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PIPELINE WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION Bandit Pipotine PO Box 12248 Lloydminster, Alberta T9v 308 WPS No: ‘Sooper eP-PL4 Dato: Apri 13, 2009 “Tie welding procedure spoctction datas the procedure to be folwed for production Td but sna ropalr welding of ppe andlor components required by CSA Standard 2662, Oil and Gas Ppsine Systems. ‘Normative Roforonces: This welding procodure specication was prepared in accordance 0 CSA. 2862.07 and Incorpocales by undalod roferoncos, provisions. from olhor publleaions. Revision tothe specication is not raqired unless subeaquent referenced {ade and or specication addons include changes fo essential welding variables, Service Resrcions:. Swat or Sour “Temperature Restictions: Temperatures nol requing notch foughnoss requirements 4. WELDING PROCESS & METHOD ‘Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) - manual method 2, BASE MATERIAL 2) Composition: This speciicalon apples to pipe andlor component: material ‘manufactured In accordance wih, oF sed 9s “Aeoeplabo Afomative Materials” any ofthe folowing standards: (CSA 2862, Ol and Gas Pipelina Systems CANICSA-2245.1, Sloal Line Pipo CANICSA.2245.11, Sto! Flings GANIGSA7249-12, Sloe Flanges CANICSA 7245.15, Stool Valves ) Pipe Grades: 386 MPa (SHIYS) or eos ©) Wall Thickness Quali: 1.5 to 12:9 mm (0.050 o 0.506 in.) incusve ©) Plpe Diameters Qualiled: 60.3 0 823.9 mm (2.376 0 12.75.) 0.0. Incusive ©) Garbon Equivalant 0.37% maximum for sour service appleaions 3, FILLER METAL CLASSIFICATION & SIZE ‘a) ROOIPaSE:EGUIU, 24,342 oF 0 mm (S12, 15 oF 8.) 1b) Second Pass: E7O10-P1; 3.2 01 40 mm (1/8 oF 5/92 n) ©) FlPass(es), E7O10-PI; 3.2, 4.007 50mm (1/8, 52 or 9/18 in) ) Cop Pass(esy-E7010-P1; 8.2, 4007.0 mm (1/8, 682 oF 9/16 In) Peary Ly eco Pace ote WPS No: BP-PLA 4. JOINT GEOMETRY 8) Jobnt Type: Groove - Single Vee Butt, b) Bowel Angle: 20", 46/-1.5° ool Faco: 1.6 mm (1/16 in), $10.8 mm (432 In) 8) Rol Gap. 1.8 mm (16 in}, 7-08 mm (182 in} ‘Tho surfaces to be welled shal be smooth, uniform, free of fins, Ieninatons, tear, «cal, sag, grease, palnt or othe foreign mater, which may adversely affect he welding. 5. POSITION & DIRECTION OF WELOING a) Poston: Pipe horizontal, led o ed poston ) Direction of Welding: Vora down ©. _ PREHEATING, INTERPASS TEMPERATURE & CONTROLLED COOLING '@) Bull Welds: A minimum preheat lomperature of 10°C (60°F shall be applies fo an ‘area at least 50.8 mm (20 In.) on aach side of tho wold Joint for hs nie keumfarenca prior to welding. ») _Repal Welds: ‘A minimum prchost temperature of 120°O (248°F) shall be applied {o an area at least 180 mun (6.0 n} from any point to the erea lobe repaired, 1 the inerpass temperature falls bolow tho minimum preheat temperature, tho entre wold jain shall bo heated to tho minimum preheat tomperalure prior to starting the next wld pass, ‘The maximum inlerpass temperature shall nol exceed 292°C (4S0°F). Prebeating may be appli by oxy-fe! torch, propane torch, electrical Induction cols or any other mothod ‘Approved by tho owner.” Temperature of the Joint shall bo voriied using temperature indleating econ, thormocoupls, pytometers or other sullable method. Ware applicable, precautions shal be taken tough the use of Insulating covers or other ‘moans 16 contol ne cooking rte ofthe wold afer any pass. 7. POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT ‘Welds prepared in accordance wih ths speciation shal not ba subjected to postwekd hat treatment 8, ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS {a} Curronl Type: Direct curent, reverse polly 5) Vatage, amperage & travel spood: Seu Table #1 ©) Heat Input: See Tablo tt 9. TECHNIQUE ‘8) Minimum numberof rot & second pass welders: One 1) Sting oF Weave Bead: Rool & Hot Pass Sing, FI & Cap: Sting or Weave ©} Number of Weld Layers: Thre layer minimum Prepay i soe Panett WPS No: BP-PL-t 8. TECHNIQUE continued 2) Type ol Ino-up clamp & removal: Internal tb-up lamps shal bo used wherever practicable and shal not bo removed unl the root boad has boon completed, ‘When exiomel ine-up camps sre used, the rool oad shal be unfermly spaced ‘around the ‘rcuerence of the joni and, where. pracicabl, shall have ‘cmmate longi ofa east 80% ofthe ercunerence pir to removal. ©) Gleaning methods: “Hand or power tools may be used, Each pass shall be ‘horoughyy cleaned and free of slag and scale prior to deposting tho next wold layer. The comploled wold shal be brushed and foe of spl. 1) Fill and Finish Beads end Finish fo be achieved: The eecond pass shal bo slarted as soon as possible alter the completion ofthe fst pass. The completed ‘Wold shal havo a substanall uniform cross-section fori enlive creumieronce.. ‘The crown ofthe wold shal no be below the surface of the adjacent base metal 10, REMOVAL AND REPAIR OF DEFECTS 8) Repairable defects shall be removed by grinding. Welding shal be performed