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Developing a promotional strategy Deciding on a marketing communications

strategy is one of the primary roles of the marketing manager and this process
involves some key decisions about how who the customer is, how to contact the
consumer them, and what the message should be. These questions can be
answered using a three stage process, which is equally relevant for all elements
of the marketing mix: Segmentation Dividing the marketing into distinct groups
Targeting Deciding which of these groups to communicate with, and how to talk
to them Positioning How the product or brand should be perceived by the target
groups Messaging Delivering a specific message in order to influence the target
1. Segmentation
Dividing potential customers into discrete groups is vital if you want to
increase the success rate of any communications message. If you don't know
who you are talking to, it's unlikely you will get much of a response. Who are
the potential customers? How many sub-groups should you divide them into?
How do these groups differ? Hopefully, most of this information will be readily
available from your market research. Once you have an idea of the customer,
you should further drill down to explore them in more detail.What are their
media consumption habits? What are their expectations and aspirations?
What are their priorities? How much disposable income do they have? What
are their buying habits? Are they likely to have children? How many holidays
to they take a year? How much money do they give to charity? How can you
help them? This information can be obtained in a variety of ways, from
commissioning a specialist market research agency, to examining sales
patterns or social media interactions.
1. 10. 10 Commonly used market research methods include:
2. Sales analysis and buying patterns
3. Questionnaires
4. Desk research
5. Website statistics, especially social media
6. Focus groups
7. Face-to-face interviews
8. Specialist market research companies Once you have built up an accurate
picture of your customer, it's time to get their attention
2. Targeting

For the purposes of advertising, targeting is the process of communicating with

the right segment(s) and ensuring the best possible response rate. The methods
you use to target your audience must relate to your marketing plan objectives are you trying to generate awareness of a new product, or attract busi0ness away
from a competitor? Methods of marketing communications Advertising is just one
element of the marketing communication arsenal, which can be divided into the
following areas: Advertising a mass media approach to promotion Outdoor
Business directories
Magazines / newspapers
TV / cinema
Newsagent windows
Sales promotion - price / money related communications
Loyalty incentives Public relations - using the press to your advantage
Press launches
PR events
Press releases Personal selling one to one communication with a potential
Experiential marketing
Dealer or showroom sales activities
Trade shows Direct marketing - taking the message directly to the consumer
Mail order catalogues
Bulk mail
Personalized letters
Point of sale displays
Packaging design
Digital marketing
new channels are emerging constantly
Company websites
Social media applications such as Facebook or Twitter

Mobile phone promotions using technology such as Bluetooth
E-commerce Deciding which media channel to use In nature, evolution occurs
most rapidly when competition for resources is intense. The same process is now
occurring with promotional media. All traditional media channels are now
saturated, and competition for consumer attention is intense. At the same time,
the impact of any one medium is becoming diluted. There are many more TV and
radio channels, consumer have the ability to skip adverts and free information is
now much more accessible. As a result, companies are becoming increasingly
innovative in their approach to communications and a host of new media
channels have emerged. As a result, media choice is becoming a tricky task,
which is why detailed segmentation is so important - it's no use starting a Twitter
campaign if none of your target market are regular users of the site. Highly
targeted communications often lead to better results. You can usually expect a
response rate of under 1% for a relatively generic mass mailing. However,
personal letters to a handful of your most loyal customers would lead to a
dramatically increased rate of return. When deciding which media to use consider
the reach, frequency, media impact and what you can expect for your budget but
most of all, ensure your target customer will see the message in the first place.
Media choice is a matter of compromise between volume of people versus the
personalization of the message. Ensuring your message reflects the stages of
the purchasing funnel Once you have made the audience aware of your brand,
work doesn't stop there. The customer needs to be guided through the
purchasing process. This means identifying the key
13 stages in the customer journey and ensuring communications messages are
personalized and relevant. Integrated marketing communications Once you have
decided which media channel to concentrate on, the next step is to ensure an
integrated approach is taken. Regardless of whether you are promoting a new
product or raising awareness, it's important that all ads across all media work
together towards a common goal by using similar messaging and 'look and feel'.
An integrated approach can dramatically increase the effectiveness of any
campaign and will help create your brand image. Getting the best response To
get the best response from your target market, you need ensuring the message is
relevant and clear once you've managed to gain the valuable attention of your
customer the last thing you want is for them to be confused about what you're
saying. Determine the objectives of the advert and ensure these aims are

