11 Disaster by raising the prices of construction materials and aggravating the serious labor shortage
in the region.
My interview article was published in the magazine "Monthly Japan"(September). It is entitled "An honorable
retreat from the Tokyo Olympic Games" and is given a central place. Reactions are noteworthy and expanding.
In my recent message addressed to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, I suggested to him to cancel the Tokyo Olympic
Games, announcing at the same time the candidature for 2028 or 2032 games.
The estimation of the total cost, 2 trillion yen according to the Organizing Committee, has shocked the public.
More than 50 times less funding (34.5 billion yen) has been spent for coping with the contaminated water problem
at Fukushima Daiichi!
The Tokyo Olympic Games seems to be being utilized to divert attention from Fukushima and to give the
impression to the world that Fukushima no longer poses a threat. Shrewd observers point out that there is the
front and the back relationship between the Tokyo Olympic Games and nuclear reactors. The two are interrelated.
The setback of the one will mean that of the other.
The initial commitments of the Tokyo Olympic Games have now been all broken. The original plan of the National
Stadium has been cancelled. The emblem of the Tokyo Olympic Games, suspected of plagiarism, has been

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abandoned. The editorial of the Asahi News Paper dated 25 September 2015 expresses its amazement at the
irresponsibility and the carelessness of the Organizing Committee. The IOC could disqualify Tokyo. Japan is now
obliged to choose between an honorable retreat and a shameful disqualification. The future of the Olympic Games
is at stake. It is as a believer in the spirit of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement that I am pleading for
an honorable retreat, and this, in order for Japan to consecrate maximum efforts to control the Fukushima crisis.

Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions.

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