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Marwa Hammoud

A Social Work Portfolio


This portfolio fulfills a benchmark requirement for the Bachelors in Social Work degree
at Wayne State University. Included are documents that I have gathered in order to depict my
growth and progress during the course of this program. It also documents my readiness to
embark on my journey through the Masters in Social Work program beginning spring of this
year. The materials I have included reflect a depth of knowledge I have gained and plan to put
into action in the future.
The table of contents tab can be found at the top of my home page and explains the way
in which the portfolio is broken down. The table of contents is then followed by my submission
letter, personal resume, and personal statements. My resume and personal statements were vital
to both my BSW and MSW applications. These documents detail the skills that I have learned
during my time in the BSW program. Three letters of reference also enclosed along with an
evaluation of practice conducted by my field supervisor. Recognizing the importance of the
papers as evidence of learning, I have included three that I believe are my best work.
This portfolio contains a great deal of information concerning my readiness for a career
in social work. My portfolio took a lot of time and effort to put together and gives a decent
insight on my time at Wayne States School of Social Work. I feel it shows how serious I am
about this profession and all that I have put forth in achieving my goals. The process of gathering
all of the information has made me realize what an incredible experience this has all been so far.

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