addressed clearly. Think about the next steps you would like the audience to
take, whether this is visiting a website, ringing a number, or being able to recall
your brand when they are next in the shops.
2. Positioning
Positioning is the process of developing an image for your company or
product. This can be achieved partially through branding, but it's important to
realize that all elements of the marketing mix combine to provide the full
picture. You must ensure that all areas of your business live up to
expectations in order to successfully position yourself in the way you hope.
Positioning also considers the competition, and you need to explain why you
are unique in the marketplace and better than the other products on the shelf.
Branding and messaging Branding is a powerful tool for positioning your
product. Branding is used on almost all customer facing elements of a
product, from the packaging design to the style of writing used on posters.
Every communication a customer received adds up to form a mental picture
of your brand and can influence the price they are willing to pay for your
products. This ability to charge more due to the positioning of your product is
known as 'brand equity'. Your14 branding also needs to consider your unique
selling points (USPs) and ensure these are easily recognized through your
messaging is your product the best value, longest lasting, sweetest smelling
or fastest? Corporate identity A corporate identity is a useful tool to ensure
that your branding is used in a consistent way throughout the company. This
detailed document runs through almost every conceivable customer touch
point and provides guidance on the presentation and style which should be
used. This could include use of logos, colours, tag lines, uniform and the type
of coffee to serve guests. A CI guide is particularly useful if any creative work
it outsourced to agencies or freelancers or if you have many offices
worldwide. The most powerful brands can be identified by many elements of
their communications material, not just a by their logo or slogan and this is
due to successful implementation of a recognisable corporate identity.
Recognition is a key part of any purchase decision so a corporate identity
should for a core element of your advertising strategy. 4. Development of the
advertising message Once you have determined the positioning for your
brand, it's time to develop the message in order to influence your target
groups. Advertising objectives should be directly linked to your marketing
plan, and tend to fit into the following generic categories:

Inform - raising awareness of your brand & products, establishing a

competitive advantage
Persuade - generating an instant response (usually driving sales)
Remind - to maintain interest and enthusiasm for a product or service It's a
documented fact that creative, well branded, distinctive advertising generates
the best results so ensure you use the best possible creative team you can
get your hands on, and give them a detailed brief. Remember that a message
will only be successful if it appeals to the target audience, so constantly refer
back to the customer and tailor the ads to them.
15 Research Objectives: To compare and study Central &Shopper Stop,
identify areas of excellence and areas needing improvement for Promotion;
and provide suggestions for such improvement. Research Methodology: Our
primary objective of doing this project is to get the first-hand knowledge of
functioning of at Central. Since we are comparing two different entities on the
basis of their Promotional Strategy, hence exploratory research design is the
need of the hour. Further there are few reasons which made me to use
Exploratory Qualitative research:
Its not always desirable or possible to use fully structured or formal methods
to obtain information from respondents.
People may be unable & unwilling to answer certain questions or unable to
give truthful answers.
People may be unable to provide accurate answer to question that tap their
sub consciousness. Thus, project research methodology is as follows:
I prepared 2 research tools, both questionnaire, to find outthe relevant
primary data pertaining to the functioning and working of both Central and
Shopper. The data was collected based on information provided by:
1. The management of the organization.
2. Customers visiting Central and Shopper Stop Mall.
In Secondary data, both internal & external research was done. For internal
research Ready to use documents available with the organization were used.
For external research Internet website & published books were consulted. A
survey was conducted, consisting of a sample of randomly selected people,
in the age group of 18-35. This survey aims to find out how Central and
Shoppers Stop Promote their products and services. A copy of the customer
survey is attached in the Annexure. Sample Size:-40 Customers who visit the