following tho deals outined In this speciation 11. ATTACHMENTS '2) Procedure Qualicaion Tost Record: BP-PL- 1b) Laboratory Test Report No. £00-260.1 ©) Radiographic Examination lepet No." RT-4899-01MS 6} Matai Tost Report Het No 741175 TABLE #1 WELDING PARAMETERS. ELECTRODE. ‘CURRENT Chass ‘size | Type & | Amps] Vals] Are Spoed | eat apat mm | Polarity smi w/in in) pm) (rine) Root | ~EWIO | 2a 32.40] DORP | 79-179 | 20-30] 213-319 | 04-067 (sis, 8, 8732) (4-126) | (11306 17,020) Second PETOTOPT | 32.40 | DORP | Tati | wa | 109-254 | 0.59089 | (1,132) (627-100) | 16,090 22,560) Fil | EVOIOPT | “3.2, 40,50 | DORE] ST 19 | BI-32]— 110-174 102-168 | ca, 2, a6) (4-68) | (25,955 41,740) Gap PEPOTGPT | 32, 40.30 | ORE | wa Tas | az=3z [T0192 | 005 128 (1, 32,316) (60-18) | e1.s60-32400) Note #1 ~ The use of a stpper pass is optlonal pat ya Reel Pao seta PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT POR No, ppt Date March 27,2009 Wats ‘Ail Davison CCetteaie No. W688 [Base Malema CSA z05.1~ Grade a a ~ Wall Thickness 8.6 mm O57 a Preheat i, epee IVS OM erase 280 SO ‘Tochnique _ Root & hot base sting, FITZ Cap weave. Thormal Condon As welded Welding Progression Varia down ‘Welding Postion . “Horizontal = ioe [5O} WELDING PARAMETERS ELECTRODE ‘CURRENT Pass [Class | Sizo | Type & | Amperage | Volage | Are Speed Feat pat Poi | um min (pam, | ky fmm ney T_|Fe010 [16 bere | oo 35 | 268 (105) | 055 (14,161) 2 feroiPy_ [re] ocRe—|— 953] —28- 2118.3) | 0.74 (18,750), 3 fero1w-Pr [sa [DoRP | ~1i6 | a7 197 (6.4) | 1.37 (94,762), ‘4 [erow-Pr [5/2 [ooRP_[ 14 | 27 1485 (67) [1.28 (2.481) 6_fevow-pr [saa | ocRe_| 105 —| —27 460(6.3) [1.07 @7.072) le EGF: Urean Esto Co- Linon Fated E7O10PA: Lincln Beco. Unean St A yp+ a 86mm Pepe tg fence, Pagetatt 4 Tr LUDWIG ASSOCIATES tv. Cee’ Customer: Bandit Pipeline P.O. Box 12246 ‘Materials and Welding Consulting LABORATORY TEST REPORT Liyodminster, AB ravacs Bruce Ciowery BPR Weat os Tai76 (8A 2245.1 Gr. 359 414.3 mm (60 in) 0.0.x 86 mm (0.337 In) wt jondltion: _As Wolded TENSILE TEST ‘SAMPLE NUMBER 1 2 MOTH mm in) 254 (0.968) 28 (1.01) THICKNESS mm (in) a7 (0343) Bat (0331) AREA 59. mm (6g n.) 213 (0331) 218 (0.294) ULTIMATE LOAD Nios) 417528 (20,400) 112314 (25,200) UTS MPa (ps) ssi (79,900) 22 (75,700) FRACTURE TYPE Partial Cup & Cone Patt Cup & Cone FRACTURE LOCATION Parant Metal Patent etal GUIDED-BEND TEST SAMPLE WIDTH: 284mm (1.00in) SAMPLE THICKNESS: 86mm (0.397!n) PLUNGER SIZE: a89mm (250in) YOKE SIZE: 120mm (4.721n) ‘SAMPLE TYPE Face Bend Face Bend Root Bond Rect Bond SAMPLENUMBER(S) Ft re Ri Ri RESULTS Pave Pass Pass Pass NICK BREAK TEST SAMPLE NUMBER(S) NT we REMARKS Pass Pass Wi cory tho tet resus In tis ropet and that tho specimens) were propared and lated In accondanca wilh the requrement of CSA 2862-07. ater ifomaton as beon provided bythe Culomer whove name apposr oI report Sampisassocates wt tl raport lb cared nays jae Laboratory Test Conducted By ‘Wichael Dias, 7.1. Karen Koons, RET. 7-14 SE CACM AIRE TREE PHONED 9072 09 Pact 4. Th LUDWIG ASSOCIATES cro. ew saatairand Welding Comaling LABORATORY TEST REPORT Customer: Bancit Pipeline Laboratory Test No.: €08-280.1 P.O tox tea Dato: Apra8, 2008) Uiyedminter, AB Tov 30s Aontion: Bruce Clowery BPP Heat Wor 7aTi75 (CSA.Z246.1 Gr. 360 ‘143 mm (450 hn) O.D. x86 mm (0.337 in) wt AsWelded = HARDNESS TEST Type of Test: Vickers 1049 (HV10) Instrument: Buehler 5112 i na ina ait Mota a] 92] 3] 00 wy 220] 27] t6r 2} we | | xe 20) 204 | 2a) a0 5] 28 21] 204 6] 90 2] 216 | a8 23) 208 of 2a | tal tra | 24] 200 of 201 | 7] tas | 2a) ats sol 220_| fa} tou | 26] 204 sr aa tet gr rd et an ‘rr re es a a a eae oeeraie carats ee Laboratory Test Conducted By: Lh [Korea Eile Dacyk, 7-1. Rare Koens, RET. 27S SCARY EIA. TREK MOEN 270 HL AED Popaet ndushial Se TEER yesiseee Rapiograpnic cre_many moe or [RT 4809 -o7mRs EXAMINATION REPORT sae ates ron Ed Sti twtyeAeseetis. coor “rai Coon Teas Be ae ee a ee a roam aie be eam oo Tene FEE oem StahtfRohr Rae on EE = —— = —— ae em oe Bes mn =< =x Seren = oo GRRE aT POTTER SC BST — Seoincanouuee == SS SETS TST RTT TTT TT OE = ae ES = — = ees == ie Seat ama a — Rae == el BENTELER V Stahl/Rohr Raernorzeuaws BvioaNes1 pumas oratomonie pores =a = Sm = roa Teese = |) |) 8g Bs Gidi Tlsenncemmsm StanifRoht MNCRORR ASA anS) — GEES ease —ra— a Crores ueamnon on a oe iwarcon = sy sanz TR COKE Fe cneLE ER — PIPELINE WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION Bandit Pipeine PO Box 12248 Uoydminster, Alberta Tov st8 WPS No: BP-PL2 Date: June 17,2010, Scope: ‘This welding procedure speciation detals the procedure to be followed for production fiid butt and repak woling of pipe andlor components required by CSA Standard 2662, Oil and Gas Pipatine Systems. Normative References: This welding procedure speciicalon was prepared in accordance to CSA. 2652.07 and incorporates by undated references, provisions from other ;pubscations. Revision to this