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Running head: INTRODUCTION

Dachia Butler
Wayne State University


This social work portfolio fulfills a requirement for the Bachelors of Social Work (BSW)
degree program at Wayne State University. This portfolio will show, at a glance, my personal and
educational growth pertaining to the social work field. It also displays the experiences that I have
had and demonstrates how prepared I am to enter into the professional world of being a Social
Worker. Each document within the portfolio shows how I have advocated for specific
populations and adequately provided the appropriate services to those who needed them.
I have organized this portfolio in the form of a webpage that is easy to navigate. Each
section of the portfolio has its own tab that will lead the viewer to their desired section at the
click of a button. The portfolio contains a cover picture, submission letter, resume, personal
statement, three learning products that I produced during the BSW program with a selfassessment of each, evaluation from my field supervisor, and three reference letters.
Recognizing the importance of the papers as evidence of learning, I included three. The
first paper I chose was from my senior year in the BSW program. It is an Organizational
Analysis that assesses the organization in which I was an intern. With in this paper I identified
problems within the agency and came up with solutions that would potentially resolve the
problems. The second paper I chose was also from my senior year. It is a Self-Evaluation that
displays how I think I have progressed throughout the BSW program. Lastly, I chose a paper
from my sophomore year. It is a Values paper that explains what my personal values are and also
explains some of my biases. This paper also explains what social work values are most important
to me and why.
A long side with each learning product is a self assessment of each document. In these
assessments I will reflect on my work, my weaknesses, and my strengths. I will also explain how
I could work to improve the overall quality of the learning products.


This portfolio contains a great deal of information and resources for people to explore my
experiences that have prepared me for a career in the social work field. The preparation of this
portfolio has helped me to clarify my goals and set new ones that will continue to help me grow
into an excellent social worker.

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