16 Literature Review Section 1: Future Group:- Future Group, led by its

founder and Group CEO, Mr. Kishore Biyani, is one of Indias leading
business houses with multiple businesses spanning across the consumption
space While retail forms the core business activity of Future Group, group
subsidiaries are present in consumer finance, capital, insurance, leisure and
entertainment, brand development, retail real estate development, retail
media and logistics. Led by its flagship enterprise, Pantaloon Retail, the
group operates over 12 million square feet of retail space in 71 cities and
towns and 65 rural locations across India. The company follows a multiformat retail strategy that captures almost the entire consumption basket of
Indian customers. In the lifestyle segment, the group operates Pantaloons, a
fashion retail chain and Central, a chain of seamless malls. In the value
segment, its marquee brand, Big Bazaar is a hypermarket format that
combines the look, touch and feel of Indian bazaars with the choice and
convenience of modern retail. Future Group, led by its founder and Group
CEO, Mr. Kishore Biyani, is one of Indias leading business houses with
multiple businesses spanning across the consumption space While retail
forms the core business activity of Future Group, group subsidiaries are
present in consumer finance, capital, insurance, leisure and entertainment,
brand development, retail real estate development, retail media and logistics.
Led by its flagship enterprise, Pantaloon Retail, the group operates over 12
million square feet of retail space in 71 cities and towns and 65 rural locations
across India. The company follows a multi-format retail strategy that captures
almost the entire consumption basket of Indian customers. In the lifestyle
segment, the group operates Pantaloons, a fashion retail chain and Central, a
chain of seamless malls. In the value segment, its marquee brand, Big
Bazaar is a hypermarket format that combines the look, touch and feel of
Indian bazaars with the choice and convenience of modern retail.
17 section 2: CENTRAL
Central is a lifestyle retail brand that pioneered the concept of seamless
shopping in the country. Central is built of the 3 pillars of shop, eat
celebrate! The store design, the product mix and the experience stays
true to this promise. Centrals differentiation lies in its vibrancy, the
seamless experience, the larger than life faade and the celebratory in
store experience that makes shopping a truly enjoyable experience.
Central is always buzzing with promotions, events, weekend excitement &
a whole lot more for consumers. Snap shot of the offerings at Central

Shop Over 500 national & international brands Product categories

include apparel, footwear, eye wear, watches, cosmetics, fragrances,
sportswear, hand bags, jewelry, accessories, toys & infant accessories &
more Partners like Food Bazaar, e zone, Home Town, widen the
offering basket for consumers Eat Food Hall Celebrate Live DJ/
music, fashion shows, sweepstakes, weekend celebrations, value added
services, multiplex (in few cities) & more Central store design A
seamless space (no boundaries) Very city centric (all stores are prefixed
with city name and integrate with the local community at large with
community initiatives) Warm & welcoming in store experience
18 18 Predominance of red house color A place for wholesome
shoppertainment Central Square, Central flag point A vibrant faade
Maximizing productivity bring alive the EBO experience of the brand in
store for a complete brand experience and maximum through puts
Central for Our Customers
At Central we will ensure that the best brands in the Indian market are
made available to you.
We will ensure that the brands showcase all their best offering right
We will be sensitive to our city, our environment, and our community.
You, our customer, will be our guest and it will be a pride for us to
provide solutions to all your lifestyle needs.
We will set new trends with the introduction of an array of products and
services that will truly capture the ever-changing nature of fashion and
our environment.
At central we will provide you the best experience to Shop, Eat &
Celebrate. Mall that Changed the way people shop
Indias first seamless mall.
Over 500 brands spread across four floors.
Dedicated floors for mens wear, womens wear, youth wear, kids wear
and supermarket
Also, coffee parlor & food hall
Sprawling over 1.25 lakh sq. Ft,
Never before shopping experience, unique customer services.
19 19 Section 3: SHOPPER STOP The tapestry of history has no point at
which you can cut it and leave the design intelligible. The foundation of
Shoppers' Stop was laid on October 27, 1991 by the K. Raheja group of

