Solarpractice Empoweredc Curve

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Solar Practice

Inspiration - Desirees class on Bandhas from 2015

Theme: Plug in to my power center.
Affirmations I am powerful, I value myself, I respect myself, I can change and grow, I
can rise up to meet lifes challenges.
Alignment Focus - Muscle Energy (hug to midline); C Curve (cat stretch hugging front
body to back body)+ Lengthen through tail / hug navel in, Head back
Apex: Forearm Balance
Props: 2 blocks
Center with OMs and breath; draw attention to navel center with breath.
Sukhasana w/ Blocks - Press hands down to lift hips, draw front ribs toward back
Reclining Stretch - lower ribs toward floor
Sustained Core work with lower ribs toward floor
Vajrasana w/ 2 blocks, lift hips w/ C curve
Downward Facing Dog - C curve
High Lunge Lunge to Twist w/ C curve
Uttanasana, cat and cow from tailbone in uttanasana
Tadasana - Head Back
Utkatasana with bhandhas
Downward Facing Dog to Plank to Belly to Sphinx (option - straight arms; or lift 1 arm)
Downward Facing Dog 3 Leg Dog Side Angle w/ C Curve to Crescent w/
straight legs
Sphinx w/ Thigh Stretch
Low Lunge w/ Foot turned out to Twist C curve
Bow Pose
Dolphin prep to forearm balance, all with shoulders shrugged up, and heart softened
DD, knee to r shoulder, knee to l shoulder to Pigeon
Pigeon open-side twist w/ C curve
Bridge, wheel, lift each leg,
X Stretch

Knee Hug
Savasana w/ Apanavayu exhale & let go focus
Meditation - simply observe breath in the belly

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