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In Class Discussion Question


Learning Activity

Students will discuss within the group (in the

classroom) facilitated by the instructor, about the
importance of knowledge of genetics & genomics in
todays healthare.
Cognitive (identify level): Understanding, Analyzing

Domain of Learning Affective: Valuing

(Blooms Taxonomy
Psychomotor: Perception

Student-Centered At the completion of this learning activity, the learner

Learning Objective(s) will: The learner will explain the importance of genetics
& genomics in relation to the role of the nurse.
Preparation Required The instructor should develop a well thought out
by Teacher/Facilitator questions in relation to genetics & genomics and pose
and Materials Needed it to the class for an education discussion.

Time Allotted

30-60 minutes during class.

Learning Styles
All learning styles would be able to benefit from this
Addressed by Activity activity.
How is content
connected to prior

Knowledge gained from class education (lecture,

presentations, etc) is used to help the student develop
their own thoughts on the topic.

Reflective Debriefing Instructor provides feedback to students based on their

with Learners (post- participation and the content of their contribution.
learning activity) How
will it be

Evaluation of
Instructor is able to easily see the students eagerness
Learning (How will it to learn and their understanding of content.
be accomplished?)
Teacher Reflection Students are provided the opportunity to utilize gained
knowledge in an productive conversation with other
(justify choice of
learning activity and
good fit for the
identified learning

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