companies, one of India's biggest hospitality and real estate players. The
Group crossed yet another milestone with its lifestyle venture-Shoppers'
Stop. With its immense expertise in the service industry and creditability,
Shoppers' Stop today boasts of 27 retail outlets across the country and is
planning to spread its wings with futuristic expansion plans to meet the
challenges of the retail industry. A benchmark for the Indian retail industry
to follow, Shoppers' Stop has progressed from a single brand shop to a
Fashion & Lifestyle store for the families. Shoppers' Stop is a household
name, known for its superior quality products, services and above all, a
complete shopping experience. Shoppers' Stop was the first to redefine
shopping experience and creating a niche for itself in the service industry.
As India's first specialty chain with outlets in Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi,
Hyderabad, Jaipur and Chennai, Shoppers' Stop offers a complete range
of garments and accessories for the entire family. More than 25,000
customers walk into Shoppers Stop every day to feel the experience of
shopping. Andheri was the first store to be opened in India. The initiative
of this store was taken by B.S.Nagesh at a time when the concept of retail
industry was just coming into the market. As on today, the current
investors in ShoppersStop are ICICI, IL&FS Investments and Zodiac
clothing. Their combined shareholding in Shoppers Stop is 19% while
79% is held by Raheja Group & balance 2% is held by its employees.
9. 20. 20 Section 4: Case Study on Gurgaon Central Owned by: Future Retail
India. Design: Idiom Design & Consulting Design brief: Central is designed as
a playful public space, where people congregate, in the heart of the town. The
logo is based on a simple game rolling ball maze game that every human
being knows. The beads are people, heading for the centre of town and
playfully enjoying themselves. Red is a simple public color. The typography is
based on Jigsaw font. It looks modern and timeless. The font is Stencil zed to
make it look fresh and public. Five Dots represents 5 special services offered
to customers by CENTRAL
14. FLOWER CENTRAL Minimum Service level:- Greet the customer with a
NAMASTE Pass on the INFORMATION THANK the customer Central: The
Place to be Central houses over 1000 brands across categories:-

Fragrances & Cosmetics
Footwear and Accessories for Women, Men &Children / Infant
Coffee Shops, Food Hall, Pubs and Discotheques.
20 In addition, Central houses Central Square, a dedicated space for product
launches, impromptu events, displays, exciting shows, and exhibitions,
Central flag point to flag off city based events & more. Central is present
in 12 cities with 19 stores offering a retail space of over 30 Lakhs sq.
ft.Point to boost:Over 3 Crore Consumers visited Central last Fiscal Year.
STORE FORMAT OF CENTRAL Opening and closing time: 11 AM to
10 PM.
Major Gurgaon Central Mall attractions: Lots of Brands, Food Hall
Location:Gurgaon-Mehrauli Road, next to IFFCO crossing.
Parking facility:Peaceful three level basement parking.
Number of stores:Different concept.
Contact number:0124 2859000
o Address:Gurgaon CENTRAL -Pantaloon Retail (India) Ltd Sector25,MG Road , Near IFFCO Chowk, Gurgaon-122001
o Central is located in the heart of city, Central invites customers to Shop,
Eat, Celebrate.
o Launched in May 2004 at Bangalore,
o First ever concept of Stores without Doors in Gurgaon malls, spread in
1, 25,000 sq feet area. It is also called the newly opened mall in Gurgaon
(11th April 2008).
o Situated on the very competitive Mehrauli Gurgaon road, Central is
establishing itself as a mall with a difference. o There are no separate
stores for the 500-odd national and international brands to choose from,
across apparel, cosmetics, fragrances, footwear, eyewear, time wear,
handbags, accessories, jewelry and lots more, for the entire family.
21 o Customers can simply walk around the mall without having to step in
and step out of different outlets.