speciieaion fs nol required ness subsequent referenced ode and or specication additions incude changes to essential weding variables, Sence Restrictions: Sweet or Sour Temperature Restrictions: Temperatures not requiing notch toughness requirements WELDING PROCESS & METHOD Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) - manval method, BASE MATERIAL ‘2)Compostion: This specication ppies to pipe andlor component. material ‘manufactured in accordance with, or bsted as "Acoeplable Alternative Materials” ‘any ofthe folowing standards ‘CSA 2862, Oi and Gas Pipoine Systoms CANICSA'2245.1, Steal Lina Pipe GANIGSA 2245.11, Stoo Fittings CANICSA-2246.12, Stoo Flanges CANICSA2246.15, Steel Valves ») Pipe Grades: 306 mPa (SiYS) or ess ©) Wall Thicknass Qualifed: 1.5 0 12.9 mm (0.059 100,608 in.) inclusive 4) Pipe Diameters Qualified: 60:3 to 323.9 mm (2.375 to 1275 hn) 0.0. Incusive 2) Carbon Equivalent 0.42% maximum for sour service applications FILLER METAL CLASSIFICATION & SIZE '2) Rooi Pass: EBO10, 2-4, 32 or 4.0 mm (9182, 118 oF 8/32) 1b) Second Pass: E7010-P1;, 3.2 0% 4.0:mm (1B of 532 in) ©) FilPass(es). E7010-Pt! 32,40 0°50 mm (18, 582 e316 in) 8) CapPass(es):E7010-Pt; 32, 40.0r5.0 mm (18, 832. 316 in) tu hea Paget 4 6. 6. WPS No: BP-PL-2 JOINT GEOMETRY 2) Joint Type: Groove - Single Vee But 1) Bovel Angle: 30°, +8/-1.5° ©) Root Face" 1.8 mm (1/16 in). + 0.8 mm (1/82 in) }—-RootGap. 18 mm 1/16}, #08 mem (132 mn} “The surfaces to be welded shall be smooth, unfor, free of fins, laminations, tear, scale, slag, grease, paint o other foreign matter, which may adversely affect the welding, POSITION & DIRECTION OF WELDING {2} Pasion: Pipe horizontal, rolled or fixed positon 18) Direction of Welding: Vera down PREHEATING, INTERPASS TEMPERATURE & CONTROLLED COOLING '2) Bull Welds:A minimum preheat temperature of 10°C (60°F) shall be applied to {an area at least 60.8 mm (20 in) on each side of the weld joint forts entre ‘reumference prior to welding, b) Repair Welds: A miimum preheat temperature of 120°C (248°F) shall be applied to an area at least 150 mm (6.0 in) from any point to te area tobe repaired. {the interpass temperature falls below the minimum preheat tamporature, the entre wots jaint shal be heated fo the minimum preheat temperature prior to starting the next wold pass. ‘The maximum interpass temperature shal not exceed 204°C (400"F). Preheating may be applied by oxy-ue torch, propane torch, electrical induction cos or any oer method approved by the owner. Temperature of the joint shall be varied using temperature Indicating crayons, ermocouples, pyrometers or other sullable method, ‘where applicable, precautions ehall be taken through the use of insulating covers or other ‘means o contrat the coating rate ofthe weld after any pass. POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT ‘Welds prepared in accordance wit this specication shall nt be subjected to postweld heat testment ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 2). Ghivent Type: Dect curent, reverse polay 5) Voltage, amperage & tavel speed: See Table #1 ©) Heat input: See Table #1 TECHNIQUE ') Minimum numberof rot & second pass welders: One ) Sting of Weave Bead: Root & Hot Pass: Sirng, Fil & Cap: String or Weave (2) Number of Weld Layers: Tivee layers minimum by ny ac Page 2044 WPS No: BP-PL2 8. TECHNIQUE continued 8) Type of inep damp & removal: Infemalne-up camps shal be used whorever pracizable and shall not bo removed unbl the root bead has been completed, ‘Whon external line-up clamps are used. the reot bead shall be uniformly spaced round the ekcumference of the ni and, where practicable, shall have. 3 Cumulative length of at least £0% of tne orcumierence prior to removal. ©) Cleaning ‘methods: Hand or power tools may be Used. Each pass shall be Thoroughly cleaned and fee of slag and scale prior to depositing the next weld layer. The completed wold shall be brushed and free of spale. 1) Fille and Finish Beads and Finish to be achioved: The socond pass shall be stared as soon a8 possible afer the completion of the fist pass. The completed \Wald shall ave a substan uniform ress-secton for is entire circumference. “The crown ofthe weld shall not be below the surface of the adjacent base meta 10. REMOVAL AND REPAIR OF DEFECTS. ') Repairable defects shall be removed by grinding, Welding shall be performed {allowing the details outined In this specication 11. ATTACHMENTS '2) Procedure Qualification Test Record: GP-PL-2-1 B) Laboratory Test Report No,: E10-527.1 ©) Radiographic Examination Report No. 8 9056 1d) Malorial Test Report Heat No. 743862 TABLE #1 WELDING PARAMETERS ELECTRODE ‘CURRENT Pass | Class ‘sie | Type & | Amps | Vals | Are Speed] Heat input mm — | Posty rim min kd mm, (in) (p.m, (inh Root | E610 | Za, 32,40 | DORP | 76-114 | 10-78 | —Tat-272_[—oar-a7i (9032! 