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Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching

Some Acronyms



Audio Lingual



Language Teaching
-Teaching is very elaborate. Teachers need to know their students and to give
extra time to listen, and help them, it is not supossude that she wont attempt they
learning needs because that is one of the most important jobs of a teacher.
It is important to know that not all the techers will teach with the same method
as they were educated(with all the same concepts)

Study Of Methods
1. Teachers need to protect her values and beliefs, and that it is important to
transmit in the students.
2. They teach as the best way, that they were tought. (Beliefs)
3. Knowledge base of teaching.
4. They need to be innovative, as a teacher you cant stay in the same routine.
5. Different methods help the teacher to apply different techniques.

Criticisms Of Methods
They told that teachers didnt thought on methods to do her plannings lessons. Also
they are saying that maybe a particular method was imposed on teachers, but

that was dissapointed. Every person is unique and nota ll the teachers
have the same beliefs, im agree that you must teach according to your
values, and experiences.
For some teachers, methods are practical solutions. We cannot avoid
methods because they are really helpful but our beliefs are first.

It is very important for you to become aware of thoughts that guide
your actions in classroom.
Like it was a traditional school, only the teacher made the questions,
the students stay quiet.
For Heathers the connection between thought and action were very
important, was like the motor.

Which Method is best?

All methods are useful and helpful. All the techniques depends of the
teacher, how she want to teacher her lesson?.

Layout Of Chapters
If you observe the techniques that the teacher applies you are able to
know what method she is using.

In fact it is important as a teachers to apply different methods in your

classroom and to transmit your beliefs and values to your students.

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