o In addition, Central houses Central Square, a dedicated space for

product launches, impromptu events, daring displays, exciting shows, and
art exhibitions.
o Red color in the decor - it represents fashion and glamour. Pubs and
Widely accessed by youngsters and elder people. it is one of the major
attractions to the new and old generations.
This not only relaxes people who come here after hard work, but also
gives them opportunities to enjoy their time in a group.
People can celebrate their birthday parties, promotions and other
occasions to eradicate stress and make some memorable time.
Pubs and Bars offer food, drinks, high volume music, DJs, dance floors
and wide screen televisions. Basically, TVs are installed for people who
want to watch cricket matches. CATEGORIES AT CENTRAL Mens
wearWomens wearKids wearWomens accessories Formal Ethenic Girls
ethnic wearJewelries, Swim wear Casual Formal Girls casuals Wrist
watches Casual Footwear Sports wear
22 MEN`S (Brands) Formal WearCasual WearKids wear brands Van
HusseinRigChalak Louis PhillipSepiaRig Kids Park Avenue BareRuff Wills
LifestyleLevie`sUCB SuccessAllGiny&Gony LombardUMMUSPA Turtle
SpykrAllen-solly Urbana LawmanCatwalk John Player IntegrityInc.5 Black
BerrysArrowClarkFunskool Arrow ParkAvenueBiba Girls Raid & Taylor
Jack and jonesPink and Blue BareBare Women wear Ethnic Wear:Casual Wear :-Formal wear : Biba Rig,OnlySckuller
Global desiAllWills Lifestyle
SheqJealous 21
23 Promotional Strategy followed by Central Discounts and brand promotion
January Promotion:
24 26 February Promotion:

15. 27 March, April and Promotion: Summer-2013 May Promotion: Love your
mom? Show her! Treat her to a day of shopping at Central. We have great
offers in ladies apparel, handbags, Footwear, fragrances, sunglasses, watches,
fashion jewllery and more. Also, shop for Rs. 4000 & get Rs.600 GV,
redeemable in June on minimum shopping of Rs.3000
28 Section 5: Case Study on Shoppers Stop Corporate profile: Vision:To be a
global retailer in India & maintain no.1 position in Indian market in Department Store
Category. Mission: Nothing but the best To strive & achieve nothing but the best in
terms of processes, practices & deliverables. Values: The following values help
Shoppers Stop in achieving its mission & vision:
We shall not take what is not ours
The Obligation to Dissent (against a viewpoint that is not acceptable)
We shall have an environment conducive to openness
We shall believe in innovation
We shall have an environment conducive to development
We shall have the willingness to apologize and/or forgive
We shall respect our customer's rights
We shall be fair. Customer Profile: Shoppers Stop customers fall between the age
group of 16 years to 35 years, the majority of them being families and young
couples with a monthly household income above Rs. 20000 and an annual spend of
Rs.15000. A large number of Non - Resident Indians visit the shop for cultural
clothes in the international environment they are used to which means people from
abroad are also interested in shopping in Shoppers stop. Their target customers are
upper middle class and upper class.
29 Customer Rewards: Shoppers Stop customer loyalty program is called The First
Citizen. The program offers its members an opportunity to collect points and avail of
special benefits. Currently, Shoppers Stop has a database of over 2.5 lakh
members who contribute to nearly 65% of the total sales of Shoppers Stop. They
also offer a co-branded credit card with Citibank for their members. International
Affiliations: Shoppers Stop is the only retailer from India to become a member of
the prestigious Intercontinental Group of Departmental Stores (IGDS). The IGDS
consists of 29 experienced retailers from all over the world, which include
established stores like Selfridges (England), Karstadt (Germany), Shanghai No. 1
(China), Matahari (Indonesia), Takashimaya (Japan), C K Tang (Singapore), Manor
(Switzerland) and Lamcy Plaza (Dubai). This membership is restricted to one
member organization per country/region. Objective of Shoppers Stop: Their main
objective is to make their customer satisfy and then profit through sales, employee