18, 132) 7-40.7) | (12,000 1,000) Second ETOTOPT] 92,40 | DORP | 7-118 | 22-s2 | we-267 | 055-082 (18,5132) 70-105) | (13.930-20,900) Fa EvoIGPT | 32, 40,50. | DCRP | ee 130 [20-3 | 129-175 | O8T- 1.30 (18,582, 3116) (5.16.9) _| (21,990 35,400) Cap ETHOPT] 32,40-60 | DORP | Baws | ws] sso Dawe (19,332, 3116) (52-78) | 19.700-29.545) Nolo #1. - The use ofa strpper pass is optional PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT 8 We. BP-PL 24 Dale ans eo! ‘At Dawson rtcate No. W868 Bowe lor (CSAZ246. 2 350 Heat Numbor 743082. Carbon Equivalent 0.57 Siee $14.3 mm [50] OD. Wall Thickness 8.6 mm (037 Prenat & Win Intspass — 10° (50°F) Max, inerpass 204°C (400°F) ‘Technique Root & hot pass sna, FILE Gap weave Thermal Condtion As wale. Welding Progression Vertical down Welding Position _“Hovizontal = fed (5G) WELDING PARAMETERS ELECTRODE ‘CURRENT Pass[Class [Size [Type & | Amperage | Volage | Are Speed eat input olay man min. (p.m) | fmm neh) i_[eso10 —|me_foore [os | 235] 27.0) [0.50 (15,002) 2_feroi0-% [i6—| ocRP—| — 94 27 222 (8.7) | ~0.69(17.414) 3 eroi0-P1 [332 [ocr | 116_| 28 | 161 (6.8) | 1.08 7.488) ‘4 [evoto-pr [532 [ocRP| i105 | 25.6 | 148 (6.7) | 1.16 29.409) 5 _feroto-r1 [saz |ocee | — 105 | 25.5 | 1686.5) | 0.97 @a.e2n) "ele E60 ncaa Elect Co -incaln Feels SP E7010. Lncan Elsie Go, = Linen Sieldec Hyp+ 86mm eae ya Ae Papers @. Te LUDWIG ASSOCIATES trp. ow Materials and Welding Consulting LABORATORY TEST REPORT Customer! Banal Pipeline Laboratory Tost No.: £10-827.1 PO Box 12240) Date: June 11,201 Lloydminster, AB TOV 305 ‘Attention; Donna Hnatow POR Wo: BPPLET Hat Nox 743082 Matera: (SA 2205.1 Gr. 360 Size: ‘ (460 in) 0.0. x 86 mm (0.337 in) A ‘Thermal Condition: _As Welded ‘TENSILE TEST ‘SAMPLE NUMBER 1 n \WHDTH mm fin) 254 (1.00) 254 (1.00) THICKNESS mm (in) 19 (0.322) 12 (0.220) AREA sq, mm (sn) 200 (0.322) 208 (0:20) ULTIMATE LOAD N (bs) 114622 (25,600) 19494 (25,500) UTS MPa (ps 551 (79,900) 550 (79,000), FRACTURE TYPE Partial Cup & Cone Pattal Cup & Cone FRACTURE LOCATION Parent Mtl Paront bet (GUIDED-BEND TEST SAMPLE WIDTH: 254mm (1.00in) SAMPLE THICKNESS: &6mm (0.337 in) PLUNGER SIZE: 889mm (350in) YOKE SIZE: {20mm (4.72in) SAMPLE TYPE Face end” Faco Bend Root Bend ‘Root Bend SAMPLE NUMBER(S) Fi Fa Ri Re RESULTS Pass Pass Pass Pass NICK BREAK TEST SAMPLE NUMBER(S) WH Na REMARKS Pass Pass Wo cary th tet results in this pet and tal th specinen(s) mer prpared and lsted In accordance with the ragarements of CSA 2862-07." Metena nlrmation hes boon provided bythe Customer whose name appaors oS report Samples asset wth oper wit bw eocerden 30 dys. [ / abort Tot Cont By — Tile Bah wen Koos ee eee rere carn a Th LUDWIG ASSOCIATES -rp. yy ‘Materials and Welding Consulting LABORATORY TEST REPORT Customer: Banal Pipti Laboratory Test No.: €10:527.4 PO Row 12248 Date: June 19,2010, Lyeiinster, AB Tavacs Atontion: Donna Hnatow “PAR Nos BPPLZT Matera: (CSA 2245.1 Gr. 350 Size 143mm (4.50 in) OD. x 86 mm (0.337 in) we ‘Thermal Condition: _As Welded HARONESS TEST “ype of eat: Vickers 10kg (HV10) Instumont: Buehler 112 Prone neta | Haz —]_ #4 Metal |g Paent ita qt | ay tof aa] oe P70) 20 “96 vs | af ze | 2} 02 ‘wo | 29] 97 ams | tal aor | 21) 207 9] io | v4] aor | 22) 200 a am | 5) 80 | 25] 301 of 24 | tof ten | 2a] 225 fis | a7} ass | 25) 220 sol_216 | rol 109 _| 25] 100 Wo cory th fs resus In this report and tat tho spaces) sre propared and lst in accordance ih the resuromone of ASTM (9282 (Reaproved 200). Metal inert has beer proved by tho Customer whese amo pearson tis ropor ‘Sanplsoesoclate wt trap wl be esesrded 20 Laboratory Tost Conducted By 17) SE, EMERY ARTA DEG PHONE FE? EE LIND Paget sessve sormennseu cassve aN ponent 1801 Sous UR UR ON NEE VSO ee SE PIPELINE WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION Bandit Pipetine Box 12248 Lloyaminster, Alberta Tov 3c5 WPS No: BP-PL-3 Scope: This welding procedure specication details the procedure to be followed for production field butt weldirg of pipe andlor components required by CSA Standard 2662, Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems, Normative References: This welding procedure specification was prepared in accordance fo CSA 2662-11 and incorporates by undated references, provisions from other publications. Revision to this specication is not required unless subsequent referenced Code and or specification addtions include changes to essential welding variables, Service Restictons: Sweet or Sour Gas Temperature Restrictions: Temperatures not requiring notch toughness properties, 4. WELDING PROCESS & METHOD Shielded Metal Arc Welcing (SMAW) Manual 2. BASE MATERIAL 2) Compection: Thie spocteation applica to pipe andor component material manufactured in accordance with, or listed as “Acpeptable Alternative Materials in any of the following standards: CSA 2682, Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems CANICSA-2245.1, Steel Line Pipe CANICSA-Z245.11, Stee! Fitings CANICSA-Z245.12, See! Flanges CANICSA.2248 16, Stoel Valves b) Pipe Grades: 386 MPa (SMYS) or oss ©) Wall Thickness Qualified: 1.5 to 8.4 mm inclusive, 9) Pipe Diameters Qualified: < 323.9 mm OD. fe) Carbon Equivalent: Reported in POR BP-PL-34 3. FILLER METAL CLASSIFICATION & SIZE 2) RootPass: SMAW: E6010; 2.4, 32 or 40mm b) — HotPass:— SMAW: E7010-P1; 32, 4.0048 mm ©) FillPassjes): SMAW: E7010-P1! 