added after all every organization works to earn money which is possible through
good sales and if our customers are not satisfy then it will be difficult for us. So we
put our effort on retaining our customers because retaining old customers is more
profitable than making new customers. And if we analyze this statement then we
come to know that their 65% of their customers are their first citizen customers.
Today people goes for variety and shoppers stop is doing that, they offer total 250
brands to their customers which act as their strength and help them retaining as
well as making new customers. They believe in producing quality so they offer
quality products basically international brands like Louis Phillip, Black Berry, Police,
DKNY, Ferrari, etc. Shoppers Stop aims to position itself as a 30 global retailer. The
company intends to bring the worlds best retail technology, retail practices and sales
to India. Currently, they are adding 4 to 5 new stores every year Types of Retail
Outlets: Shoppers Stop is known as multi-Brand retail outlet because of their verity
of Products. They offer various products like apparels, Accessories, Toys,
Fragrances, Beauty Products, Travelling products, Home Appliances, etc. They offer
various products like Apparels, Fragrance & Beauty, Home & Travel, Gift ideas.
Under this they have different Categories, Brands and Styles to offer customers.
They have many other showrooms of Shoppers Stop in Delhi and NCR, so we can
say that they have long chain of retail outlets. They also offer online purchasing
which means that they are using new technology to increase their sales. Brands
Offered: Shoppers Stop retails products of domestic and international brands such
as Louis Philippe, Pepe, Arrow, BIBA, Gini&Jony, Carbon, Corelle, Magppie, Nike,
Reebok, LEGO, and Mattel. Shoppers Stop retails merchandise under its own
labels, such as STOP, Kashish, LIFE and VettorioFratini, EllizaDonatein, Acropolis
etc. The company also licensees for Austin Reed (London), an international brand,
whos mens and womens outerwear are retailed in India exclusively through the
Lee Cooper

Van Heusen
Louis Phillipi
ePark Avenue Parx
Allen Solly
31 Jewellery Music Hair Styling
Planet M
Music World
Tanishq FQ Home DcorBooks
Four Seasons
Corning Ware
Pyren FragrancesShoes
Christian Dior
Lee Cooper
Red Tape

Jil Sander
Calvin Klein
Etienne Aiger
Ray Ban
16. 32 Promotional Strategy followed by Shoppers Stop Discounts and brand
promotion January Promotion:
17. 33 February Promotion:
18. 34 March Promotion:
19. 35 April Promotion:
20. 37 May Promotion: Mother's Day is just around the corner. What will you gift
your mother? Shoppers Stop with Ragini Dwivedi All you fashion lovers
around Soul Space Arena in Mahadevapura have a reason to celebrate. We
have just launch our 8th store in Bengaluru! Check out the beautiful Ragini
Dwivedi& our Managing Director Mr. Govind Shrikhande inaugurating the store
21. 38 Shoppers stop trough internet
22. 39 Section 6: CUSTOMER SURVEY
23. Survey Methodology A survey was conducted, consisting of a sample of
randomly selected people, in the age group of 18-35. This survey aims to find

out how Central and Shoppers Stop Promote their products and services. A
copy of the customer survey is attached in the Annexure Characteristics of visit:
The respondents were first asked to describe the characteristics of a typical
visit to a shopping centre. This includes their choice of shopping centre,
frequency of visits, time & money spent on a single visit, average group size
and influential factors affecting their choice. Comparative Rating: The survey
also asked the customers to rate the following parameters on a scale of 1-5
(1being the most prefer, 5 being the less prefer), for both Central and Shoppers
25. The Graph 1 shows which shopping centre the respondents usually preferred
to visit. Although this is not a true indicator of market share, it gives us some
idea or the closeness in which both companies operate. They both received an
equal preference in the survey, with 44% of the respondents choosing Central
and the 44%of the respondents choosing Shoppers Stops and remaining 12%
choosing other, indicating there is no clear winner in terms of actual visits to the
shopping centre. 2. Why you Visit Central ? The Graph 2 shows promotion
and product is first priority for the customers according to survey 46%
respondents prefers promotion and 45% like product as well remaining 5% and
6% prefers price and store ambiance.
26. 41. 41 The Graph 3 shows gift voucher and discount is first and second
priority for the customers according to survey 45% respondents prefers gift
voucher and 36% prefer discounts and remaining 10% for both loyalty program
and other. The Graph 4 shows central promotional schemes get by customers
through internet and newspaper as well according to survey 61% customers get
through internet and 35% through newspapers. The Graph 5 shows the 46%
customers prefer the sale which is offer by shopping centers and 29%
customers prefer discount as well.
27. 42. 42 The Graph 6 shows the 48% customers think gift voucher redemption
process is complicated and apart from this 52% customer think its easy to
redeem. 7.Rate the following:- Gift Voucher at Central Gift Voucher at Shoppers
Stop The Graph shows the 49% customers preferred gift voucher at central and
31% most preferred, at shoppers stop 47% preferred and 33% most preferred
the conclusion is the customer preferred the gift voucher at shoppers stop.
Loyalty Program at Central
28. 43. 43 Loyalty Program at Shoppers Stop The Graph shows the 6% customers
preferred loyalty program at central and 75% most preferred, at shoppers stop