4.0 or 48 mm d) Cap Pass(es):SMAW: E7010-P1: 4.0 0r4.8mm Prope by Li soe i Pace 1018 WPS No: BP-PL3+4 JOINT GEOMETRY 2) doint Type: Groove «Single Vee Butt, b) Bevel Argle: 30°, +8" -1.5° ©) Root Face: 1.6 mm #/-0.8 mm 8) Root Gas! 1.6mm #1-0.8 mm The surfaces to be welded shall be smooth, uniform, free of fins, laminations, tears, scale, slag, gtesse, paint or other foreign matter, which may adversely affect the welding, POSITION & DIRECTION OF WELDING 8) Position: SMAW: Pipe horizontal, rolled or fixed postion b) Direction of Welding: Vertical down PREHEATING, INTERPASS TEMPERATURE & CONTROLLED COOLING 2) Bult Welds: A minimum preheat temperature of 10°C shall be applied to an area at least 50 mm on each side of the weld joint for its entie circumference prior to welding b) Repair Velds:_A minimum preheat temperature of 121°C shell be applied to an ‘area atleast 150 mm from any point tothe area to be repaired, If the interpass temperature falls below the minimum preheat temperature, the entre weld joint shall be heated to the minimum preheat temperature prior to starting the next weld pass. “The maximum interpass temperature shall ol cxuced 204°C, Prelveating may be applied by oxy-fue! torch, propane torch, electrical induction coil or any other method approved by the owner. Temperature of the joint shall be verified using temperature indicating crayons, thermocouples, pyrometers or other sultable method ‘Where applicable, precautions shall be taken through the use af insulating covers or other ‘means to conto the cooling rate ofthe weld after any pass. POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT Welds preparedin accordance with this specification shall not be subjected to postweld heat treatment ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 8) Current Type: Direct current, reverse polarity b) Voltage, amperage & travel speed: See Table #1 ©) Heat input: See Table #1 TECHNIQUE '2) Minimum number of root & second pass welders: One b) String or Weave Bead: Root & Hot Pass: String, Fil & Cap: Sting or Weave ©) Number of Weld Layers: Three ayers minimum Prepay Lucy Aso i Pane 2ete WPS No: BP-PL-31 9. TECHNIQUE continuec 4d) Type of ine-up clamp & removal. intemal line-up clamps shall be used wherever practicable and shall not be removed unti the root bead has been completed. When external line-up clamps are used, the root bead shall be uniformly spaced around ‘he circumference of the joint and, where practicable, shall have a ccumuiative lenatn of atleast 50% of the circumference prior to removal ©) Cleaning methods: Hand or power tools may be used. Each pass shall be thoroughly cleaned and free of slag and scale prior to depositing the next weld layer. The completed weld shall be brushed and tree of spatter. {) Filler and Finish Beads and Finish to be achieved: The time and interval ‘equitements for each welding pass is as follows INTERVAL, TE Root pass to hot pass Siminules maximum Hot pass to fil pass [20 minutes maximum Fill pass fo oap pass hours maximum ‘A minimum of 3 complete weld passes shall be deposited prior to leaving a weld Luncompletes forthe day. 9) The completed weld shall have a substantially uniform cross-section for its entice circumference. The crown of the weld shall nat be below the surface of the adjacent base metal 10. REMOVAL AND REPAR OF DEFECTS @) Repairatle areas shall be removed by grinding, Welding shall be performed following the detals outined in this specication, 1". ATTACHMENTS 2) Procedure Qualfcation Test Record, BP-PL-341 ») Laborato Test Reports, C12-1469.4 ©) Radiographic Examination Resuls, CGY-408244 d) Material Test Reports, Heat No. 490117 TABLE #1 WELDING PARAMETERS ELECTROTE ‘CORRENT Pas Cass Bae [Tipe & | ae | Vale Feat ren__| Poy ‘alee ot [0 EE 036-057 Het Eroiepi—[s2-e0-ae | -oowP [109 er [2 53-108 i ETOIOPE 40,48 —-ooaP_|o0-160_[ 20-32 ToT a ETOIOPS 40-48 —[ocae |-60-160-[- 20-32] toa-7t Note #1 - The use of stripper pass is optional repre by Lui Asti Page 3014 PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT PAR No, BPPL St Date September 28, 2012 Welder A a Gertiicate No, ___W-6580 Base Material CSAZ 245.1 Grade 386 Heat Number 400117 Carbon Equivalent 0.19 Sze_______273.1mm (10 75in} Wall Thickness. _"5.6 mm (0 220in) Preheat & Min. intempass 10°C (50°F|__ Max. Interpass 204" (400°F)_ Technique _ Root & hat pass string, Fil Gap weave Thermal Condition As welded. Welding Postion __ Horizontal fixed (56) Welding Progression ___Verical down WELDING PARAMETERS vase |rrocess |] Fuermeiy | Oameter [Curent & [Amperage | vatage | atta | capil oe |e Fier Meta! | Trin} | Pasity | Renae | Rango | "us (ate 5 ET A SHAW | —ErniorT am vaay|boRP—[-w0-T80-|-97-31_[ aoe 1 oP] ORs et anz) SHAW [—Erovor1 Lae aay | beRP [Vistas | 20-28 | tar aj-[ 1.96 ee7) Prope y Ly Ascii Pagesate 4 Tr LUDWIG ASSOCIATES t7p. ~ eee come LABORATORY TEST REPORT CUSTOMER: Bandit Pipaline Laboratory Testo: C12-1469.1 Box 12248 Date: September 28, 2012 Loydminster, Alberta Tavses, Attention: Donna Hnaiow POR Number: BP-PLO4 : Material: CSA 2245.1 Gr.986 (Heat No. 490117) Si 273.4 mm (10.78 in) O.D. x 5.6 mm (0.220 in} wi ‘Thermal Condition: _As Welded TENSILE TEST ‘SAMPLE NUMBER 1 2 WIDTH mm (in) 254 (1.00) 254 (1.00) THICKNESS mm (in) 567 (0223) 587 (0.223) AREA sq mm (sq in) 144 (0.223) 144 (0.223) ULTIMATE LOAD N (Io) 72200 (16,200) 71372 (16,000) UTS MPa (psi 501 (72,700) 496 (71,900) FRACTURE TYPE Partial Cup & Cone Partial Cup & Cone FRACTURE LOCATION Parent metal Parent metal GUIDED-BEND TEST SAMPLE WIDTH: 254mm (1.00in) SAMPLE THICKNESS: 56mm —_(0.220in) PLUNGER SIZE: 889mm —_(3.50in) YOKE SIZE 120mm — (472in) ‘SAMPLE TYPE Face Bend Face Bend —-RoatBend ——_—Root Bend, SAMPLE NUMBER(S) FI Fa RI Re RESULTS Pass Pass. Pass Pass NICK BREAK TEST SAMPLE NUMBER(S) NI No REMARKS Pass. Pase We certy the test results inthis report and tat the specimen(s) were prepared and tested in accordance withthe ‘oqulroments of CSA 2862 "11, The Information regarding motera identiicavon (0, se, thicknoss, heat number, {tc has boon provided by the catomer whose name appaars on this report Samplos associated with this roport Wil be discarded in 45 dy. Laboratory Test Conducted By. ‘ooo, Tichalle Marién, 117-7 Steve en CET Oe mre $27 me fMCAR IATA 2636 PHONE HO 707K HO 2619 roiial d ‘Tr LUDWIG ASSOCIATES 110. \ eee eae eee LABORATORY TEST REPORT Bandit Pipotine Laboratory Test No: C12-1469.1 Box 12248 Date: September 28, 2012 Lloydminster, Alberta Tov sc, Attention: Donna Hnatow BPPLOA CSA 2245.1 Gr-388 (Heat No. 490117) 273.4 rm (10.75 in} O.D. x 6.6 mm (0.220 in.) wa ‘Thermal Condition: _As Webied HARDNESS TEST Type of Test: Vickers 10kg (HV10) Instrument: Mitutoyo AVK-C1 Parent Metal [Haz oe! HAZ___| Parent otal T[ie | s[iso | olte | apie | 20 ive afr | 4{ 10 frofa7s | 18] t00 | 20 | a7 5/1 fasfaze | 16| 105 fa [sofa faz | ate r\im asfars | x8 | 475 a| vs solar We cory tho test resus in this report and thatthe specimen(s) were prepared and tested in accordance withthe requirments of ASTM E384-11". The infomation regarding materia identfcation as Doon provid by the {ustomor whose name appears oo tis report. Samples associated with this report wil bo discarded in 45 deys. oo ome RAVOTVO "S'S ‘SANAAV 9S = ECE ‘twebieot unas TLDS 20 “CLT NOLLOAASNI NUALSAM, esl soaeew0¢ ona Tt 10669 7965 ‘SONNE sssgunysteiming ‘DSCSEEWD HES GSS RS GI NTDINWYS 3 SNILSAL 40 SLVIIILYID sunusaite Kasesuysene nie SIE IND see30VNO LOT ZZ YE _senEypeds ZATENY-ZEOLPONTGIOM 0. uce| To-e0Ns vat on =n.0 na ‘i GHTEe aT ZyuA3™ | swusa so statis aya oy ONLLSEL 40 ALYOISILN2 I i aja alaalaelida saa. ala ala ala sq SES SSS eer oA a ep NLLSSL 40 31WISULNED Hu lid tH DNUSAL 40 S1VDISLINED rye raiee o 6 ees seo rue tes eo se 205 eo ons so tse ms of 95 two ese oes ee: ws so Tor as eo os wo tee ose oo ass wo ror soose ease sense sovse saree serve sore sore sere woe esis sorte sore vm 346 val 34a VM ad vet dae vwmt 34a vat 3216 ym 3eté val 32te Mm Baie vel 34le YL Bate vat Bald ya Bald val 348 verdes yk (ung tuo (ea sin (eaN) Sk eh wet younos Tn rounoo TIN rowNes TIN roainoo Tin r04iNoD THN ORIN? THN adh 08 srs0-3v rios0s sso rrosos 8150-37 oTD90s 81503 otne0s ‘atso-3y consos ‘st50-3¥ c00e0s ‘sts0-3¥ sooeos ‘sts0-3¥ gooeos ‘ersoaw cr106" sts0-3¢ 211069 ‘150-37 st7067 s1s03v at10er S150: strose ‘sis0-y str06r Bay 0H 4 gros cot cmt ot ote vat 304 roxnoo™4 nso roms E g0s oor ots mts vai Sas Youn rive 7 orcent 2 eso otto Se Yel Md ToALvooTIIK ostsse SIeDay eae et eo oe on ee Yel a4 soanooTime s5¢558_glsoSy soos ee eis aoe eon ee Yes Sas TownooTue “ScTE8 StsD cose + os orate mews Yel ste rowunoorn crass greoay sae f Ges wr coat mete Yel Sie TOMINODTIN, teEGE EeDaY OSE fee ete fe sesesegann soiswouey (eronssies 3a. weno ea, aipag Byte re rafee s15 06 03 00 00 #35 00 ¥55 00 eer 00 eo 00 ses 00 S55 00 ves 00 wm oo 0 oo 0 oo v0 00 00 oo oo oo 0 00 oes 00 825 00 zs 00 825 00 res 00 ess 00 v5 00 Tes 00 ore 00 Ser 00 se 00 vs 00 oo es at v0 DE 00 00 50 ai 00 es 0 60 505 co 00 rs a1 00 S18 co 90 rs al 00 c¥s 0 00 ss at 00 res a0 oo ets at 00 Fes a0 oo mis at 90 Fs ao 00 rs a 00 7 co wigie0} youNoa THN roHINODTHAL TouINOD THA sounNDDTHA sounor Te OUNOD THN rouNOD THA owNco TN somiNoo Tae yoRLNOO THE rOuNOD Tit edhe atso sy rreeos ‘soy 070m 59 ora50= 80-3 eoom0s solos EPA no lo8 ASDA sooos ns, Spine si, xolens was solos Aan nO UDE Heo, step cacao stso-y eooeDs stso-a¥ srca05 stso-y enosos stso-y eooeos| stsoav eocens ‘sso 00905 ‘soy cree sts03y ctr06r sts srs05" stso-3y srr06> step steer ‘soy sticee ‘aso ster 2Ot0E Sem TOMLNOD TIN TeEeSe ETSD-¥ STIOEP sm mes adhe ipa Bn ow, PIPELINE WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION Bandit Pipetine Box 12248 Uoyaiminster, Alberta T9V 305 Ws No: BP-PLA Scope: ‘Ts welding procadure specication details the procedure to be followed for production {ld ball welding of pipe andlor components reauired by CSA Standart 2662, OH ad Gat Pipotne Systeme, Nonnative References: This welding procedie specication was prepared in aocacance lo CSA" 2662-11" and incorporates hy undated references, prowsions from other publications, Revision to this specticaian f not roquired unless. subsequent referenced ode and oF spectfention adltions include changes fo essential wlding Variables Service Resticlions: Swoet or Sour “Tomporatira Resrcions:Temperatwes nol requiring notch toughness proportion. 4. WELDING PROCESS & METHOD ‘Shialdad Metal Ave Welding (SMAW) Manus 2, BASE MATERIAL 8) Composiion: This specication applies 10, pipe andor component: materia manufactured in accordance with or listed as "Accoptable Altornative Materials" in any ofthe following standards (GBA 7662, Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems CANICSA‘Z248.1, Steal Line Pipa CANICSA 2245.11, Stoo Fitings GANICSA 2245.12, Stoel Flanges. CANICSA-7245.15, Sel Valves b) Pipa Grades: 386 MPa (StIYS) or ess ©) Wall Thickness Qualified: 1. to 84 mm inlsive. 3) Pipe Diameters Qualified: < 323.9 mm 0.0. 2) Gatbon Equivalent: Reported in POR BP-PL-34 3, FILLER METAL CLASSIFICATION & SIZE ‘a) Root Pass: SMAW. E6010; 24,32 oF 40 mm D) Hol Pass: SMAW: E7010-P1; 22, 4.0 0°4.8 mm ©) FlPass(es): SMAW: E7010-P1; 22, 4.0 or 4.8mm 4) Gap Pass(es):SMAW: E7010-P1; 40 or 48 mm op Lg hn Pape ta JOINT GEOMETRY 2) Joint Type: Groove - Single Vee Butt b) Bevel Argle: 30°, +6°/-1.5° ©) Root Face: 1.6 mm +- 0.8 mm 4) Root Gap: 1.6mm +08 mm The surfaces tw be welded shall be smooth, uniform, free of fins, laminations, tears, scale, slag, grezse, paint or other foreign matter, which may adversely affect the welding, POSITION & DIRECTION OF WELDING a) Position: SMAW: Pipe horizontal, rolled or fixed position 1) Direction af Welding: Vertical down PREHEATING, INTERPASS TEMPERATURE & CONTROLLED COOLING. 'a) Bult Welds: A minimum preheat temperature of 10°C shall be applied to an area a least 50 min on each side ofthe weld joint for is entire circumference prior to welding b) Repair elds: A minimum preheat temperature of 121°C shall be applied to an area atleast 150 mm from any point tothe area to be repaired. If the interpass temperature falls below the minimum preheat temperature, the entire weld joint shall be heated to the minimum preheat temperature prior fo starting the next weld pass. ‘The maximum interpass temperature shall not exceed 204°C. Preheating may be applied by oxy-fuel torch, propane torch, electrical induction coils or any other method approved by the owner, Temperature of the joint shall be verfed using temperature indicating ‘rayons, themecouples, pyrometers or ather suitable method Where applicable, precautions shall be taken through the use of insulating covers or other means to contra the cooling rate ofthe weld after any pass. POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT ‘Welds prepared in accordance with this specication shall not be subjected to postweld heat treatment. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS a) Current Type: Direct curent, reverse polarity b) Voltage, amperage & travel speed: See Table #1 ©) Heat input: See Table #1 TECHNIQUE '2) Minimum number of root & second pass welders: One b) String or Weave Bead: Root & Hot Pass: String, Fl & Cap: Sting or Weave ©) Number of Weld Layers: Three layers minimums Prepared Lui esos Pagezat4 WPS No: BP-PL-6 9. TECHNIQUE continuee 4d) Type of ine-up clamp & removal: Internal line-up clamps shall be used wherever practicable and shall not be removed unt the root bead has been completed When external line-up clamps are used, the root bead shall be uniformly spaced ‘around ‘he citcumference of the joint and, where practicable, shall have a ‘cumulative length of at least 50% of the circumference prio to removal, ©) Cleaning methods: “Hand or power tools may be used. Each pass shall be thorougily cleaned and free of slag and scale prior to depositing the next weld layer. The completed wel shall be brushed and free of spatter. ) Filer and Finish Beads and Finish to be achieved: The time and interval Fequiternents for each welding pass is as follows INTERVAL TE Root pass to hol pass 7S mites maximum C Hot pass tofilpass | __60 minutes maximum Fillpass to cap pass 2 hours maximum ‘A minimum of 3 complete weld passes shall be deposited prior to leaving a weld Luncompleted forthe day. 9) The completed weld shall have a substantially uniform cross-section for its entire circumference. The crown of the weld shall net be below the surface of the adjacent base metal 10. REMOVAL AND REPAIR OF DEFECTS 