58% preferred and 25% most preferred the conclusion is the customer
preferred the loyalty program at shoppers stop. Discount at Central Discount at
Shoppers Stop
29. 44. 44 The Graph shows the 49% customers preferred discount at central and
43% most preferred, at shoppers stop 43% preferred and 30% most preferred
the conclusion is the customer preferred the discount at central. Sale at Central
Sale at Shoppers Stop The Graph shows the 44% customers preferred gift sale
at central and 49% most preferred, at shoppers stop 43% preferred and 36%
most preferred the conclusion is the customer preferred the sale at central.
30. 45. 45 The Graph 8 shows most of respondents (72%) think discount is more
beneficial and 45% customer think gift voucher is more beneficial the
conclusion is that discount is more beneficial. The Graph 9 shows 88%
respondents like the cash voucher and 12% like the gift voucher the conclusion
is that cash voucher is beneficial for the customers. The Graph 10 shows
most of respondents think shoppers stops redemption process is more easy
than central according to response 60% respondents think shoppers stop
redemption process is easy.
32. My first recommendation for Central is to provide the value of gift voucher in
payback card or provide another card for gift voucher only to redeem easily.
Customers are not happy with the gift voucher redemption process and
payback card as well so as per my opinion try to automated system to redeem.
My second recommendation is that Proper dress code at Customer Service
Desk (CSD) to improve brand image of the central. My third recommendation is
that Central would do better to provide promotional space for its partners with
the use of clever collaborations, and not printed advertisements and posters
everywhere. My fourth recommendation is that Central gift voucher should be
converted to cash voucher.
33. 47. 47 References:-
34. 48. 48 ANNEXURE
35. Primary Questionnaire
36. 1: Promotions:
a. What is the media and mode of advertising?
b. What kind of advertising campaign and sponsorships do you carry out?
c. What are your P.R. activities?

d. What kind of sales promotion activities do you carry out?

e. Do you have any promotional collaboration with external organizations?
a. What is your target market & consumer profile?
b. How have you positioned your brand image?
c. In what way have you positioned the following, to appeal to your target market
and sync with your brand image.
37. Primary Questionnaire 2: QUESTIONNAIRE Comparative Analysis of
Promotional Strategy of Central and Shoppers Stop Name: * Age: * Profession:
* Sex: *
1. Which Shopping centre You Usually Visit? *
A. Central B. Shoppers Stop D. Other
2. Why You Visit? Mark only one oval per row. promotion product Price store
ambience shoppers stop Central
3. What drives you to Central in Particular? *
A. Gift Voucher B. Loyalty Program C. Discounts D. Other
4. How do you get to know about Central Promotional Schemes? *
A. Newspapers B. Internet C. Radio D. T.V
5. Which schemes do you like the most? *
A. Gift Voucher B. Loyalty Program C. Discounts D. Sale
6. What do you think about gift voucher redemption process? *
A. Complicated B. Easy
7. Rate the following: *
A. Gift Voucher Most Preferred Preferred Neutral Less Preferred Least
Preferred Central Shoppers Stop
B. Loyalty Program Most Preferred Preferred Neutral Less Preferred Least
Preferred Central Shoppers Stop
C. Discount Most Preferred Preferred Neutral Less Preferred Least Preferred
Central Shoppers Stop
D. Sale Most Preferred Preferred Neutral Less Preferred Least Preferred Central
Shoppers Stop
8. Which according to you is more beneficial? *
A. Gift Voucher B. Discounts
9. Which kinds of vouchers you like the most? *
A. Cash Voucher B. Gift Voucher
10. Which Shopping Centers Term and Conditions on gift vouchers is easier to
redeem? *

A. Central B. Shoppers Stop

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