2) Repairale areas shall be removed by grinding. Welding shall be performed following the details autined inthis specication 11 ATTACHMENTS 2) Procedure Qualification Test Record, BP-PL-4-1 >) Laboralo'y Test Reports, C12-1487.4 ©) Radiographic Examination Results, MISTRAS CANADA INC. Date: October 2, 2012 Weld Number: WP-10"x 5.6 mm d) Material “est Reports, Heat Numbers, 490116 & 490117, TABLE #1 WELDING PARAMETERS ELECTRO, CORRENT. Faas ase See [ Type | foe | VaR Fearing rom __| polnty Rost Fo 35.32.40 _[ doar | ose [owe 30082 Hot Erowpi—| 3240.48 | powr | 124-206 | 25-6 ‘O5t-085 ca EVOIOPL | 32.40.48 | -DoRP_| 105-178. [ 21-5 040-086. Cap ETOIOPT 40.45 —[ pea [-102=168-] 051.06 Note #1 - The use ofa stipper pases optional PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT POR No _ _ Date _ October 2, 2012, Wolder ‘Gordon Reiser Certicate No- —_W-5090 Base alenal Grade 38k Heat Number ——— Carbon Equivalent 0.16816 0.189 Size Wel Tikness "8 mn 02207 Preheat & bin. Interpass ie or) Man Iterpace — 204°C (400°F) Technique Root & hol pass sttina_Fil&Cap-weave Thermal Condition —As welded Welding Progression Vertical down Welding Position Horizontal fixed 5G) WELDING PARAMETERS TE] apt vase | proces] rtermeta | Sarat [carers | Arperoe | Votese [rennin | einen Ci : rmmin) | Polsty | “Range | Range | "em eee = I LT 2 suaw | —eroiert—ta0.eoar perp | eof a-ar-[ aera | eo ose 3 suawr|—eroioer—fanisaay [pore ries a7-ae-f aert| ess fst 4 [suave | —eroiont faa emnoy [pene [-is0- a banoe-| aeiwa | oar aot 6mm(t16in) 86mm(0220in) J Pres ui sites Pato 4 lA\ LUDWIG ASSOCIATES trp. ‘ee ana LABORATORY TEST REPORT CUSTOMER: Bandit Pipsine Laboratory Test No 12-1487.1 Box 12248 Date: October 3, 2012 Lloydminster, Alberta T9¥ 305 ‘Attention; Donna Hnalow PQR Number BPPLAt . Materia (CSA 2248.1 Gr. 386 (Heat No: 490116 to 490117) Size: 273.1 ram (10.75 in.) 0.0. x 5.8 mm (0.220 in.) wt. ‘Thermal Condition: _As Welied TENSILE TEST ‘SAMPLE NUMBER 1 2 WIDTH mm (in) 254 (1.00) 254 (1.00) THICKNESS mm (in) 567 (0223) 5.62 (0221) AREA sq mm (sqin) 144 (0.223) 143 (0221) ULTIMATE LOAD N (bf) 73083 (16,400) 72353 (16,300) UTS MPa (psi) 507 (73,600) 507 (73,500) FRACTURE TYPE Partial Cup & Cone Partial Cup & Cone FRACTURE LOCATION Parent metal Parent metal GUIDED-BEND TEST SAMPLE WIDTH: 254mm —(1.00n)_ SAMPLE THICKNESS: 5.6mm —(0.220in) PLUNGER SIZE: 889mm —_(8.50in) YOKE SIZE: 120mm —(472in) ‘SAMPLE TYPE Face Bend Face Bend Root Bend ———Root Bend ‘SAMPLE NUMBER(S) Fi F2 Rt R2 RESULTS Pass. Pass Pass Pass NICK BREAK TEST SAMPLE NUMBER(S) NI Na REMARKS Pass, Pass We cori the tet recut in ths report and tat the specimens) were prepared and feted in accordance with the requirements of CSA 2662 - 11. The information regarding material dentieaton (e. sie, thickness, heat number, fete) has been provid by the customer whase name appears on his part. Samples associated with tis report ‘ull be discarded In 45 days. Laboratory Test Conducted By Gates ‘Wichelle Marien, T. 1 Frank Langenecker, CET. Biers 027 SCAG AEA TA MONE 22772 ABO 888 Page tof 4 Tr LUDWIG ASSOCIATES trp. 7 EET LABORATORY TEST REPORT CUSTOMER: Bandit Pipeline Box 12248 Lloydminster, Alberta Tav3cs Attention: Donna Hnatow PGR Number: BP-PLA-1 Mater (CSA 2248.1 Gr. 986 (Heat No.: 490116 to 490117) Size: 273.4 ram (10.75 in) 0.0. x 5.6 mm (0.220 in.) we ‘Thermal Condition: _As Welded HARDNESS TEST ‘Type of Test: Vickers 10kg (HV10) Instrument: Mitutoyo AVK-C1 Parent etal | naz | “*l4Melal | az | Parent Metal 7] ire | 3] 1 | 9] te 74] 166] 20) 162 afar |4| so [10] 7a | x5] see | 20 | 7 slams far|a7 | asf are a7 |s2| 70 | 7/100 7|15¢ | 12] 168 | 10| 176 a |i 19| 163, We cortiy tho test results fn this report and that the speciments) were prepared and fasted in accordance with tho requirements of ASTM. E384-10".” Tho infomation regarding matenal identification fas eon provided ty tho ‘uslomer whose name appears on hs report Samples assoclated with this roport wil by discarded in 48 days. Laboratory Test Conducted By. ‘Michelle Marien, T.T. [Frank Langenecker, CET OF rere 1174504 SANG IAM 126.6 MON 282707 Page tof a Nlbh LNObi mH t - | ners midi { semsavrotene acts er owes fa SSRN URD ME IOAm Lome “weOR YEN TASENYZIOTHNROM oc 5 sere 0 apa Teseors¥vm Sep mi eae BSEE ES mare ae ‘qe NeoINVas 30 SNUSIL IO SAVISILYID yest el Ree e ery ioGh oth ‘CERCA OF ESTING ‘cones ERRCATE OF TESTING sas ara (sEVRAZ agaggnaggagaag oSASEEFRRSRTII2 -USUASHGSE Sugg all sHRDGESGRCEEET sDDGRERGSSgg ERD _ 9FaHRgSTHa SS sROERGRNNNEE SEY PELEEEEELELLEEE oBS250200980924 TESTE g aE RLELLEEEE LEE ELEELEE EEL 5 HSSANSENGESESS netate 3 aso feo =e ke RS ate . oe oa Ss ose saver (suns suo (edn sun ea Sf) a sagnaag sagegny aegaaae BRR RARS suassan aaeame saasena RESBER BODES ae pores nema seese atsoay trace aaanaa RRASR ARRAS aa RASAAARARRARAAG A RARBSARRHERS LY wate aes ira Tete: so400698 OUTS 2a ser es ES

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